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In Love with Ezra (Love Unaccounted Book 2)

Page 15

by Belvin, Love

Then, I knew her state, understood her agitation. My kitten was aroused, somehow affected by my pulpit persona. I don’t know why I hadn’t anticipated this. It wasn’t a reaction I was unacquainted with. Women constantly responded to the power of owning a stage, even in religious realms. My wife here wasn’t exempt from that syndrome. Why I didn’t immediately consider this was what concerned me the most.

  “Alexis,” I growled urgently, low over her head.

  Her gaze lolled back and forth between my eyes before she exhaled and melded into my touch. My back was to my staff, but unless I whispered, they could hear our exchange. Not that I cared so much. I just needed to be mindful for Alexis’ sake.

  “Did you enjoy the word on this morning, beloved?” I purred thickly, perceptively goaded her already heightened sensual desires.

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered, eyes collapsing, telling of the delicate balance between her minx persona and need of privacy from our waiting company.

  She began nibbling on her lip, an act of anxiousness. And now she was unable to maintain her gaze on me. My arousal swelled against my pants. Thankfully, I still wore my robe. I knew immediately I needed to separate from her or I’d be consecrating the Bishop’s office before it officially became mine.

  “Thaddeus,” I called behind me. “Please have Carlos bring the truck around. Alexis and I are leaving now.”

  “Yes, Pastor,” he replied and from the shift in my peripheral, I knew he’d padded off. On his way, I heard him relaying my message in his wireless radio.

  “Shannon, if you could escort Alexis to the truck while I go change, I would appreciate that.”

  “Of course, Pastor.” I could hear the concern in her undertone.

  Shannon understood the typical protocol of post-worship activities on Sundays, and that didn’t include the shepherd leaving without words for awaiting parishioners and his administration. I had more pressing things to deal with, like the fragrant arousal my kitten was emitting here before me.

  My eyes were still fastened to Alexis when I asked, “Would you appreciate that too, beloved?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Very well.” I grabbed her at the wrists, gently circling them in my hands. I could see the heaving of her chest and knew I was pushing her. “Go wait for me in the truck. I’ll be with you shortly.”

  Without further words, Alexis shifted toward Shannon, who led her out.

  In the truck, on the way home, Alexis didn’t speak. She kept her gaze out of the window, staring blindly. I used the empty time, to finish coming down. Whenever I imparted, I totally allowed my body to be inhabited by the Spirit greater than my own. While caught up, my senses were more heightened than my faculties most times. I could identify ailments, feel the woes of depression, recognize hopelessness—all of the infirmities people carried into the house of God. Some of them desperately wanting to break free of the various strongholds, but not knowing how, and others with less desire to be relieved of them, somehow feeling trapped by their grips.

  Typically, it took hours to process what I was exposed to while laying hands or simply identifying infirmities while speaking. At this time, I could determine whether I needed to address issues privately with the individual struggling with them or simply fill in the gap for their delivery through prayer. There were also times I could perceive corporate issues at my home church affecting the church as a whole. This had been the latest trend of my discernment; so many systematic issues preventing Redeeming Souls from progressing in its ministry.

  As we pulled into the orange polished, concrete, horseshoe driveway of the house, I decided to stow those processes for another time and deal with a more imminent matter. I turned to find Alexis pivot in her seat and open the truck door before Carlos could assist. By the time he arrived she’d started on her way to the door, strutting her long bare legs and plump mounds along the way.

  I let myself out, placed an arm on the top of the roof and the other on the frame of the door while leaving one leg in the truck as I faced her leaving.

  Carlos glanced at me, sporting a sheepish grin. “I’m sorry, sir. I guess I moved too slow.”

  Agreeing on the awkwardness of it all and seeing she wasn’t upset when we left the church, I jeered, “Women.”

  Carlos chuckled at that. As I returned inside of the truck to retrieve my things my phone sounded. I dismissed Carlos and as I pulled it out, I noticed a new bed of flowers in the center of driveway, around the fountain. My phone continued to ring and when I went to address it, I recognized my father’s name and answered.

