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The Doctor's Bargain

Page 14

by Samanthya Wyatt

  “You’re beautiful. You’re hot. You’re gorgeous. Today you could use some sleep.”

  “Do I have bags under my eyes?”

  He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees.

  “Look, Honey. You worked like the devil was chasing your tail yesterday, never coming up for air. I don’t know what demon is on your back, but you won’t shake it by killing yourself at work. Take it from one who knows.”

  She popped four pills and took a swallow of coffee to chase them down. Her stomach rolled.

  “Sweetheart, you look green. Are you going to hurl?”

  Tears burned her eyes. Gary got up and closed the door. He strode behind her desk and pulled her from her chair, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Let it out. Don’t hold back.”

  She stood there and just let Gary hold her. It felt good to have someone comfort her. To have someone not reject her.

  She gave him a squeeze, then pushed away. “I’m okay. I haven’t slept.”

  He leaned down to meet her eyes. “My reputation might say otherwise, but you can talk to me. I’ll hold you and let you rattle on, but I won’t let you take advantage of me.”

  She smiled. “Aw shucks. What good are you then?”

  He stood there studying her a few more moments.

  “Why don’t you take the day off? There isn’t anything here that can’t wait.”

  “I don’t need—”

  “Yes, you do. You need someone to tell you to get the hell out of here and go home. And don’t take any more pills. All right?”

  “They’re ibuprofen.”

  “Too many will upset your stomach. And get something to eat. I’ll take you home if you want.”

  She patted his cheek. “Anyone ever tell you you’re an old softy?”

  “God, no. And I’m not old.” He winked.

  “I’m exhausted. I think I’ll take you up on the day off.”

  “Make it two. You don’t need to come in tomorrow either. And if you do, I will march you right back home.”

  He glared at her. Gary had nothing on Doug. Gary looked like a man pretending to be mad, whereas Doug’s anger was real.

  Pretending. Yep. The story of her life.

  Her stomach rolled again. Too much coffee and too much ibuprofen. She needed to eat.

  ~ ~ ~

  After food and a shower, Sandi was feeling better. She’d barely pulled on some clothes when her cell rang.

  “What’s wrong? Are you sick?” Regina was like a little mother hen. She needed some children of her own.

  “No. Gary just gave me the day off.”

  “Oh. When I heard you went home sick, I was worried.”

  “You can always send Sheldon on a house call.”

  “You’ve got your own doctor.”

  Of course, she meant Doug.

  “Did he tell you?” Regina asked.


  “Doug.” Naturally, Regina would think Doug talked to her every day. She probably thought he’d spent the night.

  “Tell me what?”

  “He lost a patient.”

  The news hit her like a punch to the chest. “No. When?”


  Yesterday? No wonder Regina thought she already knew. How was she going to handle this? Damn, she hated lying.

  “He called to cancel our date. I thought he had a late patient appointment.”

  “He did. This was later. It . . . it was Mr. Williams.”

  “Harold Williams?”


  Sandi collapsed onto the side of the bed. “He’s . . .”

  “A very dear man,” Regina said, her voice full of sympathy.

  “Yeah. He was pleasant and kind to everyone.” Sandi hated using the past tense, especially for Mr. Williams.

  “Sheldon said Doug had gotten really attached to the old man in the short time he’s been here. Harold didn’t show up for an appointment, so when the office closed, Doug went to his house. He’s the one who found him.”

  The hair stood up on the back of her neck. “Found him?”

  “Yeah. Harold was lying on his kitchen floor. Doug called 911.”

  Found him? How awful, for a man to die alone. She pictured Harold on the floor, calling for help, with no one there to hear him. Tears burned her eyes.

  What about Doug? Sure, doctors were trained for such things, but to find him . . .

  “Regina. You said Doug found him.”

  “I don’t know the details. Just that Doug went to Harold’s house. I think he suspected something. I mean, why else would he go?”

  “To see if he needed a doctor? To make sure Harold was all right?”

  “I guess.”

  “How . . .” Should she ask. She didn’t care if she sounded suspicious. “How is Doug? Is he all right?”

  “He’s at work. I’m surprised you haven’t talked to him. You better call him before he calls the office and finds you gone like I did. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Regina, I’m fine. I’m more concerned about Doug.”

  “Right. Well, I’ll let you go.”

  “Thanks for letting me know. I guess Doug wanted to handle this by himself.”

  “He does seem to be a private man. The broody ones usually are.”

  “Broody? I can’t believe you said that.”

  “I like Doug. But he is broody.”

  “And you wonder why I have a problem with him?”



  “Had. Had.”

  “Glad you two straightened all that out.”

  She couldn’t get any deeper into this subject. “I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Sandi bit her bottom lip, trying to decide what to do. She had to call him. She had to hear his voice. More than likely he’d already forgotten the kiss.

  The kiss.

  Before she traveled down that forbidden road, she punched the numbers to his cell. Not expecting him to answer, she was surprised when he did.



