Shadow of the Wolf

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Shadow of the Wolf Page 9

by Dana Marie Bell

  “I didn’t play grabby with anyone.” She bit savagely into a Danish, glaring at Gareth.

  “No, you just kicked me in my,” he darted a quick look at Annabelle, “man parts.”

  “You were holding me up in the air and refusing to let go. What was I supposed to do?”

  “Not kick me in my man parts? That would have been a good start.”

  “How about next time you not assume you know what I’m up to?” Lana crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Gareth.

  The mug got slammed down on the table. “You die, my brother dies. What part of this do you not get?” Gareth stood. “I’m going for a walk.” He stomped out of the room. Seconds later they heard the front door slam.

  Lana collapsed against the countertop. “He needs to switch to decaf.” She settled onto the bench next to Christopher. “Good morning.” She kissed him on the cheek, her lips sticky from the Danish.

  Christopher held still for a moment, shocked. It was the first affectionate gesture she’d shown towards him on her own, and he was stunned by it. “Good morning.”

  “You want more coffee?” She took his mug and stood, pouring him a cup. She grabbed a second mug and poured one for herself. “Another Danish?”

  He looked over at Annabelle. “When did we replace my mate with a Stepford wife?”

  “Ha ha.” She sat back down next to him. “I have to log in about thirty … no, twenty minutes now. Anything interesting in the paper?”

  “Other than the Flyers winning last night, not really.” He smiled to himself when Annabelle winked and left the kitchen. “Now, how about a proper good morning?” He slid his hand around her waist and pulled her in closer to him. Her pleased look was distinctly feminine, full of secrets he was dying to uncover. He gave her a sweet, slow kiss, exploring her mouth, tasting the flavor of cherry and woman. “Mmm. Good morning.”

  “Good morning.”

  “I really need to ask this for obvious reasons. Does kicking a man in the balls always put you in this good a mood?”

  She laughed. “No. I just … started thinking about what you and Gareth both said last night.” She put her arms around his neck and sighed. “I need to figure out how to accept this whole mate call thingy you Becketts do. When my car broke down during that storm? I had the feeling it was the Lady trying to tell me something. When Cole was in those woods chasing me, I knew safety was in front of me, and when I saw the wolf I knew I’d found it. Add in everyone telling me I was the answer to your prayers and I know I need to try and work through this.”

  He couldn’t help it. He stole another kiss, grateful beyond belief that she was willing to give them a chance. “Thank you.”

  “Once this whole Cole thing is over we’re going on a real date. Understood? Just because you didn’t pay your dollar for the marriage lottery like everyone else doesn’t mean you get out of wining and dining me, got it?”

  He could do that. “Do I get to seduce you too?”

  She bit her lip, a slight flush to her cheeks, her eyes full of promise. “Maybe. If you play your cards right.”

  He leaned in and took one more kiss. He could easily get addicted to the taste of her mouth. “At least I won’t be playing solitaire anymore.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him. “That was bad, wolfman.”

  He shrugged. “The caffeine hasn’t kicked in yet.”

  She shook her head and pulled away from him with flattering reluctance. “Time to go to work.”

  “Bring the laptop into the living room. I’ll set mine up there too and we can work together.” He followed her out of the kitchen, enjoying the sight of her ass swaying lazily in front of him.

  “How do you know I’m not on the phone all day long?”

  Huh. What does she do for a living? With everything that had happened in the last two days he’d forgotten to ask. “I don’t?”

  She snorted, heading up the stairs. He followed after pausing for a moment to enjoy the view. “You’re lucky, because I’m not.”

  “What do you do?”

  She looked back at him with a smirk. “I’m an accountant.”

  He stumbled. Somehow regimented numbers and tax laws didn’t really fit in with his vision of her. “Really?”

  She wiggled her fingers at him from the bedroom door. “They say I’m magic with numbers.”

  “Ouch.” He headed for his bedroom and grabbed his laptop case. Gareth might have stolen his bed but at least he knew better than to touch Chris’s laptop.

