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Mystery at Oakfield Hall

Page 7

by Irena Nieslony

  Helen followed her boss into Mark and Katie’s house. As they entered the dining room Katie dropped her knife and fork and jumped up. Inspector Taylor couldn’t help but notice how nervous she was.

  “Please don’t get up, Mrs. Robertson,” Taylor said. “I wanted to ask you why you kept it a secret that you were Judge Nightingale’s niece?”

  “She’s his niece by marriage,” Mark butted in.

  Inspector Taylor glared at Mark. Did he never let his wife speak?

  “Is that right, Mrs. Robertson?”

  “Yes, it is. Why?”

  “Did Judge Nightingale ask you to do anything at Sarah’s party?”

  “No, of course not. What would he ask me to do?”

  “Oh, anything at all. Are you sure?”

  “She said no, so can we leave it at that.” Mark interrupted yet again.

  “Very well. One more thing, Mrs. Robertson. Are you close to Sam Nightingale?”

  “Not really.”

  “Well, that’ll be all for now, thank you Mrs. Robertson”

  Mark led the officers out.

  “I think I know what that was about, officer. You think Sam paid Katie to put the arsenic in Rachel’s drink, don’t you? Well, Katie could never do anything like that. She’s a nervous little thing. She’d be too scared to go through with it.”

  With that he shut the door abruptly.

  “Well, what a rude man,” Helen said. “Mind you, I don’t think Katie has the right sort of temperament to commit any sort of crime. This case is baffling, sir. Now I suppose we have to interview the kids?

  “Yes, and I’m afraid they’re scattered much further afield. As to Katie, she could be pretending to be a mouse.”

  Helen was disappointed that her boss didn’t agree with her about Katie. She wanted him to think she had great potential. Still, she had the rest of the day to prove herself. She didn’t mind too much how many extra hours she had to put in, nor working on a Sunday, not as long as she was with Inspector Taylor.

  Chapter 7

  After Inspector Taylor had left Rachel’s hospital bed, Mary stayed with her for a little while before going home to be with her children, but James refused to leave, despite Rachel telling him to go home.

  “I love having you here, but I am very tired and probably will drop off sooner or later. I don’t want you wasting your time sitting here listening to me snoring!”

  “I’m pretty sure you don’t snore, Rachel, and anyway, I don’t mind you sleeping. I’ve got a newspaper so I’ll sit and read for a while. I doubt I’d be able to sleep if I went home. I just want to be with you.”

  Wow, thought Rachel, he’s some smooth talker, but he’s got me all tingly even if I do feel a bit ill.

  She smiled, all her doubts about James floating away. He was being loving and kind and now she felt as if she wasn’t afraid to close her eyes, fears of anyone attempting to murder her disappearing.

  It wasn’t long before Rachel was fast asleep, James reading quietly beside her and she didn’t wake up for quite a few hours. The first thing she heard were voices whispering

  She opened her eyes and saw her Uncle Sam chatting to James.

  “Uncle Sam, you’re here,” she said, smiling.

  “Hello, Rachel,” he replied, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “How are you feeling? I’ve been telling this young man off for not calling me last night.”

  “It slipped my mind. I’ve said I’m sorry,” James spoke, sounding a little cross.

  “I think everybody was too worried about me, Uncle Sam,” Rachel tried to keep the peace. “Never mind, you’re here now.”

  “Yes, but I felt a bit of a fool having to be told by that idiot policeman.”

  “Oh, Inspector Taylor went and told you?”

  “He came and interviewed me. He considers me to be one of the suspects.”

  “But you weren’t even at the party last night.”

  “He seems to think I got Katie to spike your drink.”

  “Oh, how ridiculous,” Rachel said, getting quite angry. “I need to have a word with that man. He’s going too far.”

  “Calm down,” Sam said. “He’s grasping at straws. I do think you should come and stay with me though.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I’ll be fine. I’m not going to be driven out of my own house.”

