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Kissing The Bad Boy

Page 15

by Melanie Marks

  That he knew that made me tingly and happy inside—a kind of happy that got me through my first day of school practically unscathed … even when I got my second note, this one from a girl, apparently. It said, “Have you seen Jeremy in his pajamas? … Does he look cute with bed-head? … Does he leave the toilet seat up?—Inquiring minds must know!!!” Or the third note I got, “I want to kiss you—do you do that? Kiss random boys?” Or the FOURTH note, “I love Jeremy. Invite me over—Please, please, please!!!”

  That day nothing could touch me.

  And the next morning was … awesome.

  It started with me and Jeremy at the breakfast table (awesome right there, right?—well, I thought so. But things got even better). As soon as Mom and Gregg left for work, Jeremy grinned, coaxing me out to the dark garage.

  I was still in my bare feet, but Jeremy coaxed. “Come on,” he said, his eyes twinkling. “It will only take a second.”

  I tilted my head. “What will only take a second?”

  His beautiful lips twitched a mischievous grin. “Something happened. You’ll see,” he said mysteriously, making me follow him as I ate my jellied toast, worried I was going to miss the bus. Did he make some sort of mess? Was I going to have to help him clean it up? Why was he grinning?

  He flipped on the garage light.

  My heart slammed against my chest. I breathed out, “Wha???”

  That was all I could mange to gasp out.

  Across the room, leaning against the center of the garage wall was my hideous bike—

  … only it wasn’t hideous anymore.

  It was … beautiful.

  And purple.

  The most beautiful purple I’d ever seen.

  I blinked in shock.

  Truly amazed and not comprehending, I just stared at the beautiful, spectacular, unfathomable miracle. How did this happen??

  I gasped, “How …?”

  Jeremy raised his eyebrows and held up a can of spray-paint.

  When I just stared at the can, unable to say anything, he murmured, “Painted it.”

  My heart ricocheted off my chest. He’d painted my bike for me!

  The realization made me a little … stupid. I couldn’t think.

  He painted my bike for me, he painted my bike for me, he painted my bike for me—it was the only thing left in my whirling, mushy brain. It spun around and around and around, making me dizzy.

  I stared at the can of paint in his hands for I don’t know how long, my heart thumping hard against my chest. Then finally, I lifted my eyes back to the bike. It was a soft whisper purple. An amazing purple. The most beautiful purple I’d ever seen. It made me feel funny that Jeremy had chosen it for me. That he had toiled over my bike, making it that beautiful color. For me.

  “Thank you!” I gasped.

  I wanted to throw my arms around him. (And I would have too—only I suddenly had a monster crush on him.) Instead, I ran to my bike, worried I might cry.

  I couldn’t remember anyone doing something so nice for me before. Except Dad. But—well, he was Dad. This was a boy. A cute boy. One that all the girls pined for at school, one they wrote notes about.

  He was yummy and adorable. Yet he did this—this amazing, spectacular, incredibly sweet thing—for me. ME!!—the girl that moved into his house and made it so he had to use the bathroom downstairs instead of the one right next to his room. (Mom made that rule. It was mortifyingly dumb. And a pain for him. When she made it, I was mortified.)

  Obviously, Jeremy was the sweetest, nicest boy in the whole, entire world. And now he was my stepbrother. My stepbrother!! It was exciting and amazing.

  And weird.

  “Wow! I love it,” I gushed, adoring it with all of my heart.

  I was so full of wonder, I couldn’t help asking, “Why’d you do this?”

  “So you can bike to school with me.”

  He made it sound like it was no big deal, but it made my heart catch in my throat and tingles race through my body. His answer was exactly what I’d yearned for, what I stayed up at night aching for. He wanted me to ride with him … to be with him!

  Only, to me, his painting my bike meant even more than that. Somehow he knew I was embarrassed of the pink, somehow he knew I wouldn’t be caught dead on the bike that color. Somehow he knew … me.

  I touched my bike’s new purple frame. “How did you know purple was my favorite color?”

  I asked it unable to meet his fervent gaze. His warm brown eyes on me like that made me feel breathless and wobbly. I was afraid if I looked into his gorgeous lingering stare, I would melt into a puddle.

