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Moirai (Aberrant)

Page 13

by Silver, Ruth

  “I know,” I nodded. My eyes narrowed, and my hand grabbed the fork, stabbing the meat on my plate before shoving it into my mouth.

  Zarrah frowned, glancing at her father, and then at me. “What does she mean, she knows?” Zarrah questioned, half forgetting I sat across from them.

  Gavin sighed, resting his hands on his wife's shoulders as he stood behind her. “Olivia is my daughter.”

  “Was,” I corrected him, refusing to look up at him. “I wouldn't call us related anymore. You died when I was five.”

  “Olive.” His voice was soft, tentative. It made my blood boil.

  “Don't!” I screamed, my voice piercing through the noise and above it. Slowly, people turned from their seats, curious what caused the commotion. “Don't ever call me that,” I warned him. “We are nothing, you and I. We're certainly not family.” I spat at the idea, disgusted.

  “We are family, whether you want to see it or not,” Gavin answered calmly. He was a little too calm, considering he hadn't seen me, his daughter, in more than ten years. I was shocked! “You owe me a thank you.” He stared at me. I avoided his gaze. “Both of you together, that's my doing,” he boasted, proud of his accomplishments. “I know you're angry, I get that, Olivia, but, if it weren't for me, you'd be dead or married to some Levi guy.” My face paled and I lost my appetite.

  Joshua cleared his throat. “What are you talking about?” This involved him as much as me.

  Gavin smiled. “I thought you'd want to know, Josh. You were a good kid, your mom and I best friends when we were younger. She knew my predicament. Eventually, I'd have to get Olivia out of Genesis and who better to trust than a friend. Seems fitting that you both became friends, didn't even have to force it.” He looked smug.

  Joshua's face turned red as he stood up, jumping up and over the table, throwing a punch at Gavin's face. Gavin didn't have time to move. It landed square on his jaw. “You're a coward!” he spat, “leaving your wife and daughter behind. Don't pretend you know her or anything about us.” Joshua's voice was laced with anger and hatred as he threw another punch at Gavin only to find his arms being restrained by the guard that was supposed to protect me.

  I stood up, no longer hungry and wanting nothing more than to be far from Torv and even farther from Gavin. I couldn't watch the fight and didn't want Gavin to see the tears that were threatening my eyes. My heart ached as I headed for the nearest exit out of the cafeteria which seemed to be miles away. I was turned around. Finding a door, I pushed it open, realizing I was in a back stairwell. “Just great!” I screamed, slamming my hands against the wall in frustration. Swallowing the building anger, I ran up the stairs, one flight at a time until I felt myself out of breath. Then I walked the remainder to our floor. Pushing the door open, I headed through the long corridor and around the corner only to see the guard hovering in front of Joshua's door.

  “I'm going to have to report you.”

  “So do it!” I could hear Joshua's retort as I slowly walked down the length of the hall towards his room. “Gavin is a jerk.”

  “He is,” I breathed, knowing it was true. I approached the open door, giving a knock.

  “I was wondering where you've been.” Joshua gave me a weak smile. “Seems I'm under house arrest.” He gestured towards the guard standing outside the room.

  “Fighting isn't condoned in Torv,” Kelvin answered. “I'd have ignored it if it wasn't in front of the entire cafeteria. My hands are tied.”

  “So what does that mean?” I asked, coming to sit on the bed beside Joshua.

  “In most circumstances, you break the rules and you’re sent into the militia.”

  “Okay.” That surprised me. “Joshua isn't a citizen of Torv though,” I reminded the guard, “so does that mean he'll be sent home?” I hoped that was what it meant. I didn't want him to be forced to join Torv's military.

  “In all likelihood, yes.”

  I leaned in, brushing my lips over Joshua's as my fingers played in the nape of his neck. “So I guess our vacation to Torv will be cut short.”

  “No,” Joshua sighed as he pulled back slightly before leaning in, taking another taste. “You came here for a reason, you should finish what's been started.”

  “You mean kill Gavin?” I joked.

