Book Read Free

Rota Fortunae

Page 26

by Isu Yin

“What is it? I’m not going to carry you.” She couldn’t help but think of Hero. “Also, being blinded doesn’t make you incapable. Since you’re not getting better, you should learn survival skills while you’re still young.”

  He didn’t say anything, but she suspected that he was pouting.

  “If you’re honest, you might have a better chance,” she said.

  “I am lonely.” He tilted his head.

  “Are you trying to be cute?”

  “I cannot be held?”

  “You do know I’m Fate, right? Are you really Leoht?”

  “I am Leoht. That is what I am called. You are Fate, but I understand now that you are also the Spinner. You left for a long time, and I was lost. Now, I am lonely.”

  “I left for a long time?” The memory of Solaris flashed in her head. “Okay, I’ll hold you.”

  She picked him up, staring where his gaze would’ve met hers without the mask. He felt so light and small, she wondered if all children were so little.

  “How old are you, Leoht?”

  “Hmm... maybe six.”

  “Maybe? You don’t know? I’m sixteen.” She maneuvered through the crystal trees while Leoht held onto her.

  “Mistress, you are young.”

  “Life expectancy is low in Nex, so I’m already an adult.”

  “I do not understand that.”

  “It’s okay. It’s because you’re young. You’re very warm, though. I haven’t been near a child like you since my last sister arrived at the brothel, and that was over a turn ago.”

  “Mistress, you say weird things.”

  “That’s also how I feel about Solaris. I’m starting to see the problem... it’s time. Since he can control time, maybe he can also move through it.”

  “Who is Solaris?”

  “What?” She stopped to look at Leoht as though seeing his mask would help her better understand his facial expression. “You don’t know him? He knows you.”

  He tilted his head. “I do not. He is a friend of Mistress?”

  “Yes, a new friend, or maybe an old one. I’m not sure.” She approached the opening of the Ussan, stepped out into the Centre, and set Leoht on his feet. “I feel weird saying this myself, but he seems to like me.”

  “But I like Mistress most.”

  “Yes, okay. I can’t argue with either of you, since I don’t know the truth.”

  “The truth is that I met Mistress first.”

  “If you don’t know Solaris, then how would you know?”

  “Solaris does not exist. That is what I think. If Solaris is like time, maybe he is just an idea. I also think that.”

  “You think a lot, don’t you?” She leaned down and patted his head. “Use your head for good, okay? Also, if you meet Solaris, please be kind to him. He is very lonely like you.”

  “Hmm... Mistress, you do not listen. Ba says this is a bad thing. One must listen to be smart.”

  Ba? Did he just use the L.o.A.?

  She crouched and inspected the black mask. “Leoht, does this come off?”

  “I have never tried to remove it.”

  “Do you know what happens if it comes off?”

  “No, but it is uncomfortable. When I wear it, it hurts to think.”

  She thought deeply about the opportunity in front of her.

  The God mentioned that removing the mask would not help Leoht recover from being spiritually blinded, that it simply served as a marker.

  “Hold still.” She reached out and bent her fingers around the edges of the mask. Slowly, she lifted it, watching for a sign of miasma, or possibly something worse. “I’m sorry. Is it painful?”

  The mask adhered to him by some invisible force. He groaned and raised his hands towards his head as she strained to remove the seal. “Take it off. I dislike it!”

  “It’s almost off. Be strong.” Something about the mask had always bothered her, but she never understood it enough to try and remove it. Her impulse to remove it had grown stronger than ever. She tugged the mask so hard that she fell to the ground when it finally came off. ”By all that is... it really came off.”

  Leoht sank to his knees, dazed.

  She had expected him to look like Hero, but his facial features were softer, and his coloring, warmer. His eyes reminded her of crystal.

  The mask crumbled and made soot-like marks on her hands. She feared what this may mean in the outside world, but didn’t regret her decision to remove it. “Leoht, does it feel better?”

  His eyes opened, fully, and he turned his head to listen. “I feel lighter. My head is clearer now. Ah, now I remember. Mistress told me to hurry and choose a path. If I don’t listen, bad things will happen.”

