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The E.T. Guy (Office Aliens Book 1)

Page 14

by V. C. Lancaster

  “I’m in your nest,” she reminded him, running her fingers over his face, trying to smooth out his frown.

  “Not forever,” he replied.

  “Not yet,” she agreed. She let her fingers slip down his neck, his scales feeling tough under her hands. When she reached his chest she could feel his heart beating in a different rhythm than hers. He rumbled as her hands drifted lower over his firm stomach, and as she glanced down she noticed the frills she had felt earlier were gone.

  “Hey, this has changed,” she exclaimed. In place of the frills were thin, jagged silvery-white scars like stretchmarks. Zir rolled onto his back to let her look.

  “Yes, I look more like your males now. Do you like it?” he preened.

  She couldn’t pretend she didn’t. In the midst of the scars, he now had a long green shaft similar to a human’s. It was paler than his scales, with just a few shallow fronds left at the base. It didn’t look like it had shrunk much from when he was aroused.

  “I would like you whatever you looked like,” she said diplomatically, running her fingers over the crooked stripes. “Where did the rest go?”

  “That is extra flesh that is used to form my shaft,” he told her simply, dragging a claw over one of the lines as if curious himself.

  “In our stories, thousands of years ago, the Volin were many different tribes with many different cultures. Each tribe was small and proud, and they did not cross-breed. As a result, the females were all different, and the males grew to fit only them, so each tribe grew sick with inbreeding. Then one day a male was born with this, and he travelled between the tribes, breeding with the different females and uniting the tribes. The Volin say we are all descended from him.”

  “That’s a good story,” Lois said with a chuckle. Zir’s genesis story was about someone born with a shape-changing dick, who saved the species with a string of one-night stands? Every culture was different, she supposed. And it might as well be true, with the proof lying right in front of her.

  His dick twitched and she glanced at his face to make sure he was okay with what she was doing. His crest was half-way up, and when he didn’t stop her, Lois let her fingers stray closer to his shaft, eventually stroking over it lightly. She knew he said he didn’t have much tactile sensation, but his cock didn’t have scales like the rest of him and she didn’t know how sensitive it would be from their activities.

  “I did not realise how perfect your hands would be for touching me like this,” he croaked.

  Lois took that as encouragement and wrapped her hand around his hardening dick, pumping him slowly and making him groan. It occurred to her that his claws were not a good idea for intimate touches like this. Just as he couldn’t use them on her sex, neither would he ever have been able to safely touch himself. Human hands would probably be a miracle to him. With that in mind, Lois tightened her grip and pumped him faster, giving him just a little twist at the crucial moment.

  Zir grabbed her arm, stopping her. His yellow eyes blazed at her, looking almost gold in the low light coming from the wall fittings. He took a moment to catch his breath as she waited for an explanation.

  “Do you want to breed again?” he said, his crest standing stiff and proud. “I do.”

  Lois smiled and leaned into him. “You were going to show me the Volin way to have sex,” she reminded him.

  For a moment, Zir stared at her, apparently contemplating it. Then he pushed gracefully to his feet, turning to offer her a hand off the hammock. She scooted down to the edge and took his hand, standing beside him. As she stood she felt an embarrassing wet surge between her legs and glanced down.

  “Er, please tell me green come is normal,” she said, checking her thighs where they were now wet with Zir’s load, which was a worrying leaf green.

  “It is the choba,” Zir informed her, cool as a cucumber. “It feeds our seed so that it lives longer in the female. It is good for you.”

  “It’s good for you, who knows if it’s good for me?” Lois replied.

  “You drank some on our date,” he reminded her.

  “This is a little different,” she argued. She still felt fine, at least, but she wasn’t sure what effect having an alien algae spilled from Zir into her vagina would have. Clearer skin, or the yeast infection of the century? She rationalised to herself that choba had never been proven to have any adverse effects on humans, but she would still be looking for an open-minded doctor to ask. Maybe after tonight they would invest in some barrier contraceptives.

