Seth: Soul Eaters MC

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Seth: Soul Eaters MC Page 11

by Kline, Sandy

  Seth walks over to me carrying a well-used picture album. I guess I’m going to take the proverbial trip down Seth’s memory lane. I just hope I can stay awake for it and not start yawning. He opens the cover and my attention is riveted! There are two pictures. One is of a police officer in uniform and the other a guy in a cut and they look remarkably like Seth!

  “I’m the youngest of three.” Seth explains. He points to the brother in the cut. “Matty was five years older than me.” He points to the brother in a police officer’s uniform. “Jason was three years older.”

  Wow…he has one brother who’s a cop and another brother who’s a biker…an outlaw biker just like him. Talk about a conflicted family life. I wonder what his mom and dad did? He was probably a biker and she a State Police Officer or something. Then something else catches my eye. Underneath both pictures are dates. The biker brother died six years ago and the cop brother died five years ago. And I am dying to hear the story behind them so I just ask.

  “What happened?”

  “In a nutshell… a cop shot Matty in the back and a gang member killed Jason a year later.”

  “Oh my god…you must hate cops!”

  I expect a vigorous yes but he just shrugs his shoulders. I guess since his brother was a cop he can’t totally hate all cops; just the one who shot his brother.

  “What happened to the cop who killed your brother?”

  “He died a year later.”

  “In the line of duty?”

  “A gang member killed him.”

  “Wait a second,” I say, and then it feels like a ton of bricks just landed on my head. “Seth…who shot your brother in the back?”

  He just looks at me, but I can see the misery in his eyes and I know the answer to that question.

  “Did Jason know he was shooting at his brother?” I ask.

  “No…My brother, Matty had stolen a car and he led the cops on this long assed chase but during the chase a cop lost control of his car and crashed killing him instantly. So because of the death of the cop my brother was treated like a murderer and when he stopped the car and just ran, my brother Jason shot him twice. He died during surgery in the hospital. Jason didn’t know it was his brother he’d shot until he came up and turned him over and saw his face. He was never the same after that. He kept being a cop but he was just different. He lost his edge and he should have been benched. They should have given him a desk job. He wasn’t fit for the streets anymore and when a gang banger drew down on him he hesitated and got himself shot and killed.”

  I can’t believe this! What a tragedy. And here I thought my family was fucked up. I thought we had a corner on the market when it came to family tragedies but holy crap! No wonder Seth is conflicted. I look into his face again and the anguish there is too much for one person to keep inside. I’m not sure how I should respond here but I can’t just sit here like a lump on a log so I reach out and pull him into my embrace. At first he’s as stiff as a board, but after a few seconds I can feel his body begin to relax. At first my intentions are pure. I have no thoughts beyond making this hurting man feel better. But as soon as I sense the anguish beginning to ease up another feeling intrudes and I begin to breathe a little faster than normal. He shifts and then my lips are pressed to his neck. I hadn’t intended on kissing him, it just happened. He smells so damn good I can’t have my lips against his skin and not do anything. I feel his hands on my back, then my side and before I can object he is cupping my breasts and my nipples are responding. Then his mouth in on my neck and my body is on fire! Every last nerve ending has been lit up like the freaking Christmas tree on the Whitehouse lawn. Picture a twenty-five foot statuesque tree with thousands of tiny blinking colored bulbs, each one a microscopic nerve underneath my sweaty skin. His hands are everywhere at once and I don’t dare open my eyes lest I find I’m in a dream. If this is a dream I never want to wake up. He anticipates the needs of my body like a psychic mind reader with flawless precision. I can feel the ripple of his muscles in his back as he navigates the buttons on my skinny jeans. I lift my hips so he can slide them down around my ankles where I kick vigorously until they sail across the living room. Shortly after my top is airborne and my bra follows suit, landing on the rooms only lamp shade. Seth positions me on my back on his couch and pauses long enough to strip off his pants, but when they get hung up around his boots he gives them up and works on his briefs. It’s an awkward moment, he with his legs tangled in clothes but he makes it work and I can’t help but gasp in pleasure as he fills me up then begins driving deep into my sex.

