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The Rosewood Institute

Page 12

by beltedone

  “But grass is a misdemeanor, and I told you it isn’t my gun. Why do you have to do that?”

  “I think you have over an ounce. That is dealer weight. And the unregistered gun is a felony. Plus, if it was involved in the commission of a crime, there is more time for that. Lots and lots of jail time for you, Skippy. Hope you like communal showers and big, horny guys named Spike. A word of advice; if the soap slips out of your hands in county, don’t bend over to pick it up. With those buns, they are going to love you in county.”

  “Oh my God. I want a lawyer.”

  “It will be better for you if you come quietly. Don’t make me add resisting arrest to your list of felonies. Resisting arrest gets you special treatment in county. You can call your lawyer at the station. But expect to spend the night in jail before you see a judge.”

  “I didn’t do anything. This is a damn setup. Who the hell put you up to this? One of my competitors?”

  The light blinks out. Another light goes on at the other end of the stage showing the bars of a cell. The driver is naked with his back to the crowd, cuffed to the bars of the cell. Although not tall, he has a strong, muscular back and very sexy round buns that the officer seems to enjoy cupping and caressing. The officer towers over him using her nightstick to keep him in line.

  “Why aren’t there any other people here?”

  “We closed this substation a few months ago and only use it for overflow now. I thought we could have a more private conversation here. Now, spread ‘em. The Supreme Court gives me the right to do a full cavity search, and I intend to check them all. Never know what kind of drugs or weapons you have in those nasty places.”

  “What the hell!”

  He felt the nightstick slap his thigh, and he instinctively spread his legs. This cop didn’t take any shit and knew exactly how to control a prisoner. There was something vaguely familiar in her speech pattern and the way she used some words.

  “You don’t recognize me do you, bitch? How could you? My avatar is totally different than my real face. Of course, I’m prettier in person. Mistress L ring a bell?”

  He startled then said, “From Second Life, you’re that Mistress L? How did you find me? What the hell?”

  “It took a few months to track you down. But having the resources of law enforcement and the phone number of a hacker that owed me a favor who would make Lizbeth Salmander look like an amateur helped. You didn’t cover your trail very well.

  “You said you wanted a real Mistress then dumped me, remember? Regretting that decision right now, Skippy? You know the whole woman-scorned thing. Karma’s a bitch I hear.”

  He felt a lubed, latex-gloved finger penetrate his rear and squealed.

  “Hee, hee, you’ll squeal like a piggy before I’m done. You’ll wish you’d been raped by a bunch of Deliverance rednecks.”

  She expertly found his prostate and massaged it until he was moaning like a whore in heat.

  He was scared and completely in her power, and his body was betraying him. A steady stream of precum dripped from his rock-hard cock.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it, lover?”

  “Please don’t stop.”

  “Wrong answer. Like I care what you want.”

  She stopped at once, pulled out, and slapped his rear hard.

  He groaned in frustration. “You bitch. What are you doing?”

  “Shut up. I can’t feel any contraband up there. Before I put you in a cell, I should do an interrogation. Over here.”

  She un-cuffed his hands from the cell bars and led him over to a steel, straight-backed chair with no seat. He was quickly and expertly cuffed securely to it. He struggled but to no avail. He wasn’t going anywhere.

  She sat at a table across from him but not before pulling out her long, black nightstick and putting it on the table.

  “You saw Casino Royale, didn’t you? You know the story. James Bond is put in a chair like that with no bottom and tortured by a rope knot being slammed against his balls and cock. I thought I’d use a nightstick.”

  She put the stick under the table and tapped his balls hanging through the chair seat.

  “I am a police officer, and I have been trained to detect lies. Your eyes and face move a certain way when you are telling the truth and when you are lying. Tell the truth and no tappie tappie. Lie to me and get whacked.

  “First Question: You are Thomas Donnelly aka Karen Smith of Second Life?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Good. You are telling me the truth.”

