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Page 18

by J. J. Bonds

  I sit up and roll on top of Nik, straddling his hips between my knees so that I can look him in the eye. “I love you, Nik, and if this is our last day together, I want to spend it making love to you. I’m ready.”

  His eyes soften as he props himself up on his elbow, the other hand reaching for my face. His touch is feather light as he drags the tips of his fingers down my cheek and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “I love you too, Katia. I will always love you, and nothing is going to change that fact. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Yes.” The surety of my voice surprises me given my insides are quivering like Jell-O. “If things go wrong tonight, I don’t want to have any regrets.”

  In a flash, he flips me over so I’m underneath him, his firm body hovering over mine, our eyes locked. The intensity with which he looks at me sends my heart into a tailspin. And then he’s kissing me, his mouth barely brushing mine, gently exploring as though we haven’t done this a thousand times over. But we haven’t, have we? Because it’s different this time, and there will be no stopping. The anticipation that builds in my belly spirals outward until my whole body is alive with the promise of ecstasy.

  Nik’s kisses grow deeper, and like a junkie, I’m hooked. Although I’m beside myself with pleasure, my brain is still working. Just barely. “Condom?”

  He nods, before kissing me again. Thank Hades for small favors. It’s an unlikely possibility, but the last thing we need is little vamp babies running around if we survive the night. And then we’re moving together again, our bodies pressed tight as we strip away clothing and find a closeness we’ve never known, barreling toward an explosion I’ve only dreamed of experiencing.

  Sex with Nik was everything I thought it would be and more, I realize as I lay snuggled in his arms, drifting off to sleep. Still, I’m glad we waited until the time was right, until I was sure about my own feelings. It was worth the wait because I know now that nothing could be more right than Nik and me together as one.

  When I wake, the late afternoon sun slants across the room, casting shadows on the far wall. It’s getting late. And as much as I want to stay here wrapped in Nik’s embrace, I know that would be selfish. It’s time for us to go to work. It’s time to save Aldo or die trying.

  I give Nik a quick kiss and wiggle out of his arms. I quickly gather my discarded clothes, toss Nik his cargos, and begin to suit up with my back to him.

  “Katia.” His tone is so serious I freeze mid button. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Better than fine.” I force a smile and turn to face Nik. He’s put his cargos to the side and is focused entirely on me. “Perfect, actually.”

  He looks skeptical.

  “Just nervous,” I admit. What I don’t tell him is that it’s not nerves over the mission, it’s nerves over what we’ve done. Not that I have any regrets. It’s just… Will Alex and Viktor be able to tell what we’ve just done by looking at me? I feel like I have a neon sign flashing “I just lost my V card” on my forehead. Which is ridiculous. Besides, I’m an adult and an Elder, and I might not see the next sunrise. But if I die tonight, at least I’ll die happy. And this time the grin I give Nik is one hundred percent genuine.


  We meet up with the others in Alex’s room. Fortunately most of the Linkuri are too busy prepping their weapons to notice my flushed cheeks. If Viktor notices, he doesn’t say anything. Who knows? Maybe he thinks it’s just the excitement of tonight’s mission that’s got me worked up. Thankful for the distraction, I busy myself with my crossbow, confirming it’s loaded with Annihilators, the only bolts that will take down a vamp. Eight in the wings and one in the track. Nine bolts. I’m a decent shot. It should be more than enough for two dozen vamps, but I’m not willing to bet my life on it. I get another round of bolts from Viktor and slide them in my quiver.

  As an afterthought, I remove the leather sheath from my boot and thread it onto my belt just over my right hip. Better to have the blade easily accessible should I need it. I pull the dagger from its casing and toss it in the air with a flick of the wrist. The blade rotates, catching the light, before the ruby-encrusted hilt slams back into my hand. I make a few practiced swipes with the dagger and slide it back into its sheath.

  Nik’s strapped a short sword to his back in addition to a tactical double-shoulder holster. Twice the firepower and twice the ammo. Just one of the many privileges of being able to draw and shoot ambidextrously. He gives me a sly grin as he throws a light coat over his weaponry. Showoff.

