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Saved by Love's Blood

Page 9

by Stephani Hecht

  Zeke. The single word washed over his mind like an aphrodisiac. His cock swelled so fast and hard, it hurt. Every cell in his body seemed honed in on the same need and he felt a strange pull that let him know his vampire was close. “I’ve got to go.” He pressed a chaste kiss to Kavan’s cheek before he tore out of his room, running in his haste.

  Even though he’d never been to Zeke’s room, he didn’t need directions. It was as if there was a strange connection guiding him to the male. Along the way, he passed Rafe, but he didn’t stop, not even when he heard his brother calling out to him. Finally, he found himself in front of a door at the end of the south wing of the building. Pressing a cheek to the door, he felt a feral smile spread out on his face. Oh yeah, Zeke was in there and he had no frigging clue about the little surprise he had waiting for him. Raising a hand, Ethan knocked.

  As soon as the vampire answered the door, Ethan attacked. Letting out a little snarl, he pushed Zeke back and kicked the door closed behind them. Zeke’s eyes flared in recognition and that must have been the reason he relaxed and didn’t fight back.

  “What are you doing?” Zeke asked as Ethan slammed him into a wall.

  “It’s been two days,” Ethan growled, knowing he sounded more animal than human, but too far gone to give a damn. Reaching between them, he grabbed Zeke’s cock, which was already hard for him. “I’m here so you can fuck me.”

  “Are you okay? You’re not acting like yourself.”

  “No, I’m not okay. I’m horny, hungry and the only one I want to take care of those things has been avoiding me.” Ethan pressed harder into Zeke’s body, wanting to touch every inch of the male. He wanted to rub against the vampire until he was drenched in his scent.

  “I was just trying to give you some space until you got adjusted,” Zeke panted, his fangs growing large.

  Ethan slowly leaned forward and ran his tongue up one of the long incisors and Zeke jerked liked he’d been shocked. “Do I look like I want some fucking space?” Ethan demanded as he continued to lick Zeke’s fangs.

  Moaning, Zeke parted his lips and gave him a hard, demanding kiss.

  Ethan whimpered in relief, capturing Zeke’s tongue and sucking in deep. The entire time, he clawed blindly at the vampire’s jeans, desperate to get them open so he could get at his cock. Zeke broke off the kiss and grabbed Ethan by the front of the shirt.

  “I can taste blood in your mouth. Who have you been drinking from?” Zeke snarled, a possessive gleam coming to his dark gaze.

  “What do you care?” Ethan challenged. “You were the one who dumped me.”

  Zeke flattened his hand on Ethan’s chest and pushed, making him slowly back peddle. Searing him with a heated gaze, the vampire said carefully, “I never dumped you. In fact, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. I haven’t been able to sleep because every time I close my eyes, I see your face, the way it looked as you came when I was sucking you off.”

  “Then why have you been treating me like I’m a zombie with leprosy or something?” Ethan came up short, the back of his knees hitting the bed.

  “Because I needed to know.” Zeke gave him a gentle shove.

  Ethan fell back onto the mattress. “Know what?” Ethan looked up at him, lust raging through his body.

  “If you wanted me for me or just because I saved your life. I don’t want you to be with me because you think you owe me. I want you to need me as much I need you.”

  Did he need Zeke? Goddess yes, ever since he’d first seen the male, Ethan had been drawn to him in a way he’d never experienced with any other. Zeke was the first thing he thought about in the morning, the last image he saw in his head before he went to sleep. Everything he did was for the vampire. Ethan didn’t dare say all this aloud though. Instead, he unzipped his own pants and pulled out his hard cock. Stroking it, he enjoyed how the action brought a flare to Zeke’s eyes as he gazed down at him. “Does this tell you how much I need you?” Ethan crooned as he wrapped his fingers around himself and started to slowly pump up and down.

  “It’s a start,” Zeke said, his voice husky with need. He eyed Ethan’s cock up hungrily, but still stood motionless, just watching the action.

  For some reason, that annoyed Ethan and made him want to goad the male, just a little. “This feels so good,” he let out a loud, exaggerated moan. “Maybe all the agony I’ve been in the last couple of days was for no reason since I obviously can take care of this need on my own.”

