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Solid Stone: Odyssey

Page 6

by E. G. Patrick

  Violet xo


  I stand and stretch on the spot having finished my last meeting of the day. Seated again, I open my office email and reply to a few before checking my personal email. There’s a response from Adam.

  From: Adam Stone

  To: Violet Cole

  Subject: re: You arrived?

  Violet, all the compliments are absolutely true and yes, I definitely stand behind all of them. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go shopping alone at night in a city you’re unfamiliar with. If you want, we can fly down to Chicago together for a weekend shopping trip. I’ll buy you whatever you want and will feel much better if we did something like that.

  I expect you to call me as soon as you get to the hotel, which I gather will be earlier now.


  “Oh fuck,” I think. A part of me would love to spend a weekend away with him anywhere. The other side of me, the less agreeable Violet, says, “Oh fuck,” again. I begin to type a response and then remember the day we almost broke up and delete it. His dictatorial command, “please call me as soon as you get to the hotel, which I gather will be earlier now,” rings in my ears as I can hear his cool and controlling voice saying it to me. The old Violet rears her head and feels angry. It’s not just at the demand, but that each one of his statements starts with “I.” It’s all about him. I try to rationalize that he’s only concerned about me and cares. The other side is saying he presumes I will obey. I guess I can’t fault him for that. I did say I’d be more agreeable. Part of me wants to go shopping and the other part doesn’t want to start a war with Adam. I decide to send a compromising email:

  From: Violet Cole

  To: Adam Stone

  Subject: re: You arrived?

  Adam, I appreciate how much you care about me, but honestly I’ll be fine. As I said, I’ll call you as soon as I get back to the hotel.

  And, btw, I’d love to spend a weekend away with you anywhere and Chicago can be one of those places.



  I press send before I can change my mind and leave for the bathroom to freshen up. On my way back, I let Paul know I’m leaving and will make my own way to the hotel. When I get back to the conference room, there’s a response from Adam:

  From: Adam Stone

  To: Violet Cole

  Subject: re: You arrived?


  I really don’t like compromises although I do appreciate your efforts to appease me. Let me be very clear, I don’t want you roaming around a city you’re unfamiliar with, especially at night on your own. That was the point of my entire request.

  I look forward to your call by 6 your time.


  There’s lots of hidden meaning in his email and it frustrates me. I think back to my promise of being more accepting of his ways. I was afraid of losing him and feeling vulnerable back then. He beguiled me with amazing sex. It was so easy to give in to him. Now I wonder what I’ve really committed myself to. Yes, my feelings for him are real, but I can’t get over his demanding email. I flinch when I remember hearing myself say, “I will learn how to be with you, I can become more agreeable.”

  I’m going shopping and that’s final, I decide. I quickly collect my things. Paul has kindly agreed to take my bag, which is in the trunk of the rental car, and my laptop back to the hotel for me. I quickly run out to the department store just down the street.

  Temporarily forgetting about the email, I find myself pleased with the store’s selection. I decide to treat myself to a nice dark red leather purse. Since I’ve been able to save money, I don’t mind the higher end price tag. My savings are growing because Adam won’t take a dime from me. That leaves me with a small school loan for my paralegal program and the need to cover my daily expenses. I walk around the store some more and buy a blue and silver scarf and a pair of leather gloves. Feeling satisfied with my purchases, I walk out of the store and hail a cab.

  The traffic is a nightmare. I ask the cab driver how close we are to the hotel and he tells me about three blocks pointing straight ahead. I look at my watch and it’s almost 8. I can imagine Adam watching the clock too. He’s probably stewing now anyway. I decide it will be faster to just walk the three blocks. I pay the driver and get out of the car. With my purse over my shoulder and my shopping bag in my other hand, I begin to walk in the direction of my hotel.

  One block in, I look down at my watch and become distracted when I think of Adam and me. I could call him now, but I know he’ll be pissed when he realizes I’m still out and it’s dark. Just as I decide to pick up the pace so I can call him sooner, I feel someone shove me into one of the passing alleyways.