  “Who do you need to get in touch with over the whole king business?”

  “Not sure. I’ll fire off an email to my father, have him look into what’s going on. Meanwhile I need to get some work done too. Do you mind music?”

  She paused, putting the laptop down on the coffee table. “In general, no. Why?”

  “I like to work with some playing in the background.” It helped set the mood for the work he was doing.

  “You have headphones?” She sank gracefully to the floor, getting to hands and knees to plug the laptop in.

  That luscious ass of hers was up in the air and she expected him to speak human? The memory of the incredible sex they’d had that morning had him so hard he was surprised there was any blood left in his head. He figured there must be some left there though. He was still breathing.

  She looked back at him over her shoulder, rolling her eyes when she saw where his gaze had landed. “Head. Phones.” Each word was accompanied by a wiggle of her ass.

  He gulped. He hadn’t thrown his underwear on under his jeans, and now he was going to have a permanent zipper mark up his cock. “Uh.” He was definitely going to have to fuck her in that position. Note to self: pick up lube. He wondered if she’d let him talk her into taking her there.

  He bet he could. After all he’d already had her twice when she’d been unsure. If she’d given him a firm no either time, he’d have backed off, threat of blue balls or not. But she hadn’t. She’d given so sweetly, come so beautifully for him, he was permanently addicted.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” She sat up, sitting on her heels and holding out her hand. “There. Hand me your plug.”

  He blinked. It took him a second to realize she meant the electrical plug. She’d look so incredible with her ass plugged. “Here.”

  She plugged in his laptop, giving him another show. “All done. The travel surge protector I had should work for now.” She squirmed around, sitting cross-legged in front of the laptop. She looked up at him with a grin, her eyes drifting lazily over his erection. “Work now, play later.”

  He sat down so hard he nearly bounced. “Work. Then play. Got it.” He stared at the blank screen. “What was I working on?”

  She leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Turning on the laptop.”

  He stared down at the top of her head, trying to ignore the way her shoulders shook with her laughter. It’s going to be a long day.

  * * * *

  Lana reached up with her arms and stretched, her back feeling stiff from sitting on the floor. She scooted back and leaned against the sofa, pushing her legs under the coffee table. Chris’s music track had gone from Joe Satriani to Enya, the soft strains filling the room, his mouse moving in sweeping arcs across the mouse pad. “Wouldn’t that be easier with one of those drawing pads I’ve heard about?”

  “Considerably, but I forgot to pack it.”

  “Oh.” She stood up, more than ready for a bio break. “Want anything to drink?”


  “Sure, be right back.” She headed for the tiny powder room, relieving herself before heading to the kitchen. She grabbed two cans out of the fridge and slammed the door shut. She then promptly screeched.

  He winced. “Sorry.”

  Lana put her hand to her chest. “Fuck, Gareth, you trying to kill me?”

  He had his hands shoved in his pockets and a sheepish expression on his face. “I’m sorry if I overreacted this morning.”

  She handed hi
m one of the Cokes and opened the fridge door, grabbing another one. “In that case I’m sorry I racked you.”

  He winced and followed her out of the kitchen. “I can tell my future mate that our children are little mutants because of you.”

  “No blaming me for your wizardlings, dude.” She sat back down on the floor, handing Chris his soda.

  He snorted and stepped over her, plopping himself on the sofa. “Hey, bro.”

  Chris grunted, sweeping some magenta onto his design.

  “Isn’t he just a little ray of sunshine when he’s working?”

  Chris lifted his hand from the mouse long enough to give Gareth the bird.

  “Ah, sibling love. Makes me glad I’m an only child.” She toasted them with her can before popping the top.

  “Wait until you meet the rest of the family.”

  Chris looked up, a frown on his face. “Do you two mind? I’m trying to work.”

  “Sorry. So sorry.” Lana stood and tiptoed out of the room, making shushing noises at Gareth and bowing to Chris whenever he looked up. The reluctant amusement on his face made her overly dramatic posturing worthwhile.