  “All right,” Alex barks. “Everyone gather round so we can go over the plan.” She stands over the map of the San Juan National Forest with her arms spread wide. Her right palm is flush with the table, the left holds a pistol. The most experienced with tactical maneuvers, Alex has spent the afternoon strategizing. Since we don’t know what to expect once inside, I’m not sure how much planning will help, but I’m prepared to take orders just like the Linkuri.

  We crowd around the table, and I wiggle my way to the front so that I stand shoulder to shoulder with Viktor as Alex lays out the plan.

  “We don’t have a lot of intel, so I’ll make this quick. We hit them hard, and we hit them fast. We have reason to believe there will be no more than two dozen hostiles inside, but we should be prepared for more, worst-case scenario. We’ll enter here,” she says, slapping a large color copy of the well-camouflaged entrance on the table. “We split up into two teams. Alpha team blows the door and goes in. Bravo will secure the perimeter to ensure no one escapes and to protect our exit point.”

  Alex scans the room, meeting the hard stares of all of her soldiers. I do the same, committing their faces and names to memory. Should any of them fall tonight, I want to remember them in this moment: strong, determined, fearless.

  “I’ll lead Alpha team, and Viktor will command Bravo.”

  I’m stunned. Speechless, actually. Viktor isn’t going in? I can hardly believe it. I sneak a quick peek at Viktor’s face. He doesn’t look surprised or the least bit offended. Whatever he’s feeling, he’s keeping it to himself. Clearly he and Alex discussed this in advance. While it’s his choice to make, it’s difficult for me to understand how he can remain outside when Aldo may be inside, waiting for us to save him.

  “Viktor and I will be connected via a two-way comm, but we will maintain radio silence unless backup is needed,” Alex continues. “Our objective is to free Aldo Lescinka, who we believe is being held on the premises, and garner intel on the Order. That means taking prisoners, people. Do not use lethal force unless absolutely necessary.”

  There’s a derisive snort from one of the Linkuri. “You can’t be serious.”

  I’m not sure where the comment comes from, but Alex isn’t in the mood for insubordination. “Let me be crystal clear. That was an order, for those of you who didn’t recognize it as such. And anyone who disobeys a direct order from me can expect to find themselves babysitting in one of the holding facilities when this mission is over. You can also expect ten lashes from Commander Smith for your disobedience.”

  That does the trick. The Linkuri fall silent. There are no more questions or complaints.

  Alex continues. “It’s unlikely all six of the Order’s leaders will be inside, so I’ll consider it a success if we can grab even one.”

  “Remember, we have the element of surprise,” Viktor says. “Hitting them at their home base, which is the last thing they’ll be expecting. These rebels labor under the delusion that they are untouchable, but tonight we strike back.”

  The Linkuri growl and cheer, getting pumped up for the dangerous mission ahead. Who could blame them for being excited? After months of playing defense, they’ll finally be in a position to deliver an offensive blow to their enemies.

  As the noise dies down, one of the Frenchmen speaks. “What do the teams look like?”

  “Alpha team is the United States, China, Italy, Britain and Russia. The rest of you will join Viktor on Bravo team.”
/>   Wait. She can’t really mean for Nik and me to stay with Viktor, can she? I glance at Nik and see the same look of disbelief on his face. There’s no way this is happening. I won’t allow it. Come hell or high water, I am going in after Aldo. I have to. I owe him that much at least.

  “Look sharp. We move in five.”

  I’m around the table and at Alex’s side before she can finish holstering her pistol.

  “Like hell I’m not going in,” I tell her, hands on my hips. “No way are you shutting me out.”

  “It’s too dangerous,” she says, not meeting my eye. She’s too busy tucking her braid into the back of her black turtleneck so it doesn’t become a handhold in combat. “You’re not going in. You will support Viktor’s team as you’ve been told.”

  “Over. My. Dead. Body.” And I mean it. There’s nothing she can do to keep me on the perimeter, so she might as well work me into the plan.

