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Love Redeemed

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by Tich Brewster



  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real person, places, or events is coincidental.

  Pennedit Publishing

  Tulsa, OK

  Love Redeemed

  Published by Pennedit 2013

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, without permission in writing from the author.

  Scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without permission are illegal and punishable by law.

  Copyright 2013 © Leticha Brewster

  Cover Art: Sprinkles On Top Studios

  Editing: Twilight Hours Editing

  Proofreading/Editing: Jessica’s Author/Book Promoting and Proofreading Services

  Praise for Tich Brewster’s

  Love Redeemed

  “Great story of love lost and found again and the struggles they go through to get to know each other again.”

  ~Jennifer Wedmore, 2 Bibliophiles Guide

  “I just LOVED these characters! You can't help but feel for them and you'll find yourself rooting for them all the way through the book. They belong together. This book totally rocked! I highly recommend you read this one!

  ~Brenda Romine, Loves All Things Books

  “Tich Brewster stole my heart with this heartwarming love story. Not only did she nail each character to the tee she told their story like only an experienced author could do.”

  ~Dawn Cripps, I Love Books

  “This book also has some great twists and turns and you will truly be surprised. Fabulous job. Can't wait for another book Tich.”

  ~Risha Crider, Reviewer


  First I have to give thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him I am nothing but it is because of Him that I am a conqueror. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13)

  I have several people that deserve a huge thank you for supporting me and encouraging me along the way. My husband is my biggest supporter and the love of my life. I am eternally grateful that God brought us together. A thank you goes out to my Momma, Daddy and Mom Rhonda, as well as my Grandma and all my children. Teresa Fuentez, I owe you a humongous thank you for pushing me to publish. If it hadn’t been for you, I would still be writing in my notebooks for my own entertainment. And of course Chumeica Paden, girl you have been the best cheerleader a girl could have.

  Special Thanks

  There are several people that deserve a special thank you!

  A thank you goes out to Jessica Sawa for choosing Ryder’s name. To the ones that wrote a song for Ryder, thank you so much. Andrea L. Staum wrote Temptation, Ti Colluney wrote Come Back, and Tom Brewster wrote Our Love is like Fire. Now, for all of my beta readers: Brenda Romine, Jennifer Wedmore, Shalisha Cooper, Tonya Rupell, and Sheri Spell, a huge thank you goes out to you for your feedback and support. XOXOXO

  Cassie Strong stood in front of her bedroom mirror trying to decide which outfit looked best on her, the black and aqua lace dress or the red flare dress. Tonight was her best friend’s birthday. She had been friends with Allie Walsh since middle school.

  Tonight she wanted to look great for her friend’s special day. In celebration of Allie’s birthday Cassie and Jared Sullivan, Allie’s boyfriend, were taking Allie to the local club.

  She held the red dress up to her body. It was a little more casual with a v-neckline and fitted bodice. She tossed it back onto the bed and held up the lace dress. This one was quite a bit shorter, mid-thigh. It also had a sweetheart neckline that showed a small amount of cleavage.

  Tonight Cassie was going to relax and enjoy life, live a little on the wild side. She had every intention on dancing, having a drink, and possibly flirting with a guy or two. Something she hadn’t done too much of since high school.

  The lace dress would be perfect for such an occasion. She slipped it on and twirled a few times, admiring the way it clung to her small frame. Hopefully she could find those sparkly black pumps to complete her look.

  Knock…knock. Allie was here early. They weren’t supposed to leave for another hour. “Just a minute,” she yelled as she raced down the hallway to the front door.

  As she opened the door she was taken aback by the man greeting her with a smile. She was expecting Allie not Jared. Jared had his raven black hair combed over one eye. She would never understand why he did that. If she wore her hair over her eyes she’d end up with a killer headache before her day fully began.

  “Jared, come in.” She stepped aside to let him in. “I was expecting Allie.”

  “She had a hair appointment.” He sat down on her couch, resting his right foot on his left knee. “So Ryder is…”

  She cut him off before he could say another word. “You are not allowed to say that name and you know it.”

  “Yes, but I thought…”

  Again, she cut him off. “You thought wrong. I know he’s your best friend and you love him but his name is off limits, especially in my home.”

  “Suite yourself,” he smirked. He picked up the novel on her end table and examined the cover. “You read trashy novels?”

  She snatched the paperback out of his hand. “It’s not trashy, it’s romance. There’s a big difference.” He chuckled at her. He actually chuckled at her, the nerve of that man. How dare he make fun of her and her choice of books? She hit him upside the head with her beloved book.

  “Fine, it’s not trashy.” He threw his hands up in surrender. “Now go get ready, we have to pick up Allie.” When she glanced down at her dress with a questioning look he continued, “You need shoes if you’re going with me.”

  “Oh, I was about to say.” She went in search of the sparkly pumps that she loved so much. They were in the bottom of her closet, buried under her massive shoe collection. She definitely needed to think about adding some shelving in her room just for her shoes.

