by Hugh Thomas
Wells, William, Jr., 269
Welser family, 77, 101, 301
Wesley, John, 472, 477, 509
West, Benjamin, 489
West Africa, 110–11, 144, 185, 226, 322, 325, 363, 562, 563, 679, 691n, 700, 701, 791, 795
agriculture in, 115, 133, 352
ancient exploration of, 48–51
Arguin settlement in, 59–60, 62
British abolition and, 561–63
buying of black Africans from, 58–59
city-states of, 145
classic passages to, 313–14
cloth trades of, 319–20
cowrie as currency of, 11, 324–25, 354, 788, 795–96
extension of Islam into, 46
Gambia River area of, 194–95
gold and, 52, 54, 59–60, 62, 69, 73, 77, 106
government of, 61–62
Moroccan slave trade with, 261
Muslim merchants of, 58–59
monopoly companies and, 225–26
nonslavery commerce in, 564–65
Portuguese exploration of, 51–58, 61–62, 70, 73–74, 79, 81, 82–83
racial mixture of, 45–47
resettlement of returned slaves in, 801
and rounding of Cape of Good Hope, 82–83
rum trade and, 328–29
seizure of black Africans of, 54–55, 56–57
Sénégal River area of, 57–58, 71, 80, 82, 192, 193, 195
settling of traders in, 63–64
Sintra Treaty and, 106
“slave river” area of, 79–80
slave trade’s impact on, 226–27, 794–97
smelting and metalwork technology in, 63
Spanish exploration of, 74–75
see also slaves; slave trade; specific countries, settlements and tribes
West Africa Squadron, British, 574, 575–77, 578, 582, 593–95, 694, 741, 764, 797
assessment of, 783–84
effectiveness of, 652–54, 655, 657, 659
Free Trade group and, 733–35, 737–38
West Indian Eclogues, The (Rushton), 310
Westmorland, John Fane, tenth earl of, 555
Weuves, Jerome Bernard, 531
Weyborne, Petley, 356
Whitaker, Ben, 259
Whitbread, Samuel, 530, 584
White, Blanco, 600
White, John, 534
Whitfield, George, 136, 462
Whitney, Eli, 571
Whittle, John, 443
Whydah, 348, 355–59, 376, 390, 574, 586, 694–96
Wilberforce, William, 13, 36, 405, 414–15, 420, 423, 496, 498, 506, 510, 514, 517, 524, 526, 529, 530, 536, 537–38, 539, 540, 541, 546, 551, 554, 555, 578, 583, 584, 585, 586, 590, 592, 600, 636, 650, 776, 797
achievement of, 556
Bill of 1804 and, 549–50
Clarkson and, 493–94, 499
in Commons debate of April 1792, 527
Wilkes, Charles, 776, 778
Wilkes, John, 478, 531, 776
Wilkins, James, 579
Willem I, King of the Netherlands, 612, 692
William, 260
William, King of Bimbia, 653
William III, King of England, 241, 475
William IV, King of England, see Clarence, Duke of
Williams, A. P. E., 780
Williams, Dr. Eric, 9, 11, 494, 507, 794
Williams, Neils, 597
Williams, Roger, 458
Williams, William, 271
Williamson’s Advertiser, 250
Willing, Richard, 396, 690
Willing, Thomas, 272, 300, 590n
Willoughby of Parham, Francis Lord, 200
Willum, Johann de, 172
Wilmot, Eardley, 719, 777
Wilson, Beau, 242
Wilson, James, 500
Wilson, John Leighton, 691
Wilson, Lieutenant, 722
Wilson, Thomas, 571, 773
Windham, William, 529, 555
Windsor, Thomas, seventh Lord, 200
Winniett, Captain, 673, 695
Winter, William, 155–56
Winthrop, John (the younger), 177, 196–97
Wise, Henry, 713, 731, 732, 740, 763
Wolofs, 57, 64, 72, 80, 92, 116, 315, 327, 334–35, 401, 680
“emerging pidgin” and, 399
Woodbridge, Dudley, 237
Woodbury, Elliot, 728
Woodley, James, 642
Woolman, John, 460, 477
Wormley, Ralph, 208
Wragg, Samuel, 259, 424
Wray, Cecil, 490
Wright, Irene, 14
Wright, Joseph, 714–15
Wulfstan, Bishop, 35
Wyndham, Thomas, 154, 360
Ximénez, Angel, 689, 803
Ximénez de Cisneros, Francisco, 93, 94
Yancey, William Lowndes, 765
Yanga’s revolt, 163
Yates, Thomas, 283
Yeamans, John, 203
Yeo, James, 593
Yeo, James Lucas, 693
York, Mary of Modena, Duchess of, 457
York, Duke of, 13, 198–99, 201, 339, 457. See also James II, King of England
Yorke, Philip, first Earl of Hardwicke, 474–75