  She headed into the kitchen again intent on making sandwiches. Maybe feeding some meat to her grumpy wolf would tame him a bit.

  Grammy came up from the basement, a look of concern on her face. “What is it?”

  “I heard from someone high up in the witches’ council.”

  Uh-oh. “And?”

  “It’s confirmed. The wizard king is gravely ill. None of their healing spells are working. He wants to name his successor before he passes on, and he’s definitely considering someone from either the Becketts or the Godwins.” She shook her head sadly. “He even went so far to ask one of our specialists to look at him, but there was nothing that could be done for him. Poor man.”

  “Do they know who he’s thinking of naming?”

  “We’ve been scrying all day, but so far none of us has been able to come up with anything.”

  “Which means either he hasn’t decided himself or he’s blocking any magical attempts to find out.”

  Grammy nodded, grabbing the bread. “That makes sense. I’m certain the other kings would do the same.” She sighed, the bread dropping onto the plate. Lana took a good look at her, just noticing the dark circles under her Grammy’s eyes. “I’m too tired to cook tonight, sweetheart. Do you mind sandwiches?”

  Lana thought about ordering in pizza but reluctantly decided against it. She had no idea if Cole knew where they were yet and she wasn’t willing to take chances. There were so many things he could do to the pizza, or the delivery man, that fell into the “not good” category. “I’ve already started making them. Why don’t you let me finish? Have a seat.”

  “Thank you, dear. I will.” Grammy settled wearily onto the bench.

  Lana called the men in to grab the sandwiches once they were done. Chris entered first, the frown of concentration gone from his face. He was even smiling. Lana saw Gareth wink at her before Chris swooped down, planting a hearty kiss on her cheek. “Did you have a good day at work, dear?”

  She snorted. “Not too bad. You?”

  “I had a very good day. There was this cute new girl in the office. I swear, I think she flirted with me a few times.” He was grinning down at her, cradling her body in his arms, swaying gently against her. But something manic was in his eyes, something wild and untamed.

  “Really? Do I need to be worried about her?” She studied him closely, worried by what she saw.

  He shrugged. “Nah. You’re much cuter, and you smell better.” He sniffed her neck, laughing when she playfully slapped his chest. He turned his head, his grin turning savage when he saw the sandwiches. “Roast beef.” He reached over and grabbed one, shoving half into his mouth in one go.

  “Ew.” Lana stepped back. “Slow down, Captain Carnivore. You might choke on the gristle.”

  Chris looked shocked for a moment before swallowing hard, making a weird face. She thought maybe the beef got briefly stuck halfway down. Not surprising since she usually packed half a cow on her sandwiches. “Sorry.”

  Gareth sighed. “I need a run too.”

  The brothers exchanged glances. “Where?” Chris sat, pulling Lana into his lap and handing her a sandwich. “Eat.” When she squirmed to get more comfortable, he growled, tightening his arms around her waist. It was like he thought she was trying to get away. She settled down, hoping it would calm her wolfman down.

  “No place around here is safe. We’d have to head out of the city a ways. Thanks.” Gareth smiled sweetly at Grammy when she passed him the lemonade, but his expression remained troubled.

  “Do you two need to change every day?” Lana bit delicately into her sandwich. Rich tomato and tangy mustard burst over her tongue. Yummy. She hadn’t realized how hungry she’d been until she’d taken a bite. The moment she did the low-level grumble that had been rattling Chris’s chest ceased, and his big body eased.

  What the hell?

  “I wouldn’t go more than three days without changing. Things can get, pardon the pun, hairy if we don’t.” Chris dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “It’s been a while since I’ve had to deal with that problem. We might not be able to stay here too much longer.”

  He sounded genuinely regretful. Considering the circumstances she couldn’t find it in her to call him on it. He was looking really uncomfortable. She decided to put him out of his misery. “Back to your place then?”

  “I think so.” He rubbed his hand up and down her back. “I’m sorry, Lana. I should have thought of this. I wish I didn’t have to break my promise to you.”

