The Doctor's Bargain

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The Doctor's Bargain Page 20

by Samanthya Wyatt

  Sandi liked Nathan too. Could he be right about Doug? Why hadn’t he come to her house today? Seeing Nathan’s motion, she lifted her wineglass and clinked it with his.


  “Salut,” she mimicked. Then drained her glass and smiled as the waiter hurried to pour more.

  Chapter 24

  Doug strode back to his car, his feet like lead. He banged his fist on the steering wheel in frustration. The sound of a car down-shifting drew his attention. A Porsche sped by him and pulled in front of Sandi’s house.

  He watched Nathan swagger around to the passenger side. Watched as he took Sandi’s hand, then tucked it in his arm, keeping her close. Too damn close.

  Doug was out of his car before he knew it, his feet took off without his mind’s permission, striding across the lawn. When he saw Sandi in Nathan’s arms, he skidded to a halt. A red fiery haze blurred Doug’s vision as he battled with the blood roaring in his ears. Sweat beaded above his brows as he stared at the couple he wished he hadn’t seen locked in an embrace. His heart slammed against his chest.

  Was it only this afternoon when Sheldon sang her praises? When he’d convinced Doug of her innocence, her honorable character? When he’d swayed Doug, had him on his way to beg—yes, beg—for her forgiveness?

  “Looks like I was right after all,” he rasped, the killing pain crushing his windpipe. The two broke apart. Nathan called Doug’s name. There was no way in hell he was going to listen to anything either one of them had to say. He tugged at the tie choking him and spun on his heel.

  “Doug! Damn it.” An arm jerked him around. What kept him from swinging, he didn’t know. Nothing mattered anymore.

  Sandi stood behind Nathan, looking like she’d been shot.

  Doug had his answer. She’d didn’t care enough to explain their embrace. She’d found a bigger fish. A whale. He fought the urge to go to her, pissed that he even wanted to.

  “Don’t be an ass,” Nathan grumbled.

  “Me?!” Doug shouted, reacting in anger. And self-reproach. What could he say? He had been an ass. But to see Sandi in Nathan’s arms . . .

  “Have you forgotten our talk? Come on, Doug. You know me. I merely hugged her good night. You’re the one she wants.”

  Doug searched her pain-filled eyes. Could he believe what he saw? What he’d seen on her doorstep?

  You’re the one she wants.

  Oh, how he wanted to believe.

  “You’re a fool. You’re wearing shutters, man,” Nathan continued. “You can’t even see what’s right in front of you.”

  Doug stood there like a jackass. Waiting for Sandi to say . . . what? Anything. Something. He thrust a hand though his ragged hair and his gaze locked with Nathan. The cocksucker smirked. Like he’d won. Doug recognized the look, for he’d seen that very expression a hundred times.

  A cocky grin. Displaying the same facial expression as the other night.

  She’s a gold digger.

  I think you’re wrong.

  I’m not wrong.

  You are an asshole. A blind one at that.

  He shot a glance to Sandi, her pained expression ripping his guts. He did the only thing he could.

  He marched forward, bent, and grabbed her around the knees, slinging her over his shoulder. She screamed. Then pounded on his back. Then she didn’t move at all.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

  Nathan could kiss his ass. Actually, he should thank Nathan, but he’d deal with him later.

  Doug marched to her door, found it unlocked and entered, kicking it shut behind him. Only then, did he allow her to slide down his body, feeling every luscious curve, inch by inch.

  He expected her to rant, rave, hit him. Instead, she tossed her hair from her face and drew in a heavy breath, then just stood there. Chewing on her lip and looking adorably mussed.

  His dick hardened. Lifting one hand he ran his thumb over her bottom lip, releasing the flesh from her teeth. His blood began to thrum, and his pulse throbbed behind his zipper. Threading the other hand into her hair, he gripped the back of her head and drew her forward. She resisted. The battle for dominance fascinated him. He pulled, she pushed back with her head, using just enough force to defy him. The struggle and the challenge were clear in her eyes.