  That finally got a reaction. Quick as a gunshot, Zeke was on the bed. Straddling Ethan’s legs, the vampire reached down and brushed his hand away, replacing it with his own strong grip.

  “Oh no, you don’t. This cock belongs to me and me alone,” Zeke tsked as he gave Ethan a tight squeeze. “You will only get your pleasure from me.”

  “Oh, fuck,” Ethan panted, pleasure shooting through his body.

  “The same goes for blood. You will only feed from me. If I taste another male on you again, I’ll find him and rip him apart for touching what’s mine,” Zeke vowed savagely as he gave him another squeeze.

  “Only you from now on, I swear.” Ethan thrust his hips up in a silent plea for more. Then he turned his head to the side, offering himself up to Zeke in every way possible.

  Chapter Nine

  Zeke stared down at the exposed jugular, his fangs growing even larger. It had been so long since he’d fed because no other blood appealed to him but Ethan’s. Now that it was a gift given to him, he knew he was powerless to refuse it.

  Moving quickly, he struck, sinking his fangs in deep. Pinning Ethan down as a predator would its prey. It still wasn’t enough. Zeke wanted to go deeper, to leave behind his bonding bite that would forever mark the male as his. He held back though because he knew Ethan wasn’t ready for that yet. In the end, he settled for taking in mouthfuls of the warlock’s sweet blood. Even though he didn’t have his powers anymore, Zeke still detected a faint undertone of magic. It made the experience all that more intense as he felt Ethan’s essence surge inside him.

  “Sweet damn, that feels so good,” Ethan cried as he buried his hands in Zeke’s hair and urged him on.

  Zeke didn’t answer because he was too busy drinking. All the while, he continued to stroke Ethan’s erection. The warlock had a very nice cock, long and thick, just the way Zeke liked them. He couldn’t wait to get his lips wrapped around him again, but that would have to wait until later. He had other things planned for his blond lover.

  “Please, fuck me,” Ethan begged as he continued to thrust forward into Zeke’s hand.

  Zeke pulled his fangs out and slowly licked the wounds left behind closed. He took extra care, loving the way Ethan’s flesh twitched under his tongue as he made slow lazy paths up the column of his neck. Finally, he sat up on his knees and gazed down at the male. Ethan’s eyes were glazed over with passion and he noticed a kind of desperation on his face that only sexual need could bring.

  “I’m going to fuck you,” Zeke promised. Taking his hand from Ethan’s cock, he slowly ran his fingers down the male’s large fangs. “I’m going to screw you so hard that by the time I’m done with you, there will never be any doubt in your mind who you belong to.”

  Zeke stood up so he could slide Ethan’s pants off him, taking the dark boxers with them. When his shoes impeded his progress, Ethan toed off his battered Converse to help. Zeke bent over to grab at his tee, but the warlock reached out and stopped his hand.

  “Leave it on,” Ethan demanded in a soft voice.

  “Why?” Zeke was confused and a little disappointed since he wanted to feel every inch of the male’s soft skin pressed against him.

  “I’m shy.” Ethan leaned forward and captured Zeke’s lips in a kiss.

  Zeke’s head spun from both the kiss and Ethan’s excuse. Shy? Yeah, he might have bought it if the guy hadn’t opened his pants and exposed his cock a few minutes ago. There was something that Ethan didn’t want him to see, which meant he was still holding back.

  Ethan took his tongue deep into his mouth and sucked and Zeke didn’t care anymore. All that mattered at that moment was getting his cock inside the warlock’s tight ass. Fine, if Ethan wanted to keep the damn shirt on, then Zeke could work with that.

  Stepping back, Zeke started to take off his clothes, ripping his shirt in his haste. Finally, he was naked and ready.

  Ethan was still on his back but he propped himself on his elbows so he could look his fill. He must have liked what he saw because a low rumble of approval came from his parted lips.

  “Get on your hands and knees,” Zeke ordered as he licked his lips in anticipation.

  “Fuck,” Ethan whimpered before he scrambled to do as commanded. Once he was in place, his fingers wrapped around the top of the headboard.