  She added some curl to the ends of her hair and some color to her lips before joining Jared in the other room. He was stretched out on the sofa, one hand behind his head, and yet another book in his hand.

  When Cassie noticed the book he was reading she gasped and ran toward him, jerking the paperback out of his grasp. “You can’t read that.” She hid the book behind her back.

  He smiled a knowing smile. She was pretty sure by that look that he already knew the contents of the book she held. If only a giant hole would form under her and swallow her whole. She tossed the book back on the bookshelf, grabbed her purse, and headed for the door.

  Allie was waiting for them when they arrived at the spa to pick her up. Her hair was pulled back and a few blonde locks fell loosely around her face. Jared greeted his girlfriend with a kiss and then they were off to the club.

  The ride there was fairly short. The spa was just around the corner from Club Jamz. The three of them had arrived early enough to miss the heavy crowd at the door. ID’s were checked and the trio made their way to the bar.

  The music pulsated through the building, vibrating the walls and floor. Cassie sat on a bar stool, tapping her fingers in time with the music. The one thing she enjoyed about this club was the live bands, not that she came here that often.

  Jared jerked his thumb behind him. “You girls want to dance with me?”

  Allie pulled Cassie off of the stool she had just sat on. “Let’s go have some fun,” she shouted above the nois

  Cassie didn’t have to be asked twice. It had been a year since she had gone out and enjoyed herself for the night. She followed her friends out to the dance floor. Jared pulled Allie flush against his left hip and tugged Cassie towards his right hip.

  It took her a minute to flow into a rhythm. She wasn’t used to dancing in a trio. Heck, she wasn’t used to dancing with a partner, period. By the third song she had it mastered.

  There was a soft tap on her shoulder. A deep voice spoke next to her ear. “Care to dance with me?”

  A smile spread on her face when he tipped his cowboy hat with a wink. “Sure.” She broke free of her friends and joined hands with her new dance partner.

  “I’m William.” He placed his hands on her waist.

  “Cassie.” They moved their bodies back and forth. The music had changed over from live to CD while the bands switched up on stage. They danced a total of a song and a half when the next band took the stage.

  The club owner announced the upcoming band but she was too busy laughing to hear the name. Once again, the place vibrated with thumping music. She froze as her mind registered what she was hearing. She knew that song, she had played it every day when she was younger. She stopped dancing, slowly turning to face the stage.

  His voice boomed over the speakers, that deep throaty voice that she knew all too well. “Panic hits but it’s too late. Too late to say what you needed to hear. You needed to hear just how much I need you. And now you took the better part of me.”

  Pushing through the crowd was tough but she had to see for herself. When she had a clear view of the stage she lifted her eyes to meet the lead singer. Ryder.

  As if sensing her eyes on him, his eyes traveled over the sea of faces until they landed on her. He still looked the same as he did the last time she saw him eight years ago, his messy dark brown hair, faded blue jeans, and that ugly black fingerless glove on his right hand. She couldn’t believe that he still wore that thing.

  In that one moment, with just one look into his eyes, all those feelings that she had finally buried deep within, resurfaced. The love they once shared and the heartache she suffered when he walked away. She couldn’t do this, couldn’t be in the same room with him. If she didn’t get out of there and away from him then that wall she worked so hard to build around her heart would crumble to the ground.

  Cassie stormed through the crowd of dancing people but was halted by a viselike grip on her arm, above the elbow. “Come on, Cass. It’s my birthday, you can’t leave,” Allie pleaded.

  Jared looked up at the stage then back at her. “Don’t go. Forget everything and enjoy yourself. And like she said,” he pointed at his girlfriend. “It is her birthday. Don’t skip out on her because of that boneheaded jerk on stage.”

  Cassie warred with the idea of staying for her friend and doing the smart thing, leaving before her heart shattered. Again. She looked back at the stage. Ryder was no longer looking in her direction. Maybe she could get through the night without having to speak to him. “Fine, I’ll stay.”

  She had to admit, Ryder looked pretty darn good on stage. Music was who he was, she always knew that. She should have seen that day coming long before it ever arrived. He thrived on the bass pounding through the floor and vibrating up his body. The screaming fans gave him a high he could never get enough of.

  Jared held his hands up in surrender. “Hey, I tried to tell you. You’re the one that told me to never speak of him.”

  She did, didn’t she? Well crap. That’s what she gets for tuning everything Ryder out. She thought a little longer and her love for her friend won over. “I’m fine. I’m a big girl.” As long as she kept her eyes off of the stage, she could get through this evening in one piece.

  She ordered an Ice Bomb, drinking a little faster than normal. She ignored the stares from her friends and ordered another. At this rate she’d end up beyond drunk but at least the alcohol would numb her heart.

  An hour and four Ice Bomb’s later; Cassie began to feel the nasty effects of her choice in drinks, or amount of drinks. She stood on wobbly legs, took two steps back, and bumped into someone. Not just someone. Ryder.

