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Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)

Page 17

by Slaughterbown

  Grinning from ear to ear, Aiken started to laugh. “I can’t believe you did it! You did it! You’re a bloody hero!” he exclaimed.

  Elijah stared at him, motionless. His thoughts raced through the harrowing events and caused him to shake his head. He realized that he was truly a wanted man now, and no one, not even his princess, could save him. His stomach throbbed once again.

  Aiken’s laughter continued. “You did it! You saved me! I’m free!”

  Elijah suddenly frowned. “Don’t get too excited.”

  Aiken threw his hands up. “What?”

  Elijah’s pale face stared into Aiken’s. “Ghais knows who I am…the entire city will know that I saved a crusader.”

  Aiken’s laughter stopped. “Sorry.”

  Neither said a word.

  Then, Elijah replied, “I saved you. Now I want my heart’s desire to come true.”

  Aiken glanced his way. “Oh…well…I do not have the necessary tool to do that with me right now.”

  “What?” shouted Elijah.

  Aiken cleared his throat. “Well, if I had it…I wouldn’t have been in this situation in the first place,” he said.

  Elijah clenched his fists tightly.

  “Do not worry! I will take you to it! Yes, I will!” affirmed the crusader.

  “You better not be lying to me, Aiken! I risked my life for you!” said Elijah, again scowling.

  Aiken continued, “Oh, everything will be fine. We just have to make it to the foothills.”

  Elijah stood up. “What! The foothills? There is an entire army outside these walls!” he exclaimed. He peered into his eyes and wondered if he was dealing with a crazy man.

  “Oh,” muttered Aiken.

  Elijah suddenly lunged forward and grabbed Aiken’s shirt. “You lied to me!” shouted Elijah.

  Aiken threw up his hands. “No! No! Do not worry. Calm down, my boy. We will figure out how to get there. With both our minds working together, I am sure we will figure something out,” he said, grinning again.

  Elijah let go of the man’s shirt and fell to his knees. “This can’t be happening,” he cried.

  Aiken grabbed onto Elijah’s arm and yanked him up. “Come on. We need to get some rest. We’ll come up with a plan in the morning,” coaxed Aiken.

  “It will be okay, lad. Come on. Let’s get away from this prison,” said Aiken as they disappeared into the night.

  Chapter 23

  Habarga’s east wall dazzled brilliantly as the golden sun swept the night’s chill westward. Glittering swords and shields flashed their superiority with ease. The entire city was cast in a golden hue, even her shadows were transformed. Elijah squinted through the tint as Aiken slowly came into focus. That was the sound, Swish…swish…swish, that he had dreamed. Aiken slowly slid his new sword across a smooth stone. Suddenly, the bandit twisted around, wondering, guessing at where he had spent the night. He remembered the crashing vale of sleep sometime in the darkness and then the battle for their lives. And now, his friends. Where were they? he pondered. I could take Aiken to my hideout and meet them, if they were still my friends. But would they welcome a mortal enemy? I doubt it. What shall I do? pounded his thoughts as the dizziness returned.

  Aiken glanced over. “Good morning,” came his cheery voice.

  “Where, what?” exclaimed Elijah as he rose from the ground.

  “Did you sleep well?” asked Aiken.

  Elijah curtly replied, “No. Did you?”

  Aiken slid his blade once again. “I didn’t sleep at all,” he replied.

  Now on his feet, Elijah peered down the alley. “Sorry to hear that,” he said.

  Aiken shrugged. “I am not. Anything is better than being trapped in a dungeon. Thank you so much for what you did for me last night. I owe you my life!”

  “You don’t owe me anything,” said Elijah, frowning.

  Aiken grinned. “Oh, but I owe you everything! I would be dead right now if it wasn’t for you!”

  Suddenly, Elijah crouched low. A passing crowd, on the way to the palace, chattered wildly.

  Elijah glanced their way for a moment. “All right. So we need to get to the foothills, do we not?” he asked.

  Aiken laid down the smooth stone and jumped to his feet. “You sure you want to go?” he asked.