  Zeke climbed on the bed behind him. Running his hand along one smooth globe of Ethan’s ass, he almost purred in pleasure. “I love your body,” he crooned as he let one finger slide down the warlock’s crack. “You want to know what I like most about it though?”

  “Oh Goddess,” Ethan moaned, thrusting back against Zeke’s touch.

  “I like how it responds to me.” Zeke slipped his finger in even further so it was touching the tight opening. “I love how all it takes is for me to touch you a certain way and you come so hard that you gasp my name.”

  Zeke parted the halves of his male’s ass so he could get at the tight ring of muscle. Darting his tongue out, he laved at it in slow circles, getting him slick, wet and ready. He added his fingers to the action, first one and then two, loving the way Ethan’s tight ass seemed to suck him in. All the while, Ethan moaned and begged for his cock, but Zeke held back until he knew his lover was ready.

  After a few minutes that was torture for both of them, Zeke pulled back and ran the tip of his cock over Ethan’s entrance. “Mine, you belong only to me,” he growled right before he plunged into the warlock’s ass.

  Ethan cried out in passion, his back arching so Zeke went in so deep, his sack hit his body.

  Zeke stilled, fighting the urge to fuck hard and fast. He wanted to savor this moment. Enjoy the way Ethan’s body held him so tight. The way they were both trembling in passion. That control lasted until the warlock started to thrust back against him, making his cock move in and out. Then when Zeke still didn’t move, Ethan looked over his shoulder and hissed at him, his fangs glistening white and long.

  With a roar, Zeke answered his challenge, pulling back so far his cock almost slid out. He started to fuck Ethan so hard, the male would have fallen on his face if he hadn’t been holding onto the headboard. Halfway through, Zeke had the mind to slide his hand around Ethan’s hip so he could grab the warlock’s cock.

  “Harder,” Ethan yelled. “Squeeze me harder.”

  Zeke obeyed, stroking the male’s cock in time with his thrusts. Ethan let out a feral growl, giving into his vampire side all the way. Claws came out of the tips of his fingers and punched into the headboard, the loud snap of splintering wood mixing in with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh.

  I love you. You will always be the only one for me. Zeke chanted in his head, too scared to say the words out loud. Throwing his head back with a hoarse cry, he came, his cock releasing in Ethan’s hot, wet ass. After a couple more strokes of his hand, Ethan came, too, his hot come spilling over Zeke’s hand.

  After they had both caught their breaths, Zeke pulled out of Ethan and sat back on his knees. He closed his eyes and savored the high that only feeding and screwing could bring. He jerked in surprise when he felt the male’s soft lips against his cheek.

  “Wow, that was worth the wait,” Ethan whispered, his voice laced with awe.

  Zeke smiled. Yes, it was and now that he’d finally had a taste of the warlock, he knew he could never let him go.

  Zeke was completely sated, in that zone of being halfway asleep, yet still awake. He had Ethan in his arms, the warlock’s back pressed against his chest. Every time the male breathed, Zeke could feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest and took comfort in that. But even though this should have been the happiest moment of his life, he had never been more troubled.

  All the things Dominic had said were bouncing around in Zeke’s head, mocking him because they could all be true. While he didn’t want to believe anything bad about Ethan, it was obvious he was hiding something. Even now, he was sleeping partially clothed, still afraid to bare his body.

  Zeke’s heart clenched, making it hard to breath. What could possibly be that bad? They were vampires for Christ’s sakes. Not too long ago, he and Ethan had been in a battle with werewolves who’d been bewitched and were stuck halfway between their wolf and human form. That had taken some serious fucked up evil to manage and it still hadn’t fazed Ethan. Yet, there was some part of him that scared him so much he was terrified of letting anyone know about it.

  “You’re thinking too hard,” Ethan mumbled sleepily, not opening his eyes.

  “Who did you drink from yesterday?” Zeke asked, carefully watching the male’s face for his reaction.

  Ethan slowly cracked his lids and shifted his body around so they were facing each other. “Does it matter?” Ethan’s face remained neutral, revealing nothing.

  Zeke was very familiar with this expression since the warlock used it whenever he was trying to protect his secrets. “Yes it does,” Zeke replied firmly. There was a long pause and for a while, he thought the man wasn’t going to answer him.