  But the thing was: we’d only known each other a few weeks. Mom didn’t even know my favorite color. She thought it was still pink, obviously. She’d painted my room pink, bought me a gross pink bed comforter, bought me the stupid pink bike.

  A grin spread across Jeremy’s lips. “You paint your toenails purple.”

  I stared down at them. Yep, purple.

  “And you wanted the purple frog,” Jeremy reminded me, mentioning the stuffed animal I’d won at the Holiday Fair. He and I had kept playing the water-gun race over and over. I’d beat him every time, still he kept saying, “One more time” again and again.

  Later he told me it was because that was the first time he saw me smile. “You have a great smile,” he said, almost shy. “I liked seeing it. Especially because you looked so sad before, having to live with me—well us—my family.”

  He’d been right, of course. I’d been miserable. I felt all alone and trapped in that house, like an intruder. His older sister, Erica, had made me feel that way. She was always rolling her eyes whenever I tried talking to her. She made me feel like a pest.

  But from that moment on—when Jeremy painted my bike—that moment my whole, entire world changed. From then on, Jeremy and I were inseparable … and yeah, I had the world’s most hopeless crush on Jeremy.


  Jeremy introduced me to all of his friends at school, made sure I felt welcomed and included. But more often than not, he would gently grab my hand as we headed as a group to the school’s cafeteria.

  Instead of staying with our mob of friends, he would lead me in the other direction.

  The first time it happened, a jet of warmth shot through me and my breathing accelerated.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, trying to act nonchalant about the fact he was holding my hand, leading me places unknown, but just having his warm hand in mine sent sparks of electricity through my body. Suddenly it was hard to breathe.

  “I’m feeling selfish right now,” he said. “I don’t want to share you.”

  Hearing him say that did all kinds of craziness to my heart. But I scolded myself. He’s your stepbrother!

  We didn’t go to the cafeteria that day. Jeremy found an empty, unlocked classroom and we ate there instead. It was nice, intimate.

  We talked away the whole lunch period, but right before the bell rang, Jeremy said softly, “Jodi, I don’t just think of you as a stepsister.”

  My heart sped up so much I could barely talk. I whispered, “I don’t just think of you as just a stepbrother either.”

  He smiled, seeming pleased with my confession. He asked huskily, “Do you remember when I kissed you?”

  The air whooshed out of me. Slowly I nodded.

  “I think about it a lot,” he said.

  “Me too.”

  His eyes sparked.

  Immediately his soft, warm lips were on mine again, his hot hands tangling in my hair, taking my breath away with his hungry kiss.

  He was now my brother … but so much more. He was my best friend, and my boyfriend.

  He was my everything.


  If you liked this story and want to read more about Jeremy and Jodi—what happens when they’re older—read the author’s teen novel, The Stranger Inside. Note: the novel is a little bit scary. Maybe. Sort of. (But it’s a romantic novel.)

  The first chapter start
s the same as Kissing The Bad Boy, but after that, it is a completely different story, with different characters and a completely different storyline.

  Synopsis of:


  After her father’s mysterious death, seventeen-year-old Jodi Logan is forced to move back in with her mother and stepfamily. This in itself tears at Jodi. Her mother kicked her out two years earlier after discovering Jodi was romantically involved with her stepbrother, Jeremy. To make matters worse, there’s Jeremy himself. No matter how hard Jodi fights it, she’s still drawn to him.

  Adding to the suck-fest that is now her home life, lately Jodi has time lapses she can’t account for, waking places she doesn’t remember going. When she comes to one day and finds herself making out with a boy she’s never met, Sawyer, Jodi learns she’s been living a double life as a girl named Kenzie. But who is Kenzie? Jodi fears she’s going crazy—maybe developing a split personality. But when she discovers the truth, it’s even worse. Jodi is possessed by a ghost—a stranger inside her that refuses to leave.

  When a girl from school is murdered Jodi doesn’t know who she can trust: her new friends? Sawyer? Jeremy? Or the stranger inside?


  An excerpt from


  Sawyer handed me his toothbrush with the paste already on it. He must have prepared it for Kenzie. The thought made my stomach turn.