  “Well, at the very least beat him to a pulp.” He smiled between kisses. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I whispered against his lips.

  “Do you think it's true?” He sighed, closing his eyes as he leaned his forehead against mine.

  “Which part?” I asked. “That he kept me from marrying Levi Keller?” I blanched at the thought. “I should be so grateful.” I smiled as Joshua's eyes shined. “Doesn't mean I'm forgiving him.”

  “He doesn't deserve your forgiveness. Not for what he did, leaving you, making you believe he was dead. All he knows are lies.”

  I was there when his casket was lowered into the ground. I grieved for him. The man I believed a hero was not the same man I had met just minutes ago.

  “I want to go home.”

  “All in due time,” he whispered against my ear before pulling back. “You know after this you and Jaxon are going to Genesis.” I didn't answer right away; it was something I wasn't ready to talk about. “I could come with you.”

  “That's not part of the plan.” I smiled, knowing in my heart it was what I wanted. My feet dangled off the bed as I brushed my shoulder against his. “Our risk would increase tenfold if you came with us.”

  “You don't trust me?” Joshua was surprised.

  “No!” I laughed, shaking my head. “Quite the opposite. I don't trust myself,” I clarified. “With you and me back in Genesis, it'll be like old times. We can't act like we know each other. It's going to be tough enough getting me inside the walls without rousing suspicion.”

  “Jaxon's taking care of it.”

  “That makes me nervous.” I laughed anxiously. “Besides, you have your part and I have mine.”

  I felt his lips graze my cheek as he pulled me back against the mattress.

  We shouldn't be talking about this where they can hear us. I'm not sure we can trust them yet. With Kelvin standing guard and reporting on Joshua's behavior, we couldn't take any chances that they'd learn our plans.

  I felt his lips set fire to my heart as he kissed a path across my neck and down to my stomach. My fingers tangled in his hair, and I pulled him up to my level. We're not doing this with the door open. I grinned.

  Actually, we were. Joshua laughed, pulling back slightly as he rested his head beside mine on the pillow.

  “Thanks for standing up for me today.” I didn't mind if the guard heard us now. “You didn't have to protect my honor or anything, but I appreciate that you did.”

  Joshua grinned. “You mean when I hit Gavin? That wasn't for you.” He nudged me. “That was because he put me in the middle and I wasn't having any of it.”

  Whether he was joking or not, I didn't care. What he'd done could have gotten him into a lot of trouble. “Thank you,” I breathed, dropping a kiss to his lips. “For everything.” From outside the door, I could hear a female clear her throat, trying to get our attention. “Elsa?” I motioned for her to come inside the room.

  “We're needed in the infirmary. One of the women has gone into labor.”

  Elsa gave Joshua an apologetic smile. “You're required to stay in the dormitory. Kelvin will be coming with us. Can you handle staying put for a few hours? Jaxon should be in his room shortly, you can stop by and pay him a visit if you get bored.”

  “It's fine,” Joshua answered. “I can manage a few hours on my own.” He gave me a quick kiss goodbye. Good luck. I heard his thoughts and gave a weak nod.



  We headed down to the elevator and out the building. Chloe drove, her foot hard on the gas as she rushed through town.

  Pulling up to the side of the building with an abrupt halt, we shuffled out of the car. Standing b
y the curb, I stared up at the dirty white paint coating the outside of the building. Most of Torv seemed well-kept but the hospital had an older appearance, darker and maybe even a bit gloomy. Built of brick and four stories tall, it barely seemed capable of the secrets held inside. I wasn't ready to help a woman give birth but this was why I'd come to Torv. There was no turning back. The sign flickered on and off reading “Hospital” as we entered in through the heavy metal doors. Bright florescent lighting enveloped the halls as we were ushered through basic security and provided with disposable scrubs to wear. “There are guards here?” I asked, surprised to see their presence inside the walls. I didn't understand why it was necessary to have them at the hospital.