  “Well, the offer’s there if you want it, Rachel. Call anytime if you need me.”

  Rachel nodded, but she was almost sure that nothing was going to happen again. Both attempts had occurred when her family were at the house and she had no plans to invite any of them over in the near future, except for perhaps Sarah who she trusted impolitely. Then she should be safe.

  * * *

  Later that afternoon, Rachel was let out of the hospital and told to take it easy for the next few days. If she didn’t feel well, she was to phone her doctor immediately.

  James was on hand to drive her home. Oakfield wasn’t too far from Wexham Park Hospital, but Rachel wouldn’t have minded it being a little further. James owned a sports Jag and she had fallen in love with it. He drove a little too fast for the English country lanes, but Rachel too was guilty of that. She drove a Mercedes SLK and had thought for a long time that she could afford something a little flashier, but she did most of her work around London where it wasn’t easy to go fast so she had put off buying a new car. Now, with all the money she was going to spend on Oakfield, another car was unfortunately out of the question.

  “You’re very quiet, Rachel.” James said as they drove back to Oakfield. “Not thinking horrible thoughts I hope. I know it’s all been a bit scary.”

  “No. I was actually thinking about my hotel and how much I’ve got to do. I’m going to be so busy, James.”

  “You can do it. I have absolute faith in you,” James said, turning briefly and flashing that adorable smile of his.

  “Thank you,” Rachel replied, feeling reassured by his words. “That’s just what I needed to hear.”

  “I can see how determined you are to make this work, Rachel. I admire you for it. You need to show that family of yours what you’re made of.”

  Rachel smiled. She definitely would show them, although she wasn’t keen on seeing most of them too soon. She was trying not to think about it, but one of them had tried to kill her and until she knew which one, she wouldn’t sleep completely easy.

  * * *

  Once back in the house, James got Rachel settled on the settee. Almost immediately her two cats jumped on her lap, vying for her attention.

  “Hamlet, Macbeth, she said, trying to give them an equal amount of affection, “I know Mary’s fed you, so don’t pretend that you’re hungry.”

  Macbeth started to lightly head butt his mistress while Hamlet kneaded Rachel’s legs.

  “Hey, Hamlet, stop that, it hurts. Oh James, could you give them a few cat biscuits. They’re under the kitchen sink.”

  “Of course. Can I get you anything?”

  “I could murder a cup of tea, please.”

  James nodded and put the television on before going into the kitchen, the cats following in the hope of a meal.

  Rachel started watching television, but almost immediately found herself dropping off. She wanted to stay awake to chat to James, but she just couldn’t keep her eyes open.

  A little while later, she found James shaking her gently.

  “Darling, your tea’s ready and I made you cheese on toast as well.”

  ‘Oh,” Rachel said sleepily. “I’m not that hungry.”

  “Try to eat a little. You didn’t eat anything at the hospital.”

  Rachel cut off a corner of the toast and then smiled.

  "This is very good, James. What did you do with it? It doesn’t taste like ordinary cheese on toast.”

  “Ah, that’s because it’s not. I added a couple of secret ingredients.”

  “Which you’re not going tell me, I presume.”

  “Too right.”

  “Well, I
won’t ask you again then; I’ll just concentrate on enjoying it.”

  Both of them grinned and Rachel carried on eating.

  However, as soon as she had finished, Rachel felt sleepy again.

  “Why don’t you just close your eyes, darling, you need the rest. Your body’s had a shock.”

  For once, Rachel did as she was told and she was out like a light in no time.

  When she woke up, she found that she was curled up in James’s arms. She had no idea how it had happened, but she realized that she didn’t mind one bit. However, she didn’t want to seem too eager. These were early days and she refused to get hurt like last time. She was determined to take this relationship nice and slow.

  Rachel stirred a little and tried to sit up.

  ‘How long have I been asleep?”

