Shadow of the Wolf

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Shadow of the Wolf Page 8

by Dana Marie Bell

  Christopher lifted Lana’s hand to his lips. “Thanks to you.” He kissed her fingers, loving the soft blush that came over her.

  “You’re welcome.” She took her hand back and resumed her pacing. “But we still don’t know what’s going on. I could see him trying to seduce me, or take me away for revenge, but murder?”

  Christopher studied Lana. His little witch had hit on what had been bothering him since yesterday. “She’s right. Something much bigger is going on here.” Christopher reached out and stroked one of the few green leaves left on the plant. “Something Cole is willing to kill for.”

  * * * *

  “I got nothing.” Lana sat back in the chair and rubbed wearily at her eyes. Across the kitchen Gareth was talking to someone on the phone, his voice low and urgent. In front of her, the laptop’s screen remained depressingly empty of answers.

  Christopher handed her a can of soda with a weary sigh. “I’ve tried scrying, but Cole is blocked. And divining doesn’t seem to be getting me anywhere either.” He scrubbed at his face with his free hand. “It doesn’t help that most of my equipment is back at my house.”

  She smiled, opening the can of soda. “Maybe your tarot cards are broke. Want to borrow mine?”

  “No thanks.” He sat down next to her, casually draping an arm around her shoulders. He gently stroked her hair. “Head hurt?”

  Without even thinking about it she leaned into his touch. She’d always loved having her hair played with. “A little.”

  Grammy came into the kitchen, her phone in her hand. “I’ve put out feelers among the witches. It’s a long shot, but maybe someone in our community has heard of or had dealings with Cole and can give us a clue what he’s up to.” She joined Lana and Chris at the kitchen table and put the phone down with a sigh. “Any luck?”

  Lana shook her head. “Nope.”


  “I think I might know.” Gareth joined them at the table, looking a little wild-eyed. “It seems the king is considering naming his successor.”

  “And?” Lana took a sip of her Coke.

  “Rumor has it one of the people he’s considering is a Beckett.”

  Lana choked. Christopher pounded her gently on the back. “And let me guess who the other person he’s considering is.”

  “A Godwin.” Lana sat back with a groan. “Crap. Why focus on Chris, though?”

  “Cole has always seen Chris as his greatest competition, but there’s no saying that Chris is the Beckett being considered, or that Cole is the Godwin.”

  “Then that’s something we need to confirm.” Chris continued stroking her hair, soothing her despite the topic.

  “So why go after me? Was it to lure Chris out?” The two men exchanged looks that had every hair on the back of her neck standing on end. “What are you two not telling me?”

  “Whoa, look at the time!” Gareth stood and drained his iced tea. “Gotta run! Is there a hotel nearby I can stay at?”

  Grammy glared at him and pointed. “Sit.” The power in her voice was unmistakable.

  Gareth, looking startled, sat abruptly.


  “Gareth—” The warning in Chris’s voice startled her.

  The karmic backlash from forcing Gareth to speak could be bad, but it was too late. Grammy had spoken; therefore Gareth would speak. “Now that Lana has answered the call, Chris’s life force is tied to hers. If she dies or ultimately rejects him, Chris will slowly fade away.”

  Lana’s jaw dropped. “Are you telling me if I don’t mate with him he’ll die?”

  Chris winced. “Alannah…”

  “It’s literally a life-and-death fuck?”


  It was Lana’s turn to wince. “Sorry, Grammy.” She turned to Chris and smacked him on the arm. “When were you going to tell me this?”

  He was glaring at Gareth, who looked horrified. “I wasn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  He turned his attention back to her, his expression softening. “Because I wanted you to choose me, not my life.”

  “What if I had said no?”

  “You could still say no.” His finger brushed over her cheek.

  He had to be kidding, right? “God, now my head really hurts.” There was no way she could live with herself if Chris died simply because she said no, but she wasn’t ready to say yes yet no matter how much his touch made her cream her panties or how good the sex was. They were living in a bubble, but when the real world inserted itself into their lives he’d see he must have made a mistake. No wizard family would tolerate having a witch in it!

