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The Doctor's Bargain

Page 12

by Samanthya Wyatt

  “Oh. I’d forgotten.”

  “It’s a big deal. As in formal.” He looked at her as if she didn’t know what formal meant.

  There she went, judging.

  “I guess I need to pull my tux out of the closet.”

  “You own a tux?”

  “Yes.” His expression grew hard and that frown was back. What had she said to piss him off this time?

  “Of course, I should have known. I suppose you’re used to such upscale occasions.”

  “I’ve been to more than my fair share, I’ll admit.”

  “Big time doctor. Big City. Too many to count?” She couldn’t help herself. And she’d just agreed to a truce.

  “If I wanted to remain in the big city, I would have.” Uh-oh. Even his voice got louder.

  “I wonder. What brought you to our little neck of the woods?”

  He blew out a frustrated sigh. “I grew tired of . . . big events.”

  Just like that his voice gentled. Maybe he really was trying. Maybe something in his past made him lash out.

  “I’m actually looking forward to this one,” he said pensively.

  “Really? Why’s that?”

  He shrugged. “A number of reasons. I suppose one would be that I know a lot of the people attending.”

  “From Pittsburg,” she said, not as a question.

  “Mostly. Doctors from all over the state and a few upstanding New Yorkers. Some are my former patients. Their families are wealthy, and they’re always happy to donate to a worthy cause. You will be rubbing elbows with the elite of the elite.”

  “Formal. I got the message, Doc. I won’t embarrass you.” He closed his eyes, and she saw his hands fist. “Can I ask you something?” Seeing him nod, she went on. “Why do you dislike me? For the life of me, I can’t figure out what I did?”

  He dropped his head, avoiding her eyes.

  “I’d like to know,” she said softly.

  I really like you. Help me out here.

  “Sandi. You didn’t do anything. It’s me.”

  “Oh no, you did not just say that. It’s so cliché. It’s not you, it’s me. It sounds like a bad break up. Are we breaking up?”

  “What? No.”

  “Then why?” Oh damn. Her eyes burned. Why did this guy make her so emotional?

  ~ ~ ~

  Doug forgot what he’d been about to say. She looked so damn helpless, so distraught, he feared she would burst into tears any minute.


  This was not going the way he’d planned.

  Pretend girlfriend. He needed to remember this was all a charade, which was hard to do when the woman you shouldn’t want was the exact one you did.

  “Time to lay the cards on the table.” He turned his body facing her. “I had a number of things I wanted to speak with you about, but this was not one of them.” He’d rather keep this private, but he found himself wanting to tell Sandi.

  “My last relationship, well . . .”

  “Go on.”

  “Shit. It was a bad breakup. A lot of the doctors who will be attending the hospital charity event knew about it.”

  “They knew the woman?”

  “Yes. As my girlfriend, you will be expected to attend the charity. Everyone will want to meet you.”

  “Are you saying I’ll be on display?!”

  “Calm down. That’s not exactly what I meant.” He had lost his ability to be manipulated after Cherry, yet Sandi tugged at his protective instincts.

  “What exactly did you mean?”

  He shoved a hand through his hair. This had gotten way off course.

  “Sandi. Will you hear me out?”

  She puffed out her cheeks, reminding him of his nephew having a temper tantrum.

  “From the beginning, please.”

  He gave her a glare, hoping to shut her up. “I came over here because I wanted to talk about us being in public. While we were at Sheldon’s, I realized we really need to work on this. If we can’t fool them, we’ll never convince Sharon Talbert.”

  “I don’t want to fool anyone. Especially my friends.”

  “I don’t either, but will you please listen?” He waited for her nod. “I thought we could at least discuss our behavior. How we conduct ourselves around each other. Maybe practice. And just now I realized we have to do this because of the charity event. A hundred eyes will be on us.”

  “Practice what?”

  “A couple in a relationship should touch.” Her eyes flew wide, but she kept her mouth shut. “If you can’t stand my touch, then we’re doomed.” She chewed on her plump lip, and damn if he didn’t want to reach over and haul her onto his lap. He felt the stirring behind his zipper. “Maybe hold hands, or there might be times I would take your elbow.”

  “Oh, I get it. Barracuda will be there.”

  “Yes. I think we should practice.”


  It might kill him, but . . . “Yes. I think you should know my touch and get used to it. If you recoil as though I’m a snake about to strike every time I come near you, the jig is up.”

  “How . . . what do you want to do?”

  My God. Everything.

  He shook the lustful thoughts from his mind and tried to concentrate. He lifted his hand and gently touched the back of hers with one finger.

  “There. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  She didn’t resist or smack his hand away, so he grew bolder, stroking his finger over her wrist and watching her eyes as he glided up her arm. Her skin was smooth, just like he knew it would be. He’d gone maybe six inches and her panicked expression softened. The tip of her tongue peeked between her lips.

  Holy hell.

  The movement aroused him. Riveted him. If he touched her the way he wanted, he’d come in his jeans. He needed to focus. He lifted her hand, turning it over and resting her knuckles in his palm. Using the same finger, he drew circles in her palm. She gasped and jerked away.