  The nightstick gently tapped his balls and cock, but the hardness startled him, and he jumped.

  She smiled at his discomfort.

  “And for the record, we have had a relationship online for the last two years.”

  “Yes, we have. If you are Mistress L.”

  “Oh I am. I know every one of your nasty kinks, baby. Every secret fetish you couldn’t tell your ex-wife. And you are a successful owner of your own software firm valued in the millions.”

  “Yes. You know that.”

  “No editorial comments.” She tapped his genitalia a bit harder to make her point. He yipped and she snickered.

  “Now that we have established who you are, we will discuss why you made a commitment to me that you wanted to meet in person and advance this relationship to the next level. We had planned to meet a month ago at the McDonalds by the mall. You never showed. Why?”

  There was dead silence from the prisoner.

  “You have to the count of three to start talking or kiss your left nut goodbye. 1…2 …”

  “Ok. Just don’t hit me. I was afraid.”

  “Afraid? Baby, why? I thought we understood each other. I put two years into the relationship. I thought our kinks matched. I am a cop who loves the thought of keeping a guy prisoner forever, and you said you wanted that. You told me you wanted desperately to be my prisoner of love. That from your teens you wanted a woman to confine you and restrict you. We made plans for you to come to my place and try it out. I had a cell built in my basement. We’d have had a fun weekend, then we could have talked about making it permanent.”

  “I’m sorry. Part of me thinks this is so wrong. Part of me wanted you badly. You are like my perfect woman. But there is still a part that clings to my un-kinky side. I was just scared. I’ve been hurt by women before.”

  “I’d never hurt you, baby. I thought you trusted me. All those late-night discussions. All that support I gave you when your business was in trouble. I’ve been there for you. You are scared? Don’t you think I am too? This is a big step for both of us.

  “Well, your scared side turns me on, baby. I like the idea that you are hesitating. Who wants to lock up a guy who wants to be locked up? Where is the fun in that? The fact that a part of you doesn’t want it makes me want to lock you up even more. You’re the slut I have been searching for.

  “How about we run a simulation right here, and you can decide if you want to be alone or my prisoner.”

  She didn’t wait for his answer but un-cuffed him from the chair, put him on his back on the cot in the cell and cuffed his hands behind him to the bars. She put a round pillow behind his head so he would be looking at her. She was out of her uniform and wearing just a black lace see-through bra, and matching garter belt and nylons in a few minutes. She had an amazing body that made men weak, with perky breasts and a hard belly from weight training, and she knew it, drawing out her walk to the cell, showing off her long legs to advantage.

  Someone in the crowd was whispering, “Finally, some sex. I was beginning to think we were going to be bored to fucking death with all the talk.”

  She straddled her victim so that her shaved pussy was just a few inches from his face. “See it, baby. Now, lick slowly and make it last, you bitch.”

  She ground her hot, dripping pussy in his face, making him smell it and taste it.

  “Get used to it, baby. I’m going to teach you how I like to be licked.”

  And she did. She moane
d and orgasmed three times from his ministrations. She was nearly insatiable. Only when she had pounding his face so hard that he screamed did she stop. Her muscular pelvis was like a mean, hungry machine.

  “Very good, babe. Even better was the fact you are my captive. I’ve been playing this game since I was in my teens, tying up guys and raping them, forcing them to eat my sweet, shaved pussy. I’ve dreamed all my life about having one in a cell totally at my mercy. I think it is the reason I became a cop. Putting big guys behind bars is such a rush. Caging them. Seeing the look on their faces as they realize their entire world has been compressed to an eight by ten area and a woman controls their every moment. I love the idea of having a guy for my use forever. I promise you, if this works out, it will be me and you. I won’t need anyone else, but I plan on using you really hard.