  “About a couple of hours.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said. “I’m sure you have plenty of things to do at home. Don't stay on my account,”

  “I’m worried about leaving you on your own here.”

  “Nonsense, James. You can’t stay here forever. I’ve got to face this place on my own.”

  “I do have some work to do, but...”

  “Then go home and do it,” Rachel spoke. “I don’t want you losing your job on my account.”

  “Ok, but promise you’ll ring if you need me.”

  “I promise,” Rachel said, but she thought that it would be more sensible phoning Uncle Sam or Mary, both of whom virtually lived round the corner, rather than James in London, even though it might be nicer to have come over.

  “I still wish you’d come back to London rather than stay here,” James said.

  “I know you would, but I’m not giving up on this house. I’m going to turn it into a successful hotel despite my family’s objections.”

  “Well. I think I’ll go round and check all the doors and windows before I leave to make sure they’re all locked. That should give you some peace of mind.”

  Rachel smiled as James left the room. She felt that everything was going to be alright from now on. She didn’t think the killer would try a third time; he or she had been too clumsy and now the police were keeping an eye on the family. She was getting on well with the renovations to the house despite having had a couple of setbacks and most importantly, she was falling for the most gorgeous man she had ever met. What more could she ask for?

  * * *

  Once James had left, Rachel decided it was probably in her best interests to rest until she regained her strength. It would be silly overdoing it as it might delay her recovery and subsequently, the renovations to the house.

  She decided to lie in bed and perhaps watch a little television, but she found great difficulty in concentrating. All she kept thinking about was James. Yes, she’d had a couple of misgivings about him, but it was only natural. She wasn’t a love-struck teenager and on top of that, they’d been sworn enemies as children. Mary was determined to still see him in that light which she could foresee as a problem, but she hoped to persuade her that James had changed. Rachel was convinced he was different now; perhaps he had a little chauvinistic streak, but nobody was perfect and anyway, she was certain it was only because he was worried about her. Apart from that she couldn’t fault him and, my goodness, was there electricity between them when they touched. It made her tremble just thinking about it.

  Rachel leant back and closed her eyes hoping to forget about James for a little while, but she couldn’t get him out of her mind. Well, it wasn’t surprising; he was a very handsome man. At just over six feet, he complemented Rachel, who was five feet ten, perfectly.

  As Rachel had led James to the door to say goodbye that evening, he had taken her in his arms and kissed her gently, knowing she was fragile, but she could tell he was holding back. She felt his warm breath on hers and she was taken by surprise at how much she wanted him. As his hands travelled up and down her back, she shivered with delight, but then she remembered Aidan’s betrayal. This new relationship was happening too quickly and too soon, but could she stop it?

  Suddenly, as if he had been able to read her thoughts, James had pulled away.

  “No, I’m going too fast for you, I know that. And you’re not well either,” he said, taking hold of her hands. “Go and rest and I’ll phone you tomorrow.”

  All Rachel had been able to do was nod. When Aidan had left her, she had resolved to keep away from men, but that was only two months ago and her resolve had faltered already. She was hopelessly attracted to somebody who she couldn’t stop thinking about, but who could rub her up the wrong way and could therefore very possibly break her heart.

  Switching off the T.V. and curling up with the two cats nuzzling into her, Rachel finally decided that she didn’t care. What would be, would be. She was too tired to think anyway. Sleep, however wouldn’t come. All that went through her mind was that last kiss and how wonderful it was.

  * * *

  Detective Chief Inspector Peter Taylor sat at home watching a DVD. He had returned home a couple of hours previously after a day interviewing all the young people at Sarah Robertson’s party. He felt it had been rather a waste of time interviewing Sarah’s friends as none of them had seen anything at all suspicious. Arthur, John and Barbara were the most likely suspects, but there was no proof that anyone had done anything

  Taylor switched off the DVD. He had watched a couple of episodes of a series Rachel had been in. He had borrowed it from a rental shop on his way home from work that evening.