  She crooks a brow at me and frowns. “You do realize that’s what they want, right?”

  “I can take care of myself,” I tell her, lifting my chin. I see Viktor shaking his head out of the corner of my eye. He won’t be pleased with me. Was this why he agreed to remain outside with Bravo? He should have known it would never work, that I would never accept it. He should know me better than that by now.

  “Have it your way. Nik.” Alex is disturbingly calm as she shifts her gaze to him. Nik stands at attention, the picture of perfection, awaiting orders from his commander. My stomach drops. I should have known she wouldn’t give in that easily. It’s not her style. “You are responsible for Elder Lescinka tonight. Where she goes, you go. Whatever happens, keep her safe, because I’ll be holding you personally responsible for her well-being.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The full moon hangs low in the sky, barely visible through the forests canopy, as we make the trek through the deep woods. We move at a brisk pace, crashing through the brush and blazing our own trail. We no longer need to worry about covering our tracks. Soon, the Order will be very much aware of our presence.

  The Italians lead the way, carrying the explosives that will blow the stone door of the Order’s underground lair to pieces. Unable to relinquish complete control, Alex is close on their heels confirming our location with GPS. As we near the coordinates, Alex slows the unit down, switching from verbal commands to hand gestures. She signals Bravo to fan out and cover the perimeter. Once they are in position, the Italians will set the charge and blow the door so the rest of Alpha can storm the entry.

  Nik and I have been relegated to the tail of the unit. Not surprising since all of the others are more experienced than the two of us combined. I’m just happy we aren’t being shut out completely.

  “Stay close,” Nik reminds me as Guerra and Alesi approach the door. As if I have a choice now that Alex has charged him with my safety. I’d hate to think of the punishment that would befall Nik if anything happens to me tonight.

  We crouch in the woods fifty yards from where the Italians are hard at work setting the charge. The night is quiet save the sounds of water breaking on the rocks at Vampire Valley Falls and the insects that buzz in the forest around us. It’s a serene, relaxing melody. One that won’t last long. Alesi signals Alex. Twenty seconds until go time.

  A sense of hyperawareness settles over me as my muscles tense involuntarily, preparing to spring into action. My heart pounds in my chest, adrenaline kicking all of my senses into overdrive. I pull my crossbow from my back and balance it across my knees.

  I count it down in my head.






  Boom! The night is rocked by C4, blowing the stone door wide open. Pieces of stone pebble the ground all around us, raining down from above. Before the dust can settle, Alpha races forward as one. Alex is first through the door, pistol drawn and firing before the two vamps standing guard inside can pull their own weapons. She drops them immediately, putting a single bullet in each of their brains. The Brits are right behind her, swords drawn. They make quick work of removing the heads of the fallen vamps, ensuring neither will rise again.

  Nik and I are the last to enter. Just through the entry is the staircase Keegan described. Our feet pound against the narrow stone steps as we descend into the earth at a breakneck pace. When we reach the lower level, we emerge in a narrow stone hall that requires us to walk single file. Lanterns hang on the walls, lighting the way. We need to clear the area quickly; it’s too narrow for a proper defense. We’re like pigs in a chute, marching toward slaughter.

  The heavy wooden doors ahead are just as I remember them, just like in my vision. The knowledge of what lies beyond chews at my gut. One of the Linkuri, I can’t see who, throws the doors open as Alex provides cover. The Linkuri rush forward and spread out in the chamber, flanking both sides of the door.

  I enter the chamber and discover what those who went before me already know. The chamber is empty.


  Aside from being vacant, everything is just as I remember. The Order’s logo is at my feet, reminding me and everyone else who enters of their mission to take their bloody revenge against the purebloods who’ve oppressed them for so long. The stone walls drip with moisture, and the torches on the wall burn bright, casting deep shadows that dance along the wall. The granite table at the front of the room is empty, except for a tall vase of Pagosa Skyrocket flowers at the center. The six dark chairs that sit behind the table are empty as well.