  I can feel his hot, minty breath on my face and each thrust comes with a gush of air from his lungs. Then his mouth finds mine and short staccato bursts of air shoot from his nostrils like a bull in a rut. I force myself to open my eyes. I have to know this is real and not some extraordinary dream. When his gorgeous face swims into view I know this is happening for real and I think to myself, have I found my perfect man? His muscles proportionately flawless, an amazing yin to my yang and he fits into my body like a jigsaw puzzle piece, with laser cut precision. No one has fit so well, even Deputy Marc Long who has been the closest fit before today.

  A sudden pang of guilt stabs into my heart like a needle and for a second I’m frozen in place. How can I do this to him I ask myself? Then a burst of sweet ecstasy spears my brain and I have to ask, how can I not? Seth is the embodiment of everything I have been looking for in man; I know that now. What I don’t know is how to proceed after today.

  Seth pauses and looks at me. “What’s wrong darlin’?”

  “Nothing babe…nothing at all.”

  I grab the back of his neck and pull him down to my open mouth and push thoughts of the other man out of my heart and mind.

  Chapter Eleven

  The Bad Samaritan

  We’ve just come from dinner at Zebra’s, an amazing ethnic eatery that has rapidly become the ‘it place’ to dine and see who’s who in Watsonville. Some time ago Marc had interrupted a robbery attempt while off duty and now anytime he wants to go somewhere special to eat he gets VIP treatment. They try to refuse his money but Marc is a class act and insists on paying and tipping hugely.

  The plan was to tell Marc that it’s over between us. That was the plan anyway, but he was so sweet and thoughtful and my head was so buzzed with wine that I just couldn’t get the words out. So now we’re driving to his house where I’m sure he expects reciprocation but all he’s going to get tonight is a broken heart. At least that’s the new plan. I have to tell him. At some point he’s going to figure it out if I don’t come clean fast.

  “I don’t like the look of this.” Marc says to me.

  “Just keep driving Marc.”

  There’s a group of young black guys standing outside a corner market. I don’t see anything odd but Marc has this sixth sense and he knows when something isn’t right.

  “No…something’s going down here. You just stay in the car and I’ll be right back.”

  “But you’re off duty and you got shot days ago.” I protest.

  “And it was a flesh wound. They didn’t even keep me overnight. It’s a little sore but that’s all. I’ll be fine Kim.

  He opens his glove compartment and pulls out a radio. “Relax honey, if anything at all is wrong I’ll just radio back up and retreat to let uniformed officers take care of it.”

  I start to reply but he’s already out and shutting the door. Great. What a wonderful end to a perfect date. The moment he walks up the young men stop arguing amongst themselves and turn to face him, spreading out slightly. Even I can tell now that something is not right here. They look too ready for a fight now. I sure hope he can see that. But just in case I’d better call my dispatch. I’ll just call the business line and let them know there may be a problem at the Quick Mart on 23rd and Main. I fish around in my purse and bring out my phone. I look up and I just about faint.

  Marc is fighting for his life against four dudes! “Oh shit oh shit oh my god!”
r />   I open up my phone and dial 911, then start to get out of the car but think better of it. I doubt I could do any better than Marc and would probably get myself killed.

  “911, what’s you’re emergency?”

  Then Marc goes down to the ground. Screw safety. I scream into the phone at the 911 operator. I’m so panicked I’m not even sure what I just said and I sprint across the pavement. I can see Marc fighting for his life but he’s beginning to slow down and the men are speeding up. I’m about a dozen steps from the embattled sheriff when a blur of a man charges into the mass of fighting bodies. The newcomer grabs the closest man to him by the scruff of his coat and literally throws the man through the air. I see a sudden flash of metal arcing through the air and I realize this scuffle has just become a deadly fight for life. My mad dash to rescue my boyfriend comes to a ragged halt at the perimeter of a dozen flailing arms and legs. I start to step in but I just don’t know what to do. Nothing in my Aikido training has prepared me for a mass attack that was so…so messy. No one’s taking turns and I honestly am having a hard time separating Marc’s flailing from the Good Samaritan’s flailing, from the bad guys flailing. When I see an arm slip around Marc’s neck I know I should do something about it but I don’t know what I should do.