Yoruba kingdom, 47, 330, 354, 356, 695, 696
You, Dominique, 579
Young, Arthur, 450
Young, Sir George, 134, 371, 376, 378, 498
Young, Richard, 176
Young, William, 536
Zabaleta, Juan Antonio, 330
Zafra, Juan de, 91
Zanzibar, Sultan of, 595, 669
Zapata de Mendoza, Pedro, 210
Zeeland Chamber, 170
Zimbrón, Rodrigo, 105
Zimeo (Saint-Lambert), 483
Zong, 489–90, 515, 565, 623, 715
Zorita, Alonso de, 123
Zuazo, Alonso, 97, 98
Zulueta, Francisca, 646
Zulueta, Julián, 9–10, 332, 646–47, 648, 701, 704, 751, 752, 756, 758, 759, 778, 779, 780–81, 782, 783, 802
Zulueta, Pedro José, 648, 674, 701
trial of, 802–3
Zulueta, Tiburcio de, 646
Zulueta de Ceballos, Pedro Juan, 646, 648
Zúñiga, Alvaro Manrique de, 123
Zurara, Gomes Eannes de, 21–24, 25, 29, 47, 55, 56, 57
Zuyuck, Gerrit, 187
Jean Barbot, A Description of the Coasts of North and South Guinea: frontispiece; AKG London/Museu National de Arte Antiga, detail: 1; E. T. Archive, Piccolimini Library, Siena: 2; AKG London/Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna: 3; British Museum: 4; British Museum, Fotomas: 5, 48, 49, 74; National Portrait Gallery: 6; Hulton Getty: 7, 8, 31, 47, 54, 73; Mary Evans Picture Library: 8, 12, 25, 34, 59, 64, 67, 68, 69, 72; anonymous portrait, Sir John Cawswell, The South Sea Bubble: 9; Bank of England Museum: 10; National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside: 11, 41, 42, 44; Corbis-Bettmann: 13, 70; silhouette in L. V. Briggs’s Genealogical History of the Cabots: 14; American Jewish Historical Society, Waltham, Mass.: 15; National Library of Scotland: 16; Private collections: 17, 19, 37; Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Bahía: 18; Cambridge University Library: 20, 65; Edimedia: 21, 36, 52, 58, 62; AKG London: 22, 24; Dahomey, private collection: 23; St. Louis Art Museum: 27; Mount Hope, by George Howe, New York Public Library, Special Collections: 28; Lithograph by Gaulon from a painting by Gustave de Galard: 29; Musée de St-Malo: 30; Kings Topography, Maps Department, British Museum, Fotomas: 32; Crace Print Collection, British Museum, Fotomas: 38; Musée du Nouveau Monde, La Rochelle: 39, 53; photo, Éditions Memos, Nantes: 40; Musée du Nouveau Monde, Nantes: 43; painting by Warren Shepherd, Rudder, February 1904, ed. 51, photo New York Public Library, Special Collections: 45; fragment, St. Louis Art Museum, Werner Forman Archive: 46; A History of the Amistad Captives, S. W. Barber (1840), photo, the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture: 55, 56; Archivo General de Indias, Seville: 57; Germanisches National Museum, Nuremberg: 60; Cambridge University Press: 63; Ro
yal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland: 66; AKG London/National Portrait Gallery: 71; University of London Library: 75.
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Copyright © 1997 by Hugh Thomas
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SIMON & SCHUSTER PAPERBACKS and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Designed by Edith Fowler
Additional picture research: Natalie Goldstein
Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:
Thomas, Hugh, date.
The slave trade : the story of the Atlantic slave trade, 1440–1870 / Hugh Thomas.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Slave-trade—History. I. Title.
HT985.T47 1997
382′.44—dc21 97-17234 CIP
ISBN-13: 978-0-684-81063-8
ISBN-10: 0-684-81063-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-684-81063-8 (Pbk)
ISBN-10: 0-684-83565-7 (Pbk)
ISBN-13: 978-1-4767-3745-4 (eBook)
FRONTISPIECE: A French Huguenot trader discussing commerce with the King of Sestros, West Africa, c. 1730.