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Wild Rugged Daddy - A Single Daddy Mountain Man Romance

Page 56

by Sienna Parks

  Today I want to focus on the future. I’ve been thinking about building a house on the ranch for Savannah and me. I spoke to Mad about it yesterday, and he thought it was a great idea. The hard part is, I want it to be a surprise for Savannah. So, today he and I are heading out to scout a spot with a stunning view and enough privacy to where he won’t be able to see me having wild, naked, outdoor sex with his sister.

  “I was thinking maybe the field down by the creek.” I can just imagine laying her bare as the moonlight reflects off the water.

  “Great view, but we’d need to be careful about drainage. You don’t want to be too close to the creek if a hurricane blows through here.” He has a point. My objectivity is clouded by the fantasy of forever after with my girl. I didn’t think I’d get the chance at this kind of happiness, and now it’s a reality.

  “Good point. We need to be on higher ground.”

  “And you need to be out of sight of my house. I don’t want you catching a glimpse of me having hot outdoor sex.”

  “I was just thinking the same… never mind… forget I opened my mouth.”

  “I fucking hate you sometimes, Jax.” We manage to laugh it off, but sometimes I forget I can’t talk to him about this stuff anymore. I think he’d blow a pupil if he knew some of the stuff his sister asks me to do to her.

  “Moving on! What about the top of the south field? It’s high ground, and it still has a view of the creek in the distance. We wouldn’t be overlooking the house, and it’s big enough to build a sizeable home.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s head over there and sketch out some rough plans.” We ride the rest of the way joking and trying to figure out how to keep this a secret. Mad won’t be able to hide it from A.B., and she’s terrible at keeping secrets. Rae would tell Savannah everything without meaning to, and Pops could easily take it to his grave. We’ll need his help to get this done in a reasonable amount of time. Between college, the ranch, and the therapy center, I’m going to be hard-pushed to pull this off.

  When we find ourselves back at the stables with ideas for the blueprints, I go in search of Savannah eager to spend some time alone with her. We haven’t had much time to talk since the night at the restaurant, but I can tell she’s got the weight of the world on her shoulders.

  “Hey, darlin’. You got time for a break?” She throws herself into my arms.

  “My afternoon is back-to-back appointments, but I needed a hug.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I just… can we spend some time together tonight, just you and me? There’s something I need to tell you.” Those words are never good news.

  “You’ve got me worried. Should I be worried?”

  “No. God, no! Just say you’ll meet me tonight.”

  “Of course. Where and when?”

  “Seven o’clock at the creek, you know the spot?” She’s just confirmed I picked the perfect spot to build our house.

  “Yes. I’ll be there. Do you want me to bring anything?”

  “A bottle of wine.” She’s acting mysterious.

  “Anything else?”

  “Nope! I’ve got it covered.” With a quick kiss, she disappears back into her office. “Love you!”

  “I love you more.”

  The sky is pink with purple streaks as the sun begins to set. I can see Savannah in the distance, putting the beauty of nature to shame as she stares out over the water. There are candles all around her and flower petals guiding my path to where she’s waiting patiently.

  “Savannah!” I let her know I’m here, and when she turns to smile at me, my heart skips a beat. I am the luckiest son of a bitch that’s ever lived. My walk becomes a run, and it’s not until we’re face to face that I realize—it might be a bad idea to open this sparkling wine anytime soon.

  “Hey, cowboy.” I drop the bottle on the plaid blanket underfoot and lift her into my arms twirling her around until her laugh echoes in the warm night air.

  “Hey, darlin’. You look gorgeous tonight. This all looks amazing. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble for me.”

  “I wanted to. You’re special, and I wanted tonight to be special, too.”

  “Have I forgotten something? An occasion I should be making a fuss about?”

  “No. Sit, eat, we have plenty of time. Tonight is all about you. Can I get you a drink?”

  “I brought the wine, but you looked so damn beautiful down here with the candles and the dress and everything… I don’t think it’s a good idea to open it after I came running to you.” She giggles at me, opening the cooler at her side.

  “I figured you’d rather have a beer anyway.” She pops the cap and grabs one for herself. Holding it out, she decides to make a toast. “To whispered words in the land of dreams.” We knock bottlenecks and take a sip, even though I have no idea what she’s talking about.

  “Is that some fancy Shakespeare I don’t know.”

  “No. It’s the reason I brought you here.”

  “Okay, spill. You’re acting all cryptic, and you’ve done all this nice stuff for me. What are you hiding?”

  “I’m not hiding anything, but I couldn’t decide how to tell you. You were sleeping at the time, or half asleep, I’m not quite sure. You haven’t mentioned it, so I know you don’t remember.”

  “Remember what?” I can’t be held responsible for stupid things I say in my sleep, right?

  “The other night, after the restaurant…”

  “Oh God. What the hell did I say? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it whatever it is.”

  “Well, I’m hoping you did mean it.”

  “O… kay.”

  “Jax… you… proposed to me… again.”

  “I did what? I’m so sorry, I know you’re not ready for that.”

