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Tortured Soul

Page 24

by Kirsty Dallas

  I nodded.

  “Are you going to see the child you foster over there?”

  I nodded again.

  “Would you like me to come?”

  I grinned. What a loaded question. She hit my chest, instantly recognizing my arrogant smirk. “You have a one track mind,” she murmured.

  I had to agree with her. When it came to Emily coming, yes, I only had one thought. Shaking it away, I cleared my throat.

  “Em, I want you wherever I am, always.” Her eyes glistened and a look of hope took over her features. “But I also want you to be free. You’ve been chained to a dominant man for far too long, Em. You might want to try freedom for a while.” The hope in her eyes faded a little. “And I’m probably too old for you.”

  “How old are you?” she asked after a short silence.


  “That’s only seven years older than me. You talk as if you are an old man.”

  I chuckled. “Sometimes I feel like an old man.” I shrugged. “That being said, if you want me, I’ll be your old man, Em.”

  Her surprised eyes found mine again before she moved forward and kissed me hard. Her force and demand shocked me a little. I didn’t give her a chance to control the kiss for long, my need to dominate was an incorrigible force. I flipped her to her back and fucked her mouth with my tongue, just the way I wanted to fuck her pussy. I yanked her shirt over her head, loving that she was naked beneath it. I pulled her jeans down her legs, remembering at the last minute to pull her shoes off. Once I had her naked I pulled my fly down and freed my hard cock.

  “Are you wet for me, Malen’kaya?” I ran a finger through her pussy and it came away sopping wet. Needing to taste her, I put my finger into my mouth and sucked her delicious sweetness from it. I was kneeling on the carpeted floor, my dick in my hand, with my beautiful, sweet submissive, very naked woman panting before me. I swung Emily around on the couch, bringing her core right in line with my hungry dick. I rubbed through her folds a few times before plunging deep inside her. Being inside Em was like coming home. All my worries disappeared under the knowledge she was safe and here with me now. I squeezed her breasts as I pumped into her. I wasn’t going to last long; the pressure in my balls was building swiftly. She just felt too damn good. I kissed her lips and sucked her nipples, enjoying the soft moans she whispered. The thought that someone could walk into the room any minute should have deterred me from taking her like this. The thing was, nothing could stop me from fucking this beauty. This need for her was an unstoppable force of nature. Flicking my finger over her clit helped her find release, and I followed quickly after. Panting for breath, my forehead rested on her chest as our bodies returned to some resemblance of normal. I wrapped my arms around her, pulled her close to me, and held her tight. I was never a fan of quickies, but with Em, I would take whatever I could get. Fast and furious, long and languorous, sex with Emily was divine. When I told her I was hers, never had more honest words been spoken. I couldn’t own Emily for she already owned me. The need for her to accept me was not something I was used to. If a woman wanted me, she got me, whether it was for a moment or longer, I was there. And I took whatever they had to offer without guilt or hesitation. I wanted to be Emily’s forever, and I wanted her to be mine, always.

  “Am I yours, Em?” I asked as soon as I found my voice again.

  “In every way, Shakhta,” she breathed without any sign of uncertainty. Her words soaked into my heart as it fell into a restful rhythm, completely satisfied with her admission. I pulled back a little and kissed her lips hard before resting my forehead against hers.

  “You will always be Emily Donovan to me, free and in control. But my heart is yours, Malen’kaya.” I kissed her nose. “I’ll always be a dominant prick, but I won’t ever take your choices away from you, and I won’t ever hurt you. I can promise you that.”

  Her hand cupped my cheek. “And you always keep your promises.”

  I nodded as I withdrew from her body and helped her dress. I had nothing more to do than zip up my fly, which I felt bad about for all but a minute, before the memory of her shouting her release brought an arrogant grin to my lips.

  “What’s that about?” Emily pointed to my face and evident smirk.

  “I guess I wanted you to come, and you did.”

  She scrunched up her nose right before a shy smile appeared on her face. Her smiles were undoubtedly created in heaven, absolutely perfect and so rare. I leaned in and kissed her lips, immediately hungry for her again. When I pulled away, she was breathless. I grinned at being able to make her lose control so easily.

  “What was that for?” she panted.