  I shuddered and asked it again, “Sawyer, what did I do?”

  He breathed out a soft laugh—sympathetic, yeah, but still slightly amused. “You were really … entertaining.” His lips quirked at the corners. “You danced while our band played. I had no idea you could dance like that—I mean, it wasn’t ballet.” He laughed again. “So not ballet. And you sang with Jeremy.” He closed his eyes, leaning his head back with a paled wince—not looking so amused anymore. “You and Jeremy—you had a lot of fun.”

  I clutched my stomach feeling sick. “Why didn’t you stop me?”

  Sawyer’s jaw muscles ticked. “I couldn’t. I mean it. I had absolutely no control over Kenzie. She broke up with me, by the way. She and Jeremy are a couple.”

  I glared down at the ground. Shoot me. Shoot me now. “I didn’t kiss him, did I?”

  Sawyer’s eyebrows went up. “Jodi, you were all over him—he had to like, fight you off.”

  I groaned. “Next time don’t let me go near Jeremy—take me away.”

  Sawyer shook his head. He ran a hand over his face. “Jodi, you don’t get it. I don’t have any control over Kenzie. None. She does what she wants. She doesn’t listen to me.”


  Another excerpt from


  Jeremy leaned his head back against the wall, looking tired. Exhausted. Yet he’d stayed up with Kenzie, took care of her with gentle attention.

  I watched him close his eyes, then I got brave enough to ask, “You like Kenzie a lot, huh?”

  “Well,” he kept his eyes shut, but a lazy smile crept across his lips, “She’s really good looking.”

  I blushed, happy at his answer. Too happy. Using the sink for support, I rose to my feet. “I don’t suppose you’d tell me what we did tonight,” I said as I looked at my frightful image in the mirror.

  Jeremy stayed leaning against the bathroom wall, making no move to get off the floor. Or answer me.

  I shivered.

  “Could you do me a favor?” Really, I had a bunch of favors I wanted to ask him—the main being, could he stay away from Kenzie. But I couldn’t bring myself to actually ask it aloud. Instead I said, “Could you not let Kenzie drink? I mean, this is my body.”

  Jeremy gave a small smile at that. “I’ll try.”

  I got out Sawyer’s toothbrush, and brushed, and re-brushed my teeth, trying to get the awful taste out of my mouth. Jeremy sat on the floor watching me, and I wondered if he remembered that he brushed my teeth for me before. In eighth grade, I’d broken my arm when I accidently rode my bike into a ditch. The next morning, I was sore all over and couldn’t use my right arm. So Jeremy got me ready for school that day.

  He’d washed my hair, brushed my teeth, and helped me get dressed. He even chose the clothes for me to wear. The memory made me laugh, and then cry. Still, he just sat on the floor, watching me. I think he knew all the strange, mixed up feelings he stirred in me. I think maybe I stirred the same confused feelings in him.


  The Stranger Inside is available now.

  Books by this author mentioned in this section:

  *The Stranger Inside

  *High School Boys

  *His Kiss

  Summary of His Kiss:

  Ally’s world was totally on track: the right boyfriend, the right school activities, the right plans. But then she is bribed into kissing the school “bad boy.” (Griffin Piper.) Now nothing is right. Nothing! Because all she can think about is … His Kiss.

  Note from the author, Melanie Marks

  I hope you enjoyed the story!

  If you would like to receive email notifications of my newest books, email me at:

  MelanieMarksA (at)

  (I’m always writing new books)

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  All of the following books are available now. They are all in the unlimited program, if you have that. Otherwise, just buy as normal. Enjoy.

  Summary of

  The New Boy

  Ruby is falling hard for her best friend, Zack. Unfortunately, her ex-friend, Jade, is craving him too. And Jade always gets what she wants. Always. Well anyway, usually. But things aren’t exactly going as “usual” these days. Not since the new boy, Hudson, has shown up at Jefferson High School. Hudson with his dreamy blue eyes—that don’t even look at jealous Jade. They seem to always be on Ruby. Hmm. What’s up with that???

