The Slave Trade
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Mackintosh, James, 600
Maclean, Charles, 692
Macmillan, W. M., 794
McNeill, William, 534
Madagascar, 203–4, 237, 259, 332, 369, 388, 399, 400, 585, 669, 707
Madán, Cristóbal, 757
Madden, Richard, 655–56, 668
Madeira, Abreu de, 706
Madeira Islands, 53, 87, 91, 106
sugar industry of, 70–71, 76
Madison, James, 500, 501, 518, 569
Madrid, Treaty of, 586–87
Maffitt, John, 773
Maget, Diego, 217
Magín Tarafa, Juan, 578
Maine de Biran, 623
Málaga, 728
Málaga, Juana de, 112
Malé, revolt of, 635
Malembo Pool, 128
Malfante, Antonio, 77
Mali, 42–43, 46, 50–51, 62, 324
Mallart, Thomas, 84
Mallbone, Godfrey, 260, 295
Mallory, Stephen, 758
Malmesbury, James Harris, third earl of, 755
Malocello, Lanzarotto, 50, 56
Manchester, Isaac, 537
Manco, Inca, 103
Mandela, Nelson, 797
Mandingos, 116, 323, 338, 339, 371, 374, 383, 385, 386, 399, 681
Manesty, Joseph, 270, 309, 442
Maniett, Pedro, 702
“Manifest Destiny,” 753
Mann, Horace, 469
Mansa Musa, Sultan of Mali, 43, 50–51
Mansfield, William Murray, first earl of, 471, 473, 476, 489, 523, 539
Mansur, al-, 37
Mantes, Pedro, 718
Manual do Fazendeiro (Imbert), 433
Manuel I, King of Portugal, 86, 108–9, 111, 112, 398, 413
Manzanedo, Fray, 97–98
Manzanedo, Juan Manuel de, 645–46
Manzano, Joaquín del, 783
Manzo, Alonso, 100
Marabout, 664
Maranhão Company, 277–78, 292, 340, 444
Marat, Jean-Paul, 466
Marchais, Jean, 253
Marchionni, Bartolommeo, 10–11, 13, 14, 94, 95, 96, 105, 111, 269, 291–92, 300, 360, 791, 794
background of, 84
Benin slave trade and, 79–80
slaving career of, 85–86
Marchionni family, 42, 84, 85
Marcy, William, 757
Mare, Antoniotto Uso di, 85
Maree, Jan de, 532
Marees, Pieter de, 354, 360, 362, 371, 397, 798
Mareilhac (slave trader), 547
Margaret, 310, 328
Margaret of Austria, 98
Margarita Island, 92, 157, 183, 267, 280
Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 573
María Cristina, Queen Mother of Spain, 647, 657, 752
María la Conguita, 784
Marín, Tomás de, 119
Marin de Guzmán, Bernardo, 218
Marine, Ministry of, French, 587, 588
Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de, 464
Marlborough, 424
Marques, Lourenço, 112
Marryat, Joseph, 556
Marston, Nathaniel, 271
Martha, 762
Martial, 27
Martin, Gaspar, 229
Martin, Gaston, 507
Martin, James, 525
Martin, Luther, 500
Martínez, Diego, 103, 699
Martínez, Pedro, 597–98, 647, 688, 802–3
Martínez de la Rosa, Francisco de, 641, 750
Martínez de Pinillos, Claudio, 606–7, 638, 640
Martínez de Urala, Domingo de, 96
Martinique, 173, 185, 192, 229, 230, 250, 272, 274, 355, 457, 584, 595, 691
arrival of slaves in, 436–37
Martins, Domingos José, 696, 746
Martí y Torres, Francisco, 641, 645–46, 648, 780
Marvin, William, 772–73
Mary Ann, 675
Mary I, Queen of England, 155
Mary E. Smith, 745
Maryland, 177, 186, 208, 244–45, 246, 260n, 271, 463
Maryland State Colonization Society, 690
Mascarenhas, Simão de, 168
Mason, George, 501
Mason, John, 727, 758
Massachusetts, 174, 176, 207, 259–60, 271, 284, 286, 328, 452, 453, 454, 480, 501–2, 534
Massachusetts Body of Liberties, 453
Massachusetts Gazette, 281
Massieu de Clairval, Auguste, 627
Mather, Cotton, 454
Matilde, La, 780
Matson, Captain, 670, 672, 676, 702, 704, 713–14, 716, 734, 735
Matthews, John, 374, 393
Mattos, Joaquim Antonio, 682
Maurice, Prince, 198
Mauritania, 22, 54, 333, 790
Mauritius, 584, 707