  “Kavan,” he finally said, his voice so low Zeke almost missed it.

  An ugly surge of jealously went through Zeke as he thought about the scarred warlock and the way he looked at Ethan. There was no missing the want and desire in the jerk’s gaze. Zeke didn’t believe for a second it had been an accident that he had been there for Ethan when he had been in need either. “I should have known,” Zeke spat out bitterly.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Ethan’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

  “He just happens to be there at just the right time?”

  “Kavan and I go way back. We’ve been there for each other at the right time before. Why should this be any different?” Ethan pulled away from him and moved to the other side of the bed.

  Zeke’s body instantly ached over the loss of his warmth. “Are you two lovers?” Zeke asked as he tried hard not to hate the scarred warlock even more.

  “A few times, but it really didn’t work out between us.” Ethan shrugged.

  Okay, it couldn’t be helped now. Zeke hated Kavan with a vengeance. “Why not?” As soon as that question was out, Zeke regretted it. With every answer, things only got worse so why did he keep insisting on digging at that scab?

  “He wanted more than I could give him.” An irritated sigh passed through Ethan’s lips. He got up and started getting dressed the rest of the way, his movements jerky and angry.

  “And what was that?” Shut up, you idiot. Enough with the questions already. You’re coming off as the jealous lover.

  “Kavan is already committed to another warlock named Derik and they both wanted me to be their third. I have no problem with the whole Triquetra thing as far as others go, but it’s just not for me.” Ethan’s tone was hard and edgy. The message was a clear back-the-fuck-off. He didn’t even glance up as he sat down and started to put his shoes on.

  Unfortunately for both of them, Zeke wasn’t ready to stop with the interrogation. “And yet you still fed off him,” Zeke said, flatly.

  “Yes, but not because of what you think. There was nothing sexual behind it.”

  Zeke barely kept in his snort of disbelief. He would bet his last dollar that ‘ol Kavan got a lot of pleasure from the bite. Instead, he asked, “Then why even bother? I sent you some blood.”

  “It was in a bag.” Ethan curled his lip in disgust. “For all I know, someone could have tampered with it.”

  “Nobody here would do that to you,” Zeke protested. He was more than a little pissed that after all they had done for Ethan, he still had trouble tr
usting them.

  “You’re right they won’t because I won’t give them the chance,” Ethan shot back as he stood up. “You don’t need to feel too bad though. I wasn’t feeding from Kavan for nourishment sake.”

  “So why did you fang on him?” Zeke wasn’t surprised to hear the angry bite in his question.

  “He had some crazy theory that maybe if I took in some of his blood, the magic in it would revive mine and I could get my gifts back,” Ethan replied flippantly as if it was no big deal.

  In the mean time, Zeke felt a ball of dread develop in his gut as he remembered everything Dominic had told him and Eric. How if Ethan was to get his powers back, the vampire in him may push him back toward dark magic. “Do you think that’s such a good idea?” He treaded carefully, not wanting to piss Ethan off anymore.

  “It doesn’t matter since it didn’t work anyway.” Ethan pulled up sharply and tossed him a shrewd look. “What would make you ask something like that?”

  “It’s nothing really. Actually it’s kind of stupid,” Zeke blundered, wishing he had never opened this can. Now that he had, a sickening inkling told him there would be no closing it.

  “Then you won’t mind telling me,” Ethan pressed, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Knowing it would be worse if he lied to him, Zeke took a deep breath and spilled. He told Ethan every detail of the meeting between him, Eric and Dominic. He even relayed all the doom and gloom prediction the warlock had made. By the time he was done, Ethan’s expression had gone from incredulous to outrage before settling on cold hard rage.

  “I’m going to fucking kill him,” Ethan spat as he turned. Throwing open the door, he stormed out of the room, a low growl rumbling from his throat.

  Zeke cursed under his breath as he scrambled out of bed and started to get dressed. His chest grew tight as he realized just how much he’d hurt Ethan. He’d also unleashed an angry vampire who had yet to learn to control his blood rage. Which meant that if Zeke didn’t get to Dominic first, they could very well have one dead warlock on their hands.


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