  Using gentle pressure, he drew her nearer, nearer, holding her gaze, watching her chest rise and fall with her breathing. Closer, ever so slowly, until they breathed each other’s air.

  “I’ve always been partial to stubborn females.”

  “Have you,” she whispered.

  Unable to stand one more second without the taste of her lips, his mouth covered hers.

  ~ ~ ~

  The heat in Doug’s gaze seared Sandi from head to toe. He was so hot, so intense. His thick muscles bunched. She took a shaky breath, then pressed her hands to the solid wall of his chest. She should be mad. But how could she be angry with a man who’d just thrown her over his shoulder and marked her with his brand?

  A grin spread across his face, sending her pulse into overdrive and leaving a sudden desire to shove her tongue down his throat. How had she forgotten he had such a heart-wrenching smile?

  His mouth came down hard on hers, giving her the kiss she wanted, the kind girls dreamed about. He kissed her as if there was no tomorrow, no yesterday. Just this moment.

  His gentle loving touch had kindled her desire. But this raw, hard, possessive approach sent her passions soaring. He rocked her against his arousal and groaned against her lips, his kiss devouring her completely. She clung to his biceps, marveling at how solid he was. She ached to feel him. Longed to feel his naked body against hers, feel him inside of her. He must have understood, for he hoisted her up, and she impatiently threw her legs around his waist.

  He marched down the hall, taking her exactly where she wanted to go.


  Only Doug made her burn.

  Only Doug could bring out the wanton in her.

  Only Doug could fill the whole he’d carved in her soul.

  “You’re mine,” Doug growled between kisses.

  Yes. Most definitely yes.

  He tossed her onto the bed and jerked out of his clothes. He’d ignored her for days, but she was too happy now, to care. As his chest came into view, she ran her tongue over her bottom lip. Damn, the man was hot. He ripped at his pants and his erection burgeoned into full view. Hard and long and ready.

  Then he was on her. Kissing and tearing at her clothes. Where before he’d been slow and gentle, he now raged with passion. His lips were everywhere, his hands groped and caressed and squeezed with just enough teasing, lust flooded her veins.

  He brushed his fingers over her belly and dipped lower. The pressure of his fingers against her entrance had her aching for more. Boldly she trapped his hand, showing him how much she wanted him to touch her.

  His fingers dipped relentlessly into her moist lips, her eyes rolling back in her head, and she shuddered.

  “You like that?”

  “You know I do.”

  “I do too,” he rasped just before he kissed her, slow and deep.

  She gasped her pleasure while relishing this exquisite moment with him. Holding her tight, he panted into her neck.

  “I love watching you. I love the little sounds you make. You know I’m crazy about you.”

  Her heart stopped beating and then raced full speed into her throat. Did he mean it? Then she lost all thought at being touched so intimately. She gripped his head and arched her hips. She had no thoughts, no coherent words, only mindless pleasure. Wanting more. Seeking more of his fingers, needing release.

  Panting now, she drew closer. His fingers found her sweet spot, and her need spiraled. Pleasure burned in her belly, then he
pressed his fingers inside and she cried out.

  “I want all of you,” he whispered. He reached over, fumbling with his pants, finding a foil packet. She watched as he sheathed himself, her nerves rippling down her spine.

  All the emotions that had been chasing her around for days descended on her, feeding her passion. Mindlessly she gave herself to Doug. Uncaring of repercussions. Uncaring of tomorrow or anything it might bring. There was only here. And now. And Doug.

  His teeth tugged her nipple, and in one smooth glide, he was inside. Her mind raced from arousal to wonder.

  Warmth filled her chest as he threaded his fingers though hers, their fingers linking, cementing a bond. He urged her to move with him, match his rhythm. He pushed himself deeper, his thrusts intensifying the ache, turning her craving to a ravenous hunger. A hunger only he could feed.

