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Wild Rugged Daddy - A Single Daddy Mountain Man Romance

Page 17

by Sienna Parks

  “You wouldn’t wake up, Jules. That’s not just a fainting episode. Is there something more serious going on that you don’t want to tell me? I’m not going to lie, this hospital holds bad memories for me, but whatever it is, I can handle it. I’ll be here with you and never leave your side.” She reaches out her hand, beckoning me to her bedside. My adrenaline is pumping so hard, I find it tough to sit still. ‘They said they couldn’t tell me because I’m not family. That’s a load of bullshit. We’re family, Jules. You know that, right?”


  “We’re going to get married the second we leave this hospital. If people need a piece of paper that lets them know your mine, so be it. You are mine to care for, and love, and be there when shit gets bad. I never want to feel so helpless again.”

  “Did you just propose to me? In a really aggressive not aimed at me kind of way.”

  “I…” I stop and think about it for a moment.

  “Maybe we should just forget that conversation. You might feel differently when you hear what I have to say.” What am I thinking? I’ve known since our first kiss that I want her to be my wife. I didn’t want to face it at first because it felt like a betrayal to the marriage and the life I had before. Now, I realize that Eli was right. My angel put Jules in my path. She sent me a woman who completes my bruised and battered soul. I drop to one knee at her bedside, clasping her hand tight in mine.

  “Juliet Abrams, I’ve been searching for you for a long time even when I didn’t think finding love again was a possibility for me. You took my blackened heart and breathed life back into it. You saved my son’s life as bravely as you saved mine. I love you with everything that I am and everything I hope to be. I want you to be my wife, my life partner, a lover, and a friend through the bad and the good. I want you to be a mother to Eli. I don’t care what happens next as long as I’m with you. Nothing you could tell me would ever change the way I feel about you. Will you marry me?”

  I wait patiently, praying she’ll say yes, but when she opens her mouth to speak, I’m shocked by her answer.

  “I’m pregnant.”


  “That night you came for me in L.A. Lost in the moment, I forgot my contraceptive injection had lapsed. I was distraught after I got back from Montana. Nothing seemed important.” Unadulterated joy fills my heart. Even in our darkest moment, we created something beautiful.

  “Really? We’re going to have a baby?”

  “Yes.” I place my hand on her stomach in awe of her body. She’s carrying my child in her belly.

  “Eli’s going to be a big brother. I can’t believe it.”

  “Are you happy? I know we didn’t plan this. I would never have had sex without protection if I’d known.” My heart constricts in my chest.

  “Do you want the baby?”

  “More than anything.” I cup her face in my hands, stealing a tender kiss, licking the seam of her lips, begging entrance to worship her with awe and wonder as if for the first time.

  “So do I. Please, Jules, say you’ll marry me. You’ve already made me the happiest man in the world, but I want you to be mine. I want all the caveman archaic gifts that men have enjoyed without appreciation. I want you to take my name, to bear my children, to love me when no one can. Let me care for you and protect you and love you more than any other man in heaven or earth could until my dying breath.”

  “Yes. Of course, I’ll marry you, Travis. I love you. I do have one request before I become your wife.”

  “Name it, and I’ll make it yours.”

  “I want you to take some time to think it over. It’s a big deal. If we’re going to be a family, I would like to ask your permission to adopt Eli. I love him, and I want to be his mom before I become a mother to this baby. He’s my son. I realized that the night of the bear attack. I can’t explain it… like…”

  “Like you were sent to us by an angel?” Her eyes well with tears as she nods in understanding. “Eli realized it, too. He told me that his heavenly mommy knew he needed a mommy to love him here on Earth, and she sent you.”

  “Oh my God. Travis. Say yes.”

  “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. You are mine, and I am yours, and he is ours.” I rest my hand on her stomach. “And we’re all going to love this baby so much.” Happiness replaces fear, and we choose to be joyful in the face of adversity.