  He frowned immediately, getting up from the table to find the Tylenol. “Here, take this. You want something to eat?”

  The milk, four glasses and a plate of Oreos floated onto the table. “Dig in.” Grammy grabbed and cookie and twisted it apart, licking the cream inside. “What?”

  It was no use berating her grandmother for using her powers the way she had. Grammy knew the consequences probably better than Lana did. Lana picked up a cookie and bit into it.

  Gareth shook his head. “Here, let me.” He poured them each a glass of milk, handing them around. “We have to decide what to do about this before Cole tries again.”

  “We’ve neutralized the sickness spell. I doubt he has enough fur to try anything more.” Chris dunked his cookie twice before shoving half of it into his mouth.

  “And even if he did, Grammy and I spelled the soup to make sure it wouldn’t take.” The brothers stared at her. “What, you’ve never heard of preventative medicine?” She swallowed the Tylenol, chasing it with another bite of Oreo. Yum. My kind of medicine.

  “I didn’t hear you spellcasting.”

  “You wouldn’t have.” Grammy took another Oreo. “I don’t know exactly how a wizard’s magic works, but words aren’t always necessary for a witch to cast a spell. It’s the symbol they represent, the stated intent behind the spell that’s important. Visualization can work wonders, especially when a sick person is involved.”

  Gareth pointed at Lana, a slow grin crossing his face. “That’s why you gave him chicken soup!”

  She shrugged and dunked her next cookie. “I told you, it’s good for colds.”

  Chapter Six

  Lana woke up the next morning to a feeling of warmth. A heavy arm lay across her stomach, another under her head. She could feel Chris curled up behind her, spooning her, his breath gently stirring her hair.


  A snore was her answer.


  A deep breath huffed out, blowing her bangs into her eyes. She would have reached up and brushed them away but her arm was trapped under his.


  “Huh?” She turned her head to find sleepy gold eyes staring down at her. “Mornin’.”

  “Why are you in my bed?”

  He reached up and brushed her hair away from her eyes. “Because Gareth’s sleeping in my bed.”

  She glared at him. “This isn’t Goldilocks.”

  “Guess I can’t call you Teddy then.” He snuggled back down, tugging her closer. “Go back to sleep.”

  “I said separate bedrooms, Chris.”

  “Yup. I have a bedroom.”

  She nudged him with her elbow. “Go sleep in it.”

  “But someone else is sleeping in my bed.” He pouted down at her, all sleep rumpled. His voice was full of a sleepy rumble that had her insides melting into aroused goo. It took all of her willpower to keep from pressing her rear back against his hot erection, but after sampling him the other day, it was much harder than she thought.

  Mm, much, much harder. She shook her head, trying to get visions of riding him in reverse cowgirl out of her head. “You’ve never shared a bedroom with your brother before?”

  “Bedroom, yes. Bed, no. He hogs the covers and he snores, but the worst part? He tried to snuggle and called me Tammy.”

  Lana choked. “No way.”

hris shuddered. “Trust me. It was leave or face deflowering.”

  “Look on the bright side. He didn’t call you Tommy while being all cuddly.”

  Chris whimpered. “Are you trying to break my brain?”

  She giggled.

  “What time is it?” He rolled over slightly, checking the glowing numbers on the clock. “Six thirty? You’re a morning person?”

  She giggled again.

  “You can’t be a morning person. No way would fate be that cruel.”

  “Unlike you, I have a boss who expects me at work in the mornings.”

  He buried his face in her hair. “Please tell me you at least make coffee.”

  “That’s what most people drink in the morning.”

  “Okay, I forgive you.” He placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Hey, Nurse Evans? I have this pain.”

  She smacked his hip. “Go back to sleep, perv.”

  “Don’t you want to take my temperature?” He gave her puppy-dog eyes, but his wandering hands were anything but puppy-like. His fingers were between her legs, stroking in slow, seductive circles.