  “See. You don’t like my touch.” He spoke a lie, considering her flush. She couldn’t hide her reaction, her desire. But he goaded her, wanting her to admit her awareness. Her attraction.

  “I, uh . . . no, that’s not so.”

  “You jerked away.”

  “It . . . I’m not a virgin,” she huffed. “You know exactly what you did to me.”

  He gave her a lazy smile. “Will you continue with our bargain?”

  “Do you want me to?”

  “Very much.”


  Why indeed?

  “I’m the new doctor in town. Fresh meat. Flaunting you as my girlfriend keeps the vultures away. I explained all this at the restaurant. I haven’t changed my mind.”


  “I still think we need to—”


  “Yes. May I touch you again?”

  She stood. “This is moving too slow. I’m not going to break.”

  Sandi had spunk. He liked it.

  “Well, stand up.”

  Bossy, too. He stood.

  She continued, “At the ball there will be dancing. Let’s dance.”

  His gut tightened at the way her brow furrowed while concentrating. “Do you have music?”

  “This won’t take long. We don’t need music.”

  When had he lost control of the situation? She held out her hand, and he held back a laugh at the comical sight she made. No problem. He had this.

  He took her in his arms and immediately got a reality check.

  Wrong. Dead wrong.

  Soft curves molded to his body. Her hand rested on his shoulder, and when she leaned close, he smelled a fragrance so enticing
he could not describe it. She always smelled good. Like coconut, but softer now. More alluring. He wondered if the stuff was magical. How else could he explain his longing?

  She moved her feet and tugged him into motion. She had taken the lead. Nope. Not happening. He gripped her waist and whirled her around. She laughed, a chiming sound that was music to his soul. He swayed, then turned, and she kept up with every step.

  “You’re a good dancer,” he told her.

  “Considering there’s no music, I’m ecstatic with your compliment. You’re a really good dancer.”

  “Lots of charity events.” He started to hum. “I guess you can tolerate my touch.”

  In answer she leaned into him, her hot body full against his. He liked having her head on his shoulder. When her fingers toyed with the hair on the back of his neck, he wondered if she knew what she was doing. It felt so right.

  She felt so right.

  He stopped and put some distance between them before she could feel his erection.

  For all the good it did.

  Her intoxicating perfume only stirred his heavy breathing. A vision of arresting beauty, a stimulating, bantering wit, and now he knew what it felt like to hold her. She twisted his insides, in ways he never thought possible.

  She laid those baby blues on him and desire hit him full force.

  The world disappeared. The light in the room grew dim.

  He forgot everything but the need to taste her.

  Chapter 14

  Sandi smiled back, putting every sensual vibe she could into her expression. Doug’s eyes darkened with intensity. She swallowed a gulp, watching his expression change.

  No longer scowling. No longer cold. He gazed at her from underneath those long lashes, penetrating her senses, searing her soul.

  Heat crawled up her neck, a burning ache followed in its path. All she saw was Doug, staring at her with a power that stole her breath. Her heart pounded as if she’d run a marathon, when all she tried to do was breathe.

  His hands cupped her face, his brown eyes glittering, piercing, while his lips parted and hovered. His chest rose and fell in deep breaths as warm air caressed her cheek. His touch sensual, he drew her, seduced her. She fell under his spell. The tendons of his neck taut beneath her hands, she held onto him like a life-line, afraid to blink, afraid to . . . All she could think about was how much she wanted him to kiss her. Then he lowered his head, closer . . . closer . . .

  She closed her eyes, and finally his lips pressed against hers. She leaned into him, welcoming, opening up to him. He tasted so good, and she’d waited so long to experience his kiss.

  His tongue teased, slowly tracing her full lips and the corner of her mouth, then erotically slipping inside. Her legs shook, her body trembling. He refused to be hurried as he stroked his tongue leisurely. The more his mouth moved over hers, the harder it was to remember his moments of disdain. She stood on her tiptoes, her fingers digging into his shoulders then into his hair, her heart racing as he clasped her closer.

  Heat rushed from her face, down her throat, between her aching breasts.

  He took her mouth with total abandon, until she thought of nothing but the kiss. His soft beard enticed, his lips and tongue ardent. Frantic. A kiss so electric, her chest squeezed, and an ache gnawed in her belly. His kiss deepened, his tongue swirled around hers in a dance of immoral sin. Exploring, taking, giving, until she was breathless. She whimpered, her body going limp.

  The need to cling to him, bond with him, never let him go, engulfed her. A desire so fierce, it stunned her.

  He eased the kiss and drew back. Cold air hit her face as she gasped for air. Without him wrapped around her, she wasn’t sure she could stand on her own. Dazed with pleasure. Staggered with an emotion totally alien to her. Astounded by the fierce sensations his kiss evoked. Aroused out of her mind, and a tad confused.

  She’d been lost.

  Completely consumed with desire.