  Chloe sighed. “The women are already high-risk pregnancies. It's not uncommon for someone to come into the city and consider stealing a newborn, when they find out they're not from Genesis. In some ways, it makes the children incredibly valuable. We fear the government will want one of the children to study,” Chloe confessed. “As it is we pay protection by offering some of our men for their military.” The armed guard protecting me stayed outside with the other guards. He wasn't needed or invited inside the maternity ward. I was relieved to get away from him for even a short while.

  I sighed, now understanding why Torv was allowed to exist. “How many men are sent to the military to serve?”

  Chloe shrugged. “I'm not part of the high council, but I would guess at least twenty percent, perhaps more? We offer our men every year or sooner when their numbers grow weak. Those that don't follow the rules in Torv, instead of finding themselves in prison, are shipped off to the militia. It keeps our community filled with law-abiding citizens. In return the government leaves our town alone. Without us their military wouldn't stand a chance.”

  “What about Haven?” I asked, as we headed towards the maternity ward.

  Chloe frowned. “What about it? We're allies with Haven. Well, we were,” she acknowledged. “But the men who serve take orders from the government.”

  I couldn't believe it. “What happens if the government instructed your men to destroy Torv?”

  Chloe smiled, tight-lipped. “They wouldn't do that.” She looked confident of her answer. I wasn't convinced. If they fought for the government it was entirely possible they were being controlled by it as well. “Enough talk of military and government,” she instructed us. “We are going in to help a pregnant woman in labor. I need each of you to focus and follow my instruction to the letter.”

  As much as I despised Chloe right now, I also knew this was why I came to Torv and I wasn't going to let a young woman who was about to be a mother die, not if I could help stop it. I stepped past the double doors, my eyes taking in the sights around me. The room was the same sickening shade the outside had been painted, and, worse it smelled of disinfectant. I shivered as goose bumps coated my skin: the temperature had dropped several degrees inside the room. They must have been trying to make it comfortable for the woman in labor. The window shades were drawn, keeping the room dark and private as we were on the first floor.

  “Hi, Drezden.” Chloe smiled reassuringly as she walked over to the mother. Her husband sat next to her in a chair beside the bed. “Tristan.” She nodded, acknowledging him. “How is the mother doing?” She turned towards the nurse who had been with Drezden, monitoring the baby and the mother.

  “She's only about four centimeters dilated,” the nurse informed Chloe. “So far everything looks good.”

  Chloe smiled. “That's good, Drezden. Slow progress right now is good. We have something we'd like you to try. There's an experimental hormone we've developed. It's still in its very early stages but we think it might save your life.”

  Tristan frowned. He looked frustrated, worn. “Are there any risks to Drezden or the baby?” Chloe pulled the vial from her pocket and the nurse handed her a syringe. “There are side effects to any experimental drug. We've discussed before about the rate of mortality, and we think this is your wife’s and the baby's best chance at survival.”

  “Do it.” Drezden agreed. “If you don't think it'll hurt our baby.”

  Chloe made no promises as she filled the syringe with the hormone before injecting it into the IV line. “It may make no difference at all,” she reminded them both. “But we've spent time studying Olivia's hormones and synthesized what we hope to be a cure.”

  I was surprised by the news. We'd barely spent any time in Torv and though I knew in Shadow they were running tests and trying to create a cure, I hadn't thought they'd come this far. I found the whole ordeal unsettling. I hadn't proven to anyone that I could carry a pregnancy to term and survive. They were assumptions Chloe and Elsa had made. The tests confirmed I was capable of conceiving but beyond that, they couldn't predict the future. They couldn't know without a shadow of a doubt that I wouldn't be in the same position as Drezden, fighting for my life and the life of my child.

  I did my best to assist the nurse as she asked for tools and a fetal heart monitor reading from the screens. I had no idea what tools were needed and seemed to take three times as long as necessary when given instructions.

  Elsa gathered towels and blankets, preparing everything for after the baby was delivered. I walked over to Drezden. “How are you feeling?” I asked her, resting a hand on her arm.

  “Tired.” She smiled through heavy eyes. Sweat coated her skin and her cheeks were flushed. The nurse again checked to see how far along she was dilated.

  “Six centimeters.”