  One thing is clear, the tide of the fight has turned and suddenly it’s the attacking youth that are struggling to get away from the mass of arms and legs. Marc has gone from just trying to stay alive to trying to apprehend. And the Good Samaritan is following suit. In the distance I can hear sirens from responding police and ambulance. Finally the fourth thug is subdued. And my contribution to the whole situation? I brought the flex cuffs. Marc always keeps things like that in his glove compartment just in case and today it was a good thing he did that. Marc secures the last combatant when he stands up and for the first time we both realize who his Good Samaritan is; Seth!

  Marc is visibly rocked! The last person he’d ever expected to help out an officer in need is an outlaw biker. As they stare at one another I can tell Marc is trying to get his head around what just happened. Down the street, two blocks away a patrol car has rounded the corner. Marc offers his hand. They shake briefly and Seth turns and disappears into the night and it’s over as fast as it began.

  “Are you hurt?” I ask.

  Marc pats himself down taking stock of his body. He does have blood smeared on his chest and hands but thankfully none of it is his.

  “Did you see who that was?” He asks me as the responding officers run up.

  I nod. “I saw it but I don’t believe it.” I reply.

  Three deputies from the Sheriff’s Office and four patrol cops from WPD have responded to the call. Marc gives his statement omitting the identity of the Good Samaritan. Turning Seth in would have been a dick move given that the man just risked his own life to help an enemy.

  As I stand here watching Marc regale his fellow law enforcement officers one thought emerges from all of this. Am I with the right man? Had the situation been reversed, would Marc have risked his life to help Seth if he was fighting for his life? Then I realize that Marc already did that. But I don’t think Marc knew who he was tackling when he jumped in front of those bullets. I guess he would have but not because he has this big heart and a need to protect those in need. He would have come to Seth’s aid because the job demands it and Marc takes his job very seriously. If not for that he’d have let Seth live or die on his own and that makes me wonder what I am doing dating him.

  After a few minutes the investigating officer approaches me.

  “Can I ask you a few questions?” He asks me.


  “So you saw the whole incident?”

  “I did. I’m the one who called it in.”

  “I see. Thank you for that. I understand there was a Good Samaritan who came to the Deputy’s aid. Do you know the person or have you seen him before?”

  I want to say yeah it’s Seth and he’s this amazing bad ass from the Soul Eaters, but instead pretend to not know anything. After the officer realizes it’s he’s not going to get anything from me he wraps it up and thanks me again for calling it in.

  “Deputy Long was fortunate you were here tonight Kim.”

  “Yeah, that was a close one wasn’t it?”

  “You have a good night now.” He says and returns to his patrol car to take one of the suspects to the jail for processing.

  Marc walks up to me. “Honey why don’t you take my truck home with you and you can get some rest. I have to go down to the station and fill out a report. It’s probably going to be a couple hours.”

  “How’s your arm?” I ask. He seems to be favoring it.

  “It’s fine babe, just a little sore that’s all. Now why don’t you go home? I’ll be fine.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “No problem. I’ll just get one of the officers to take me back to your house when I’m finished. Just leave the keys under your mat and I can retrieve my truck without having to wake you.”

  “It’s okay, you can wake me. We need to talk so whatever time it is, just wake me. I’ll leave a key under the mat.”

  “Something wrong Kim?”

  “We just need to talk so let’s leave it at that; please.”

  He looks at me, clearly confused. “Okay…” He finally says and turns around and leaves.