Maurits, Prince Johan, 171–72, 183
Mayo, Isaac, 763
Mayumba, 701–2
Mazères, Edouard, 625
Medici, Lorenzo de (the Magnificent), 85
Medinaceli, Juan Francisco de la Cerda, eighth duke of, 215
Medina Sidonia, dukes of, 66, 74, 112, 119
Mehmet Ali, 511
Meillassoux, Claude, 797
Meirelles, Antonio José, 631
Mejía Lequerica, José, 580
Melania, 26, 31
Melbourne, William Lamb, second viscount, 658
Mellier, Gérard, 302
Melo, Fernão de, 107
Melo Castro, Martinho de, 279
Melvill, Thomas, 350, 351
Melville, Herman, 709
Melville, Isaac, 222
Mendes, Luis, 117
Mendes de Vasconcelos, Luis, 168, 373
Mendez, Rafael, 405
Mendez de Lamego, Antonio, 140, 141
Mendoza, Viceroy Antonio de, 104
Méndez de Sosa, Cristóbal, 178, 182
Mends, Robert, 594
Menéndez de Avilés, Pedro, 103, 174
Menzes, Pedro César de, 184
Mercado, Tomás de, 146, 147, 422, 423, 473, 794
Mercer, Charles Fenton, 619
Mercer, Lieutenant, 723
Mercier, Louis-Sébastien, 483
Mercury (Charleston), 765
Meredith, Reese, 298
Merewether, John, 237
Mérimée, Prospère, 624, 675, 680, 709, 798, 799
Merlin, Countess of, 533n, 642–43, 644
Merolla, Father, 456–57
Meslé, Pierre, 285
Mesnager, Nicolas, 231
Métayer, Jean-Baptiste, 719
Methuen Treaty, 320
Mettinon, King, 362
Mexico, 12, 14, 79, 90, 98, 104, 116, 117, 137, 139, 141, 158, 239, 369n, 423, 435, 504, 566, 567, 577, 578, 598, 636, 642, 752, 759–60, 792
Angolan slaves in, 366
black Africans in, 95–96, 122–23
first Spanish expedition to, 97
Inquisition in, 178–80
slave rebellions in, 104, 163
sugar industry of, 100, 135
see also New Spain Meymam, Ahude, 58
Michaëlius, Jonas, 170
Michaud, François, 415
Michelangelo, 124
Michelet, Jules, 567
Middelburgische Kamerse Compagnie, 255, 328, 397, 418, 444
Middle Ages, 34, 35, 41–42, 50, 540–41, 791, 793
middle passage, 513, 554
see also Atlantic crossing
Middleton, Charles, 491
Middleton, Henry, 615
Midgley, Captain, 699
Milbanke, Ralph, 528
Mildmay, Lieutenant, 697
Miles, Richard, 284, 295, 329, 350, 351, 359, 531
Miles, William, 515
Mill, David, 283–84, 350
Mill, John, 342
Millett, Charles, 705
Milner, Isaac, 206, 494
Milnes, Richard Monckton, 713, 737
Milton, John, 451, 455n
Minaya, Bernardino de, 124
nbsp; Minorca, 39, 231, 235, 272n
Mirabeau, Honoré Riquetti, count of, 285, 520, 521–22, 524
Miranda, Francisco de, 577
Miranda, Simão de, 369
Misericordia, 424
Misserel, Michel, 194
Mississippi, 548, 765
Mississippi Company, 242, 292
Missy, Samuel de, 521
Mitchell, David, 614–15
Moby-Dick (Melville), 709
Moldenhawer, Daniel Gotthilf, 526
Molé, Count, 621
Molineux, Crisp, 514
Monardes, Nicolás de, 119
Mondanina, 75, 81
Monero, Pedro, 369
Monk, Thomas, 459
Monroe, James, 616, 619, 620
Montagu, John, second duke of, 800
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 241, 243
Montaudoin, Jacques, 251
Montaudoin, Jean-Gabriel, 465
Montaudoin, René, 251, 252–53, 300, 794
Montejo, Francisco de, 102
Montell, Francis T., 661
Montesinos, Antonio de, 96, 491
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de, 449, 464, 465–66, 470, 471, 472, 483n, 492, 521–22, 535, 549, 589, 621, 797
Montléon, Captain, 700
Montúfar, Alonso de (archbishop of Mexico), 126
Moore, Francis, 371, 378, 380, 800
Moore, J. B., 571, 712
Moorecroft, Silvester, 250
Moors, 42, 93, 334, 789
Europeans taken as slaves by, 256
Songhai Empire overthrown by, 144–45
Spain’s expulsion of, 163
see also Islam; the Koran
Moortje, The Little Moor (Bredero), 162