  “You’re speaking more clearly too. Do you know what happened to the Spinner?”

  “No, but maybe that person, Solaris, knows. They say there are people who can bend space-time. They’re not well liked. The Council dislikes anyone who doesn’t follow their rules. I’m also like that. I don’t follow their rules, so I was punished. They say I shouldn’t exist. Maybe I can understand him a little.”

  “I wonder if you two can speak to each other.”

  A man’s voice answered. “I would not suggest that.”

  Fate trailed the sound to the fox sitting nearby. “You can talk!”

  “Of course. This is just a vision, where anything can happen, but I am here for a purpose. I have been put here to deliver a message.”

  “A message?”

  “The first seal has been broken. While I applaud your efforts, I must warn you that any further recklessness may result in negative consequences. Since you seem to be lacking a voice of reason, I shall set you straight.”

  “I don’t feel that my judgment has wavered. It’s unfair to place seals on the Tainted. Isn’t it painful?”

  “It is, but there are repercussions. Seals are placed to contain various conditions. While not all seals are used for good, some may be placed to help contain something negative. You should not assume all seals are bad. More accurately judge the people who have placed them. The first seal will not hurt anyone, but there are others here and you must tread lightly. As I stopped you from touching the Spinner, I will once again try to lead you away from potentially bad decisions.”

  “What was the first seal for?”

  “It was used to repress certain, deeply buried memories. This will not help uncover the truth about the murders, as you may have hoped. These are the memories of Leoht Miina. Though you may have removed the mask, there are still many trials that will prevent these memories from arising. If anything changes, he may feel lighter now that he is free of one burden.”

  “I suppose you speak for the person who placed you here. Why does Akira come to mind when I see you? I suppose it’s because you’re an articulate fox.”

  “I am but one of many mysteries here. Tread lightly. When you awaken, I suggest you watch carefully for unexpected changes. When one seal is broken, it often leads to another. If the third seal is broken, Leoht may die.”

  “How will I know?”

  The fox turned its head towards the forest. “Crystal. Now, I’m afraid dawn has broken. It is time for you to wake.”

  Daylight shone through the curtain, onto the empty place where Hero had been sleeping. The sheets were ice cold, the air bitter and full of spices.

  Fate swung her head up and forced herself into a sitting position. She felt as if the weight of the world came crashing down on top of her. She had never felt so sluggish.

  Hero poked his head in the doorway, appearing bright-eyed and alert. “Good morning.”

  She tested to see if he knew about the vision, though she couldn’t think of a way he would. “Ugh. Why am I so tired?”

  “When did you go to sleep? It hurts my eyes to read at night. You shouldn’t do it, either. I’ll have to worry.”

  “Is worrying about me a bad thing?”

  “That’s not what I meant. I meant to say, I don’t want a reason to worry. I
’d rather know you’re in good health.”

  “You’re expressive today.”

  “Hmm... I usually suffer from migraines. Today, I feel okay. The weather seems nice too. Also, I’ve realized that we must make a pact before a room of people.”


  “It’s just... you know how a pact is sealed, right?”

  “I don’t know anything about pacts.”

  “That’s what I feared. Even though you’re from the brothel, you might not be comfortable.”

  He’s using a lot of words today.

  “So what about pacts?”

  “Quou an.” He hid partially behind the doorframe.

  “If I wanted to be confused, I wouldn’t have asked at all.”

  Chi jumped into the room with her hands on her hips. “He said it is a kiss! Pacts are usually established with a kiss, since the souls need to be connected.”

  Fate raised a brow. “Hey, does that mean I’ve kissed Kyou before?”

  Hero frowned.

  “You were very small, so I cannot imagine it meant anything,” Chi said, shrugging. “He probably sees it like kissing his younger sister or his daughter.”

  “That’s true, so why does Hero look offended?”

  “He is like that. Do not worry about it. Even so, he is in a very good mood today. You should not have any problems.”

  “I am,” he said. “So I won’t complain.”

  “It’s not like you complain either way,” Fate said.