  When the doctors are certain she’s okay and have given her a prescription for supplements and a date for a follow-up scan, we make our way hand in hand back to her mom’s room. Her dad is asleep in the chair still holding his wife’s hand as she drifts in and out from the medication.

  “I was supposed to go to the finance office. Can you wait here and tell my dad where I’ve gone?”

  “Not a chance. I’m not letting you out of my sight. You need to go home and rest. Besides… it’s all taken care of.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t get mad.” I know her, and that’s why I hadn’t told her yet.

  “What did you do?”

  “When you told me about the Alzheimer’s, I did some research. I realized how much support families need who are dealing with this. I didn’t know if things would work out with us, but I knew that I loved you, and I wanted to help no matter what happened between us. I set up a trust in your mom’s name and instructed my lawyer to make sure all of her medical needs are covered.” She bursts into tears, and I’m afraid I’ve upset her rather than helping.

  “Travis… that’s too much. I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “You didn’t. I want to. We can get help in the house so that she doesn’t have to go into a home. Your dad will be able to enjoy his time with her and not worry about taking it all on himself.”

  “Wow. I don’t know what to say.”

  “I do have something else I’d like to suggest now that we’re going to be a family.”

  “What? You’ve done so much already. I can’t thank you enough.”

  “I’d do anything for you, wildcat. There’s a third property on my land. It was the original house that was there when I bought it. It’s not elaborate or anything, but it’s big enough for two. We could renovate it, and if you would like… they could come and live there?”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. You’ll be able to see them whenever you want. They’ll be able to see the kids. And most of all… you won’t have to feel torn up about not being close to them. Think about it, talk to your dad, and take as much time as you need. The offer is there. We can have a live-in nurse at their house to care for your mom.” Jules slams into me, pushing me against the wall with a fierce kiss.

  “I love you. Do you know that?”

  “I do.”

  “The fact that you were willing to help us even if you decided we couldn’t be together. Travis, you have the biggest heart.”

  “And the biggest…” I try to lighten the mood feeling overwhelmed by the events of today. She slaps me on the shoulder before leaning in for a spine-tingling kiss that sets me ablaze.

  I’ll never tire of her lips on mine.



  Finding out your pregnant when you’re almost four months along has its advantages— preparation time isn’t one of them. We bypassed the phase of letting it sink in and went straight to wedding preparations and nursery plans. Travis is beyond excited, and Eli is eager to become a big brother. He’s been helping his daddy get the baby room organized.

  It’s funny to see Trav flustered about something. He’s always so cool, calm, and collected. Right now, he’s making plans for the cabin. It was perfect for him and Eli, but now that there’s going to be four of us, he wants to add on some additional space. As if that wasn’t enough of a project, he’s redecorating one of the bedrooms in the Cricket house and is having the LA property refurbished to sell.

  I’ve told him there’s no need to sell or to even think about it right now, but he insisted. Neither of us wants to move back there
, and he says he doesn’t want to hold on to a life he used to have. He’s ready to move forward, and I’m not going to stand in his way. We’re committed to our lives here in Cricket and to our family.

  It’s been three months since we left LA, and after a lot of discussion, my dad finally decided to take Travis up on his offer and move here with my mom last month. Of course, Travis had the house renovated in anticipation of them coming, so we’ve been adjusting to a new kind of normal. It hasn’t been easy, but we’re getting there.

  Poor Travis has gone from a simple mountain life to chaos at every turn. We set the wheels in motion for the adoption the moment we landed back in Montana, and today is the day Eli legally becomes my son. I didn’t want to wait or put our lives on hold in any way.

  I knew our marriage would help with my application, and although it may sound unromantic, I dragged Travis to the courthouse the moment we got home. We were married by a justice of the peace with Eli standing between us. It was magical. I didn’t need or want a big white wedding. Everything I needed was in that room. To me, that was the ultimate romantic experience.