Morales, Francisco Tomás, 606
Morales Leums, José, 779
Moral Philosophy (Paley), 492
More, Hannah, 494, 497
More, Thomas, 124, 451
Moreira Guerra, Agostinho, 634
Morelos, José María, 578
Morenas, Joseph-Elzéar, 623
Moresby, Commodore, 764
Moret, Segismundo, 781, 787
Morga, Pedro de, 139
Morgan, Cadwallader, 459
Morgan, Henry, 205
Morgana, 595, 652
Morgue, General, 350
Morice, Sir Humphrey, 244–45, 300, 323
Morillas, Pedro José, 641, 644
Morín, Juan, 458
Morisac, Captain, 579
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 766
Morland, George, 509
Morley, James, 311, 412–13, 438
Mornant, Louis, 411
Morocco, 22, 38, 44, 70, 155, 180, 261, 333, 336, 511
Morris, Isaac, 259, 661
Morris, Robert, 248, 272, 480
Morrison, André, 154
Mortamer, Pieter, 172
Mosley, Oswald, 600
Mosneron-Dupin family, 625
Moucheron, Balthazar de, 153–54, 169
Mounsell, Captain, 429
Mozambique, 112, 116, 117, 184, 206, 220, 221, 226, 237, 265, 313, 332, 369, 400, 414, 520, 574, 595, 608, 704–8, 760, 770
Muhammed, Ali ibn, 43
Muhammad V, King of Granada, 39
Mulai Ismail, Sultan of Morocco, 261
Muncaster, Lowther Pennington, second Lord, 550
Münzer, Thomas, 86
Muro, Salvador de, 580
Murray, Alexander, 704
Muscat, Imam of, 595, 669, 707
Muslims, see Islam
Myrmidon, 594, 612n, 652, 697
Nabuco, Joaquim, 730, 788
Nagle, David, 579
Nairac, Pierre-Paul, 253, 285, 300, 466
Nantes, French slave trade and, 251–52, 276, 285, 450, 452, 522, 523, 584, 589, 621, 625
Napier, Lord, 764, 768
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 511, 573, 579, 580, 583, 584, 587
slave trade revived by, 547–48, 549
Nardi, Leonardo, 86
Narváez, General Ramón María, 747–48, 751
Narváez, Pánfilo de, 96, 97, 174
Nasir-al-Din (prophet-king), 195
Nasiri, al-, 563
Naturaleza . . . de todos los etíopes (Sandoval), 148
Natural History of North Carolina (Brickell), 258
Nautilus, 497
Navascues, Pedro, 779
Navigation Acts, British, 284, 598
Ndongos, 131, 144, 167, 168, 220, 257
Necho, Pharaoh, 48
Necker, Jacques, 13, 491
Négrier, Le (Courbière), 643, 675
Negro’s Complaint, The (Cowper), 497
Negros en sus diversos y condiciones (Ferrer de Couto), 781
Neldebladet, 223
Nelson, Horatio first viscount, 262, 546
Nelson, Hugh, 616
Neptune, 574–75
Netherlands, 141, 159–61, 165, 166, 189, 190, 200, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 252, 292, 303, 313, 321, 324, 325–26, 333, 338–39, 354, 355, 357, 360, 364, 365, 388, 393, 403, 794
abolition movement in, 531–32, 611–13
Ashanti and, 255, 348–49
Brandenburg’s rivalry with, 224–25
Brazil and, 159–60, 162, 163, 164, 169–71, 183, 185–86, 187, 531–32
Caribbean colonies of, 160, 170, 183, 186
Portugal and, 161, 169–72, 184
South American colonies of, 255
types of slaves preferred by, 400–402
Neutrality Laws, U.S., 758
Nevis, 174, 198, 203
New Amsterdam, 186, 187, 199
New Company of the Indies, 242, 292, 296
Newell, Captain, 499
New England, 194, 206, 260–61, 272, 328, 545
New Granada, 182, 229, 435, 450, 504
slave trade abolished in, 577
see also Colombia New Hampshire, 207
New Holland, 171, 172, 184, 199
New Jersey, 207, 463, 482, 501, 772
Newman, Alderman, 495, 513, 536
Newman, John, 770
New Mexico, 174, 752
New Netherlands, 170, 194, 401
New Orleans Delta, 765
Newport, R.I., 270, 272, 283, 284, 286, 460, 487, 520
Newport Gazette, 431
Newport Mercury, 427
New Sénégal Company, 194
New Spain, 182, 183, 211, 237, 504