  “Did you hear what I said? I said I hope you meant it. I gave you an answer that night.” Realization dawns, and I just about jump out of my skin with delight.

  “Jax, will you…” I put my hand over her mouth. I want to be the one to ask and remember it. I pull her up onto her feet and drop down onto one knee taking her hands in mine.

  “I don’t have the ring with me.” Her eyes well with tears as a bright, beautiful smile spreads across her lips.

  “I don’t care.”

  “Savannah Adams… Hale, you owned me the second I laid eyes on you. You plagued my dreams even when I didn’t know your name. You saw right through the bravado to the man I always wanted to be. You make me a better man, and if you let me, I’ll spend the rest of my days trying to be worthy of the love you show me with every kiss, caress, and beat of your beautiful heart. You are the woman of my dreams, my best friend, and the person I want to grow old with. You’re my forever. Will you marry me?” My entire body is vibrating in anticipation of her answer.

  “I love you so much, Jackson. Of course, I’ll marry you!”

  She crashes into me tackling me to the ground with a fierce kiss. I want to remember everything about this moment—the smell of her hair, the taste of her lips, and the passion in her soul. She’s intoxicating, and she’s mine.

  I’m mesmerized by her every move as she strips off her dress and underwear letting me see every delectable inch of her body in the moonlight. Stepping over the candles, she makes her way down to the water’s edge.

  “Do you know when I realized I love you?”

  “Tell me, darlin’.” I slowly unbutton my shirt and drop in on the blanket before following her to the creek.

  “Take off your pants, Jax.” I do as she asks aroused by her confidence. I stand before her naked and desperate to feel her skin against mine. “Tell me.”

  “The night you took me skinny dipping in the pool. I was so afraid to let you look at me. Scared that you wouldn’t think I was beautiful. You were so sweet and understanding. I wanted you to make love to me that night, but I let fear stop me. You have the body of a god and the heart of a warrior. I knew then that I would never feel this way about another man. You’re the one, Jax. It�
�s always been you.”

  We make love under the stars consummating our commitment to each other. She’s never looked more beautiful than she does tonight—naked and unafraid, screaming my name as the water laps against us. Her nipples tighten in the cool breeze as I slowly rock inside her finding my release as she rides the aftershocks of hers.

  Tonight is when life begins.


  Four Months Later

  Life is wonderful. Long before the day I lost my mother, I was alone in the world, but I didn’t wallow in it. She was never a real parent to me—neither of them could stop being selfish long enough to care about me or what I needed. In truth, I didn’t know any better. It wasn’t until I came to Kingsbury Falls that I realized what I’d been missing. The moment I met Jax, he triggered a chain reaction inside me. Suddenly, nothing else mattered—I wanted this life… with him.

  I could never have imagined how much my life would change in such a short period of time. I went from being an only child with absent parents to being a sister, granddaughter, aunt, and most importantly, a fiancée. For the first time in my life, I feel loved and wanted and needed.

  Jax has been working eighteen-hour days for weeks now, and I’m acutely aware of his absence in our apartment. I’d never tell him that I lie awake every night, not because I can’t sleep, but because I can’t sleep without him. He’s been crashing at the ranch when he works late, and the days he’s at college, he’s always playing catch-up. Our time together is limited, but I know it’s going to pay off. When I sit in the audience on graduation day and cheer him on as he walks that stage and becomes a qualified vet, I’ll be beaming with pride.

  Today is a rare joy—Jax wants me to meet him at the spot where we were engaged. We haven’t been back since that night, and I’m excited to go to my favorite place on the ranch. I’ve been giddy all day waiting for my workday to finish and go home. I want to look nice for my husband-to-be.

  We’ve set a date for the wedding, but Jax would have a quick, no fuss ceremony at the courthouse if I’d let him. Not that he doesn’t want a beautiful wedding, but he just wants to be married already. I understand—I want that, too, but I need to do this properly. It’s only going to happen once, and I want to walk down the aisle to the man of my dreams, so today marks one year to the day until we become man and wife. I’m almost certain that’s why Jax wants to go to the creek tonight.

  A.B. has been on my ass all day texting me in between patients asking how I’m going to wear my hair and suggesting outfits for my date. She’s never been interested before, so I’m thinking Jax has something special planned for us. As soon as her afternoon clinic is finished, she turns up at the apartment.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Helping you get ready, of course!” She brushes straight past me to my bedroom. The covers are still messy from Jax’s version of a morning wake-up call. “Oh, you guys were getting nasty before work. Nice.” She lacks boundaries now that we’re sisters.

  “I thought you were ‘helping’ me with all the texts today. I can dress myself.”

  “I know, but I wanted to see you before you go. Do you want me to do your hair?”

  “This is how I’m wearing it.” She rolls her eyes and perches on the end of the bed.

  “Oh. It looks lovely.”

  “Jax likes my hair in a ponytail. He says it’s good to grab hold of.” I give her a sly wink before disappearing into my closet.

  “Too much information! He’s like my brother.”

  “You started it!”

  A.B. means well, but she’s making me nervous. I try on four outfits before I emerge.

  “Oh, my God. Sav, you look fantastic. Jax is going to die when he sees you in that dress.”