  “You know why my pussy tastes so good? I put a tiny bit of coke on my pussy lips. There is always extra around the property room. They won’t miss a small amount. I don’t use much, but soon you will be so addicted to licking me, you will do anything, and I mean anything, for the privilege. I won’t get you hooked badly, but you will want it so bad. I can see it in your eyes. You already want it bad. Now, it is your turn.”

  Still straddling him, she slid back a bit and put his throbbing member in her hot, wet pussy. She did it without touching his cock with her hands, like her pussy just swallowed it. His cock slid right in, and the hotness was startling. She moved her legs up and down and moved her sweet buns from side to side.

  He moaned.

  “Like that, lover? Do you want more? Just like when we were in Second Life and I was web camming you. If you go off without permission, it will be very bad for you. Got it?”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  She moved up and down once then stopped, looking into his eyes.

  “Please don’t stop.” One could see that the frustration was driving him crazy. He tried to move his hips, but she quickly made it known that that was not allowed.

  Her beautiful, full breasts were inches from his face, and she kept them out of reach, frustrating him further. The nipples brushed his face, and she ran one along his lips. She was merciless. “Wrong answer, baby.”

  “What the hell do you want from me?”

  She said one word. “Everything. Just everything you have. Everything you’ll ever have. All that you are and will be.”

  She moved up and down once, and her strong vaginal muscles gave the victim an intense feeling of pleasure he had never felt before. It was as if her vaginal muscles grabbed his cock like a slippery hand and worked it like it had never been worked before.

  “Submit and find out.”

  “What? How? Please don’t stop.”

  She stopped again, and he moaned in frustration.

  “Wrong answer. You are a slow learner for a Ph.D. Who am I? I’m not just some horny bitch, and this is not a one-night stand. This is forever. If we were in Second Life, I’d whip your ass raw for your insolence. Treat me with respect.”

  She rose up again and stayed there for a very long time, expertly teasing the head of his cock with her pussy lips before descending onto his cock, driving it deep into her vagina.

  “Mistress. I’d call you Mistress,” he yelled.

  “Close. What is my name, bitch?”

  “Mistress L.”

  “Good boy.” She started a slow, steady up and down, riding his throbbing member, but every now and then, she’d stop, and she wouldn’t start until she got some form of submission from him. She got him to confess his deepest secrets. She got him to humiliate himself in new ways. She made him promise to lick her rear (something he had never done before). She was making him give her every ounce of himself. On and on the game went. She’d bring him to the edge and stop and wait. It was like she was bringing him to the top of a precipice and pushing him ever closer to the edge only to push him back at the very last minute before falling. Tears were running down his eyes from the frustration. The final submission was to come.

  “Will you be mine forever?”

  “Please, I am going out of my mind. I can’t.”

  “Answer the question. Have you ever had such pleasure before? Could you walk away from me knowing what I can offer you?”

  He said one word, “No,” and she brought him over the top. He screamed and his cuffed hands jangled on the bars and he jerked and shook so hard, he almost threw his captor off the bed. It was like 100,000 volts of electricity were running through his body.

  The sound he made was more pain than pleasure for the intense feelings were more than he had ever experienced before. It was pleasure turned to ache, and he screamed as he orgasmed a long time.

  As soon as he was done, she moved forward with her crotch close to his face and said, “You must have cummed a quart, honey. I don’t want it. Now, take it back.”

  And he licked and sucked his cum out of her dripping pussy, licking her clean. She liked his attention to detail. He did a very good job and didn’t mind the fact he was eating his own cum for the first time. He did it without hesitation.

  “First time tasting your cum, baby?”

  “Yes, Mistress L.”

  “Get used to it. I am a firm believer in recycling.”

  When he was done, she sat up on the bed against the wall of the cell with her legs straddling his stomach.

  “That was as good as I imagined it would be, even better. As the game show host would say, ‘You’ve won first prize.’ And me, the announcer, will tell you what you have won.” With a bit of dramatic flair, she said, “You’ve won a lifetime of bondage.”

