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Love Redeemed

Page 11

by Tich Brewster

  “Oh, I just bought a house in one of the new additions going up.”

  Playing dumb was going to get old quick but the last thing he wanted was to jeopardize Cassie’s safety. “I’d love to see it.”

  Her smile fell. That statement obviously didn’t sit well with her. “It’s not ready yet. It was just built and there’s no paint or furniture.” She avoided all eye contact. “We can check into a nice hotel though.” She peeked up at him through her lashes, batting them seductively. “I miss you.”

  “I’d like to see the house first,” he insisted.

  She looked down at her phone, pretending to check her text messages. “I can’t. Not tonight.” Stuffing the phone in her purse, she stood. “That was my brother. He needs me. I’ll call you tomorrow and show you then.”

  She left so abruptly that Ryder was afraid he wouldn’t have time to pay the bill and leave a tip before she disappeared into the unknown. He stepped out of the café just as she was driving off. He hopped into his car, casually following behind her.

  She spotted him right away and took him on a wild goose chase all over town. It didn’t take long for him to realize that she would do anything to keep him at bay. He clenched his teeth. He hated being left in the dark but this situation was way out of his control.

  He pulled over onto the side of the road. It was time to call someone with the right detective skills to handle this.

  Tom answered the phone on the first ring. “Have you heard from my daughter?”

  “No.” At Ryder’s reply, Tom let out a sigh that was on the verge of a cry. Ryder held Cassie’s phone securely in his hand and squeezed his eyes shut, then continued, “But I might have something for you.”

  “Thank God.” There was a small pause. “What do you have for me, son?”

  Ryder knew that Tom had some pull at the police department, he was a retired detective. “This girl that toured with me, well, she followed me here to Texas. I have no idea what she is up to but she has been pestering the crap out of me with phone calls.”

  “Spit it out, son.” The rustling of papers could be heard over the phone as Tom sat down at his desk.

  “She tracked me down tonight and mentioned Cassie, though I think that was an accident. Anyway, I agreed to a cup of coffee with her after that slip up. While we waited on the coffee she left to use the restroom. Her purse buzzed and I snooped. I found Cassie’s phone in there.”

  Tom gasped. “Where are you? I’m on my way.”

  “Fifth and Ash.” Ryder ended the call.

  Cassie sawed at the ropes with the butter knife. It was a lot tougher than she thought it would be. She was working to free her feet first. At least if her feet were freed, she would be able to run.

  She looked down at the progress she’d made. A small cut had been made to the top layer. Great, at this rate she would be here for a year trying to break free. Just her luck. She tossed the knife across the room in a fit of anger.

  When she did, it hit something in the far corner. Cheryl’s cigarette lighter. Hallelujah. She inched along the floor like a worm until she was within reach of the lighter. She picked it up and held her breath as she tested it to make sure it would light.

  A bright flame shot up from the top and a huge smile formed on her face. “Finally.” She held her feet as far apart as possible, stretching the rope. Then she took a deep breath and placed the lighter under the rope, lighting it.

  The rope caught fire and broke due to the amount of pressure from her spread feet. Once she was free she hopped up and began stomping on the fire. She almost didn’t bother putting the fire out but then a thought suddenly struck her.

  Cheryl could have had this house barred up and locked with double cylinder deadbolts. If that was the case, she’d burn up with the house.

  It didn’t take much to put it out. A few stomps of her foot and the flames were no more. When she was sure that the house wouldn’t burn down she ran to the door. To her relief, it was unlocked.

  She cautiously stepped into the hallway. Not a single light was on, just the light from the room she had just exited. Anxiety crept in and she fought hard not to panic.

  The house was silent, almost eerily so. She prayed that no one was lurking around and tiptoed towards what she hoped was the front of the house. Each footstep echoed. She cringed. If this place was under surveillance, they definitely knew what she was up to.

  When she reached the end of the hallway, she stopped. She waited a few seconds before rounding the corner. No one ordered her to stop. It appeared that she was alone. Hallelujah.

  Moonlight shone through a small window on what appeared to be the front door. She raced to the large wooden door. The knob turned but the door didn’t budge. It was dead bolted. She felt the lock. A double cylinder. “Crap.” There was no way she could pick this, she wasn’t talented in the lock picking department.

  She was so busy thinking of an alternate plan of escape that she almost didn’t hear the car as it pulled into the drive.

  Cheryl slammed the car door. Ryder was a stupid fool. Why couldn’t he see that Cassie was no good for him? That stinking winch needed to be dealt with once and for all. The sooner she killed her, the sooner Ryder would forget about her.

  She marched up the steps to the front door. The moment she stepped foot in the house she knew something was wrong. The smell of burned rope lingered heavily in the air. Cursing, she flipped on the overhead light and removed her Taser from her purse.

  She slid her heels off. Padding barefoot throughout the house, she kept the Taser up and ready. She eased around the corner to the bedroom she had left Cassie in. The little troublemaker had obviously found a way to free herself.