  ~ ~ ~

  She stood before him, her naked body flushed. She caressed his chest with her fingers, then with her breasts. Unable to control the fire thrumming through his blood, he cradled the back of her neck, crashing his mouth over hers, parting her lips with his tongue while he pushed his erection into her softness. When he could take no more, he slid inside, loving the sound of her hungry gasp in his ear. He brought her to the edge, and one last thrust sent her careening over the top. She quavered and cried out in a high-pitched wail.

  Doug woke, hard and throbbing. His heart beat fast, his temple pounded, trying to keep up. His chest rose and fell with each haunting breath.


  The kiss.

  He groaned and punched his pillow. It didn’t stop the pang of longing that lingered.

  Three AM. He might as well get up. If he spent another minute in this bed craving a woman he knew he shouldn’t want, he’d go out of his mind.

  He threw back the covers and climbed out of bed. Since he wouldn’t get any sleep tonight, he might as well make coffee. He added water, filled the container, and flicked the switch. In seconds the aroma he craved filled the tiny room.

  What had he done?

  An intense pull like gravity, stronger than he could resist, had lured him in. It clawed him with its talons and filled him with a craving that would not be denied. He’d suppressed the voice in the back of his mind telling him to stop. She’d captivated him, hypnotized him, speared a need in him so fierce he thought he would die if he didn’t kiss her.

  Just one taste.

  Nothing in the world could have stopped him.

  She’d tasted divine, melted in his arms like hot syrup over a stack of pancakes. And he ate it up. Every sigh, every moan . . . How he’d had the strength to stop, he’d never know.

  After a kiss like that, how would one taste ever be enough?

  The woman was pure temptation.

  The last time he’d given in to his impulses, he’d made a huge mistake that he regretted every day. Thinking of Cherry and the way she’d hurt him sobered his lust. The kind of relationship he craved was far different from Sandi’s plans. He refused to fall victim to another gold digger.

  Yet, the joke was on him.

  The bargain.

  Sandi had gone out on a limb for him, pretending to be his girlfriend. Dumb schmuck that he was, he wanted it to be real. Long into the night, all he could think about was burying himself inside her. But he wouldn’t let that happen. Couldn’t let that happen.

  The coffee done, he poured the steaming black brew into a mug, then carried it to the window, looking out at the black night. He spent a lot of his evenings and early morning hours standing in this space. It had become a pondering glass. One he stood in front of, looked through, and contemplated the workings of his mind. The woman. The kiss. The ache.

  How could she look so innocent? Her stunning blue eyes were full of questions, uncertainties, doubts; no more than his own reservations. The stunned expression on her face had to resemble his own. Although, since coming to this quaint little town, he’d learned to mask his feelings quite well.

  He’d been staggered by her reaction. Stupefied by his own response. Flustered, which was something Douglas Baker never suffered. But that kiss had rattled him to the point of speechlessness. He’d managed to mutter something, maybe goodnight. He knew better than to apologize or say it should not have happened. The woman was his girlfriend, for Christ’s sake. He was not apologizing for kissing her.

  He took a gulp of coffee and analyzed his thoughts.

  Why did Sandi have this effect on him when he fought it with everything he had?

  Was that why she appealed to him? Because things that should be off-limits were more desirable.

  No. He knew better. He could have her anytime he wanted her.


  Even though she’d been pliant in his arms, he should not consider her an easy mark. But she’d felt so good. She responded like a woman made for kissing, almost like she was made for him. He fell into their kiss, so fast, so hard, he could have kissed her forever.

  He did want her. Last night he’d wanted her with every fiber of his being.

  Thank God he’d come to his senses.

  ~ ~ ~

  Doug paused in the doorway of Sandi’s office. At first, confusion entered her mind. Disbelief filled her when she realized that he was actually there, with his T-shirt stretched tight across his nicely toned chest. For a doctor, this man was sculpted.

  Umm umm, she’d like to see him with his shirt off. Last night, it almost happened.

  She blinked, wondering if he knew the thoughts racing through her mind. She’d actually begun to enjoy their time together before he freaked out over that kiss.

  The kiss.

  The one she’d been mulling over all morning. Oh yeah. He’d freaked. He tried not to show it, to brush it off as practice. As though it meant nothing. But she’d bet her Starbucks he’d been in it just as deep.

  Immersed in his kiss, she’d barely been aware of their surroundings. If he hadn’t stopped, there was no doubt in her mind that they would have ended up in her bedroom. Or on the floor. Things had gotten pretty hot, pretty quick.

  Reality check. She was nothing more than a fix to an already forgotten problem.

  But there he stood, watching her. It drove her nuts. He made her question her sanity. Did he want her, or was he secretly plotting to get rid of her? To cover any embarrassment from last night, the best thing to do would be to act normal. As if the kiss had not happened.

  Yeah. Right.

  “Hiding from the Barracuda?” she asked.

  “Now why would you think that?”

  “I can’t think of any other reason you’d be here. Unless you’re looking for a new house.”

  “The rental is fine for now,” he said, stepping into her space.


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