  “Well, I ruined my life here. So yes, I suppose I would like to go. Maybe change my life with that item you have that makes all your heart’s desires come true,” replied Elijah.

  Aiken stared at the commotion down the way. “Oh, yes! Of course! Well, we need to figure a way out of this mess,” he finally replied.

  Elijah noticed the crowd growing larger and turned back to Aiken. “I have lived here all my life and I do not know how in the world we can escape! On the other side of these walls lies an entire army in wait! We can’t get out of here!”

  Aiken listened to his strained voice and shook his head. “Nonsense. There is always a way out, always!”

  “No, there is not,” exclaimed Elijah.

  Aiken peered into the man’s eyes. “Your doubts are disconcerting,” he said.

  Elijah jerked. “If I didn’t get…” The trumpet’s chorus took his words away.

  “Let’s go see what all the fuss is about,” said Aiken as the throngs multiplied. Quickly, he pulled out a hood and pulled it over his head.

  Elijah’s eyes widened. “Where did you get that?” he asked.

  “Ha! While you were sleeping, I was out working,” chuckled Aiken. He quickly pulled another piece of material from his bag. “Here, you might need this.”

  Piece in hand, Elijah just stood there. “Come, my newfound friend,” coaxed a smiling Aiken.

  Elijah studied the hood and then lifted it to his head. “Let’s go,” said Elijah.

  Seconds later, the two men joined the moving mass toward the palace. Elijah stared all around. People were hanging from their windows, pointing toward those below and also toward the palace. Soldiers were streaming out of the palace as the trumpets continued their call. Guards scurried to and fro along the ledges, making room for Prince Anas as he made his entrance. The massive Radwan joined him to his left and his advisor, Tariq, to his right. Elijah felt his heart nearly seize as the next image met his gaze. Natalia stood directly behind those three with her father. “Natalia,” Elijah muttered.

  Aiken turned his head. “Excuse me?” he asked.

  But Elijah didn’t respond. Thoughts of his last embrace raced through his mind and then the screaming Mera as she shouted out, “Bandit!” His chest sunk even deeper than before when he realized how lost he really was.

  Tariq, the magician, held out his hand and faced it toward Anas. The prince took the cue and started speaking, “I have brought you together, people of Habarga.” Elijah heard him so clearly that he jumped with a start. In fact, the entire crowd jumped. The voice resonated perfectly down the thronged thoroughfares. Elijah thought, What kind of magic is this?

  The voice continued. “Your princess was attacked last night by a bandit!”

  Instantly, the masses roared out in displeasure. Elijah and Aiken quickly looked at each other.

  Anas waited for the noise to subside. “Not only did this bandit try to assassinate your precious princess, but he freed the crusader from your very own hands!” he said.

  No one said a word.

  “This cannot be tolerated!” shouted the prince.

  Aiken fixed his stare on Anas.

  Elijah swallowed hard and could barely focus on the princess.

  She slowly lowered her head as Anas continued, “I have sworn to protect your city and your faithful royal sultan and your princess! From here, I will not stop until this bandit is caught! I offer you good people a reward for whoever brings this rat-thief to justice! Dead or a
live! There is a 200 gold piece reward for whoever finds this man and another 100 gold pieces for anyone who finds the crusader!”

  The multitudes deafening eruption of anger and cheers was almost too much for Elijah. He put his hands to his ears. As the commotion continued, he looked up at the sky, wishing he could just fly away.

  Anas’s harsh words kept coming. “This bandit, this venomous snake among us is the bandit, Elijah!”

  Aiken leaned over. “This is not good. Well, at least you are worth more than I,” he chuckled.

  “If you can hear me, Elijah, I tell you now, the people of Habarga and the empire of Artelon will not stop until you face justice for your crimes!” boomed on Anas.

  The cheering raged on. A man in the crowd suddenly shouted, “Death to Elijah! Death to the Crusader!”

  Elijah peered upward and began to walk away. He thought, If only I can get back to the hideout. Maybe things will be different?

  Aiken chased him down. “Wait! What did you do to the princess?” he asked.