  Travis must have asked me a hundred times if I was sure it’s what I wanted. I needed to be his wife, and I needed to know that Elijah is my son in every possible way. We honeymooned at the cabin, just the three of us, enjoying quiet days together. After Eli went to sleep each night, Travis was sure to fulfill his duties as my new husband… over and over again until I forgot my name. Juliet Thorburn.

  This morning, butterflies swarm my stomach as our baby somersaults making her presence known. It’s a formality at this point, or so our lawyer tells us, but until the judge tells me the adoption is signed and sealed, I won’t be able to relax.

  “Mommy, mommy! Huwwy! Daddy says it’s time to go.” Eli looks like a proper little gentleman today. He’s wearing a cute three-piece suit and a blue tie that matches the color of his eyes. I love that he’s already comfortable calling me Mommy. He’s been doing it since the moment we asked him how he felt about the idea.

  I smooth my hair and take one last look in the mirror before heading out to the living room. I want everything to be perfect today. Travis is also wearing a three-piece suit and tie—he looks stunning.

  Pregnancy has sent my libido into overdrive if that’s possible, and Travis is definitely turned on by my changing shape. There’s something primal about knowing his seed is growing inside me—it drives him wild.

  “You clean up well, Mr. Thorburn.” With a wry smile, he strides toward me.

  “Why thank you, Mrs. Thorburn. You look… mouthwateringly sexy right now. I should march you back into our bedroom and have my wicked way with you.” The scent of his cologne invades my senses as he presses his lips to mine.

  “Sorry, sasquatch, you’ll have to tame the beast until later. There’s something important I have to do today.” He feigns distress, clutching his heart.

  “You wound me.” Eli comes running in wedging himself between us—he never likes to miss a hug.

  “Can we go now? Pwease!”

  “Yes. Grab the keys and beep the car for me, champ.” When we step outside, I breathe in the fresh morning air.

  “Is it okay if I take a few minutes?”

  “What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick? Is it the baby?” Travis worries about every little thing. The way we found out about the baby has made him obsessive when it comes to my health. I know it must bring back memories for him, and no matter how much I try to reassure him, he fears losing both the baby and me.

  “I’m fine. There’s something I have to do. Get the car started, and I’ll be back.”

  “Okay.” He eyes me with trepidation as I disappear into the backyard.

  The birds are chirping, and the trees are lush green against the bright blue sky. The flowerbeds are in full bloom, and the sweet scent of lavender hangs in the air. I make my way over to the memorial, the sun shining on Angela’s name… a name I now share.

  “I don’t know if you can hear me or if you’re watching over us today… but I just want to thank you. Elijah is an incredible little boy, and he loves you very much. I don’t want to replace you, but I want to be a mom to him more than anything in the world. I promise to keep you alive in his life and honor the woman I know you must have been. Travis loved… loves you, and he is the most amazing man I’ve ever met. I’ll cherish both of them and ask for your blessing today as we become a family.” I run my hand over the engraved lettering before heading to the car… to my boys. Travis is wary as I open the door.

  “Everything okay?” I can tell he knows what I was doing, but it’s something neither of us wants to talk about.

  “Perfect. Let’s go.” I turn to Eli buckled in with his favorite blankie.

  “You all set, little man?”

  “Yes, Mommy!”

  We’re fourth on the judge’s docket, and he’s already running behind. With every passing moment, my anxiety builds convincing myself there’s an issue with our paperwork or that he’s decided to rule against me.

  “Take a deep breath, wildcat. We got this. You heard the lawyer, it’s a slam dunk.”

  “Logically, I know that. But ninety-nine point nine percent of the time still means that someone, somewhere, gets their application denied. What if that’s me?” He clasps my hands in his rubbing his thumbs in gentle circles over my skin.

  “It’s not. You’re my wife, and more importantly, you’re the only mother Eli has ever known. I need you to relax. This is a happy day. Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.”

  “Then smile and don’t be nervous. You have Eli’s brother or sister growing inside you. We’re a family. Everything will work out. I promise.”