abolition movement in, 578, 579–80
indigenous slave population of, 281
see also Mexico
Newton, Isaac, 239, 241
Newton, Captain John, 14, 270, 271, 309, 311, 344, 345, 364, 371, 428, 442, 443, 470n, 488, 494, 497, 509, 517
New World, 92, 95–96, 98–99, 100, 102–3, 115–17, 164, 174–75, 792
advent of black slavery in, 90–95, 96
black-Indian relations in, 121–24
Columbus’s voyages to, 87–89
and consequences of slavery, 798
Fonseca’s influence on, 93–94
geographic origin of slaves in, 116–17
Indian slaves from, 89–90
number of African slaves in, 211, 242, 284, 449
pre-European slavery in, 104–5
roles of slaves in, 121–24
slave markets of, 431–37
sugar boom in, 97, 99–100, 114–15
see also specific countries and regions
New World, slaves’ arrival in, 431–45
in Brazil, 432–34, 723–25
“ceremony” of, 431–32
in Charleston, 438–40
in Curaçao, 435–36
deaths after, 433–34
in Jamaica, 437–38
in Martinique, 436–37
preparation for sale and, 433, 435, 437–38
rebellions and, 438
return journey and, 440–42
New York City, N.Y., 261, 271, 462, 769–72, 773
Portuguese-Cuban slave trade and, 760–61
New York Herald, 783
New York State, 203–4, 206, 223, 260n, 482, 502
New York Times, 783
Nicaragua, 97, 105
Nicholas, Edward, 175
Nicholas V, Pope, 65, 72
Nicolls, Edward, 653
Nicuesa, Diego, 95
Niezer, Aba, 349
Niezer, Jan, 349, 692, 693
Niezer, Johann Michael, 349
Niger expedition of 1841, 658, 680, 699–700
Nigeria, 43, 47, 114, 145, 319, 325, 376, 381, 562, 795
Nimrod, 635–36
Niña, 87
Niña de los embustes, La (Solórzano), 121
Noble, Captain Clement, 283, 510
Noli, Antonio di, 75
Nomimansa, King, 69
Norfolk, Henry Howard, thirteenth duke of, 786
Noronha, Fernão de, 105, 299
Norris, Ellis, 248
Norris, Isaac, 302, 459, 479
Norris, Richard, 248
Norris, Robert, 496
North, Frederick, Lord, 490
North America, 173, 197, 245–46, 257, 275, 303, 343, 365, 373, 468
anti-morality of slave trade in, 453–54
British slave trade with, 199, 203, 244–46, 258–60, 268–70
Caribbean as source of slaves for, 206–7
direct African slave trade with, 208–9, 281–82, 328
Dutch settlements in, 170, 186
first black slaves in, 174, 186
Indians as slaves in, 177, 286, 452
Quakers in, 458–61
revival of slave trade in, 761–62
see also specific countries, states, regions
North American Review, 761
North Carolina, 203, 208–9, 264–65, 463, 500–501, 502, 532n, 544, 552, 571
onset of regular slave trade in, 257–59
Nossa Senhora de la Conceição, 305
Nottingham, Daniel Finch, second earl of, 230
Nouvelle Compagnie de Sénégal, 193
Nova, João da, 86
Nozolini, Caetano José, 681–82
Nueve von Snauw, La, 612–13
Nugent, Lady, 531
Nunes da Silveira, José, 586
Nuñez, Alfonso, 101
Nurse, Captain, 670, 684
Nye, Captain, 344
Nzinga, King of Congo, 81, 82
Nzinga, Queen (Ana de Souza), 168–69, 172, 184, 219–20, 257
Oaksmith, Appleton, 775
O Brasil, 740
Observaciones Sobre la condición de esclavos africanos (O’Gabán), 605
Observations sur la traite (Giuidicelly), 623
Observer, 10
Ochoa, Hernando, 126, 141
Ode Itsekiri, monarchy of, 116
O Diario de Pernambuco, 634
O’Donnell, General Leopoldo, 747–49, 750, 752, 756, 782
Oettinger, Dr., 397
Ofalia, Narciso de Heredia, Count of, 649
O’Farrill, José Ricardo, 780
O’Farrill, Richard, 237, 301, 644n
O’Gabán, Juan Bernardo, 605
Ogé, Vincent, 522–23
Oglethorpe, James, 799, 800
Ojea, José, 704
Olano, Nuflo de, 95
Olivares, Gaspar de Guzmán, Conde-Duque de, 166