  Chi sighed. “Actually, he does. A lot. He is an ill-tempered child.”

  “I’m not a child,” he protested. “The life expectancy in Nex is very low.”

  “Why are you using statistics against me? You are still a child, by any means.”

  Did he just quote me? No, he doesn’t seem to remember.

  “He tends to be cheerful around me,” Fate said. “Anyway, shouldn’t we prepare to meet at the palace? I’m sure Akira will fuss if we’re late.”

  Hero squinted. “Hmm....”

  “What is it? Were you going to say something bad about him?”

  “Do you like Akira?”

  “He’s my friend. Why do you ask?”

  “Friend? Akira is? He has friends?”

  “Hero, you shouldn’t be the one to say that.”

  “I was just surprised.”

  “You dislike him, right?”

  “Being around him makes my skin crawl, but if you like him then I will try to be kinder.”

  He’s accepting Akira? Maybe breaking the seal served some purpose after all.

  She smiled. “I’m honestly surprised by your behavior today.”

  “I upset you yesterday, so I have to do better today.”

  “Since you asked me about the pact, I’ll assume you’re nervous.”

  He clenched the bottom of his shirt. “I said no such thing.”

  “It’s very obvious. Still, we should eat and get dressed.”

  They dressed in proper attire for the visit to the palace. Instead of eating at the cottage, they went out to the community and purchased various types of sweet breads and teas.

  Fate watched Hero for any unexpected changes in his behavior. The haze around him had lessened, and he expressed great enthusiasm, even curiosity, towards her.

  “I get the impression I’m being studied,” he said, while they ate at the tables outside the shop.

  “I was just thinking that you’re very child-like. Akira’s very mature. You’re both so different. It’s alarming.”

  “Mature? Akira is? How?”

  “I didn’t mean that offensively. I find you very endearing, like someone I want to protect.”

  He reached across the table and passed her half of his glazed bread. “Here. Try this one.”

  “You’re not even listening.”

  “I don’t want to hear about Akira.” He attempted to feed it to her.

  “Yeah, but I was talking about you just now.” She pushed her hair over her shoulders and bit into the bread. A pang of honey struck her taste-buds. “Praise be, that bread is delightful.”

  He tilted his head and beamed. “Right? I like this one most. Here, you can have it.”

  “Even though you like it most? Should we get another?”

  “No, I’m fine. As long as I can watch you enjoy it, I’m satisfied.”

  “We should start heading towards the palace.” She finished her bread and tea and helped the shopkeeper pick up before joining Hero on the stairway to the palace.

  It brought her joy to see the vast difference in his temperament. When they first met, he’d continuously threatened her life, but now he was strangely kind and endearing.

  Which is the real Hero? Is there some way to confirm his intentions?

  Even her affections for him could’ve been a result of the miasma. Sometimes she feared that she viewed the world differently than those around her. After all, Lara suffered from miasma poisoning and believed that her bond with him was superior.

  Fate shook the thought. “Since we’re going to reform our pact, I want to ask—what do you like about me?”

  He thought for a moment. “I like your sincerity. I’ve never met someone as obstinate as you. Even when odds are bleak, you still push forward. You’re physically weak, but your spirit is powerful. How should I say it? Your soul has a brilliant spark. I find it alluring.”

  “I often hear that I’m pretty. Since I grew up in the brothel, everyone fawned over me. I hated that more than anything. I hate to hear that I’m pretty and determined but possess no talents. It’s painful.”

  “You’re intelligent. I think it’s depreciating to assume your resolve amounts to nothing. If it weren’t for your determination, I wouldn’t be alive. That alone should prove you can make a difference.”

  “Thank you for saying that.”

  “To be completely honest, I do think you’re an attractive person. You’re very eye-catching, but the first time I really felt a genuine attraction to you was when I heard your voice.”


  “Remember, you sang during your performance.”

  Fate’s heart fluttered. “Hero, you liked that? Really? It might sound surprising, but I always thought that if I had the chance to be anything in the world, I’d still want to be a performer.”