  “Bishop Carmichael,” I greeted while walking over to the cemented structure to inspect the new ornaments.

  “Son, you didn’t collect offering and you left service before the place was empty.” I heard the disproval in his voice right away.

  Unperturbed, I replied, “The atmosphere was highly charged that collecting offering didn’t seem appropriate. You saw the prayer line flooded with burdened souls. It would’ve changed the direction the Spirit led us into.” I realized immediately after service what I’d omitted from the typical itinerary. We’d collected offering during the first service, but the second took on a different pace. I was prepared to remind him how we could go six months without collecting offering and stay afloat, but digressed. Only having his last grievance to address, I added, “I left service when it ended, sir. The place is never empty when we end service.” I made a play on words, reveling in puerility.

  I bent to gain a closer view at the colorful miniature garden. It was just yesterday that I’d finally gotten around to turning over the soil and laying more down at Ms. Remah’s cantankerous request.

  “Don’t get flippant with me, young man! Offering is a key component to service. It’s an act of worship.” He was right about that, but missed the point I made about the need to deviate from the normal script to address wounded souls. I didn’t want to debate the issue. “And you know we were expecting you up in the Bishop’s Lounge to debrief like we always do after service. It was rude of you to leave! Your mother is upset by your slight, son.”

  I gave in to my sudden interest and felt the silky petals of the petite flowers between my fingers. They’re almost as smooth as my kitten’s delicate sienna skin, yet not quite. Nothing feels better against the pads of my fingers than her.

  “I meant no slight against mother and I’m sorry to have offended you,” I offered affably. I wouldn’t match his irritated state. In fact, my limbs had relaxed and I was finally back to my fleshly norm. “I needed to get home to tend to something of urgent importance to me. Please keep in mind that I’m still on administrative leave, accustoming to my new marriage. I complied with your eleventh-hour request to take over on Sunday mornings before my official resumption.”

  I could hear the huff and grunt of his annoyance over the line.

  “And your wife,” he referred to Alexis with his usual disdain. “She didn’t sit with us on the clergy pulpit. That’s not customary. She should be told where her proper seating is moving forward.”

  It didn’t bother me in the least that my father didn’t welcome Alexis. I didn’t marry her to suit his needs of tradition and image. I wedded her to address my need of companionship, so I wouldn’t end up like him, a serial philanderer. I’d still been conditioning her, something I left to address immediately after exiting the pulpit to tend to. Alexis was trembling with palpable lust when I ran into her, it literally dripped from her.

  Reining in my growing impatience, I evenly informed, “You’ve asked that I take over as pastor and I agreed. You asked that I push up the date of installation, I acquiesced. You requested that I prematurely return and resume my role as head speaker, I complied. In return, you will allow my wife the time she needs to get acclimated to her new role at Redeeming Souls as she will not be rushed to conform by anyone, sir.” I rose from my hunched position prepared to end this conversation. When the Bishop didn’t reply right away, I took my cue. “Please give mother my highest regards
and let her know I’ll call her this week. Good evening, Bishop.”

  With a little hesitation, he forfeited. “Good evening, sir.”

  I took a fortifying breath before heading into the house. I didn’t want to bring what could have been the start of an ill-mood anywhere near Alexis. She was to serve as my sanctuary from the propaganda of ministry. I didn’t need her dismayed so soon. As soon as I closed the front door, I was hit with the pleasant scent of herbs and garlic. I ambled into the kitchen, experiencing the aroma increasingly with each step. I expected to see Ms. Remah. Instead I was met with what appeared to have been an untouched kitchen but for the couple of covered pots on the Viking stove. She must have cooked then wiped the place down spotless. I heard rustles in the dining room and headed there. That’s where I found her stirring some aromatic concoction in one of the fancy ceramic chaffing dishes aligning the buffet using a stainless steel serving spoon.

  She must have sensed movement then her eyes landed on me with cool regard and she turned back to the dish. I could swear to seeing her eyes roll away from me.

  “Smells good,” I attempted.