  “Soon,” I assured her, doing my best to keep her calm.

  Drezden nodded, her red hair sticking to her skin, and I gently pushed the hair back from her face. I grabbed a cool, wet washcloth and applied it to her forehead. Staring at her, the bright red hair and green eyes reminded me so much of Jacqueline. Of course, Jacqueline was younger by about seven years, but there was a strange familiarity I recognized.

  “Thank you,” Drezden whispered, her hand gripping her husband's as another contraction took hold. Each one came closer in time and Elsa did her best to time them, relaying the information to Chloe.

  The night slowly edged to morning, and I grew tired on my feet. I needed sleep, but it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Drezden was fully dilated, which meant the baby would come soon. Each second felt as though it were a lifetime as she pushed and the baby slowly inched out. “Wait!” I glanced at the fetal monitor seeing the baby in distress. The heart rate had dropped.

  Chloe glanced at it but ignored it. “She's almost done. You need to push, Drezden. Everything you've got,” she encouraged as I held Drezden’s hand and felt her tremble.

  Sweat covered her body, and I focused my attention on Drezden. My mind went to a calm and peaceful place, trying to bring her there with me .Then she made one final push, and we could hear the cries of the newborn baby.

  Her skin grew pale and Elsa handed Tristan scissors to cut the cord before she wrapped the baby and looked it over and cleaned it. “You have a beautiful baby girl.” Elsa glanced back at Drezden, seeing her ghastly white. “Olivia, come here,” she instructed, showing me how to finish cleaning the baby as she rushed over to Chloe to offer assistance.

  “She's beautiful,” I told Drezden. “You can hold her in a minute. Just hang in there.” I finished with the newborn as quickly as possible. She was covered in filth but was breathing and screaming on her own. That had to be good. I swaddled the baby in a blanket as I approached the bed. Drezden had turned gray, the color gone from her face. “What are you going to name her?” I asked with a smile as I brought their baby girl over and placed her into Drezden's arms. My fingers brushed against clammy skin and I could feel a strange sensation pass through me. Drezden's eyes were dull, her gaze struggling to reach her newborn.

  Chloe and Elsa exchanged an unsatisfied glance. The nurse rushed to get another medication to inject into her IV, but every moment it took was one too many.

  I wanted to help Drezden. I didn't know how. Was it possible to heal so
meone when they were bleeding to death? Her skin had now turned ashen gray and her eyes stared down at her daughter. “I love you,” she breathed, her last dying breath as I reached out, careful to make sure the baby was supported.

  No. I couldn't let her die. I didn't care about the repercussions or what it meant, this child needed her mother. “Not today.” I stared down at her, my eyes welling with tears as I gripped her arm, my fingers digging into her cold flesh. “You will not die, Drezden,” I commanded, my voice trembling as my heart rate soared. I could feel my stomach lurch and I swallowed the bile. My eyes slipped closed, my focus entirely on this young mother, breathing every ounce of energy and life force, if possible, back into her. Come on, damn it! I felt the slightest movement in her arm and heard a shallow breath as my eyes flashed open. “Drezden?”

  Slowly, her eyes opened. She was pale and coated in sweat but alive. Glancing down, she smiled at her baby girl. “Lexia,” she whispered before turning her head towards Tristan. “What do you think?”

  Tristan smiled, clearly relieved Drezden was all right. “I think it's a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl.” He glanced at Chloe. “Thank you for saving my wife's life.”

  Chloe's face was all smiles. “I'm glad it worked,” she confessed, glancing at Elsa. “That was amazing, a close call but unbelievable. We should contact the other pregnant women and start preparing their dosages.”

  I felt Elsa's eyes on me. She didn't say a word. I took a step backwards and removed my scrubs and headed for the door. Had she known what I'd done?

  “Olivia?” Chloe called. “Where are you going? We should celebrate, this is great news!”

  I didn't answer her as I slipped out the maternity ward and past Kelvin. “Can you take me back to my room?”

  Kelvin nodded. “Sure. How'd things go in there?”

  “I don't want to talk about it.”


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