  They stepped up towards the palace walls and moved past the welcoming guards, through the enormous doors.

  As they entered, Hero turned and sidestepped to keep his focus on Fate. “Really? How come?”

  “In the brothel, I always had to put on a smile and pretend that I was okay, so I would sing to express myself. I most enjoyed the few opportunities I had to perform. I could work hard towards something and share my feelings with others. It also gave me the chance to speak to my sisters about what they felt, and help them.”

  “You’re very generous. I think that’s a wonderful trait.”

  “Thank you. Have you ever thought of what you would want to do if you weren’t the Prince of Nitor?”

  “Many times. I think at one point I would’ve said that I wanted to be a philosopher.”

  “That sounds like you! How about an astronomer?”

  “Yes, exactly. I thought that too, but that has changed.”

  “Then what would you do?”

  “I’d choose to be a musician.”

  “I saw you writing sheet music in the past!”

  “Huh, when?”

  Her face flushed. “Oh, you know that day I saw you through the window.”

  “You’re right! I had forgotten.”

  “So what made you change your mind?”

  He grasped the place his scarf usually rested, surprised he couldn’t hide behind it. A streak of red ran across his cheeks and nose. “If I were a musician, I might have the chance to be closer to you.”

  Kyou approached and hushed Fate before she could stop Hero from moving back any farther. She waited with bated breath as the two men collided.

  Kyou’s voic
e boomed. “Watch where you’re going!”

  Hero jolted and bowed. “Vie—no, sorry! I mean—”He spotted Kyou while he was apologizing and growled. “Kyou! Kui! Baen so!”

  Kyou chuckled. “I heard you coming, so I thought I’d surprise you. Did you miss me?”

  “Ha ha.” Hero glimpsed at Fate and gently swatted Kyou while grousing. “Sa mir dei? Yaen so! Meil pa?”

  “Why are you whining at me in the Language of Ages? You’re like a child.” Kyou’s gaze fell on Fate, and he smirked. “Oh, of course.”

  Fate held back a laugh. “I have never heard him whine like that.”

  Kyou wrapped his arms around Hero and cuddled him. “He’s my most precious son.”

  They aren’t that far apart in age... and they’re not blood relatives. What is he talking about?

  “Your love is suffocating,” Hero said.

  Akira barked from the double doors at the end of the hallway. “Are you intending to attend the ritual?”

  Fate waved. “Hi Akira!”

  His presence eased and the tension in his eyes faded. “Reinka.”

  Kyou gawked. “Magic? He’s right though. Everyone’s waiting.” By the time he swung out his arms to lead Fate and Hero, Akira had appeared beside them and deflected Kyou’s arm from her.

  Kyou flashed a wry grin. “Curious reaction.”

  “Hmm.” Akira responded. “Reinka, mir ya me’em durul so—I am pleased to see you.”

  Fate sighed. “You didn’t need to treat Kyou like that. If you’re rude to others, I’ll ignore you.” She walked the rest of the way by herself.

  Akira hurried to her side. “Ai, you’re too kind. If it is what you wish, I will have to abstain.”

  “While we’re on the topic, I hope I don’t have to remind you of my affections for Hero.”

  His miasma was thicker than usual.

  “You smell different today.” She sniffed his red blazer. “Smoke? Were you around someone who smokes?”

  He refrained from answering.

  Kyou and Hero waited by the doors until Akira swung them open. The group entered the wide room and stood before the High King and Queen.

  Fate’s gaze wandered the room. It appeared to be some kind of conference room. One desk lay before a large window, where Besil perched in wait.

  Queen Heqet’s spirit seemed sullen and focused. “Welcome to Inoue Palace. Before we begin, there are some announcements to make. My husband has been in contact with the Council, and they came to a few surprising determinations. Please listen carefully. Due to the events that occurred in Nex, it has been determined that after your pact is reformed, Hero must—under Council supervision—proceed to complete his studies as the future successor of the Capital. This means that after your pact has been reformed, he and Kyou will be joining a representative on a journey through Mu, and they will not return until his studies are complete.”


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