  “That smile was so stunning, I just wanted to own it, consume it.” She smiled again and my heart pounded hard at my chest. “Are you hungry?” I asked, realizing we skipped lunch and dinner.

  “A little,” Emily confessed.

  The fridge was stocked with fruit and cheese. I made up a small plate of everything before joining Em back on the couch, which I would never be able to look at again without getting a hard-on. Perhaps we needed a new couch. I couldn’t very well be getting an erection every time I walked in here. When I picked up a piece of cheese to pop in my mouth, Emily stopped me. She took my wrist and guided my hand to her mouth. Her soft lips took the cheese from my fingers and she sucked on my finger for a moment, her eyes never leaving mine.

  “I’m going to fuck you again if you keep that up, Malen’kaya.”

  She shrugged and took a strawberry, raising it to my mouth. To hell with that, I was feeding my woman. I had never found anything remotely satisfying about feeding a woman, until now. I took the strawberry from her fingers and placed it at her lips. She bit in, causing juice to run down her chin. I didn’t hesitate to lick it away. The small giggle that filled my ears caused me to pull away, shock no doubt first and foremost in my expression.

  “Wow,” Emily wondered out loud. “That felt different.” I knew she was referring to the laughter that snuck up on her.

  “I want you again,” I confessed. Emily’s eyes widened. “Don’t worry, as much as I want you, I’m not going to jump you again right now. You’re going to eat then sleep. Tomorrow we’ll figure out what to do about Jonas.”

  “And then you will jump my bones?” she asked, putting her pale blue eyes on my dark ones.

  “If I manage to wait that long,” I growled, kissing her. I was teetering dangerously close to using the “L” word. This had to be love—this need, this possessive want that went beyond all rational thought. It could so easily slip from my lips—I love you—but I didn’t want to scare her away. One day at a time. Soon, I would tell her just how very much I loved her.


  Bomber called me down from the rooftop a little before dawn. Emily was still asleep, buried under a blanket on the couch. My dick had twitched as I peered into the room to check on her. Yep, we most definitely needed a new couch. I was sitting in front of my desk, Sam on the other side in front of the computer. Bomber stood at my back.

  “Play it again,” I murmured.

  Sam clicked the keys and a voice filled the room.

  “No more playing, Mr. Montgomery. I have something you want, you have something I want. Ms. Mercy Carter has till exactly 0600 hours for you to deliver my pet to Coats and Collars. If she is not at the location at that time, I will put a bullet in her head. I know you fucked her Braiden; you should be pleased I’m not planning to kill you. Men pay top dollar to fuck my pet.” The recording when silent. It had been sent via an email over half an hour ago. I glanced at my watch—it was already 5:45 a.m. We were out of time.

  “We have to go,” said Bomber.

  “He’ll kill Emily.”

  “He’ll kill Mercy,” he argued.

  “You think I don’t know that!” I growled, trying to keep my temper in check.

  “We revert to the original plan. We give him Em, then we follow and track her,” Sam interceded.

  “That wasn�
��t a plan. It was no more than an idea and a ridiculous one at that,” I snapped.

  “Boss, we don’t have any other choice. Dillon and Parker are covering the only way in and out of Claymont. Bomber, Gabbie and Drew will have eyes on Em at all times. You make the delivery. We’ve got the tracker in her; we won’t lose her.” Sam’s confidence didn’t make me feel any better about the plan. Sighing, knowing there wasn’t any way I could avoid it, I stood and ran a hand through my tangled hair.

  “Fuck,” I snarled as I walked out of the office. My head was racing through every possible outcome as I moved down the short hall and out into the reception area. The empty couch shocked me into silence. I blinked once, twice, then looked around the room in search of Em.

  “Oh. Shit,” murmured Bomber at my back.

  Drew and Gabbie stepped off the elevator, their guns holstered, looking far too casual for what was about to go down. I pushed past Bomber and checked the bathroom and the other offices, before racing back into the reception area.

  “Damn it, she left didn’t she?” Gabbie grimaced.