  Falling to the ground, my forearm protects the side of my head from fully hitting the concrete. I’m still conscious when I see two young men grab my purse, take out my wallet, drop the rest and run off. I feel dizzy for a moment and then catch a glimpse of a woman running toward me and asking if I am okay. She sits me up so I can lean against the wall. I watch her take out her cell phone and shortly after I am in the presence of a kind police officer and two paramedics. They think I may have a concussion and want to take me to the hospital to be safe.

  I have the presence of mind to call Paul. I can hear the fear in his voice when he says, “Are you sure you’re alright, Violet? I’m worried.”

  “I’m fine, Paul. I’ll be back at the hotel in no time. Honestly, I’ll be fine.”

  I hand my phone to one of the paramedics. He tells Paul the name of the hospital where they’ll take me. I persuade Paul to stay at the hotel and tell him I’ll call him soon and quickly hang up not wanting to prolong the call.

  I feel embarrassed at not paying attention while I was walking. Within 30 minutes, I’m wheeled into the hospital and put on a bed in one of the many rooms. Shortly after, an orderly takes me for a head scan and an X-ray of my arm. This takes over an hour and I realize I’ve left my bag and cell phone in the first room I was put in.

  When I’m back in room number one I look over at my purse realizing how lucky I was that the whole thing wasn’t stolen. All of my identification, and my iPhone, were in my purse. I try to think of what was in the wallet; a bank card, one credit card, a few point cards and about $60 in cash. The policeman who took my report explained the offenders wouldn’t want to be seen with a woman’s purse. When they run away, it’s easier to hide just a wallet. I’ve completely forgotten about calling Adam and look down at my watch. It’s almost 9:30. I try to call his cell and there’s no answer. Oh fuck, he must be furious and worried.

  A nurse comes in, distracting me from my worrisome thoughts, and tells me the doctor is doing rounds and will be in soon. Taking my arm gently, she checks my pulse and then looks at the rip in my stocking. “I’ll be back to dress that wound for you. Are you okay, Miss Cole? I understand you were mugged. That must’ve been a horrible ordeal. Do you want some water?” I nod and she fluffs up the pillows behind me before she leaves the room. I try Adam’s cell again and there’s still no answer. He must be really angry if he’s avoiding my calls. My heart sinks when I think maybe I should’ve just listened to him and driven back with Paul to the hotel.

  Having dozed off, I wake when I hear a shuffle out in the hall. The room door is slightly ajar and I hear the commotion outside. A nurse asks, “Sir, who are you looking for?” He pushes the door open with the nurse right behind him. She looks at me and I nod that it’s okay. Adam closes the door. He’s angry and his jaw is clenched, but it’s controlled anger. He walks over to the bed and puts his arms around my shoulder.

  “Paul called me. I hired a private jet to get here as soon as I could.” I’m glad he’s here and feel very emotional. I know he truly cares for me. He looks over at the shopping bag on the chair in the corner of the room and then turns his attention back to me, “Please tell me no one,” he hesitates and continues, “touched y

  I know what he means and I immediately console him when I say, “No, I was only pushed to the ground. I’m just a little shaken that’s all. They took my wallet, but left my purse.”

  “What an ordeal. When is the doctor coming to see you?”

  “Soon, the nurse told me.”

  He notices the scrape on my leg and touches the spot around it. “Does it hurt? Are they going to check that as well?” I nod yes and feel safe in Adam’s arms. He pulls me into his chest, holding me there for a while. When I hear the doctor come in, I compose myself and sit up straight. Adam releases me and introduces himself. He waits while the doctor examines me.

  “Sorry you’ve had to wait a while. We have one doctor out sick tonight. I do believe the nurse was in to check on you?” I nod yes. Adam is standing at the foot of the bed, just watching.