  The giggle escaped before she could stop it. “Well, if it isn’t the rock star.” Her speech was slurred. She had never been much of a drinker and with the amount she had just consumed, she was surprised that she was still among the living. Focusing was getting harder by the minute. Next time she drank she’d have to remember to keep it light, or not anything alcoholic. Jeez, was it getting hot in here?

  Heat spread through her cheeks, tinting them a bright shade of red. She didn’t need a mirror to know just how ridiculous she must look. Right now she wished she could jump into oblivion just to hide from the whole world.

  Ryder crossed his arms over his chest. Did the smug jerk actually chuckle at her? She needed fresh air and she needed it now. She walked around him, or at least that was her intent. Instead, the heel of her shoe caught on something and she lost her balance.

  Time seemed to slow down and her fall passed in slow motion. Had she been sober this would have gone differently but unfortunately for her, she wasn’t.

  Her drunkenness got the best of her and she landed hard on her backside. Where was a re-do button when you needed one? Embarrassment gnawed away at her, tears forming in her eyes. If this had happened in front of any other guy it might not bother her as much but this was Ryder.

  A hand appeared in front her. Her eyes traveled the length of the arm and into the eyes of Ryder. He was not laughing at her nor did he look amused. He simply said, “Come on, Cass. I’ll take you home.”

  Cassie glanced over at her friends. Jared nodded towards Ryder with a thumbs-up, but of course he would approve of her getting a ride home with his longtime friend. Allie smiled. “Go on Cassie. You’ll be fine.”

  Would she? How could she possibly be fine if she left with this man? This man that took her heart, broke it into tiny pieces, and then pureed it before throwing it back in her face.

  Ryder knelt down, turned her head to face him. “Let me take you home.” Again, he extended his hand.

  She really didn’t have much of a choice. Jared and Allie had no intensions of leaving early to take her home. She accepted his hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet. He steadied her by placing his arm around her shoulders. When he did, a small piece of that wall she had built around her heart crumbled.

  Ryder opened every cabinet in Cassie’s kitchen until he found the one housing her collection of flavored tea. He glanced back into the living room, she lay sprawled out on the sofa. If anyone ever looked green it was her. Her skin was pale, dark circles formed under her eyes.

  He set a pot of water on the stove to boil then went in search of a wash rag to wet for her forehead. If this was the same girl he knew eight years ago, she had no business drinking more than one glass of any kind of alcohol. She’d always been a lightweight.

  He laughed at her bathroom. Not that it was terribly decorated or messy, just the opposite. Periwinkle walls with bright white trim, stainless steel accessories, and a counter topped with several wash rags folded into little fans. He unfolded a rag and wet it with cold water.

  As he approached the sofa she groaned, covering her mouth with a hand. A second later she breathed deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth. He placed the cool rag on her forehead. Her eyes shot open, glaring at him. Apparently, she thought that he had just dumped her on the sofa and left her to rot in the vomit that was sure to make an appearance.

  Sitting up, she jerked the rag from his grip. He wondered why she was being so hostile. Heck, before he started touring they were dating, they were in love. She had always proclaimed that he was the only one that would hold the key to her heart, so what on earth was this attitude about? When his last tour ended he was thrilled to have this opportunity to come back home, to see his friends and family, to spend some time with Cassie.

  “I can take care of myself. You’re free to leave
.” She turned her head. “Again,” she whispered so low he almost missed it.

  “I’m sure you can.” He left her side to finish making the tea.

  Deciding which flavor to make for her was not an easy task. There must have been twenty boxes, each a different brand and flavor. Closing his eyes, he reached into the cabinet and grabbed the first box his hand landed on, Mixed Berry.

  He took the pan of boiling water to the sink to pour it into the coffee mug. Dropping the tea bag in the mug to brew, he went in search of honey. “Honey or sugar?” She never added sugar to her tea before but he thought he’d ask in case that had changed over the years.

  He heard her get up off the sofa. Her angry footsteps grew louder as she neared the kitchen. Who knew such a tiny body could stomp so loudly. “Not that you actually care, but I prefer nothing in my tea.”

  Setting the honey back on the counter he asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?” He turned around to face her.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “I mean that you don’t care, not about me or what I want.”

  Where had that come from? “I most certainly do care. You’re my friend, one of my best friends, my former lover.”

  “Best friends don’t leave without a word and never look back. Boyfriends, lovers, they don’t just pack up and leave the one they love behind.” She threw the rag at him. It failed to hit the target, instead it landed at his feet. “You can go home.”

  He wasn’t sure why she was mad. It must be the alcohol because the Cassie he knew was the kindest, most loving girl on earth. He set her tea on the kitchen table. “Okay. Well, here’s your tea.”

  Cassie watched Ryder walk out of her front door. He didn’t try to defend himself and he didn’t look back. Somehow, this felt like eight years ago. Why did he have to step foot back into this town?


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