  I pushed through the door that led to the stairwell and onto the street. I heard Bomber organizing my team from behind me, throwing orders around before joining me, descending the stairs three at a time. The front door to the street was partly open. I threw it wide open with such force it smashed against the wall as I ran out into the street. I knew where Coats and Collars was—we had already mapped out the entire area and every street and alleyway between here and there. My heart pounded hard in my chest as I tore down the street and around a corner. Another block and we would be there. Bomber was at my back; I could hear his heavy footsteps shadowing mine. The streets were all but empty this time of the day. My own heartbeat and heavy breathing were the only sounds I could hear. As I took the last corner, my feet slipped on the ice and I gripped the wall to remain upright. My heart lurched at the sight ahead of me. On the concrete sidewalk, directly in front of Coats and Collars, sat Mercy. Her hands bound behind her back, her mouth gagged. Motherfucker! I wanted to roar with the injustice of it.

  “They couldn’t have gone far,” said Bomber calmly beside me as we ran across the street to Mercy. I slid to my knees and pulled the gag from her mouth.

  “About ten minutes,” she sobbed, knowing exactly what the first words out of my mouth were going to be. Bomber was already on the phone as Gabbie pulled the sedan up beside us. “I’m sorry, Braiden,” Mercy continued.

  “Shhh, don’t be silly,” I said with careful restraint. None of this was Mercy’s fault. It was fucking Jonas Levier’s fault. I had no idea how I was going to kill him—there were too many appealing ways circling my mind that I couldn’t chose just one. Gabbie began to free Mercy of her bindings as Bomber walked over to me, his face and posture all business.

  “Let’s go get your girl, Boss,” he said. His own anger teetering on the same delicate edge as mine. “Jaxon and Ella are on their way here now.”

  I nodded. “Drew, take Mercy back to the office.”

  Drew nodded. The beefy silent soldier moved beside Mercy, his firearm in one hand, his other wrapped gently around Mercy’s arm. Mercy’s tears had stopped, and she looked a little defiant and scary in that moment.

  “You get her back, Braiden,” she ordered.

  I could only manage a nod. “Gabbie, Bomber, you’re with me,” I snarled like a wild animal. We climbed into the car, me driving. I needed to keep myself in check, and focusing on a task as simple as driving would help me do that. “Let’s go kill this piece of shit.”

  “Fuckin’ Aye,” confirmed Bomber.

  “Bout damn time,” murmured Gabbie.



  When I woke, my tongue was thick and dry, and my head was pounding in a familiar way—I’d been drugged again. I’d offered myself in exchange for Mercy, and I hadn’t struggled, but they still damn well drugged me. When I woke on the leather couch in Montgomery Securities, I thought I was trapped in a nightmare. Jonas’ voice seeped down the hallway, sending me into a frozen panic. I then heard Sam’s voice, then Bomber’s, and finally Jonas’ once more. It wasn’t long before I realized it was a recording. I quietly crept to the partially closed door and listened—Jonas had Mercy. My blood ran cold, all my fear of that hostile and callous voice gone with the need to save Mercy. He’d taken Mercy—good, honorable, kind Mercy—who spent her life helping others. Mercy was my friend, and her husband, Dave, was the most patient, kind soul I had ever known. I wouldn’t allow Jonas to ruin them like he ruined me. Moving carefully back to the wide open room I had moments before been safely sleeping in, I slipped out the doors that led to the stairwell and snuck out onto the street. I ran all the way to Coats and Collars, knowing exactly where it was—opposite the library, three blocks from Montgomery Securities. By the time I threw myself around the last corner, I slipped on the icy pavement and nearly face planted. A minivan was sitting in front of Coats and Collars. Two familiar faces turned simultaneously in my direction, guns in hand. I knew them and they definitely knew me. Donald and Nate. Nate climbed from the front seat and casually leaned against the van. I approached him cautiously as two more men stepped out onto the street, guns aimed at me. I didn’t spare them a glance though, Nate held all of my attention right now. He was the most dangerous one here as far as I was concerned.

  “Emily,” Nate nodded.

  “Where is she?” I asked. I wasn’t leaving with him until I knew Mercy was safe. The side of the van opened and Mercy was ruthlessly shoved out. She would have fallen if it weren’t for Nate grabbing her at the last minute.

  “You alone?” Nate asked.

  I nodded. “But not for long. They’ll know I’ve left soon and will come looking for me.” Nate nodded at that and pushed Mercy towards the front windows of Coats and Collars. He then signaled for me to come forward. “You promise no harm will come to her?” Mercy was crying and shaking her head furiously.