  The room was empty. She glanced down at the food container. The steak remained untouched. “Brat,” she whispered. A thud sounded in the direction of the kitchen. “Cassie, I know you’re lurking around.” She tiptoed out of the room. “Trust me, there is no way out. You’re stuck here with me.”

  No response. That didn’t surprise her. She hadn’t expected the twit to give away her location by striking up a conversation.

  As she neared the open kitchen she heard heavy breathing coming from the other side of the island. She picked up an empty coffee cup that was sitting on the table and threw it in the opposite direction of where she stood.

  Just as she’d hoped, the noise startled Cassie and she crawled around the island. Right into the line of fire. Cheryl aimed the Taser at Cassie and pulled the trigger.

  Cassie fell over in a convulsing fit. A huge smile spread on Cheryl’s face. At last, she could rid the world of this disaster and move on to her happily ever after with the love of her life. She reached over the island, opened a drawer and took out the pistol she had hidden in the back.

  She aimed the gun at Cassie. An evil laugh erupted from her as she prepared to squeeze the trigger. This plan was the best one she’d ever had. It was easier than taking candy from a baby.

  Cassie’s eyes bugged out of her head as she glanced up into the barrel of the pistol. This was not how her life was supposed to end. She was supposed to see Lucas enter high school, see him off to prom, and eventually see him fall in love and get married.

  She closed her eyes and did something she hadn’t done in a very long time. Pray. Not a bargaining prayer but an all out, I can’t do this on my own Lord type of prayer.

  Cheryl’s laughter echoed around her. Ignoring that hideous sound was next to impossible. The harder she tried to tune it out the louder it boomed in her ears, piercing her eardrums. Pictures of her life flashed before her eyes.

  She relived memories from her first date with Ryder, the first time they made love, the birth of Lucas, and her reunion with Ryder. It was more intense than what the movies portrayed. Her entire life played like a movie in fast forward yet it felt like an eternity. With it came the emotions, so powerful and overwhelming.

  As much as it pained her knowing that Lucas would grow up without his mother, she felt at peace
knowing that he now had Ryder in his life. The two had hit it off perfectly. Lucas looked up to and loved Ryder very much. If she were to die now, she knew that her son was in good hands.

  She opened her eyes, prepared to look death in the eyes. What she didn’t expect to see was her father standing directly behind Cheryl, holding her in a chokehold. “Daddy?” Her voice sounded far away even to her own ears. Whether that was a result of the shock from the Taser or from lack of food, she didn’t know.

  Footsteps sounded in the front of the house. Seconds later Ryder materialized behind her father. “Oh thank God.” He ran to her side, running his hands over her body in search of any injuries. “I was worried senseless.” He took the pocketknife out of his front pocket and cut the ropes binding her hands. Then he lifted her off the floor, holding her to him tightly.

  She was never so glad to see anyone in her life. His arms felt so good around her, though his hold on her got tighter by the minute. “If you hold me any tighter, I may not be able to breathe.”

  He shook his head. “Nuh uh. I may never let you go again.” He set her feet on the floor and guided her outside while Tom did what he did best.

  They stepped out onto the porch to a yard full of police cars. Several uniformed officers brushed past them on their way into the house. Two officers approached her with their notepads in hand.

  The trial was a nightmare. The press was everywhere trying to get their cover stories on the famous keyboardist gone crazy. Cassie missed several days of work due to the trial. Luckily, her boss understood. He even handed her a check and considered it a paid absence.

  Cheryl was charged with kidnapping and attempted murder. The jury’s verdict, guilty.

  Now that the craziness was behind them, Cassie and Ryder could focus on the upcoming school year. Lucas was entering the second grade and couldn’t wait to tell all of his friends that his father was a rock star.

  Ryder’s celebrity status was a huge concern for the both of them. Thankfully the school agreed to Ryder’s demands of a guard on the premises for Lucas.

  The weekend before the new school year Ryder was asked to sing at the local club. Cassie arranged for her parents to watch Lucas. Allie, Jared, and Cassie sat at a table as close to the stage as possible. All the tables lined the outer walls; the center floor was reserved for dancing.

  Cassie was sipping on her coke when Ryder called her name from the stage. “This is a new song that I wrote the other day. Cassie Strong, I love you.” He looked right at her as he sang. “Complete me, that’s what you do. Make you feel like a woman is my specialty. Young and loving it, living for the day. Still be crazy for you when I’m gray, yeah! Our love is like fire. Burning hot, burning hot. Kiss me baby you’re my desire. You’re the one, you’re the one. Won’t stop burning, it can’t be put out. Cause our love is like fire.”

  Her eyes welled up listening to him sing a song just for her in front of a crowd of people. This was exactly how she had always dreamed it would be. To have that sexy rock star sing to her from the stage, to call her out amongst the crowd.

  Ryder beckoned her to join him on stage. What was he up to? Did he expect her to sing with him? That would never happen. She shook her head.