  She pressed a remote and a hidden flat panel TV popped on. It showed a basement with a nicely appointed room with bars in the front. It was an almost-exact duplicate of the cell she kept him in in Second Life for two years, never letting him leave. Always coming to him at the same time and screwing his cyber brains out.

  There was a bed, a small, open bathroom with a clear glass shower in a corner, a TV, a stationary bicycle, and a computer.

  “After I knock you out, you will awaken in this luxury cell in my basement. It will be your lifetime home. You will be fitted with a stainless steel anklet with a GPS unit inside. This anklet has no lock. Your wedding ring. It will be welded together and will never be removed. If you ever try to leave me or escape and you make it to the door, the bracelet will activate and the entire police force will get a BOL ‘be on the lookout’ signal that a dangerous, armed pedophile is on the loose. You’ll be hunted down, and I doubt if you will even make it to the station. So there is no escape. Ever.

  “In your luxury cell, you will be able to do your programming to your heart’s content and keep your business going. But no online access. No way will you be able to chat, go on Second Life or call for help. You can watch TV or read books. You can exercise so that body will be toned and pretty for me. You may notice that there are no dressers. You will come to me naked and remain that way for the rest of your life. It is convenient you are an only child and your parents died early. No one will miss you. You’re all mine for now and forever.

  “Now, for the good news. Nothing makes me hornier than chasing down perps. I usually have to do myself two or three times a day with a vibe for relief. Not anymore. Since the station is not far away, I’ll be doing you two or three times a day. You will be my sex toy in a cage for me and only me. And I know about you guys. If you ever think about jerking off, forget it, because your sperm is mine, baby, all mine. That is until you take it back like you did just now. If you defy me on this point, I’ll have you in a chastity belt so fast, you won’t know what hit you.

  “I see all this sex talk as gotten you hard again, and I’d love to you ride you a few more times until I see more tears of frustration and then joy come out of those cute green eyes, but you have a date with a welder to have that anklet installed.

  “I’ll Taser you, you’ll wake up in a nice, comfy cell, and the rest of our life will begin. I’ll take care of you, baby. You’l
l want for nothing. Like a harem slave, your job will be to keep me sexually satisfied and that will be a damn hard job.”

  The room went dark. All the lights were turned out. Just one spotlight remained on the couple. The crowd waited. They could hear a clock ticking the seconds away.

  “Answer me and become my permanent prisoner of love or get the fuck out of my life and go back to your pathetic jerking off in front of the computer every night.”

  The crowd could hear the clock ticking, tick, tick, tick. Then, one word was spoken, “Yes,” and they could see the blue arch of the Taser as it found its victim.

  He slumped. The lights went out.

  The crowd went wild. Obviously, 6’s scenario was a huge turn on for everyone in the room. They whooped and hollered and yelled. That is when 9 noticed Sergi in the crowd.

  He was in the same suit as when he was at the ranch. He was with a bottle blonde in a golden lame jumpsuit a la Kmart. Sergi smiled at 9 like 9 was a tasty dish he was about to devour. The blonde looked out of place and space like her high was taking off.

  6 and 9 got up and took a bow.

  Lady Victoria got up and called the two actors to the front.

  They took another bow to the applause of the group. Then, the audience retired to the playrooms to do some scenarios themselves.

  Everyone was in a very good mood, and Lady Victoria was beaming.

  She whispered to them, “That was amazing. 6, you have an evil mind. I loved it. You two are an asset to this place now. Good job. 6, I want to talk to you in my office. 9, I think you should clean up a bit before joining the guests downstairs. But once again, good job.”


  Sometimes Good Guys Lose

  Once again, 6 was kneeling in Lady Victoria’s office.

  “You’ve made a remarkable recovery from the addict we brought in here eight months ago.”

  “Thanks, Miss. I feel better. I’m not addicted. I feel strong again. Even my bad arm isn’t bothering me.”


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