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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 46

by Tia Siren

  She pulled my cock out of her mouth, and I let go of her hips so she could sit up.

  “I’m gonna fuck you now,” she said. But she never turned around. Instead, she scooted her body down, grabbed my cock and shoved me inside of her.

  “Oh fuck,” I moaned. My hands going to her hips to help her out in whatever way she wanted and needed me to.

  She sat up straight, my cock shoved deep inside of her, and she started to grind on me. Rocking her hips back and forth. It felt so good. She felt so tight. I stared at the dimples in her lower back, just above her ass. They were fucking hot.

  “You have a sexy back,” I said and ran my hand along her back.

  “Thanks.” She sounded distracted like she was really concentrating on what she was doing. Her body began to move harder, and faster and then she started to bounce. I went back to holding her hips, and I helped her move up and down on my cock.

  She slowed down and lifted herself all the way to the head. She pulled up a little farther and grabbed my dick to stop it from falling completely out of her. She moved her pussy on the head of my cock. Teasing me and driving me crazy. The more she did it, the more I wanted to shove it back inside of her and fuck her hard.

  I groaned in protest. “Stop teasing me.”

  She looked back at me over my shoulder and then suddenly my cock was back inside of her. Deep inside of her. She was sliding her pussy up and down the length of my cock. Moving her body hard as she did so. She slowed down and placed her legs between my legs, bent at a 90-degree angle and started to rock her hips on me as she leaned back. It made me go deeper inside of her, and I could hear her breathing hard as she picked up the pace.

  “Are you gonna cum for me?” I asked as I grabbed onto her hips, harder.

  “Uh-huh.” She moaned and breathed out at the same time.

  She moved her body faster and harder on my cock. It was hard for me to believe how fucking wet and tight she was.

  She placed her hands on the bed next to my legs, leaned forward and started to bounce her pussy on my cock. It didn’t take much longer before her body went tense and then began to relax. Her moans grew louder and closer together. She was cumming, and it was so fucking hot. I grabbed her and rolled us over onto the bed. I pulled my cock out of her and flipped her over onto her back. I was ready to fuck the shit out of her and cum.

  I held my dick up to her hole and shoved myself inside of her.

  “Oh fuck,” she cried out.

  I pulled myself out of her and then thrust back inside of her. I placed her legs on each of my shoulders and pushed her legs together with my arms. Her thighs clenched as I began to fuck her harder and harder.

  Her tight pussy walls were squeezing around my thick cock.

  “You feel so fucking good,” I said as I continued to thrust in and out of her. I picked up the pace a little faster and a little harder. Paige began to move her hips around, trying to match my movements with her own.

  She closed her eyes tightly and gasped. “You’re cock’s so fucking big.”

  “You like it when I fuck you like this?” I asked her. She made a hot moaning sound, and it took everything in me not to bust right then and there. I wanted to get her closer first. Make her cum one more time for me.

  Leaving her ankles on my shoulders, with one hand I reached down and grabbed her perfect tit. I squeezed her nipple and started to thrust in and out of her harder. My breathing was erratic as I began to fuck her more.

  I was really getting after it, and I could feel myself edging. Getting closer and closer to that one magical feeling I’ve spent half my life chasing. The overwhelming sensations that came with cumming had been so addicting to me, but I never knew there was a pussy out there that was as sweet as her pussy.

  I squeezed her tit and ran my thumb around her nipple.

  “Oh fuck!” she screamed. She was louder now than ever before. “I’m gonna fucking cum, again!”

  I wanted to watch her cum. Our eyes locked, and I continued thrusting. Not letting up on how hard I was fucking her because I was so fucking close right now. A few more hard thrusts, and her body felt like jelly beneath me.

  She yelled “Oh fuck,” over and over again in a high-pitched yet husky voice. She was cumming for me again.

  I thrust harder just a few more times and was met with my own release. My own climax. It was intense, and I was cumming inside of her harder than I had ever before. I could feel my cock throbbing in her pussy as my cum filled her up.

  I moaned a couple of times, but I was more focused on the amazing feeling rushing through my body, sending tingles everywhere. As we both started to come down from our orgasms, I slowed and then stopped my thrusting. I paused and looked down at her before I pulled my cock out. I could still feel how hard my cock was, but my body was relaxed and ready for a nap.

  “Mmm.” She moaned and smiled at me as I moved and laid down next to her on my bed.

  “Hmm?” I asked her.

  “It just felt so good. I don’t know if it’s the hormones or just you, but sex is fucking amazing right now.”

  “Probably just me,” I said, and we both laughed.

  She snuggled into me, and I was met by sleep quickly.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  By the time I woke up, the sun was already high in the sky outside the window, signaling that it was afternoon. But when I shifted in bed, I found that I wasn't alone, like I had been the other times that I'd woken up in Michael's room. Instead, despite the fact that he had his computer on his lap, Michael was there. I frowned over at him, trying to remember what day of the week it was. But it was a work day. Yet, here he was.

  “Hi,” I said.

  “Hi,” Michael said, grinning over at me as he closed his laptop and set it down on the bedside table. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good,” I told him honestly, as I stretched languidly. Then, I frowned. “Aren't you supposed to be at work?”