  “You have to let go so I can get up.”

  “One of us is up already.”


  He rolled on top of her, his cock resting against her opening. “You’re a morning person, remember?”

  She licked her lips, the feel of his warm body drugging her. “I told myself no more surprise sex.”

  One brow rising, he slowly thrust against her, nudging her entrance. “There’s no surprise here, Lana. We already know how good it can be.” He bent over her with a warm smile. “I promise you.” He licked her chin, the move surprisingly erotic. “This time?” He nipped her earlobe, pulling a shudder from her. “It will be better.”

  She gulped. Her resistance was melting like butter in the sun. “Better?”

  “Mmm.” The purring growl sent a shiver through her. “I plan on taking my time.” He kissed the hollow of her throat. “I want to savor every inch of you.” He tasted the top of her left breast. “Find out what makes you shiver.” He sucked her nipple into aching hardness. One finger thrust into her pussy, stroking her in time with the suction of his mouth. She gasped, arching up into his hand and mouth. His thumb stroked over her clit with every thrust, bringing it to painful life. “I want to know what makes you scream, and how to get you to whimper.”

  “I shouldn’t.” She fucked herself on his finger, fighting her body’s desires. Her body was winning, clubbing her fears to death with strong, steady strokes of one male finger. And who the hell was she kidding? She shouldn’t, but she was going to!

  He chuckled. “You should. You definitely should.” He slipped under the comforter. Before she could even squeak, his warm tongue was lapping at her pussy. Over and over, gentle then hard, from her hole to her clit.

  That was the last straw. Her brain threw its hands up in disgust and took a back seat to her libido. “Lick me. God, lick me.” She threaded her fingers through his hair, her fingers stroking, encouraging him. She’d given up her half-hearted protest in favor of the incredible sensations he was pulling from her body. He methodically stroked her with his tongue, his sighs and moans showing exactly how much he was enjoying his task. When her hips began moving, he encouraged her, his lapping tongue moving faster and faster until she was fucking his face, eager for the orgasm just on the edge of her senses. When it hit, she bucked up against him with a groan.

  But he didn’t stop. He kept licking, kept sucking until her hips were moving again, her fingers clutching in his hair. Another, stronger orgasm started to build, frightening her with how badly she wanted it. She felt something enter her and knew from the stretch that he’d added some fingers, fucking in and out of her, driving the sensations even higher.

  “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” She could hear herself chanting softly, barely aware of what she was saying.

  In answer he pulled her clit into his mouth, strumming it lightly until she was gasping her pleasure, the orgasm so strong her entire body bowed around his head, her fingers tightening in his hair until it had to hurt.

  He waited until she sank back down onto the mattress before prowling up her body. Once again the iris of his eyes was swallowed by the pupil, making his eyes appear black rimmed in gold. It was the sexiest fucking thing she’d ever seen.

  He thrust into her, powering into her. This time it was his hands clenching in her hair. He pulled her head back, using her body with each and every powerful thrust of his cock. He growled softly and buried his face in her neck, biting hard enough to suck up a mark, his hips snapping faster and faster against her.

  Once again she was going to come. It was building, higher and higher, his cock brushing that incredible spot inside her with each pounding drive into her body. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him into her, grimacing when his hands tightened and pulled her head even farther to the side, exposing her vulnerable neck.

  He picked another spot, biting and sucking, growling long and low against her, his cock moving so fast she knew he was about to come. She wasn’t far behind him, but this time she was determined he would go first. His panting breaths fanned her neck. “God. Love. Coming. Come. My witch. Mine.”

  Without thought she reached down and stroked her clit, her fingers brushing against the base of his wet cock. With a strangled moan he came, jerking against her in short, stabbing strokes.

  She let go, her own orgasm washing over her in blinding waves, her body clutching his like it never wanted to let him go.

  Chris slowly lowered himself beside her, his cock slipping out of her with a wet sound. “I think I could get used to a morning person.” He grinned at her, his chest heaving, his arm draping around her waist.