  “Nope, but Jonas does. He just wants you; he could give a fuck about them.” Jonas’ word shouldn’t have been enough, but it was. He had never broken his word, not once. When I was within reach, Nate pulled me by the arm, his fingers digging in so hard I knew they would leave bruises. He obviously wasn’t any worse for wear following Braiden shooting him. “Should have put you down years ago,” he snarled, pushing me into the van. I fell backwards, and my head hit the hard floor, causing little black spots to float in my vision. A sharp sting pierced the side of my neck, and I knew right away he had drugged me. As my eyelids instantly became heavy, my head lolled to one side. The last thing I remembered was seeing a cell phone sitting just under the seat in front of me, blinking away furiously. My foggy thoughts wanted me to reach out and grab it, but my sluggish body couldn’t respond. Seconds later, everything went black.

  Now I turned my head and took in my surroundings. I was in a small room that was comfortable and clean. The blinds were shut and it was dark, but I had no idea if it was night or day. The door to the room was closed, and I appeared to be alone. I carefully sat up and swung my legs off the bed. I noticed a glass of water beside me and drank it, not caring if it was drugged. I was too thirsty to care. After drinking the entire glass, I moved to the blinds and peered out. I saw nothing but darkness, but not the natural darkness of night, the window was boarded up. I carefully tried the doorknob to the room and wasn’t surprised to find that it was locked. I searched the drawers for something I might have been able to use as a weapon, but I found nothing. Eventually, I sat on the side of the bed and took a few long, calming breaths. Braiden wouldn’t have been far behind me; I knew they’d be looking for me now. I rubbed the tracking device in my shoulder, finding some comfort in the fact it was there. The door handle suddenly rattled as someone unlocked it from the other side. I stood, pressing my shoulders back, refusing to show fear.

  When the door pushed open, Nate stood on the other side of it. He didn’t move, just stared, eventually shaking his head. “Strip.”
/>   I tilted my head as I considered the slimy, arrogant prick before me. He had always considered himself too good to fuck me, and I was grateful for that. I hated him and didn’t want his dick anywhere near my body.

  “No,” I said.

  My defiance didn’t surprise Nate. Instead, it amused him. He walked into the room, looking far too nonchalant for my liking. When he was close enough, he hit me. A closed fist to the side of my face sent me sprawling across the bed at my back. While I was momentarily incapacitated, Nate began ripping the clothes off my body.

  “Fight me, Emily, please. I love it when we tangle.”

  When I was naked, he pulled me to my unsteady feet and led me out of the room, down a long hallway, which opened into a large living room, easily as big as Braiden’s, perhaps bigger. I quickly assessed my surroundings. Nate was blocking the doorway at my back, a large door stood directly in front of me, there were windows to the left, and a big sprawling couch in front of a cozy fireplace on my right. There were three men sitting on the couch who I had never seen before, all watching me with interest. Remembering I was naked, I somehow refrained from trying to cover myself. It would only amuse them, and I refused to be their source of entertainment. There appeared to be a small library on my right, with books lined floor to ceiling and a large, brown leather rocker beside it. In the rocker sat Jonas, his familiar handsome features caused my stomach to roll with nausea. He watched me with a small arrogant grin playing on his lips. That kind of sly smile looked devilishly handsome on Braiden, on Jonas it made me sick. I glanced at the man who sat in a chair beside him. I had never seen this man before, and he frightened me just as much as Jonas did, perhaps more so if that were at all possible. His cold calculating gaze caught my eye. Even sitting, I could tell he was tall. His shoulders and chest were wide. He was in a grey suit equally as expensive as Jonas’, his foot propped casually on his knee, expensive black leather shoes shining under the bright light of the room. His eyes were dark, as was his hair, and his skin was olive and smooth. He wasn’t a young man, but, like Jonas, he had looked after himself and looked much younger than he most likely was. He flicked his ash off his cigarette into an ornate ashtray at his side, his eyes watching me in a way I didn’t quite understand. I was completely naked and bare before him, but he wasn’t leering at my body like men in Jonas’ company often did. I didn’t know how to respond to that gaze; it was more borne out of curiosity and interest rather than desire.


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