  Michael gestured towards his laptop. “I've been working from home,” he said. “But I can take a break now.”

  “Oh,” I said. I didn't know what to say in response to that. I slowly pushed myself upwards so that I was sitting back against the headboard.

  “I want you to tell your parents that you're pregnant,” Michael said suddenly, apropos of nothing.

  I blinked, surprised by the change in subject. “I'll tell them when I'm ready,” I said.

  “Right,” Michael said. “But don't you think it's time? If I'm going to keep coming with you to family dinners, I don't want them to think I've spent the whole time lying to them.”

  “Are you going to keep coming to family dinners?” I asked stupidly. I could just imagine it, him and I. Our new baby. My family. I swallowed hard, loving the domesticity of the dream but also feeling unnerved by it. We may have both said we loved each other, but where did that leave us? What kind of relationship were we trying to build here? And would it all come crashing down once the baby was born?

  I didn't even want to think about it.

  As though sensing my distress, Michael looped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. “You and I both know that your parents are going to love and support you no matter what you do,” he said quietly, kissing my temple. “And they're going to love this baby as well. I'm sure your mom will be thrilled to find out she's going to be a grandmother soon.”

  “Except that she's never going to get to see the baby,” I said bitterly, looking away from him. I didn't dare dream that he was suggesting we change the terms of the contract.

  Only it seemed like that was exactly what he was suggesting.

  “I want this baby to be part of a loving family, growing up,” Michael said slowly, picking at the sheets and carefully keeping his eyes turned away from mine. “That's important to me, seeing as I didn't get that, growing up in my family.” He paused. “Going to these family dinners with your parents, I can see exactly how warm and caring your family is. Your parents have welcomed
me there, not even really knowing who I am or what the situation is like between the two of us.”

  “Oh, they know,” I said, grinning ruefully.

  Michael blinked over at me. “You told them you love me? Or do they know about the contract? Because that would be a breach of the NDA, and although I allowed that where Erica was concerned, I'm starting to wonder whether—” Michael broke off, visibly checking himself, and I had to laugh again.

  “Of course I didn't tell them about any of that,” I said. “Why do you think I'm freaking out about telling my mom that I'm pregnant? I don't know how to explain it to her. She's always imagined me married first, maybe living in a nice apartment somewhere, settled, and then having kids. This is going to totally shake her dreams.”

  Michael frowned. “Then what do you mean, that they already know what the situation is between the two of us?”

  “I mean I probably don't have to tell them that I love you, not in words,” I said, and it was my turn to look away, as a hot blush spread across my face. “They’re my parents, Michael. They've never seen me interact with a guy the way I interact with you. And they have to know that you're important to me. I haven't even managed to get Erica to come to one of these family dinners with me.”

  When I looked back at Michael, he was giving me a considering look. Finally, he nodded. “That makes sense,” he said slowly. He sighed. “I can't take our baby away from a family like that. We'll have to consider some sort of joint custody arrangement. Or something.”

  I frowned. “Joint custody,” I said slowly.

  “For the moment, I'd still like you to move in with me,” Michael said. “And I'm not going to kick you out the moment you give birth.”

  “So we'd be raising the child together?” I asked slowly.

  Michael shrugged, still not meeting my eyes. We were going to have a lot to talk about, but I realized that neither of us was ready for this conversation right now. This was the first time that either of us had found ourselves in love with someone like this.

  The thought brought a smile to my face.

  “All right,” I said. “I'll tell my parents.” I took a deep breath and called them, snuggling into Michael's side in the meantime. “Hey Mom,” I said when she had picked up the phone.

  “Hey,” Mom said, sounding happy to hear from me. “We missed you at dinner last week.”

  “I missed you too,” I told her, feeling guilty about having missed it. “I'm feeling better now, though.”

  It was true. Although the cause of my illness the previous weekend remained, the morning sickness had abated slightly, to the point where I felt like I would be able to eat that day. What's more, I felt infinitely better now that Michael and I had at least somewhat sorted things out between us.

  As though reading my thoughts, Michael reached over and caught my free hand, twining his fingers into mine. I had to smile at him.

  “I've got some pretty big news,” I told her.

  “Will it wait for dinner on Sunday, or do you want to come over tonight instead?” Mom asked. “I'm making chicken parmesan.”

  I frowned, considering that. But I didn't feel the warning signs of nausea from my stomach. Instead, I felt deliciously hungry, just thinking about it. “Tonight would be good,” I told her. “Is it all right if Michael comes?”

  “Of course it is!” Mom said. “I have to ask though, is something going on between the two of you? I'm not trying to be nosy, but last weekend, he stopped by on Sunday even though you had canceled it. I just want to make sure that you're communicating with him. If your father and I have taught you anything, I hope it's that the secret to a healthy, loving, long-term relationship is communication.”

  I felt my cheeks burn, and I glanced over at Michael, just hoping that the volume on my phone wasn't up loud enough that he could hear the lecture I was receiving. But from the way the corners of his lips twitched into a grin, I could tell he had probably heard every word. At least he looked amused, rather than terrified by the thought of a “healthy, loving, long-term relationship.”