  “What colour is human seed?” Zir asked, coming closer and looking down at her crotch with her.


  Zir wrinkled his nose in distaste. “That would be a sign of a very ill Volin,” he told her.

  “Yeah, well, green would be a sign of a very ill human,” Lois rebutted.

  Zir suddenly went to one knee in front of her, his hands going to the back of her thighs to hold them slightly apart, his face level with her sex. Lois wobbled, then blushed as he stared at her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I find this sight very satisfying,” he replied.

  Lois felt herself grow wetter under his scrutiny. “We were just about to do something though,” she reminded him.

  He glanced up at her. “Touch yourself,” he said.

  “Wh-what?” Lois stuttered, her cheeks flaming and knees going weak.

  “Please touch yourself, Lois. I want to see it. You were able to touch me, but I cannot put my claws on you here without hurting you, so I want you to touch yourself for me,” he said, resting his clawed thumb against her pubic bone and slowly dragging the claw tip over her mound. “Touch yourself as I would touch you, as you would want me to touch you.”

  Lois gaped at him.

  “Is it wrong to ask that?” he queried at her reaction. “I am sorry if I offended you.”

  “No, no… It’s alright. Some people do that, quite a few probably. I can, er, I can do it… If you really want me to,” Lois said uncertainly. She might have done it before, but never this early in a relationship, and never when the guy was kneeling right in front of her.

  Her hand twitched towards her sex, then she committed and slipped her fingers between her folds, finding her clit from years of experience.

  “Wait,” Zir said, tugging her hand away by the wrist. He brought her fingers to his mouth and licked over them. His pointed tongue flicked over the webbing between her fingers and smoothed slowly over the pads. Her belly tightened at the erotic sight and feel of it. He only stopped when her fingers were wet with his saliva.

  “Now,” he said, giving her an imperious nod, and she went back to what she had been doing.

  She knew he wanted her to transfer his spit to her, that he wanted her to use it to touch herself, and she did. She twitched as she smoothed it over her clit, rubbing it between her lips. She was already wet from the sex they had just had, and Zir’s come. It felt slightly different to her own bodily fluids, thicker. She knew she was getting it on her hand, that her fingers would be green with it, and that turned her on. She circled her clit quickly, feeling her core soften in response.

  Zir watched, the very front feather of his crest swiping across her belly as he tilted his head. “Can your fingers enter your body?” he asked.

  Rather than answer him, Lois decided to show him. She needed to put her other hand on his shoulder for balance though, as she wasn’t used to doing this standing up, and this part had never been easy for her. She had always preferred the real thing.

  She moved her feet further apart to give herself more room, then gently tested her centre. She judged that she could take two fingers, having been loosened up by Zir not too long ago. She pushed them as far as they could go inside her, but it was just to give Zir a show. She couldn’t stimulate herself well enough this way to achieve anything.

  Zir stood up, his erection dragging against her thigh and bumping against her hand. She pulled her hand away, wondering what had made him move and
what he was going to do next.

  He clasped her upper arms and steered her towards the wall, turning her so that she was facing it while he stood behind her. Catching on quickly, she braced herself with her hands on the wood of the wall, arching her back to tease him.

  “On Teiss, the female faces the trunk of the tree. The branches are widest there, there is the least danger of falling. The male covers her from behind, in case of attack,” Zir began, his hands sliding down her waist and over her hips. The claws of his thumbs scratched down the flesh of her ass, dimpling it when they came to rest, making her breath come quicker. “It is when he is most distracted, and a challenger may pull him away and throw him to the ground. This position means the female will not be hurt if that happens.”

  Zir steadied her with his hold on her hips, and nudged her feet further apart. Lois tossed her hair over her shoulder so she could look at him.

  “Sounds brutal,” she said.