  Smokin’ Hot (Accidental) Kiss

  Okay, I’m just going to start by saying I did NOT mean to make-out with my total enemy’s (smokin’ hot) boyfriend. I swear! I mean, I know it sounds like the perfect revenge, since my total enemy BECAME my total enemy by making out with my boyfriend (who, you know, became my ex boyfriend after that) (After totally making-out with the witch.)

  Still, even so—I did NOT make out with my enemy’s (hot) boyfriend on purpose. Really!! TRULY!!!

  Not gonna lie, though—Mmmm. Oh man! That kiss … I can’t get it out of my head. Or dreams. Smokin’ hot Sutter Sinclair, that boy can kiss!

  My Brother’s Best Friend

  Kayla has loved sweet, gorgeous Ben since elementary school. Since he become her brother’s best friend, and helped her build her tree fort, and unplug the toilet … and do all the stuff she couldn’t get her brother to do. In fact, the only thing she couldn’t seem to get hot, yummy Ben to do was notice that she was more than his best friend’s little sister. THEN, in high school, right when it seems Ben might actually finally be noticing (maybe) that Kayla is a girl (and face it, adorable), Kayla’s beautiful, cheerleading, best friend, Sabrina, decides SHE wants Ben. UGH!!! Sabrina always gets what she wants … but what does BEN want???—the cheerleader, or his best friend’s forbidden little sister? He’s dating Sabrina, but more and more his lingering stare is on Kayla. (!!!)

  Excerpt from Melanie Marks’ book:

  My Stepbrother’s Kiss

  Slowly, my new stepbrother, Noah spins me to face him.

  His eyes twinkle seductively. Have me totally hypnotized, though equally confused. It all happens in a heartbeat—the spinning and the hypnotizing—then suddenly his amazing, soft, fantasy-inducing lips crash on mine. At first it’s, you know, obviously for show—for bewildered Spencer. But then holy smokes! Things heat up FAST. His hands tangling in my hair and his tongue exploring mine like he’ll never get enough of me or my enraptured mouth.

  When Noah finally drags his tantalizing lips from mine, his hot breath heats up my body as he whispers in my ear, “That was hot, sis.”

  Oh-kay, no
w if I can just get him to stop calling me his sister …

  Summary of

  My Stepbrother’s Kiss:

  Peyton’s new (smokin’ hot) stepbrother, Noah, owes her a favor. He decides he’s going to help her get the guy she wants. (He just doesn’t realize it’s HIM she wants.) (Ha!) Still, Peyton’s more than willing to let him try to help her. In fact, she’s THRILLED to let him try. Bring on your help, Noah.


  By Melanie Marks

  “Come with me to the dance. Caitlin and I just broke up. I need a date, you need a date. Let’s just … date. This isn’t a noble gesture or anything. I don’t do stuff like that. It’s a deal. We’re making a deal.”—Trent Ryan.

  Megan Turner thought her hard-drive was cleared before she sold her computer in a local online auction, but it wasn’t. Her journal was recoverable, and now it is in the hands of someone she really doesn’t want to read it—the boy she’s had a crush on for years.

  Summary of

  Melanie Marks’ novel:


  When seventeen year old Summer Baker is stalked by her obsessed ex-boyfriend she’s forced to ask for help from her secret weapon—her “bad-boy” ex-friend, Mason … but that’s a lot of ex’s. Also, Summer’s not sure her heart can take re-connecting with Mason. Mason who had once—no matter how brief of time—been her “stepbrother.” Mason with his smokin’ hotness and lingering stare.

  Still, Summer is forced to call on him, and he comes to her rescue. Just like she knew he would. But the problem is: Summer has always had a secret crush on Mason. But—whoa!—suddenly he’s looking at her all hungry and longing-like. And he says all the right words to get her heart spazzing. It almost has her thinking he craves her too. Almost. But let’s face it, actions speak louder than words and Mason has put out zero action … unless you’re talking about action with other girls. He’s put out plenty of that. Grrr! He breaks girls’ hearts at lightening speed and has made-out with every hot girl at their school … that is, every hot girl except Summer. Because in Mason’s mind, Summer is off-limits. But that bites.


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