  “He was at work on Sunday,” I lied. “I didn't manage to reach him on the phone before he headed over there.”

  “Oh, all right then,” Mom said, sounding relieved. “He really is a nice young man. I couldn't have chosen better for you myself.”

  “Mom,” I said warningly. Next thing I knew, she was going to be pulling out wedding clippings and trying to get me to set a date.

  Fortunately, for now, she just laughed. “All right, all right. We'll see you tonight.”

  “See you tonight,” I said, hanging up the phone. I looked over at Michael. “Sorry, I should have asked you first. You're all right with going over there for dinner, aren't you? My mom would never forgive me if I told her over the phone that I was pregnant; she thinks phone calls are too impersonal. I couldn't even get away with telling her my graduation date over the phone!”

  Michael laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. “You know, I like that you're so close to them, and you see them all the time. Whether the news is big or small. And yes, I'd love to go there for dinner tonight. Was it chicken parm that your mother said she was making?”

  My face heated again since his knowing that meant he had overheard everything else Mom had said. But again, he seemed amused by it.

  Then, Michael sighed. “I guess if you're going to tell your parents, I should tell mine as well,” he said. “But I will have to tell mine over the phone: my mother is at a spa in Switzerland, and I'm not entirely sure where my father is, but I think it's somewhere in Asia. Japan, maybe.”

  “I'm sure they'll be excited to hear the news anyway,” I said.

  “Relieved, maybe,” Michael said. “They'll be glad to hear that I finally have an heir. Nothing more.” He paused, staring down at his hands. “I hate to say it, but the first time that you meet them could be at our wedding.” Then, he clapped a hand over his mouth. “Not that we're planning a wedding. Not that we're engaged or anything. Sorry, I just mean that if we were going to start a serious relationship, they're just not around all that much. They probably won't even fly home for the birth of their grandchild.”

  I laughed, kissing him on the cheek. “You're cute when you're flustered,” I said. Inside, I was warm with the casual way he had suggested we might one day get married. This thing was serious, then. Of course, it was serious, though; we had said we loved one another. I shook my head, pushing my thoughts away. There was a lot more to be figured out between us, but for now, we would start with telling our parents about our own impending parenthood.

  Michael called his mother and listened to the phone ring for almost half a minute before she answered. “Hi Mother,” he said. He changed the phone over to speaker so that I could listen as well.

  “Michael, this is a surprise,” the woman said. I vaguely remembered Michael having mentioned once that her name was Brenda. Her tone was frosty, and the way that she said it implied that she either really wasn't a fan of surprises or else expected there was some underlying reason her son had called her, and it wasn't to chat.

  “I just wanted to tell you about the woman I'm seeing, Paige,” Michael said, glancing over at me with a pained expression on his face. “And I was wondering when you'd be in town again so you could meet her.”

  “I'm not sure,” Brenda said breezily. “I'll have Lucie call you.”

  “Lucie?” Michael asked, sounding confused.

  “My personal organizer,” Brenda said shortly. “You know that.”

  “Right,” Michael agreed, even though I could tell that he didn't know that. “Well, the other news that I wanted to tell you was that Paige is expecting a baby. You're going to have a grandchild.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment, and then the woman sniffed as though she didn't care for that news. “Make sure the baby is yours,” she suggested. “It wouldn't do for you to be raising another man's child as your own.”

  “I'm sure
it's mine,” Michael said frostily, his hand finding mine again. I could tell that he needed the point of contact as much as I did, and I could only imagine how upset he must be, hearing his mother's first reaction be something that callous.

  “Well, make sure,” Brenda insisted. “This girl, Paige, if I haven't met her, I assume that means she doesn't run in the same circles as we do. She's probably using you for your money.”

  “She and I love each other,” Michael said, an edge to his voice.

  Brenda laughed. “All right,” she said indulgently. “But a child? I understand if neither of you wants to consider abortion, but you should put it up for adoption once it's born. Don't ruin your life.”

  “Ruin my life?” Michael asked incredulously. Then, his eyes narrowed. “Is that what you think I've done to you?”

  “Well, I'm just saying things haven't been easy for us,” Brenda said, but her tone was far from soothing. “And once I got pregnant with you, your father started to look elsewhere for female companionship. The body is never the same afterward. Dating is never the same, either. Children totally kill your vibe.”

  Michael was silent for a long moment, seemingly at a loss for words. I could think of a couple things I wanted to say to the woman, but I held my tongue, knowing that no matter what I said, it wouldn't change the way Michael had been brought up. I could start to see exactly how foreign the concept of love was for him, and I felt sorry for him. I wanted to pull him into my arms and kiss him.

  But Michael's face remained impassive, and finally, he just gave a slight shake to his head. “Well, I'll let you get back to the spa, Mother,” he said. “Enjoy.”

  “Thank you, darling,” Brenda said. There was a click as she hung up the phone, and then the line was quiet.

  “Well, now you see what my family is like,” Michael said bitterly.

  I scooted closer to him and put my arms around him. “All the more reason for you to be there when I tell my parents the good news,” I told him. “They'll actually treat it like the good news it's meant to be.”


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