  Zir shrugged. “It could be,” he replied, kissing her shoulder. His hands slid up her stomach to palm her breasts and he met her eyes, tempting her to kiss him. With her feet apart, she stood shorter than him, and he nudged her head back to rest against his shoulder, deepening the kiss.

  She pushed her ass back against him, hoping to encourage him, and he broke the kiss, both of them out of breath.

  “Show me again your fingers inside yourself,” he rasped.

  Dazed, Lois looked back at him. “What?” She had thought – had hoped – that they were past the teasing.

  He stepped back from her, leaving her with her hands braced on the wall and her feet apart. Holding her eyes, he sunk to one knee behind her, his hands gliding up her legs. “This position is better. Show me.”

  She couldn’t say no, when he was looking up at her like that, her alien, all green scales and yellow eyes and sharp points. His crest and wings were both up, the feathers adorning him like some primal crown. The new silvery scars between his legs caught the light, drawing attention to his erection.

  Before she could think about it, she dropped her hand and gave him what he wanted, pushing two fingers inside herself. She saw him look, and pushed her hips back, trying to give him the best view. She strained to reach as deep inside as she could, then slowly pulled out. She started to push back in, when Zir had clearly seen enough.

  She was pushed against the wall as Zir was suddenly behind her, his body almost eclipsing hers, his hand holding hers to the wall now. He wrapped his arm around her waist so that his hand rested low on her stomach, and he pulled her hips to him. In one thrust he was inside her and she gasped. He got so much deeper than she ever could, it felt so good to be filled instead of just stretched.

  He growled and began pounding her in earnest, fast. She imagined breeding like this on Teiss, a savage affair awarded only to the strongest, a moment of weakness that could mean death. Her head was turned to the side by the wall, and he leaned into her, watching her as he took her, their breath mixing as he didn’t kiss her.

  He rumbled again, a low, slow sound that stretched until it could have been coming from anywhere. The hand on hers moved, hesitating over her mouth until his claw point lowered just enough to touch the dip in her top lip under her nose. He followed it down over her mouth. It felt so hard, so surreal. Lois opened her mouth, allowing his claw to fall between her teeth, and she pressed her tongue to it. She couldn’t taste anything, maybe sweat from her own body, but nevertheless she could sense some kind of vitality in it. He didn’t push farther, so she licked it again, opening her mouth wider to show him her tongue.

  As good as he felt inside her, Lois didn’t think she could come like this, without any stimulation to her clit. She was too pinned to reach it herself though, with his warm dry scales against her back. Then, as if he read her mind, the hand on her stomach sunk lower. She almost objected, thinking he surely couldn’t mean to use his claws, but then his palm settled against her as his thrust drove her onto it. She gasped and then moaned as he took care of her, claws safely out of the way, his palm rubbing over her clit in time with his thrusts.

  She cried out as her orgasm hit her. If she had had room to fall down, she would have, as her muscles spasmed and stole the strength from her legs. She sagged against the wall and Zir hissed, half holding her up with one arm while the other gouged at the wood. The hand holding her up tightened until his claws were pricking her, but they didn’t break the skin. Instead the tiny dose of pain gave her an electric thrill as he gave his last jerky, uncoordinated thrusts and emptied himself into her again.

  Her strength came back as he panted, his forehead resting on her shoulder. Eventually he straightened, giving her enough space to turn to face him. She watched him get his breath back, at first breathing heavily, making him look fierce and wild, until he settled down into what she recognised as Zir from the office.

  She kissed him and said “Now I really do need a shower.” She turned her thigh out to show him the fresh dose of green come painting her thighs since she knew he liked to see it.

  Zir rumbled and pulled her to him, nuzzling her hair. “Sleep,” he countered.

  Lois laughed. As weak and tired as she felt, she knew she couldn’t sleep in the state she was in. “In a minute, it won’t take me long,” she argued, extricating herself and sashaying away from him towards the bathroom, swinging her hips for him.

