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Broken Promise (The Broken Ones Book 3)

Page 26

by Jen Wylie

With one last look at Roan, she followed Baelan to the house, ignoring the wide-eyed and shocked looks of the men.

  Chapter 24


  She managed not to stumble up the stairs, but did use the railing to help keep her upright. Taking it slow, Baelan remained quiet as he followed her.

  Once inside, she smiled when the boy poked his head out from his hiding place. "It's over now," she said softly.

  He nodded once and darted past her and out the door. She didn't blame him.

  "I am curious," Baelan said softly. "Your eyes, after you were shot, turned red. Why is that?"

  She hesitated a moment, but considering he likely already knew, answered him. "When I heal the Fey, I take their fury into me. Sometimes it comes out."


  She headed for the bedroom, looking forward to getting cleaned up, and hopefully sleeping.

  "And did you enjoy killing your own kind?"

  Her back stiffened at his words, but she kept walking. She thought of the Elves he'd killed. "Did you?"

  Baelan didn't reply or ask any other questions as he followed her down the hall.

  Everything ached. Spikes of pain radiated from the arrow lodged by her shoulder and shot down her leg from the wound there. It took everything she had to keep her chin up and focus on putting one step in front of the other. She stopped abruptly when reaching the doorway to the bedroom.

  Shifting her eyesight to see better in the darkened room, she grimaced at what came into focus. The Elves had certainly been destructive in their battle. Debris littered the room. Roan's desk had been shoved back to the wall, the sitting room was in shambles, and wisps of smoke lingered in the air. Seeing scorch marks on the walls and bookcases made her wince.

  "Stand aside."

  Letting Baelan pass, she didn't complain as he tossed an Elf light into the air. Her brows rose as next he raised a hand, drew a rune, and then moved it to one side. The ruined furniture and debris slid across the floor, piling into the sitting area.

  He strode into the room and went to the pile, searching until he finally yanked out a chair. Setting it in the open area, he tested to make sure it didn't wobble, and then gestured for her to sit.

  "But I–" Her eyes strayed to a blood stained area on the floor. What happened to the other Elf?

  "Your wounds must be treated. Sit, Arowyn, while I fetch water."

  Barely able to keep herself upright, she didn't have the strength to argue. Thumping into the chair, she winced as the motion jolted her shoulder.

  She gingerly touched the broken shaft sticking out of her, wondering how hard it would be to remove. Baelan came out of the bathroom, holding the large bowl with the pitcher set inside of it. The seriousness on his face alarmed her, but it quickly disappeared into an easy smile.

  Setting everything down beside her, he pulled a pile of cloth from over his arm and knelt, busying himself setting things in order.

  Glancing up at her, he winked. "You surprised me. I had, of course, heard you could fight. However, I believed the talk to be exaggerated." He tipped his head to the side. "Yet you were quite extraordinary."

  "Thank you?"

  He laughed, and it was such a beautiful sight and sound she felt heat rush to her cheeks. Rot it all, she might actually start to like this Elf.

  He poured water into the bowl and wet one of the cloths. "Why do you think Roan has been preventing you from fighting?"

  The question took her by surprise. "I don't know."

  "Perhaps something you should think on."

  She had thought about it and only given herself a headache. Roan and his actions still confused her.

  He handed her the cloth. "Clean your hands." Standing, he bent to examine the shaft. "I’m going to cut around this," he said, drawing a knife.

  At her brief nod he began. She turned her head, gritting her teeth again as the movement sent more pain lancing through her. Rather than cleaning her hands, she gripped the wet cloth tightly.

  "You are too trusting."

  A hint of something in his voice made her look at him again. His gray eyes met hers and he smiled before slicing and ripping her sleeve right off. He tapped the flat of his knife on the top her nose and then tucked it away.

  While he tucked the edges of her cut shirt well away from her wound, she lowered her head and concentrated on trying to scrub all the blood off her hands. One cloth wouldn't do, there was always too much blood.

  "Stay still now," he said softly.