  When our name is called, Travis scoops Eli up into his arms and ushers me inside. My heart is doing double-time watching the judge for any sign that he’s about to kill my dreams. Our lawyer tells us when to sit and when to stand reassuring us with a pleasant smile and courteous nod.

  The judge asks me to identify myself, and Travis holds my hand as I stand to address the court.

  “My name is Juliet Thorburn, your Honor.”

  “Hello, Mrs. Thorburn. Can I ask you to tell me why you’re here today?” I choke back the tears as I look to Eli, his bright smile shining back at me.

  “I’m here to adopt Elijah Thorburn.”

  “And you understand that adoption is a permanent contract? This young man will be recognized as your son in the eyes of the law.”

  “Yes. He’s already my son. I love him more than I can eloquently convey, and I always will, whether it is legally binding or not.”

  “And young Elijah… can you stand up for me?” Travis stands with him, his show of support a calming influence as my pulse races.

  “Hewwo, Mr. Judge.”

  “Hello. It’s very nice to meet you. Do you know why you’re here today?”

  “So my mommy can be my mommy forever and ever.”

  “You’re a clever young man.” The judge then turns his attention to Travis.

  “You’re the boy’s father, I presume?”

  “Yes, sir. My name is Travis Thorburn, and I’m lucky enough to be father to Elijah and husband to Juliet.”

  “And you understand that in agreeing to this adoption, you give your wife equal rights to Elijah and all decisions pertaining to him in the eyes of the law?”

  “I do.”

  “Then it is with great pleasure that I sign this document finalizing the adoption of Elijah Thorburn. Congratulations to you all.” I watch through tear-filled eyes as he picks up a pen and signs his name. It’s official. Eli is now my son.

  “Did you hear that, champ? We’re officially a family.”

  “That’s silly, Daddy. Don’t they know we’re alweady a famiwy?”

  He runs into my arms hugging me as tight as he can.

  “Isn’t that wight, Mommy?”

  “Yes, my sweet boy. It is. You had my heart the minute I met you, and you always will. I love you,

  “Wove you, too, Mommy.” Travis lifts him into his arms and pulls in close—our first official family hug. It’s the happiest moment of my life.

  As we leave the courthouse, I’m excited at the thought of our growing family. In two short months, we’ll be welcoming another child into this world… our world.

  Travis pulls me into his arms, his lips finding mine in a tender kiss.

  “I love you so much, Jules. I didn’t think it was possible to love you more, but today I’m overwhelmed by how blessed I feel to have found you. I’m the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.”

  “I love you, too. I don’t know where my path would’ve led if you hadn’t found me that day… but there’s no place I’d rather be than here with you and… our son. Take me home, Travis.”

  Epilogue 1


  Maisie Angel Thorburn was born three weeks ago—healthy, happy and the most beautiful baby I’ve ever laid eyes on. For Eli, it was love at first sight. He was so excited to become a brother, and since the moment she was born, he’s been by my side helping whenever he can. It makes my heart ache with so much love when I see them together. I didn’t give birth to Eli, but he’s every bit my son. I love to see the similarities between him and Maisie, and yet his mother lives on in the way he smiles and the sparkle in his eyes.

  We discussed baby names right up until the day our daughter was born, but when it came to her middle name, I wouldn’t budge. My dad thought it was weird that I wanted to incorporate Angela in my daughter’s name, but it wasn’t about her as much as it was Eli. I don’t ever want him to feel like his mom isn’t a part of our family. I know Travis will always love her, and I want to keep her memory alive for her son.

  Travis and I have been through a lot together, and found our way back to each other. At this point, I’m passed letting any insecurities get the better of me. It can be hard to compete with a ghost, but I don’t see it that way. Angela gave me an incredible gift. A man who loves me with a ferocity of spirit I adore, and a son who lights up my life every single day. I thought it only fitting that she be honored with Maisie. I know she’s watching over my daughter as much as Eli.


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