  “Well the good news is you don’t have a concussion, though you shouldn’t be alone tonight just to be safe. The nurse will be in to attend to the wound on your leg, and then you can leave.” I thank the doctor who shakes my hand and then Adam’s. On the way out he says, “You should be careful walking around downtown.” I can see Adam’s face become tense, making me want to pull the sheet over my head. The nurse comes back and cuts my nylons around the wound so she can clean and bandage it. I must look atrocious. She smiles and wishes me good luck when she leaves.

  Adam helps me off the bed, puts my purse into the shopping bag and throws it over his shoulder. He puts his other arm around me as we walk out of the hospital to get a cab.

  “What’s the name of the hotel again?” I tell him and he tells the driver. Adam stands at the counter with me when I check in and hands the woman at the front desk his credit card. I have no wallet. Adam gets my overnight bag and laptop from the hotel concierge and we take the elevator to go up to the room.

  Once inside, he says, “Why don’t you change and I’ll call Paul to let him know you’re okay.” Feeling embarrassed by the whole chain of events that have led us here, I go into the bathroom to put on my yoga pants and a T-shirt. When I come back into the room, Adam just looks at me and shakes his head. “Why don’t you listen to me? I only have your best interests at heart. I care about you and I’m pissed that this happened to you. If you had just listened, you would be fine and you know it.”

  “This could’ve happened to anyone.” I’m startled by the change in his tone; he sounds forceful.

  “But it happened to you. I wish you’d just listen.”

  I can feel some heat in my gut as I blurt out. “Is that what this is really about, me listening to you?”

  “If you had, we wouldn’t be here like this now.” He sounds arrogant and I don’t like it.

  “It feels like this is more about you getting your way. If I hadn’t been so concerned about getting here to call you, I would’ve stayed in the taxi and not tried to get here faster by walking. The traffic was awful.”

  “So it’s my fault you got mugged.” His hands are on his hips now.

  “Like I said, it could’ve happened to anyone.” He seems at a loss for words and sits down at the hotel desk. I watch him run his hand through his hair and clutch the back of his scalp. “I wish you had listened to me. A lot worse could’ve happened. You’re blaming me, aren’t you?”

  “I got mugged. Stop making this about you!” I snap.

  “How the hell can you say that? Fuck, Violet, you could’ve been raped or beaten, which is why I told you not to roam the streets in the first place!”

  I am getting more frustrated by the second. My head reels as I quickly snatch up my sneakers and coat and run for the door. Sheer determination runs through me as I move quickly down the corridor. The brownish carpet looks worn in some spots. At the elevator, I put on my shoes and press the down arrow. My breathing is heavy and the tears start. Why can’t he just let things be and not lecture me on the endless array of things he thinks I should’ve done? He’s not a fucking soothsayer!

  The elevator door opens and I step in. Just as the door is about to close, a hand forces it open. It’s him. “Don’t go out alone,” he says. His voice is softer.

  I wipe my eyes with my sleeve and say firmly. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore tonight. I mean it, Adam.”

  “Okay, please just come back to the room.” I hesitate and then realize I really don’t want to go out into the cold. I get off the elevator and walk ahead of him. When we reach the hotel door, I stand aside when I realize I have no room key. He opens it so I can walk in first. There’s still tension between us that won’t be resolved tonight. I don’t have any energy left right now.

  He interrupts my thoughts when he asks. “You must be hungry. I can go down and bring us something back.”

  “Yes, please, and some water. I’m so thirsty.” He takes the room key and leaves the room. About 20 minutes later, he returns with four bottles of water, two turkey club sandwiches and my favorite kind of chocolate bar. We eat in silence, blindly watching the television.

  “You look exhausted, Violet. Why don’t you rest in bed?”

  He’s right, I can’t get into bed fast enough. I pull the covers over me and offer to share the chocolate bar with him. He shakes his head no. “You eat it and then sleep.”

  He has no overnight bag. “What about you? You have no change of clothes?”

  “I sleep naked. You know that.” He’s not flirting with me, but stating a fact.

  The chocolate calms me. “Thanks for being here and I’m sorry you had to hire a plane.”