  She froze as he braced one hand against her shoulder and firmly grasped the broken shaft with the other. Whatever he did, pain suddenly shot through her. She clenched her teeth against the scream tearing its way from her throat. Eyes squeezed closed, she panted to stay conscious as spots danced before her eyes.

  Baelan dropped his hands and sighed. "It's in there quite good. Hmm…some fortification perhaps."

  When she finally opened her eyes, she saw him over by the liquor shelves, searching the few bottles that hadn't gotten knocked off or broken.

  He returned a short time later with a large glass cup nearly full to the brim. As she reached for it, his eyes fell to her shaking hands. "Let me help," he said gently. "Drink it all back quickly now." One hand behind her head, the other helped guide it to her lips.

  The whiskey burned going down and she nearly choked, but continued to drink as Baelan kept tipping the glass.

  "There's a good girl." Stepping back, he tossed the glass into the rubble.

  She glared at him through tearing eyes.

  "Have you wondered yet, why one such as I was sent?"

  Before she could speak, he set his hand on her shoulder and grasped the broken arrow once more. "Don't move."

  A guttural yell did escape her this time, and when Baelan stepped away, her hand went to her shoulder as she bent over in pain. Blood soaked her fingers, running quickly from the open wound. Her vision blurred and she swallowed back the urge to throw up. She swallowed again.

  A familiar bitter taste lingered at the back of her mouth. Snapping her head up, she stared in shock at the Elf.

  He smiled, head tipping to the side as he held up the broken arrow. "Quite a large one. It's left a rather good-sized hole in you. If it's not tended quickly, you just might bleed to death."

  "What?" Her vision blurred again, this time flashes of rainbows dancing along the edges. Riath. He'd laced the whiskey. How much had he given her? She remembered the large glass and sucked in a sharp breath. "What have you done?"

  Still smiling, he shook his head. "I told you, you are too trusting."

  Pushing herself to her feet, she took only a step before her injured leg collapsed beneath her and she fell hard to her knees. She reached for one of her daggers, but Baelan pushed her down to the floor. The drug hit her quickly; she couldn't move again to fight.

  "Tsk, careful now, lovely." He knelt beside her, rolling her onto her back. "I live outside of our normal society," he continued quietly. "I live in the shadows, and do things others cannot, or will not, do."

  Struggling to fight the drug spreading within her, it took her a moment to understand his words. "What are you saying?"

  With strange precision, he took her hands and set them onto her heaving chest. "I was sent to remove the threat of Vesrin. Not to you, but to the prince." Taking another cloth, he began to wipe blood from her face. "It won't be long now."


  He shrugged, his face calm and beautifully serene. "I told you before I would ensure the safety of my prince." He brushed a few stray pieces of hair from her face and leaned in closer. "You cause him great pain and sorrow," he whispered. "Your death will cause him grief, but he will recover and once again be the prince I once knew. I cannot stand to see him suffer so over a thing like you." He solemnly shook his head. "I gave you a chance. Had you truly taken another as your lover, you could have avoided this fate."

  The rainbows pushed in, surrounding his face. Wild and dark, their strength frightened he
r. "I do not hate you," he said gently. "But this is what I do."

  "Wither me," she gasped out. "You're an assassin."

  The Elf's face distorted into colors as the drug pushed into her system.

  Blood dripped down her side and along her arm. How long would it take her to bleed out? That could kill her before the drug did. She released all the power left within her, though she didn't have the strength to direct it to heal her wounds.

  He smoothed hair back from her forehead. "I could have caused you great pain, but I understand. I understand why you love him."

  She barely paid attention to the crazy Elf.

  Roan! Baelan…he has…

  Arowyn? What's wrong?

  Baelan…he…riath… She fought to stay awake. Her eyelids fluttered and breaths came in frantic gasps. He tricked…I didn't…

  In the distance, someone yelled. Gentle fingers stroked her cheek. As the rainbows wrapped around her and pulled her under, lips gently pressed against her forehead.