  “I’m sorry to bother you at your work, but I just heard about Mr. Williams.”

  “I guess Regina told you he was my patient.”

  “Yeah. She also told me you found him. I’m so sorry.”

  He didn’t answer right away. When his voice came over the line, he sounded tired. She suspected he was troubled with grief.

  “When he didn’t show up for his appointment, I got concerned. The man is always early and flirts with the girls like crazy.”

  She wanted to ask Doug if he was okay, but would that show too much weakness? How could she express her concern without insulting his character?

  “Sheldon is closing the office tomorrow for his funeral.”

  “If you’d like, I’ll go with you.”

  “You will?” Was that surprise she heard in his voice? Did he want her to go?

  “Isn’t that what girlfriends do?”

  “Look, Sandi. You don’t need to go with me as my pretend girlfriend. I’m perfectly capable of going to a funeral by myself.”

  His tone chilled her. She wanted to be there. She wanted to go for him. She needed him to hold her.

  She sucked back her tears.

  “I really liked Harold. He was a very dear man.”

  “You knew him? Of course, you did. Small town. Everybody knows everybody.”

  “Yes, I knew him.” It felt strange using past tense. “Those women in the office weren’t the only ones he flirted with. He had the hearts of half the women in the county.”

  “Including you?”

p; “Including me.”

  The silence lasted only a few seconds before he spoke again.

  “I’ll call you tonight and let you know when I’ll pick you up.”

  Sandi stared at the phone in her hand.

  They would be there for each other.

  Chapter 17

  Blessed be the one it rains upon.

  Doug had heard that as a child, and he still remembered the saying. Harold must be one of the Sanctified, because it was raining buckets. One hand held the umbrella and the other was linked with Sandi. She’d surprised him when she slipped her hand into his. At this point, he wasn’t sure who needed comfort more.

  Harold had made an impression on him. But then, the rest of the town must have formed the same opinion. By the turnout, Harold had an impact on everyone’s life. He’d been called courageous, pleasant, friendly, sympathetic. Not one person had anything negative to say about the man.

  The service ended and Doug escorted Sandi to the car. She rode with him, and he was glad for her company. He didn’t want to think about their relationship. At the moment, he was tired of pretense.

  Silence stretched between them as he drove her home. The rain had let up by the time he pulled into her driveway. He didn’t give a damn if anyone was looking, he wanted to walk her to her door.

  “Would you come in?”

  Not ‘would you like to come in.’ He heard her words as a plea. He gave a nod, even though she didn’t look up, and followed her inside.

  “I’ll fix us some coffee,” she said as he took her coat.

  “Let me do that for you.” Anything he could do to help her.

  “It’s no trouble. I have a Keurig.”

  He watched her drop a pod into the machine and press the button. She sniffled, slashing an ache in his heart. He stepped behind her and pulled her into his arms. She embraced him with little encouragement.

  Her hands slid around his waist, and he sighed into her hair. Home, warmth, comfort—several emotions all rolled into one bled through him.

  His heart dropped to his knees.

  Holding this woman felt more right than anything in his life ever had. His hands caressed, his chest absorbed her cushiony warmth. Sentiment and desire swelled, creating a sensation between harmony and lust.

  The scent of her hair enticed him further into his haze of desire. He brushed his cheek over the silky texture, pressing her head into the curve of his neck. Hunger started in the pit of his belly and flared like lava flowing though his veins. The creature he wanted, dreamed about, was here in his arms.

  He pressed a kiss to her temple, her cheek. A little moan escaped from her lips. He couldn’t think, couldn’t gather his wits with Sandi in his arms. He raised his head, willing her to look up, willing her to say yes.

  The storm in her eyes matched the ache in his gut. Unable to hold back, he crushed his mouth down on hers. She met him eagerly, kissing him back, her hands clutching his shoulders, encouraging him to go on. His tongue ran over the seam of her lips, then pressed inside. She tasted like coffee and cake and willing woman. He stroked, licked, explored her wonderful mouth. He kissed her long and hard, probing deep with his tongue until neither of them could breathe.

  He broke the kiss. Her short and shallow breaths were pleasing to his ears. God, this woman enticed him. The temptation she presented was too much to resist.

  Her fingers slid through his hair, gripping the back of his head, tugging him back for more. He cupped her face in his hands and held her immobile as he caressed and coaxed and made love to her with his mouth. His hands skimmed over her hips and to the back of her butt, holding her tight against the bulge in his pants. She met him, moved her hips with him as he thrust through their clothing. Her whimper snapped his last thread of control.

  He grabbed her thighs and hiked her up without breaking the kiss. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Against his own will, he craved her touch. Needed her as he needed his next breath. He welcomed the ache. Yearned for it. Yearned for something he thought she could give him.

  Their lips sealed together before he could ask which way to the bedroom, and then he thought to hell with it. He’d find it. The only thing that mattered was making love to this woman. Right now.