  He stroked in that rhythmic, sensual way, kissing her long and deep. Then his thrusts grew faster. Wilder. She gave over to the raging sensations. At the first bolt of pleasure, he took advantage, thrusting his tongue in her mouth. Sparks burst from her center and rushed down her legs, searing her with ecstasy.

  She clasped him closer, as if that were possible, and then his body shuddered and melted around her.

  ~ ~ ~

  Nuzzling her neck, Doug ran his fingertips over her arm and down her spine, soothing her into a dreamy state of contentment. She snuggled into him, allowing him to hold her, protect her. Damn, she felt good. He felt good knowing she trusted him. He liked this closeness to another person. This is what had been missing from his life.

  He tangled her hair in his hands, soft, so soft.

  Her breathing quiet, he watched the slow rise and fall of her chest. Peaceful. A sensation new to him swamped his being, and he wanted to gather her nearer. Never let her go.

  How easy it would be to pour out his love for her. Fear kept him silent. For now.

  He would tell her. He had to tell her. See if she might feel the same. No two people could experience what they’d just shared without love in their hearts.

  They needed to talk.

  He nuzzled her ear, suspecting she was awake.

  “Hey, beautiful.”


  God, he loved the way she stretched like a feline. Her mewling sounds tugged his heart as well as the blood in his lower region. He loved the feel of her leg scraping against his, the fullness of her breast as she curled into his chest.

  She turned her face up to his for a kiss, and he couldn’t resist. “You’re more amenable in bed,” he said rubbing his nose along her cheek. “I might keep you here.”

  “You won’t get any complaints from me.”

  “I won’t? That’s a switch.”

  “All you had to be was honest.”

  “What? Admit that I’m crazy?”

  “That you’re crazy about me. I heard you. Is that why you fought me so hard? You didn’t want to give in? Admit you cared for me?”

  “I love you. More than I thought I could love anyone.” He held his breath, waiting for her reaction. Her eyes misted over as she ran her fingers through his hair.

  “I love you, too. You stole a piece of my heart that first day at the water fountain.”

  “The first day, huh?” He liked that. She’d had a powerful effect on him, too.

  “Yeah. I thought you were the dreamiest man I’d ever seen.”

  “Being a doctor had nothing to do with it?”

  Her face changed from light to dark, and he wished he could take back the words. She twisted free and he grabbed her, not wanting her to leave.

  “Let me sit up.”

  He panicked. “You’re not leaving?”

  “No, Doug. We’re going to get to the bottom of this.”

  That didn’t sound good. He liked her naked and in bed, which they were. But her expression was not one of pleasure.

  “Oh, stop,” she scolded. “You look like someone just took your lollipop.”

  “You’re my lollipop.” Good, her smile was back.

  “Doug. We need to talk about this fixation you have about me being after your money.” He opened his mouth to deny it, but she silenced him. “Yes, you do. You and I met accidently at the water fountain at the hospital. Do you remember what you were thinking when I bumped into you? I remember how you looked at me.”

  Yeah. Hot. Nice ass. He’d wanted to see the rest of the woman attached to that fine ass. Then she turned and he felt Santa had just granted him his Christmas wish.

  “I thought you were the hottest man I’d ever seen.” She cupped her warm palm on his cheek, and he turned to place a kiss in the center.

  “Regina wanted to fix me up with this doctor, and I kept telling her I did not like blind dates. She dragged me to the hospital to get a peek. I bumped into you before we found him, and I forgot all about him.”

  She was at the hospital to find another damn doctor?

  “What does he have to do with—”

  “Please. Hear me out.”

  Doug didn’t like the idea of Regina fixing Sandi up with another man. Who the hell was it?

  “Then Regina introduced us. When she said your name, I realized you were the doctor she wanted to fix me up with.”

  “Me?” He laughed on a grunt.