  "Sleep now, lovely one."

  Chapter 25

  Love and Death

  Memories flashed by in a whirl of color. She didn't pay attention to them, but fought against the rainbows for what felt like forever. They'd never been so strong. Despite knowing she fought a losing battle, that he'd given her more than her body would survive, she didn't give up.

  They swirled around her, taking her from one memory to another until finally they did pull back.

  A dim forest surrounded her and she paused, not being able to place what memory it might be. The sound of hoof beats caught her attention and she searched the shadows of the trees, trying to find where the sound came from.

  Turning, she found herself in the middle of a snow-covered meadow. The setting sun cast long shadows of the surrounding trees onto the glistening snow. Still, she heard the hoof beats and turned once more. A rider burst out of the trees.

  The dark shadow raced forward. A magnificent black horse kicked up plumes of snow as the rider urged it on. Black cloak flowing behind him, the wind sent his long dark hair floating back from his face.

  Past memories surfaced. The dark hold of the slave ship and her younger self, in chains, trying to be brave and talking to a broken stranger.

  "Do you have a white horse?"

  He chuckled. She loved the sound of it. "Yes. I've a number of horses at home. My favorite is the black though."

  "Prince," she whispered.

  She didn't move as the horse bore down on her. Though her heart beat furiously, her eyes would not leave the approaching figure's face.

  One last time, one last time she would get to see him.

  He pulled up the horse a short distance from her. As it pranced and huffed out white bursts of air, she forced a weak smile. For a long moment he just stared at her, regal and cold. Dropping the reins, he finally slid from the saddle and strode toward her.

  "I had hoped never to see you again."

  Her lips trembled at his words and for a moment, she wondered if perhaps he had sent Baelan to kill her.

  Reaching her, he pulled her into a crushing embrace, burying his face in her hair. "My Arowyn," he murmured, dispelling her strange notions.

  "My prince." Leaning into him, she held him tightly until he gently pushed her away.

  "What has happened?"

  The sorrow on his face threatened to bring tears to her eyes. Did he know? "Vesrin attacked," she said finally. "Baelan…he betrayed me."

  His dark brows drew together. "Baelan? What was he doing there?"

  It was her turn to be confused. "You sent him?"

  "No, Arowyn," he said angrily, snapping out each word. "I did not."

  "But you said…" Her words trailed off at the fury on his face. "He said he was sent. I'd just assumed…" She was such an idiot. Cheeks burning, she cast her gaze to the ground.

  Prince sighed and pulled her close once more. "I have no one I trusted enough. I am denied access to those few I could. I am sorry. I…"

  She shook her head. "It's not your fault."

  "Did he give you riath?" She nodded. "How much?" When she didn't reply, he set her back and tipped her chin up, forcing her to look at him. "How much?"

  "More than before, I think," she answered quietly. For some reason, she smiled weakly once more. "More than enough to…" It was impossible to say the words to him. "I'm sorry."

  Shaking fingers traced along her jaw. She couldn't look at him.

  "By the time I realized what he'd done, it was too late. I couldn't…" She shook her head. "Even if he hadn't, he meant to kill me. I don't…I…"

  "Aro." He set his forehead against hers and then gave it a soft kiss before scooping her up into his arms. "You’re in your nightdress, standing out here in the snow."

  "What?" Before he could answer, the meadow melted away and a new scene appeared. She looked around a small log cabin. A fire roared at one end. She saw a small table with two chairs off to one side and a small bed in one corner. Her cheeks burned once more as he carried her there and carefully set her down. Climbing onto the bed, he sat back against the wall before pulling her to his side.

  "Much better," he said quietly.

  Leaning against him, she nodded, keeping her gaze down.

  "Are you cold?"

  "No," she whispered. How long would she have with him before the rainbows took her away? Or her body gave out and she died. Why did the thought of dying still not terrify her? She had so much to live for.

  Tilting her head back, she took in his beautiful face, the firelight flicking across his dark hair and dancing in his blue eyes. She could look at him forever.