  “Go on,” Jared said with a silly grin on his face. With a push from her best friend, Allie, she hesitantly walked up on stage to join him.

  Ryder took her by the hand and knelt down on his knee. In his hand he held a little black box. He opened it.

  A shiny diamond stared back at her, an engagement ring. “Cassie, I love you more than life itself. I always have. I just went through a period of time where I was too selfish and stupid.”

  Cassie wiped at her eyes, her tears flowing down her cheeks in steady streams.

  “I would be honored if you accepted this ring and made me the luckiest man alive by marrying me.” He took the delicate ring from the box, waiting on her reply.

  She nodded. “Yes, I will.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger, gathered her into his arms, and announced over the speakers, “She said, yes.”

  The crowd cheered them on. There were even a few shouts of “It’s about dang time.”

  The wedding had a large turnout. The press was kept at bay thanks to the police department. Lucas was ecstatic about being the best man. He stood proud and tall next to Ryder at the ceremony.

  The honeymoon was a short weekend getaway to Hawaii with Lucas in tow. Not exactly the romantic getaway they’d hoped for but they couldn’t resist taking their son along after he discovered where they were going.

  Cassie stretched out on her towel, watching her favorite boys swim in the pool. Ryder resurfaced and caught her staring. He smiled. “Come in,” he shouted.

  “No thanks. I’m fine right here, reading this fabulous book.” She held the book up in the air. “And I’m working on my tan.”

  He said something to one of his body guards. Cassie strained to hear but he spoke so low that his voice didn’t travel to her ears. By the look on his face, he was up to something. His mischievous eyes met hers and her stomach quivered.

  He exited the pool and walked toward her, shaking water off his body with every stride. He scooped her up in his arms and continued his fast paced walk to their hotel room.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, looking back at her son.

  “Lucas is fine. He has the guards to look over him.” He gave her backside a playful slap. “You are going to join me in our room. We’re here for our honeymoon and we’ve done very little honeymooning.”

  She giggled. “I love you.”

  He kicked the door shut behind him. “I love you too.” He laid her on the king-size bed, pulling her bikini bottoms off in the process. He watched her, eyes blazing, as he pulled his swimming shorts off.

  She untied her top as he climbed on the bed next to her, hovering over her. He kissed her tenderly, biting her bottom lip. That nip sent shivers all the way to her toes. She arched her back. Running her hands over his shoulders and down his thick muscular back she let out a moan.

  He settled between her legs and eased himself into her. Being with Cassie again, united body and soul, was heaven on earth.


  The song in Ryder’s darker moment

  Temptation written by Andrea L. Staum

  refrain - Do you know your demons?

  They should be your friends

  Learn them, respect them, fear them

  Silver blade across my vein

  Cold, unrelenting, unforgiving

  Simple task to turn the blade

  -Slice the flesh

  Resist temptation and know my limits


  Lustful thoughts cross my mind

  Hot, unbidden, unforgiving

  Simple task to find someone for the night

  Resist temptation and know my limits


  Blood red rage blinding me

  Encompassing, unyielding, unforgiving

  Simple task to find a fight and release

  Resist temptation and know your limits

  Come Back (the song from chapter one & Cassie’s notebook)

  Come Back written by Ti Colluney

  The silence in my head is too loud

  Panic hits but it’s too late

  Too late to say what you needed to hear

  You needed to hear

  Just how much I need you

  And now you took the better part of me

  Come back, Come back

  Come back and make me whole

  Come back, Come back

  Come back and see me live

  Silly words mean so much

  I should have said them more

  Never should have let you go

  My eyes are now open

  Open wide to see

  Just how much you complete me

  And now I am lost

  And the silence in my head is loud

  Too loud

  So loud

sp; Come back, Come back

  Come back and make me whole

  Come back, Come back

  Come back and we both can smile again

  Come back to me and bring me my light

  Come back and let me breathe again

  I need your warmth, your love, your soul

  Because without you

  I am lost

  Come back, Come back

  I want to be whole again

  Come back, Come back

  Bring back the light to my world again

  Come back, Come back



  Our Love is like Fire

  Our Love is like Fire written by Tom Brewster

  I wasn’t looking for love but I found you anyway

  You didn’t know that I was the man who would steal your heart away

  We’re like peas in a pod, fire and gasoline

  We can’t be put out, won’t stop loving, yeah!

  Complete me, that’s what you do

  Make you feel like a woman is my specialty

  Young and loving it, living for the day

  Still be crazy for you when I’m gray, yeah!

  Our love is like fire

  Burning hot, burning hot

  Kiss me baby you’re my desire

  You’re the one, you’re the one

  Won’t stop burning, it can’t be put out

  Cause our love is like fire

  Our love is getting hotter

  Smoking white hot

  Can’t contain this feeling

  It’s never gonna stop, never gonna stop, no it will never stop

  Our love is like fire

  Burning hot, burning hot

  Kiss me baby you’re my desire

  You’re the one, you’re the one

  Won’t stop burning, it can’t be put out


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