  I’m grateful for his thoughtfulness as I climb into his truck. I am glad I don’t have to wait around for him to finish up at the station. That always takes forever. I do not understand why Seth risked his own life for Marc. No way in hell Marc would have done that. He’s a good guy but given what I am beginning to suspect about him I think he would have sat in his car and waited for back up to come before getting involved. He would have let Seth battle it out by himself. I would love to talk to Seth right now. I don’t understand why he came to the rescue of his enemy?

  When I get home I crash on top of my bedspread, fully clothed. I don’t want Marc getting any ideas. This little talk of ours is going to be a rough one as it is. I feel like I’ve barely closed my eyes when I hear my name being called.

  “Seth?” I ask, before thinking. Not a good move.

  “Who’s Seth?” Marc asks.

  “What?” I ask.

  “When I woke you up just now and called your name you said Seth. Who is Seth?”

  Oh my god, this is not the way I wanted this talk to go. I was just hoping to let him down easy but now I doubt that’s going to be possible.

  “We have to stop seeing each other.” I begin. “I just don’t feel it anymore.”

  “What?” He asks.

  I can tell he did not see this one coming.

  “I thought things were great between us.” He says. “I was even going to ask you to move in with me.”

  “What?” Now it’s my turn to be surprised. “We’ve only been going out like five months if that. What makes you think what we had is that serious?” I ask.

  “We never fight; we always have a good time together…”

  “I could say that about half my friends.” I protest. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to elope with them.”

  “But I’m not your friend Kim, I’m your boyfriend. I mean, haven’t you felt that or have I just been a friend?”

  “Obviously more than that.” I begin. “But I can’t see spending my life with you and-”

  “Hey I wasn’t asking for you hand in marriage.” He objects. “I just thought we could…live together. I mean it would save money and be damn convenient, right?”

  “That’s why you want me to live with you? Because it’s damn convenient?”

  “That’s not what I meant.” He replies.

  “This is all wrong Marc. I have to be thinking about my future and I have to be with someone who fits in my future plans and I just don’t see me having a future with you. I’m sorry…”

  “Wow…I can’t believe this. Just like that you’re breaking up with me? Its Seth isn’t it? You’re
dumping me for this Seth guy, aren’t you?”

  Do I say yes or just lie and hope he never finds out? Being a cop I’m pretty sure he’ll poke around until he finds the truth and then we’ll have to have this conversation all over again. No…I want this to be the last time we talk about this so I’ll have to come clean.

  “Yes…I am seeing Seth now.”

  “Dammit! Who is he? Is he another dispatcher? No, he’s a cop isn’t he?”

  “Stop guessing Marc. He’s…he’s the guy who came to your rescue tonight.”


  Marc is clearly confused and amazed.

  “Did you call him to come help me?”

  “No, he just happened by and jumped off his bike an-”

  “A bike or a motorcycle?” Marc asks.


  “Wow… are you serious Kim? The way he fought, he’s no ordinary person, he…he must…Wait he’s a biker that can fight. That can only mean one thing and I cannot believe we’re having this conversation. You’ve fallen for a biker…an outlaw biker I bet. Is that it? You’ve fallen for the Suicide Kings or is it the Soul Eaters?

  “It’s the Soul Eaters.” I nod.

  “You’ve gotta be kidding Kim! That gang is responsible for all the drug related murders and gun trafficking. You really want to be involved in all that?”

  Now I’m beginning to get pissed. Time to pull out all the stops.

  “You know the other night when there was that shooting?”

  “You mean the night I was shot? It was your guy who shot me, wasn’t it? I can’t believe it. You are dating a guy who tried to kill me. Wait a second. How would you know who shot me?”

  “For starters…it wasn’t Seth who shot you that night it was a freaking police officer and you know it. You’re trying to cover it up and I have the video to prove it.”

  If what I just said wasn’t so grave I would have laughed at Marc’s response to my allegation. His mouth opened and closed several times as he tries to form words but they fail him. Then he just shakes his head back and forth and starts pacing around the room.


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