  He traced his fingers down her cheek and smiled sadly. "I did want to see you again."

  "I know."

  His eyes searched hers. "Not like this. I just…want you to know, I had not given up. I was–" His voice broke and he lowered his eyes. "Despite what they said, what I heard, I still wanted–"

  She pressed her fingers over his lips and closed her eyes against the pain his words caused. If Baelan hadn't shared memories of her and Roan directly, apparently someone had. "It's not true, whatever they said or showed you, it's not."

  He let out a deep sigh. "Ah, Arowyn. I would not blame you."

  His words cut her to the bone. If she lived, she would kill Baelan for all he'd done. "You are the only one I love," she said quietly. She cupped his cheek to make him look at her. "The only one. Come look in my memories to see the truth, I'll show you everything. I never–"

  His lips cut off her increasingly panicked words. "I trust you."

  "I hadn't given up on you," she insisted. "And if somehow I survive this, I won't."

  He kissed the top of her head. "You never lose hope, do you?"

  "I believe in you. I believe in us."

  "Such a foolish girl."

  "Don't say such things."

  Sighing deeply, he shook his head. "I apologize. I find it very difficult to see the world as you do. We are so very different and come from–"

  She silenced his stupid words with her lips. When she finally pulled back, she gently nipped his lower lip. "I love you. That is all that matters." When he opened his mouth to reply, she gave him another quick kiss to keep him quiet. "Now you know, without a doubt, that I do. If I live, then I hope one day you'll understand what I mean."

  "If you live," his voice wavered again, "send word to me."

  "Of course."

  "Either way, I will avenge you. I will do more than blow out the windows of the great hall."

  At her perplexed look, he smiled faintly. "The reason I am having more…trouble at home. When Vesrin sent the memory of what he did to you, I could not control myself. Mother was quite furious."

  "Be careful, Prince. I might begin to think you love me, too."

  His eyes lowered, and once again, a look of utter sadness and pain came over his face. Such sad eyes. She regretted her teasing words, for the most part. It hurt he wouldn't tell her, but she wouldn't push him. Sh
e only hoped one day he would have the courage to tell her how he felt.

  "What were you thinking that day?" She shook her head. "Why did you kiss me then?"

  A wry smile crossed his lips and he looked away. "I tried not to think at all. But you…all I could think of was you."

  Those words filled her with such hope her chest hurt. "Fight for me," she whispered after a silent moment, resting her head against his.


  Sitting up, she slid onto his lap, took his face in her hands, and gently kissed him. If this was the last time she'd ever see him, she didn't want to argue.

  When she finally pulled away, her heart hammered in her chest. Or did it? "Is this just a dream? Just mine, I mean."

  "We are sharing it," he answered.

  "But, how would I know? I might be just dreaming you said that."

  "This is true." Dipping his head, he placed gentle kisses down the side of her face.

  "If you send word to me–"

  "When," he interrupted.

  "When you do, let me know this was real."

  "Hmm." He leaned back, seeing the serious look on her face. "Very well. Yet to speak of the dreams may not be the wisest course of action." He paused a moment, thinking. "Tell me something, something I can share again with you."

  Her brows drew together as she frowned, and he kissed between them. What could she say? "There is a tree growing," she whispered.

  He shook his head in bewilderment. "I do not understand."

  She tapped her temple. "Outside my fortress. A little tree is growing. I don't know what kind it is though."

  He stared at her for a very long time before wrapping her even tighter in his arms. "Yes, I will ask about your tree. Good?"

  She nodded. "I don't know how long I have," she said, resting her forehead against his.

  "Then I will hold you until you go."

  "And kiss me, don't forget that part."

  He chuckled softly. "As my lady wishes."

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  A pounding sound caused her to pull back from him. Hoof beats? Looking around in confusion, she tried to place the sound.

  "What is it? Aro?"

  "I…" She placed a hand on her chest. Her heart. It pounded so furiously a small gasp escaped her. How could Prince not hear it?


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