  Without any problem, he staggered down the hallway and found a bed. He didn’t give a shit whose bed. It was there. He fell to the mattress and landed on his side, her legs still curved around him. He brushed her hair from her neck and settled his lips there, licking, kissing, then nibbling.

  His body half on top hers, he worked the top of her dress over her shoulders, leaving a trail of kisses as he slid the garment down.

  Without a word, she slid from his grasp and pushed up from the bed. She kept her gaze on him as the dress slithered free, then she stood in her bra and panties. He gulped, damn near swallowing his tongue.

  The woman was perfection. Creamy flesh overflowed the cups of her skimpy lace, matching the pink bikini panties. Her breasts thrust forward as she placed her arms behind her, then her mounds sprung free as the skimpy thing slid down her arms. He groaned and curved his lips upward in approval. He held his breath, watching her slip her thumbs under the elastic of her panties.

  He wanted to rip them off with his teeth, grab her and throw her on the bed, thrust his way home. Instead, he paused, every nerve drawn tight like a rubber band. Wanting to snap.

  “Wait,” he heard himself say. “Leave them on. I want to take them off.”

  Her eyes grew wide, and her perfect lips formed an “O.” He sat up and realized he still had his suit jacket on. He quickly tugged the thing off and went to work on the buttons of his shirt. He jerked it out from his pants and it was gone. His belt and pants followed, leaving his underwear. They stood facing each other.

  He ran a long finger down her throat to the swell of one breast, lingering, watching her chest rise and fall before he circled around her areole and caressed the curve underneath. Perfection. His mouth grew dry with want. He could hardly believe he was touching her, his hand caressing her satiny flesh. Sliding lower, his fingers trailed down her taut tummy to her navel. Her belly quivered. He glanced up to see her holding her breath.

  Satisfaction tilted his lips. Sandi liked his touch, and it was a heady feeling knowing that he had the power to make her weak.

  He kissed her cheek and murmured into her ear, “I want to feel you against me.”

  Another thrill raced down his spine at feeling her tremble, knowing his words held power, too. He nibbled idly at her lips, listening to her soft intake of breath.

  “I want to touch you, too.” Her voice, barely above a whisper, curled a knot in his belly.

  God yes.

  He slid his hands up her back and pulled her with him on the bed. Her glorious breasts melded with his skin, her weight on his, pushing him into the pillowed cushion. Sensual, so sensual.


  She was here, giving. His for the taking.

  He took her mouth in a desperate kiss, the tip of his tongue delving, enticing, seducing. He changed the angle and she gripped the back of his head. She tasted so sweet. The curve of her neck so delicate, her skin like satin, he ran his thumb over her collar bone and again, she trembled.

  He kissed his way across her cheek, sucked the lobe of her ear into his mouth and gave a gentle nip, then a lick, before descending down the side of her neck.

  He rolled over her, his elbows resting on the bed, caging her in. Her puckered nipples begged him to touch, to taste. He covered one mound with his palm, rubbing a thumb over the tip, and she rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, her pink tongue peeking out to sooth the bite. His dick leaped with arousal. God, she was responsive. Every sound grabbed his gut, and he reveled in it. He ached to devour but forced himself to go slow.

He traced a hand over her full breasts and down her stomach, thinking her skin exquisite, soft, kissable, lickable. He watched her expression, her eyes glittering and her plump lips puckering as he slipped lower. He hooked his thumb in the elastic of her panties and held her gaze as he tugged them down her thighs.

  You’re beautiful, he wanted to tell her, show her. He didn’t have the words. Only the need. She whimpered when his hands moved from the outside of her thighs to between her legs and continued moving upwards. Then his fingers slid over her mound, finding her slick and wet.

  She arched her hips. Lust claimed his brain. The world around them dissolved as he forgot everything but the need to possess her. He grabbed his wallet from his pants, searching for the packet he’d tucked in there long ago.

  He needed hard and fast and feverish, but he wanted it to last. So, he teased, provoked and seduced, until she was weak and desperate. He relished the hot woman beneath him responding with equal fervor. He wanted to feel her come undone.

  In one furious motion he buried himself inside her and swallowed her gasp. The breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t move. He willed his body to stay still and gritted his teeth at the sweet agony. He tried slowing his breathing, but the sensation of being inside her had his mind spinning like a tornado.

  He was drowning in her.

  His balls tightened and he thrust in rhythm, rocking, loving the incredible, sensual glide. Her hot skin, tight, so tight.


  She pulsed and panted and clung to him, giving him as much pleasure as he vowed to give her. She trembled with need. He buried his face between her breasts, wanting to feel, as well as hear, her frantic heartbeat.

  Emotions warred within. She was the first who really mattered, but he shoved his feelings aside. Nothing mattered but the glorious, erotic wonder of their joining.

  Driving himself into her with furious passion, he held her tight as he plunged and collided, and gave her everything he had. All inhibitions were lost as they rode the wave together, reaching for a mutual climax.


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