  She kissed his cheek, hoping to ease some more of the tension in him. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure there are some perks to dating a werewolf.”

  “Like?” He settled her more securely on his lap. She could feel his erection growing under her bottom, a different hunger lighting his eyes.

  “Hmm. Never having cold feet in bed again?”

  Gareth laughed. “Yup, that’s the biggest perk all right.”

  She put the sandwich down on the plate and wrapped her arms around Chris’s neck, focusing on him. “And you already come housetrained.”

  His lips twitched. “True.”

  “And if you chew my shoes you can afford to replace them.”

  He looked ready to burst, either in laughter or indignation, she couldn’t tell which. “I am not a poodle.”

  “Well, that’s good. I’m not really into yappy dogs.” She ran her hand teasingly down his chest and used her best seductive voice. “I like real dogs.”

  Gareth’s head was on the table, his shoulders shaking.

  Chris was still fighting a laugh when his cell phone rang. “Hello?” The tension she’d managed to almost eradicate once more tightened his shoulders, the laughter fleeing from his face. “What do you want, Cole?” She tried to hear what was being said but couldn’t. All she could hear was a soft murmuring voice, but the tone came through loud and clear, the menace in the sounds dripping from the speaker. Chris’s eyes narrowed, his mouth tightening at whatever Cole was saying. “You really don’t want to do that, Cole. Trust me.” The last words were said in a low growl that sent shivers down her spine. Her wolfman was getting seriously pissed off.

  When his eyes darted to Grammy, it was Lana’s turn to stiffen. “What?” She mouthed, hoping he’d be able to give her an answer.

  “The Evans family is off limits. Don’t threaten them again. Do you understand me?” He listened for a moment, his hand tightening painfully on her hip, his gaze boring into hers. “What makes you think he’ll pick you once he finds out you’ve been threatening innocent bystanders? Cole? Cole! Damn it!” He closed the phone and tossed it onto the table. “We have to leave tonight. He’s not only found out who you are but where we are.” He exchanged a look with Gareth that worried her. “He said to tell you hi.”

  “Damn. He’s stronger than I thought.” Lana shivered, grateful when Chr
is pulled her close, burying her face in his neck. “Can he hurt Grammy?”

  His arms tightened around her. “I’ll protect you both. You have my word on that.”

  She didn’t even have to think over everything he’d already done to protect her. “I know.” The soft wonder in his face was worth her show of trust. She smiled and fed him a bit of sandwich. Hmm. Maybe we can work this out after all.

  Chapter Seven

  It didn’t take long to get everything packed back into the car. Gareth volunteered to drive Annabelle, leaving Christopher alone with his mate and a burning need to let the wolf free. The two women exchanged quick hugs, and they were off, heading back to Christopher’s house and the problems that hadn’t gone away. If anything, the new threat Cole had obliquely uttered had upped the stakes considerably. Lana would never forgive herself, or him, if anything happened to Annabelle.

  And still, the only thing he could think about was his need to rip his clothing off his body and run until he collapsed.

  Damn it, how could he have forgotten? Most days it wasn’t a problem, because he’d made sure it wasn’t one. He’d even gone to a college in the suburbs, living in a place that had a good wooded area behind it for short runs. It was a lesson he’d learned from his parents. His relatives might work in the city but they lived outside it.

  Now, thanks to his illness, he hadn’t run in two days, and the wolf was anxious to get out of its cage. The only reason he could think of for the wolf to be so itchy to get out was the fact that they had yet to fully claim their mate. “Once we’re back at the house, Gareth and I will be going for a run.”

  “All right.” She put her hand on his thigh, the warmth of her seeping through the rough denim. Suddenly his wolf’s urges were heading in a completely different direction, one that had his cock rock hard enough to drill holes in steel. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  He could think of a few things she could do that might help. Unzipping his fly, lowering her head, taking his prick out of his pants, sucking it into the warm cavern of her mouth…

  “Chris? You might want to pull over.”


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