  Well, she’s a pretty good actress, I must say. Not only beautiful, but talented. Why must she stay in that awful house? One of her relatives is out to get her and I’m worried they’ll succeed in the end.

  Taylor shook his head. He knew there was nothing he could do. She was a stubborn woman and would do what she wanted.

  But why is she with that atrocious man, James Parker? They’re not suited at all. He wants to run her life and she will see it eventually. I hope so anyway.

  Taylor suddenly felt guilty. He was thinking about another woman, not his own wife. Amelia had only been dead for a year; how could he think about anyone else? He had loved Amelia so much; he couldn’t love again, could he?

  * * *

  Helen Wilson returned home the happiest she’d been in a long time. She’d had the best time that day with her boss and felt sure he was attracted to her. Inspector Taylor had spent a great deal of time explaining things to her. Little did she know it was because she was a tad slow at picking things up.

  Helen decided that she’d spend extra time on her make-up the next day. She hoped that it wouldn’t be too long before her boss asked her out. She felt sure he must be over his wife’s death by now. After all she did die over a year ago. Helen had completely forgotten she’d been told it was frowned upon to go out with other officers.

  Chapter 8

  The following day at about ten, Rachel heard the doorbell ring. She was having her second coffee of the morning, trying to ease into the day gently. After she had finally fallen asleep, she didn’t wake up until after nine, but she wasn’t too bothered that she had overslept. She reckoned her body needed the rest after all it had been through.

  Rachel jumped when she heard the doorbell, but then remembered that Sarah had said that she would come over midmorning to help her with cleaning the house. However, when she opened the door, she was more than a little surprised to see Inspector Taylor standing there.

  “Inspector, what can I do for you? Don’t tell me you’ve caught the person who has been trying to kill me?” she asked with a grin on her face.

  She was feeling in a reasonably good mood and wondered if she could make the Inspector smile. In reality, Rachel thought that was as unlikely as catching whoever was trying to kill her.

  “No, I’m afraid not, Ms. Fisher,” Inspector Taylor replied, not a shadow of a smile crossing his face. “Unfortunately nobody saw anything, but we’re not giving up.”

  Although he was as grim faced as us
ual, inside he felt his stomach churn. Even with little make-up on, Rachel Fisher was a very beautiful woman.

  “I wanted to check up that you were alright. Were you alone last night?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business, Inspector.”

  “I only meant it’s better if you’re not.” Taylor stumbled over his words.

  Well really, the cheek of the man. I’m not telling him anything.

  “I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself, thank you,” Rachel spoke, her good mood disappearing.

  However, she was unable to carry on the conversation as Sarah drove up and jumped out of her car.

  Hi, Rachel. Inspector.”

  Inspector Taylor nodded.

  “Well if that’s all, Inspector?” Rachel asked.

  Inspector Taylor tried to think of something to keep the conversation going, but he couldn’t, so he took his leave. He felt miserable.

  She really doesn’t like me at all, not that I would ever have a chance of a relationship with her, but I would like it if she didn’t hate me. I have to find out who’s after her blood.

  Inside Oakfield, Rachel was very surprised to hear Sarah’s opinion of the Inspector.

  “Isn’t the detective absolutely gorgeous, Rachel? If I were a bit older, I’d certainly be interested. I’m surprised you don’t like him.”

  “”I’m surprised you do. Anyway, I have my James. Now he is gorgeous.”

  “If you say so. Everybody has different tastes.”

  Rachel was curious. Now there were two people who liked the detective more than James, but why? He never smiled for a start. Perhaps that was it. They liked a mysterious man who kept everything hidden.

  “That’s enough talk about men for now, Sarah,” Rachel said, wanting to change the subject. “I’ll get you a coffee and we’ll discuss the day’s work.”

  Sarah smiled. Rachel was obviously avoiding a discussion about the two men and she wondered why.


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