  “You.” She stared intensely, as if trying to convince him.

  Okay, so he was the doctor Regina tried to set her up with. And?

  “Don’t you see? When I realized it was you, I couldn’t believe it. The hot doctor I bumped into was the same guy I’d told Regina I didn’t want to date.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want to—wait a minute. You told Regina you didn’t want to go out with me?”

  “I didn’t know it was you.”

  “But you knew, I mean, she wanted to fix you up with a doctor.”

  “She told me your name, how you were friends with Sheldon, and that you were the new doctor in town.”

  “You turned down a date with a doctor,” he repeated, echoing her words back at her.

  “I didn’t know you. I didn’t know what you looked like, if you were a jerk, or an ax murderer. Or worse, an octopus.”

  “A what?”

  “Slimy creature. Never mind.”

  She turned down the blind date? He understood her reaction now. It wasn’t because he was a doctor. She wasn’t reacting to his profession. It was her realization that he was the one Regina tried to hook her up with.

  Holy Fuck.

  He shoved a hand through his hair. “I’ve been . . . horrible. I’ve acted like an ass. I’ve been a jerk.” As he continued to absorb the enormity of how badly he had behaved, Sandi was busy placing kisses along his neck and shoulders. When her hand smoothed over his navel, his internal antenna zeroed right in on her destination.

  He grasped her hand.

  “I love what you’re doing, but I’ve got to set things right.” Oh Christ, the fear in her eyes pierced him. He smoothed the hair from her face. “Sweetheart. I love you. I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t. I love you. I . . .”

  Sandi pulled back. “Doug. What is it?”

  “I treated you horribly. I thought you were after a doctor. Any doctor. After money and prestige. I need to tell you why.”

  “All right.”

  “I had a relationship with a woman . . . I almost asked her to marry me.” Only because he was toying with Sandi’s fingers, he felt the tensing in her body. He had to make her understand. Being vulnerable was not an emotion he liked. “She latched on to me, because I was good looking and a doctor.”

  “Vain much?”

  “Anyway, it was empty. I fell for it. Fell for her. I realize now what a mistake that would have been. I didn’t love her. I thought perhaps I did. But I di
dn’t. Fool that I was, I did think she loved me. After all, she’d told me so a number of times. What she really loved was my position and my wealth.”

  Sandi’s fingers tightened around his. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm.

  “I like you right where you are,” he said drawing her closer. She snuggled into him. If he could, he’d take her inside him and wrap her around his heart. Right where she belonged. He slid both arms around her, holding her tight. “God, I love the feel of you. Only you.”

  “Did Sheldon tell you I was engaged?”

  Every muscle in his body tensed. Sandi had belonged to someone else? A crushing pain settled in his chest, unlike anything he’d ever known.

  Sandi propped up on her elbow, looking down at him. “Please don’t look so horrified. It was a mistake. I never loved him. I don’t know why I said yes.”

  Doug grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “I don’t want you with anyone but me. Now that I’ve admitted my feelings, I can’t envision my life without you.”

  She placed her warm hand on his cheek. “You don’t have to. I’m here. For as long as you want me.”

  “I love you.” He spoke with every fiber of his being, bringing the words from the depth of his soul.

  “Doug. You know everything about me. Have I convinced you of my integrity?”

  “Oh, honey,” he groaned, gathering her tight, skin on skin. “I knew, deep down, I knew what kind of person you were. Otherwise, I would not have been attracted. I just kept fighting you because I got suckered in my past relationship.”

  “I get the feeling there’s more to your story.” She studied him with those gorgeous eyes, digging into his soul. “Why did you come to Monterey?”

  No man liked admitting to weakness. He loved this woman. He would share everything.

  “Even before my breakup, I worked longer hours than my colleagues. I loved being a doctor. I threw myself into my work. Finding out Cherry only wanted me for what I could give her—”

  “Cherry? You’re kidding, right?”


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