  “Can’t you give me a hint of what he’s got planned?”

  “No! He’d have my guts for garters. Anyway, are you going to give him his surprise tonight?” I point to the box on the nightstand—wrapped in a pretty white bow.

  “I sure am. I can’t wait to see his face when he opens it.”

  “I’m so excited!”

  “Just make sure my brother doesn’t come anywhere near the creek. Last time Jax and I were there, things got… heated. I’m hoping for a reenactment tonight.”

  “Girl, I have my own hot plans. You’re not the only one who’s excited for them to be taking a night off. I love all the new expansions for the ranch, but I need some adult time with my husband. Don’t worry about him, I’ll keep him busy.”

  Butterflies take flight in my stomach as A.B. drives the familiar road back to Mustang. My legs are restless jostling the gift box in my lap.

  “Are you sure I look okay?”

  “You look amazing. Calm down.”

  “You’re the one who made me nervous.” She reaches for my hand.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just so happy for both of you, and I’m excited that a year from today, you’ll be Mrs. Savannah McKinney.” I squeeze her tight—the prospect of my future with Jax making my heart beat faster.

  As Mustang comes into view, my nerves disappear. This place has become home, and wherever Jax is—that’s where I want to be. I can’t wait to see him even though we saw each other this morning. Pulling into the driveway, I’m aware that something is different. Jax is standing on the front porch waiting for me.

  A.B. slides out of the driver’s seat and heads into the house without a word. Jax strolls toward me with his inately confident swagger making my insides come alive with anticipation of a wild, passionate night. He opens the door for me with a wry smile and a single red rose.

  “Hey, darlin’.” His jaw drops as I step out of the truck. “Wow. You look… phenomenal.”

  “You’re looking very handsome tonight.” He hands me the rose but spies the gift on the front seat.

  “What are you hiding in there?” I grab the box and clutch it tight to my chest.

  “It’s a surprise… for later.”

  “Well, I have a surprise for you first. Come with me.” He peels one of my hands from the gift, linking his fingers through mine. The field is lined with lights forming a path in the direction of the creek—it’s breathtaking.

  “Jax… this is… I’m speechless.”

  “This isn’t the best part.” The excitement in his eyes is so endearing. He’s like a kid at Christmas. “Let’s go.” The enchanting pathway continues through the trees and into the next field.

  “How long did it take you to do all this?”

  “You’re worth every second.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side as we lazily stroll in the moonlight. “A year from now you’ll be walking down the aisle to me.” Warmth spreads throughout my body.

  “I won’t be walking, I’ll be running.” His body is shaking—almost imperceptible—but I’m so attuned to his every move. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Why would you ask?”

  “You’re shaking.”

  “I’m a little nervous.”

  “About getting married?” I hold my breath concerned that he’s not going to be happy when he opens this gift.

  “Hell no! I’d marry you tomorrow.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” We step out into the south field. Lights surround us all the way down to the creek. I’m lost for words. The spot where he proposed is unrecognizable. My eyes fill with tears unable to contain the emotion welling inside me. “Oh, my God, Jackson.”

  “Every single day I want us to look out over the spot where you changed my life. I want to carry you over the threshold the night of our wedding. We’ll sit out on the porch swing together as we sing lullabies to our children. And, when we’re old and gray, we can watch our grandkids splash in the creek as the sun sets over the horizon. I’m so excited to build a life with you, Savannah, so I built you this house.” The gift I’ve been clutching the entire way here drops into the grass as I clasp my hands over my mouth to stop the sobs from escaping. My heart is pounding so hard, I can hear it pulsing in my e

  “How… when?”

  “Maddox and I have been working night and day since the moment you agreed to be my wife.”

  “Jackson. I can’t believe you did this for me.”

  “We picked this spot the morning before you brought me here. I knew the moment you suggested this place that I’d made the right decision, and when you said yes, it only strengthened my resolve.”

  “It’s so beautiful.”

  “Come with me. I want to show you the inside.” I follow him through the sea of lights and up the front steps to our house. I stand in awe as he twists the handle and opens a stunning set of double doors.

  “Welcome home, Savannah.” I can barely see through the haze of tears that continue to flow as I take in my surroundings. Every detail is flawless. A wide-open living space with a wall of windows looking out over the creek. The most amazing kitchen I’ve ever seen, and a winding staircase with an intricate wooden balustrade. I’m trying to take it all in, but there’s so much to see, and I can’t believe my eyes.

  “It’s… more than I could ever dream.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it. I… this is our home? You and me?” He lifts his hand to caress my cheek before brushing his lips against mine.


  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Now, let me show you the rest of the house.” I spend hours taking in every detail of every room. There are five bedrooms upstairs, each more astounding than the last. By the time we head back downstairs, he can barely contain his excitement. “Time to show you our room.” He leads me into the hallway before standing behind me. “Open it.”

  “I’m not sure my tear ducts can take it. This entire house is everything I could ask for and more. It’s so… us. You haven’t missed a single detail. It’s like it’s a living, breathing extension of who we are together and everything we can be in the future.”


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