  Elijah grabbed Aiken’s shirt with both hands. “I loved her! That is it! That is all I did!” The furrows in his forehead deepened as he let go and turned away.

  Aiken latched onto Elijah’s arm. “Wait! We have to work together!” he pleaded.

  “Enough!” demanded Elijah as he pushed the man’s hand away.

  But Aiken wouldn’t stop. “We must work together! We are on our own!”

  Elijah drew in a deep breath.

  “We have to stick together whether we like it or not! No one will help us! No one!” cried Aiken.

  Thoughts of the hideout again appeared. “Then come with me to my hideout. Maybe we can get help there? Maybe?” said Elijah.

  Aiken frowned. “Do you have anyone we can trust?” he asked.

  “I don’t know anymore. Come on,” said Elijah. He took off running and soon started to pass the rich man’s house. There he noticed Bijan in the forbidden corner and walked up to him. I know that I’m taking a chance, he thought, but maybe he will be able to help?

  Bijan lifted his head under the shadow. Elijah raised his hood. “Elijah?” exclaimed the beggar.

  With a shallow grin, Elijah replied, “Hello, Bijan.”

  Bijan immediately began. “Tell me it’s not true! Is it true what you…” Then he stopped when Aiken lifted his hood. “It is true! You rescued the crusader! You tried to assassinate the princess?” The lowly man’s eyes reddened.

  Elijah knelt down. “No! It is not what it seems, friend. You have to trust me on this one,” pleaded Elijah.

  Bijan turned his head. “How can I? You would help a crusader? Our sworn enemies!”

  Aiken raised his voice. “That is hardly fair. You do not know what my intentions are.”

  “I have heard enough from your kind, crusader!” came Bijan’s curt reply.

  Aiken threw up his hands. “Is everyone here so close-minded?”

  “How dare you?” Bijan replied.

  Elijah pleaded. “Bijan, please! I need your help!”

  Turning away again, Bijan continued, “I will not talk to you with this pig here.”

  Elijah glanced at Aiken. “Aiken. Will you give us some time?”

  “Of course.” Aiken nodded and walked to the other side of the alley.

  Bijan’s eyes met his. “What is happening with you, Elijah?”

  “You know me, Bijan, and you know what I am about. Everything that has happened is all a misunderstanding!”

  “Is it? Did you not rescue the Crusader from the prison?” replied Bijan.

  “I didn’t have a choice!” cried Elijah.

  Bijan paused and took a deep breath. “We always have a choice, Elijah.”

  Elijah stared down at his friend.

  “Why did you do it?” continued Bijan.

  Elijah replied, “He says he can help me.”

  “And you trust him?”

  Elijah came closer. “There was no one else to turn to! The entire city is coming after me! He said he has something that could make all of my heart’s desires come true.”

  “Elijah! That is nothing but devil talk!” Bijan drew back, scowling.

  The trumpets sounded out again and both men turned their heads.

  “What do you desire?” asked Bijan.

  Elijah cleared his throat. “That I be with…the love of…I just want to disappear now, Bijan. I want to leave this place and go out as far away from here as I can,” he replied. His chest heaved as he played the impossible thoughts of escape through his mind.

  Slowly, the streets filled up with people returning to their homes. Bijan whispered, “Elijah. Meet me back here tonight. I will help you escape this city. I know you are a good man and I will do what I can to help.”

  At first, Elijah frowned. “You’re not going to turn us in for 300 gold pieces?” he asked.

  Bijan slowly formed a grin. “I am now wise enough to know that money comes and goes. But a friendship lasts a lifetime. You brought me my treasure. I will help you get yours. I cannot say anymore until tonight,” he replied.

  Elijah nodded and started to cross to Aiken.

  “Elijah. Beware!” commanded the wary man as he sat on the corner.

  Elijah stopped.

  Bijan slightly raised his smothered voice. “I have heard that phrase before. ‘Your heart’s desires.’ Legend has it that these are the seductive words of a djin, words used enslave their prey.”

  Elijah frowned. “A what?” he exclaimed.