  She let out a hard huff that jerked her round belly. “Still hot, but I wun’t heat t’ese t’ings up on here. T’ey catch fire. So yuh guys better eat soon if yuh hungry.”

  Mechanically, I nodded my acknowledgement. I was still trying to adjust to Ms. Remah’s grumpy yet fostering nature. I knew she was important to Alexis and that was my sole motive for inviting her into my home. I now had to get accustomed to her eccentric energy being around.

  I left the kitchen in search of my bride, along the way, stopping into my office to put my satchel away before taking to my bedroom. Once upstairs, I walked into an empty bedroom; even the sitting area was vacant. I made my way into the en suite bathroom and didn’t see her there either. I returned downstairs in case I missed her on my way up. I searched the living room, sitting room, powder room, my office again and didn’t find her anywhere.

  When I made my way back into the kitchen, I found Ms. Remah, hunched over, checking something in the stove.

  “Have you seen Alexis, Ms. Remah?”

  Without peering up, she grumbled, “In de basement, I tink.”

  I felt my face wrinkling. How long had she been down there? Why was she down there? And why hadn’t Ms. Remah told me that when I saw her earlier? All these questions and more coursed my racing mind as I ambled to the back of the house. Sure enough, the door was unlocked.

  How irresponsible of her.

  I was sure to close and lock the door behind me. I assumed Alexis had spoken to Ms. Remah about this part of the house being off limits to her—and the rest of the world—but I couldn’t risk her morbid curiosity. I skipped down the steps, my own inquisitiveness gripping me at the neck.

  Did she leave something down here during our last session?

  Alexis was always invited to the basement, but she never elected to roam down here of her own free will.

  My brain stopped, jarred, before my steps faltered. I sucked in a harsh breath, unable to believe what I saw. My raging erection returned in an instant, filling me with stunning pleasure. I could feel the insatiable beast in me rising, naturally inclining to the idea of what Alexis was presenting. My little kitten was laid on the floor, completely nude, kneeling with her arms overhead, exposing the structure of her spine. Her cacao casing glistened under the soft lights and her body trembling with the perfect sensual combination of fear and anticipation.

  Stunned into muted admiration, I rounded her like a caged feral animal to fully cognize what was taking place. When I did, irrefutable pride burst in my chest. My stubborn kitten was now an embolden lioness.

  “Beloved, I’m impressed,” I affirmed with cool aplomb. “You never fail to delight me, but this…” I susurrated, my erection turning painful. “I didn’t anticipate your eagerness down here.” I quickly questioned the continuance of training her to crave this twisted penchant for dark sensuality.

  She didn’t speak. She’s not to speak down here; only scream cries of pleasure.

  “I am pleased,” I whispered in her ear, now on my haunches. Then I spoke louder, “I was exhausted after preaching two morning services consecutively, and had planned on coming home to relax before taking you vanilla style. But this…” I growled again, observing the lifts and heavy falls of her dainty shoulders. “Now, what shall I do with you? What would please my beloved?” My fingers raked over the visible lining of her spine. “What will bring you pleasure?”

  Alexis’ head sprouted up.

  “You may speak,” I granted while tracing the seam of her mouth with my thumb.

  Her eyes darkened a few hues in that instant. “Whatever pleases you, sir,” she murmured, words vibrating with sheer fear.

  My head straightened to align my eyes with hers.

  “Very well.” I stood. “Go stand at the foot of the bed and face the wall.”

  Alexis scrambled to her knees, taking long strides across the room. I took the time to stretch, come up with a plan of sensual pleasure, and prepare mentally for a scene. My body was weary. After weeks without exerting the type of energy required for the pulpit on Sundays, my stamina had waned. I began removing my clothes unhurriedly, contemplating. My mind reeled with many things, particularly marveling at my kitten’s newfound aggression. I neatly unfastened my cuffs, removed and folded my shirt, and lay it over a chair, then began undoing my belt. I eyed the room, inventorying my options for play. By the time I stepped out of my pants, I heard her moan in impatience.

  “You wait!” I growled across the room. “If you rush me again, you won’t be able to sit for a week! I’ll make sure of it, kitten.”