  “I would have done anything to get here as soon as I could.” His blue eyes lock onto mine. I only nod as there are no words needed. “I’m going to meet Paul for a drink and will be back in an hour. Please rest.”

  “Let him know I’m okay.” He nods, taking the room key and quietly shutting the door behind him. I feel weepy as the remaining adrenaline leaves my body and I eventually fall asleep.


  When I wake, it takes a few seconds before I remember I’m in a hotel room. Adam is showered and dressed in the same clothes he wore yesterday, unshaven. I watch him putting on his tie in the mirror at the foot of the bed. I have no idea what time he got back to the room last night and don’t even know if he slept in the bed with me.

  I slowly sit up and say, “Good morning.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel much better having slept.”

  “Good. We should leave here at 8:30; the jet departs at 10.” Looking over at the hotel clock radio I see I have about an hour. I get up to shower. Coming back into the room, I see Adam’s gone. I quickly get dressed in the clothes I brought for day two of my trip and put on a little makeup to help myself feel better. When I’m finished, I sit and blankly stare out the window. All kinds of thoughts reel through my head. At some point, we’ll have to talk. Part of me wants to lash out at him in defence of my independence; the other just wants to get home in peace and not start a battle for fear of an outcome I don’t want to face.

  The door opens and Adam comes in with two coffees, some fruit and a toasted bagel cut in two. He places it on the small hotel table and looks at me as a signal to join him to eat. I join him. The coffee warms my churning belly. Even now, he still has the ability to make me nervous. I have no idea what’s running through his mind.

  “Does Paul know I am leaving with you?”

  Adam looks up from his Blackberry. “Yes, I told him last night and offered for him to join us, but he has meetings today. He said you don’t have to go to work today or tomorrow. He’ll see you on Monday.”

  “Thanks for speaking with Paul. I should call him.” He nods, going back to his Blackberry. I call Paul and get his voicemail. I leave a message apologizing for the commotion of last night and to thank him for calling Adam.

  “We should leave soon.” I pack my suitcase, squeezing my new purse into it. He picks it
up, along with my laptop bag, and opens the door for me.

  After checking out, we watch the valet put my bags in the trunk of a dark blue SUV. We drive for about 30 minutes. The driver pulls up to a gate and presses an intercom button. There’s a woman on the other end who says, “Hello.” The driver provides Adam’s name and his jet’s tail number. I watch a gate automatically open and, as we drive through, we are met by a car that leads us onto the runway next to a sleek jet.

  The driver opens my door as Adam walks around to my side. He takes my arm and leads me up the stairs to the plane. The attendant greets him. “Good morning Mr. Stone, and welcome aboard.” He smiles at her as we enter to sit down. It’s quite impressive, with plush tan leather seats for ten people. There are two groups of four facing each other and two single seats near the back. I think there’s a room at the very back, but I dare not ask to see it because there’s still tension between us. Adam puts me in the seat across from him at the front. After we are cleared for take-off and in the air, the attendant comes back with black coffee for Adam.

  “Thanks, Marla.”

  “Miss, would you like anything?” she offers.

  “Just water, please. Thank you.”

  “Are you really feeling better?” Adam asks.

  “Yes I am. I feel much better. I was shaken yesterday, that’s all.”

  “Maybe you should see my doctor just to be sure.”

  I’m not going to argue with him. “Yes, if you think I should.”

  “I’ll call when we land.” He says quietly and then begins typing on his Blackberry. I look out the window until the plane lands. A customs officer comes on board and clears us in minutes. Adam’s car is waiting for us on the runway, which makes me feel like a celebrity for a moment. I see Adam on the phone while I wait in the car. He gets into the driver’s seat and tells me, “My doctor will see you now. We’ll go there first before we go to the park house.” I’m not surprised we’re going there. It will be quieter and it’s much bigger, so he can avoid me if he wants. I nod and sit quietly, checking my iPhone every now and then when Adam says, “Put that away. You need to rest for a couple of days. Paul understands that.”


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