  “Are we too late?” one of the Russians whispers. He looks disappointed at the prospect.

  Alex shoots him a silencing glare and moves to the front of the room with ninja-like stealth. She steps around the table, losing herself in a shadowy corner of the dark room. She motions for us to follow, and as we approach the front of the room, it becomes apparent there are two more exit points, one on each side of the table. The identical wooden doors have been painted black. In the darkness, they practically blend into the wall. Probably why I missed them before, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t needle my pride.

  “US and Italy are with me.” She points to the door on the far side of the room. “The rest of you take the door on the left. And remember, lethal force only if necessary.”

  My internal battle lasts only a fraction of a second. The odds are fifty-fifty. Left door, right door. I can’t be in two places at once. None of us can. And there’s no way to tell which holds Aldo, if either. Besides, there isn’t time to argue. Every second counts, and by my estimate, we’ve been inside nearly half a minute already. Divide and conquer it is.

  The Russians, Gusarov and Zorin, kick in the left door at the same time Alex puts her boot through the door on the right side of the chamber. We scramble forward, weapons drawn. Once again I’m relegated to the tail of the team. The stone passageway is narrow. There are doors cut into the walls on both sides. Each has a heavy steel door with a massive crank on the front. They look like every bank vault I’ve ever seen on TV, but thankfully there’s no combination lock. Most are unlocked as the Linkuri open the doors and clear the rooms, which are little more than stone cells.

  Aldo is here. I can feel it.

  The Linkuri work quickly, but it’s taking too long. My nerves get the best of me, and I glance over my shoulder, double-checking to ensure that our exit remains clear.

  “Almost there,” Nik whispers. He squeezes my hand, and I’m reassured. Or as reassured as I can be, anyway.

  Only three doors left. The first is unlocked. The Linkuri clear the cell in record time and move on to the second. Also unlocked. Also empty. Apparently the Order doesn’t have much use for prisoners these days. Panic flutters in my chest. We’re running out of cells. Where the hell is Aldo? He has to be here. My heart skips a beat when they get to the last cell. Please let Aldo be in there.


  I grip Nik’s shoulder as one of the Brits turns the crank. He grunts with the effort, but eventually the l
ock rolls and the steel bars slide back from the stone, releasing the door. The door opens with a creak and I swear it’s like a slo-mo scene from a bad movie, it takes so long. But then the door is open, and I see Aldo’s amber eyes peering out at me. I push my way through the Linkuri, hesitating only briefly at the entrance to the cell.

  He’s alive. Aldo is alive!

  He sits on the cot, eyes closed, unmoving and statuesque. Meditating perhaps. He doesn’t look well. He needs to feed. Soon. This must be how they controlled him for so long. Aldo can go without blood longer than most given his age, but even he has his limits. The hunger pains must be torture. Like being stabbed in the belly over and over.


  His eyes flip open. Recognition dawns warm in his eyes.

  “Katia.” He looks pained. “You came.”

  “We don’t have much time.” I glance over my shoulder at the others. They’re ready to roll. “We have to get you out of here.”

  I take Aldo’s hand and help him to his feet. He rises to his full height, and even in his weakened state, he’s regal. The head of the most powerful council in the world. The head of the Elders.

  There’s a growl from the hall. Followed by a slew of shouts and gunshots and shattering stone. Time’s up.

  “We must go now,” Zorin barks.

  He doesn’t have to tell me twice. Aldo and I step into the corridor, joining the Linkuri who have engaged our attackers. There are only two of them, a man and a woman, but the narrow passage is hardly ideal for a fight, making our advantage of numbers ineffective. The result is chaos.

  The male fires again and a series of bullets spray our way. I flinch instinctively. The sound of the gun discharging in close quarters is deafening, the blast reverberating off steel and stone. Most of the bullets are buried in the stone wall, but two tear through Gusarov’s shoulder, and another ricochets off the steel door of the first cell with a spark. Before he can fire again, Nik disarms him with a well-placed kick that sends his pistol skittering across the floor. He stumbles back, and the female advances to take his place.


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