  Alexis didn’t respond, and wisely. All that could be heard from her, across the room was her heavy breathing. Though my tone was terse, her audacity further aroused me, inciting me to move faster. En route to her, I grabbed the hoister hanging from the ceiling and its remote, pulling it over to the bed where Alexis’ long toned thighs stood, shivering with anticipation. Fear.

  On the way, I grabbed a set of leather cuffs off the workstation. When I made it to her, I gathered her wrist in front of her bare pelvis, swiping my index finger below her navel, earning a sharp moan from her. I applied the cuffs and planted a chaste kiss on her shoulder. Alexis’ breaths were coming out faster and louder. When my erection brushed against her rear, a shiver ran visibly from her head to the end of her spine.

  I smiled darkly.

  Pulling the hoist over until it hung suspended in front of her, I inserted the chain of the cuffs to the hook, securing it. Needing my last implement, I ambled back over to the workstation and retrieved a modest sized vibrator from the drawer. Then I mounted the bed and made my way to the top before turning and lying with my back to the mattress and my arms behind my neck expectantly.

  “Get on the bed, stand on your knees, beloved,” I ordered, hearing the longing in my voice.

  Shakily, she obeyed, shuffling onto the bed, her hands still politely at her pelvis line. With the push of a lever on the remote, Alexis’ arms raised slowly, the hoister bringing her bound wrists over her head when I stopped it.


  My dick twitched in response to the sight before me. I surveyed her body…nipples taut at the apex, chest still heaving and thighs clenching with need. Seemingly feeling helpless now in this posture, she began to whimper, and not in pain or overbearing fear, but in blissful capitulation of control.

  “Come to me, beloved,” I groaned, needing to feel her now.

  Alexis crawled gauchely on her knees desperate for me, too. I pulled her into a straddling position over my throbbing erection. She whimpered gutturally this time and I could feel her moist heat suffusing over my cock.

  “Someone’s in need, I see.” I plucked at her pebbled nipples. She arched as she groaned, eyes sealed closed.

  “Open to me, beloved!” I commanded as I leaped up into her face, anger that quickly surged in my veins. Her eyes popp
ed open. “This is us. If I didn’t want to see those enticing, round saucers, I would’ve blindfolded you. We’re here together.”

  I took to her gaping mouth, unable to resist at this proximity. I twirled my tongue, savagely pulling her passion from her. I didn’t wait for Alexis to warm to me; I took what I needed from her. And this Sunday afternoon she gave willingly. In no time, her tongue joined mine in a wicked dance. I grabbed her firm breasts that were pushing against my chest and pulled at the peaks of them, relishing her squirming over my arousal. Her torso twisted, arms pulling against the restraints. Then I withdrew, slowly lying back down on the mattress.

  Alexis bit her bottom lip, cautioning her protests. She was learning. Here is where I was in control. Her pleasure came at the pace I set. I pulled the vibrator from the side of the mattress, pushed the switch and placed it directly underneath her engorged clitoris.

  “Sluuuuuuuush…” she pulled in air through clenched teeth.

  “Enjoy it, beloved,” I soothed, prepared to allow her immediate release.

  I didn’t mind giving this to her, her pleasure without delay. Again, my body was still recovering from earlier and I could enjoy the show of my wife losing her mind in tortured ecstasy. I delighted as she started to grind against the device, against me, chasing her release. Yet, I was testing her. It would only be a matter of time before she’d meet her crossroads.

  I watched raptly as my beloved experienced unmeasured pleasure, defenseless to the zings of stimulation shooting through her helpless frame. To up the ante, I fondled her perfectly globular breasts. So firm, so full. So mine. The inclusion of that stimulus propelled Alexis to the edge.

  And just when I thought she’d fail and remind me she was still only a novice yet, she croaked out of breath, “Permission to come, sir!” with urgency.

  A broad smile etched onto my face and an even bigger one in my chest.

  “You may, beloved,” I granted throatily. “It’ll be my pleasure.”

  And she did. Alexis bounced and jerked on my lap, crying out madly.


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