  “I will explain later. Just watch yourself, boy.” Then Bijan waved him off.

  Elijah nodded again. Moments later, Aiken and Elijah scaled the wall and disappeared.

  Chapter 24

  The noonday sun shed its vibrant rays of light and heat as Elijah and Aiken trekked across the blazing rooftops. The trip took unusually long because of all the ducking behind walls that was needed. Elijah had not seen so many people peering here and there on his previous journeys, but he knew they all had one thing in mind—him and Aiken. There were no shadows to shelter in as he pulled his shirt away from his skin. He still hadn’t eaten and wanted to cry out from the hunger pains. Pressing his hand against his stomach, he looked out and saw heat escaping in waves from the roof of his hideout.

  “There it is,” Elijah shouted.

  Aiken sighed. “Praise the Lord! This desert is so bloody hot! Is this hell?” he chuckled.

  Elijah thought the distance seemed longer than ever and pressed his hand harder against his belly.

  “I suppose not,” snickered Aiken.

  Elijah glanced back. “Come on,” he said. Soon, the two stepped across the threshold to find all his friends standing around, talking.

  Rasha exclaimed, “Elijah!” Bayan, Firas, Karim, Nizar, and Isabelle all turned toward the door.

  “Do you have any food? I am so…” blurted out Elijah.

  But Nizar cut him short. “Who are you to ask for food? Here he is! Let’s kill him where he stands! Then we will be rich and finally will go hungry no more!”

  “Give him a chance to plead his case, Nizar,” demanded Karim.

  Elijah stared at Nizar. “I don’t have to plead anything to you! You all know me! You know the kind of person that I am! I have helped you all through your struggles. Now I ask that you please help me through mine.”

  Nizar would hear none of it. “Did you bring the crusader here as well? Let’s kill them both! Three hundred gold pieces can be ours! We can split it between all of us!” shouted Nizar.

  Aiken slowly lifted his sword. “Give it your best attempt,” he said.

  “You dare speak to me, crusader!” demanded Nizar.

  Elijah pleaded, “Why do you hold this much hate for me, Nizar? What have I done to cause this?

  “Quiet! You did nothing to help us! You used us to fill your own belly! Then, you left us for a princess! Shows how much friendship really means to you! I am taking you in, Elijah! I will not suffer anymore because of you!” shouted Nizar back.

  No one made a sound.

  “Who will help me bring him down?” continued Nizar’s angry voice.

  Nizar stared at his friend. “Isabelle?”

  Her silence forced Nizar out of the room. “So be it! I will do it myself! I am going to report you, Elijah! You will never be welcomed here again!”

  Elijah shot Aiken a look. “We cannot stay,” said Elijah.

  “Obviously,” the crusader replied.

  Rasha walked over. “Why are you doing this, Elijah?” she asked.

  Elijah held his peace as he thought about Natalia. He remembered how well Rasha and she had gotten along. How sweet that night was, he thought, and now, it is gone forever.

  Elijah finally spoke. “No. It’s not what it seems. You have to believe me,” he cried.

  Rasha peered up at him. “I believe you,” she said.

  Firas stepped forward. “I believe in you too, Elijah,” he said.

  “Me, too,” chimed in Bayan.

  Elijah beamed. “Thank you! Thank you!” he exclaimed.

  Aiken grinned too. “Finally, some good news.”

  Elijah walked over and hugged his three friends. “I was wrong for leaving you all. And now, I am facing the brunt of the consequences.” He looked down at Isabelle and said, “Forgive me.”

  She reached out to him. “It’s okay. I’m glad you’re back,” she replied.

  Elijah kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Then his eyes met Karim’s. “Where do you stand, friend?” asked Elijah.

  “You are quite in a predicament now, friend,” replied Karim.

  Elijah chuckled. “I know. This is Aiken, by the way. He is a crusader, but I promise he is not like anything that we have heard about the crusaders.”

  “You really need to quit doing this, Elijah. First, you bring in a princess and now a crusader. What else do you have in store for us?” said Rasha with a smile.


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