  His bathroom was a cramped mix of Volin and human fittings. She hoped the original plumbing was still connected and found that it was, though she suspected Zir didn’t use the shower pod for his ablutions. She cast around for anything that might be soap, and ended up using a sharp-smelling, unlabelled brown glass bottle that had been next to the sink. It lathered though and that was all she needed.

  She soaped up quickly then paused. “Zir?” she called through to the bedroom nervously. “Does choba stain?”

  The bathroom door opened and Zir stepped in, his eyes flicking over her soapy body before she got his attention where she wanted it, namely the bright green grass stains on her thighs.

  “I can’t get it off,” she told him.

  Zir cocked his head to the side as if considering. “That has never happened to me. It must be because you don’t have scales,” he said.

  “Oh great,” Lois sighed. She suddenly remembered her hands, and wiped off the soap to find that they too were a blotchy, almost neon green. She groaned.

  Zir came up to her and took her fingers to examine himself.

  “I did not know that would happen,” he said. There was something in his voice, just an almost imperceptible edge, that she didn’t like.

  She snatched her hand back. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she accused.

  He looked at her, his face totally blank, but then one side of his mouth crooked up and he shrugged a shoulder, looking unrepentant. “Yes,” he admitted.

  Lois flicked suds at him in indignation, hitting him in the chest. Zir looked at them running down his scales, then looked back at Lois.

  “No…” she warned.

  “I will assist you in washing the marks off,” he announced, climbing into the shower with her, making her laugh as he crowded her into the corner when he reached for the soap and turned her to face him.

  “Get out,” she told him, still laughing. “I can do it myself.”

  “I will help.” He lathered the soap between his palms then reached for her hands, chaffing her fingers like he was trying to warm her up. When the marks didn’t lift after a few minutes, she admitted defeat.

  “I don’t think we’re getting them off any time soon,” she said. That choba must be like henna. At least it was the weekend, they would definitely fade at least a bit by Monday. And to be honest, she didn’t actually mind them too much. No one would see the ones on her thighs, and if anyone asked about her hands, she could just say she spilled choba on them while on a date with Zir. It was basically true. No one would assume it was from his semen.

  “We should go to bed,” Lois said, her tiredness o
vertaking her now.

  “I am wet,” Zir complained.

  “You only have yourself to blame for that,” Lois replied, taking his hand as he helped her out of the shower.

  It then became apparent that Zir only had handtowels as he didn’t use the shower, and they each took one and dried each other off. Zir had to bend down so Lois could reach his crest, while he explained that the Volin and most of the other Teissian races wiped their scales down with oil to keep them clean, but he would keep the shower for her, and get more towels.

  They finished quickly, and Lois at least was looking forward to getting back into the warm nest. Zir slung the handtowels over the bathroom counter, then bent and scooped Lois into his arms, making her cry out in surprise.

  “Zir! What are you doing?”

  “I will carry you to my nest,” he said.

  “I can walk.”

  “I want to carry you,” he insisted.

  She wasn’t going to argue with that. Zir’s body was hard, but warm, and he crossed the bedroom floor quickly to lay her gently in the hammock-thing he called his nest. He climbed in behind her, his wings coming down as he wrapped his arms around her. She let herself snuggle into him, and sleep came easily.

  Chapter 21

  When Lois woke up the next morning, something was tickling her foot.

  “Zir, what are you doing?” she murmured groggily, peering at him. Only his head and shoulders were visible at the foot of the nest.

  “Your feet are very strange,” he said. “I did not get a chance to properly examine them last night. How do you walk with these?” he asked, gently snagging his claw point under one of her toes.

  She twitched her foot away, curling her toes. “I don’t have strange feet,” she objected. “They’re perfect for me and I can walk just fine.”

  He traced his claw down her sole. “So flat. And soft.”

  She struggled into a sitting position. “That’s why we wear shoes, so we don’t hurt our feet,” she said.

  He caught her foot and ran the claw of his thumb across her toes. “So small, but so many. Two big ones makes much more sense.”


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