  She shook her head at him, feeling too good to take issue with the male satisfaction on his face. Besides, making her come three times? She figured he deserved a little smugness. She glanced at the clock and winced. “I hate to tell you this but I have to get up.”

  He snuggled into her, his knee between her thighs, his head on her chest. “No you don’t.”

  “Yes I do, you big baby. I have to go to work.”

  “Call out sick.”

  “Can’t. I have a big project due today.”

  “But you’re so warm,” he grumbled.


  “Fine.” He huffed, but he let her go, rolling onto his back with a pout.

  “I’ll see you after work, you big baby.”

  “Mm-hmm.” He was already curling up around her pillow. “Smells good.”

  With a sigh, he slid back into sleep. She couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face. “Sleep tight, wolfman.” She leaned over and kissed his forehead. “I like you too.”

  * * * *

  Christopher woke to the sound of a loud thud. He stretched, grateful for the extra sleep Lana had—

  “Get off me, you big ape!”

  Christopher lurched out of bed, grabbed his jeans, and began shoving his legs into them. Lana sounded pissed, but worse, she sounded scared.

  “What in hell is wrong with you?” Gareth was bellowing like a wounded bull. “You want to wind up a smear on the landscape?”

  Gareth? What the fuck was he doing that Lana sounded scared? Christopher was at the bedroom door pulling it open when Lana screeched. “Let go of me!”

  He thundered barefoot down the stairs just in time to see Gareth land on the floor, hands cradling his balls. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Gareth was rolling around on the floor, his face a rictus of agony. “Owww.”

  Lana flipped her hair over her shoulders, glaring at Gareth. “He grabbed hold of me and threatened to tie me up!”

  “She was going to go to work!”

  Christopher crossed his arms over his chest and glared at them both. “Work?”

  “I wasn’t leaving the house!” Lana threw her hands up in the air and flounced onto the
living room sofa. “I realized over breakfast that it would be too dangerous to go into the office, so I called work and told them I needed to telecommute for the next couple of days.” She waved her hand towards Gareth, who was just picking himself gingerly up off the floor. “Doofus over there saw me heading for the staircase to tell you what was going on, thought I was leaving the house and assaulted me.”

  “I did not attack you!”

  “You picked me up off the floor and threatened to tie me up!”

  Christopher shook his head and headed past Gareth into the kitchen. It was too damn early in the morning to listen to his mate and his brother bickering without the fortification of caffeine. Besides, he bet Gareth had done exactly what Lana said he’d done. Big brother could be more than overprotective at times. He could be a real pain in the ass.

  Christopher tried to look on the bright side. At least he knew if anything happened to him, Lana would be well guarded. The volume of the fight increased. He could hear Gareth threatening to stuff Lana in a closet for her own safety.

  He winced. Very well guarded.

  “Good morning, Chris. Need a mug?”

  “Good morning, Annabelle. I would love a mug, thank you.”

  She smiled serenely, ignoring Lana’s voice threatening to do more than just kick Gareth’s prized jewels if he ever laid a hand on her again. “Sugar? Cream?”

  Christopher took a seat at the banquette and absently scratched his chest, stifling a yawn. “Yes, please. Do I smell Danishes?”

  She put the mug in front of him, her expression merry. “Yes, in fact you do. Lemon, cherry or cheese?”

  He picked up his mug and took a sip. “God, that’s good. Cheese, please, and thank you.”

  “You’re a polite one. I like that.” She brought him a Danish and joined him at the table. They ate peacefully despite the battle raging on in the front of the house. He picked up the newspaper that was lying on the table, opening it to the sports section, settling in for a nice breakfast.

  “Ugh! Your brother is impossible.” Lana stomped in and poured herself a cup of coffee.

  “Yes, dear.” Christopher turned to the financial pages, handing Gareth the sports section.

  “I am not impossible, you’re impossible.” Gareth stole Christopher’s mug, frowning when he saw it was empty.


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