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Solid Stone: Odyssey

Page 13

by E. G. Patrick

  When’s he’s finished his masterpiece, he pops the mango into his mouth, chewing slowly, watching me the entire time. My own juices are flowing freely now. He leans down and his warm tongue begins to lick the mango from my hot flesh. I arch my back and moan. “Oh Adam, you’re driving me nuts.” His tongue twirls around my nipple and then he bites it, making me cry out in pain and then pleasure when he soothes it with his tongue. He reaches for the bowl of melted chocolate. He dips pineapple in it and glides it across my lips. I lick my lips, tasting the sweetness. It’s delicious, just like him.

  “I like it when you lick your lips,” his sexy voice croons. As he repositions himself beside me on the bed, he drizzles chocolate over the front of my bare vagina and down in between my legs. I can feel the stream of warm chocolate trickle over my clitoris; it’s so thick and dense. I writhe as the tingling sensations rise again up through my belly and down again. He grins because he knows he’s driving me crazy. He doesn’t move in between my legs this time. Instead he leans down, kissing around my navel and then trails his tongue downward following the trail of the chocolate. This is a different angle—he’s starting from the top! He reaches my clitoris first from this position. His tongue slides in downward motions over and over again. “Ahhh,” I cry out. It feels so good and this angle feels different than when his head is between my thighs. My body writhes in delight each time his tongue runs over my clit. Hot surges of electricity flow through my entire body.

  Soon, he lingers over my now-throbbing clit and his tongue grasps it from above and begins to do things that make me moan over and over again. His tongue vibrates and swirls feverishly over and over it. He sucks, and then uses the flat part of his tongue to apply pressure while it reverberates over my clit. “Ahhh,” I cry out and then lie still, my eyes closed tightly. When I open my eyes he is looking back at me. His lips are glossed with my essence. This vision makes me groan.

  He stands to remove his pants and soon presents his hot body to me. He looks magnificent in the candlelight. He pushes my feet up to my bum, making me spread eagle. I wrap my arms around him as I watch his divine body press down over mine. He enters me swiftly. I wrap my legs around him. “Ohhh, that feels really good,” I moan. He thrusts a little harder and faster now. My eyes watch his face as he looks down at me. He loves me harder intensifying the surges running through my vagina. These are very strong sensations. “Oh, Ohhh,” I groan in his ear.

  “I love being inside you,” he croons. It’s not long before all of the trapped surges rushing inside of me are released at once. My arms squeeze tightly around him as I come. In that same moment, Adam’s cock swells and bursts. He moans and then collapses on top of me. My legs are still wrapped tightly around him as I run my hands through his hair. He kisses me and then moves beside me. He pulls the covers over our bodies. Entwined in perfect harmony, we listen to the sound of the waves and fall asleep.


  I wake to the sound of waves and Adam’s voice. “Good morning, Babe.”

  I roll over to face him and after I kiss him I say, “Good morning, handsome.” He likes that and gives me his winning smile. We lie together for a while before reality kicks in and I ask, “What time is the plane leaving?”

  “At 4. We have most of the day to hang out on the beach, if you like. Leave out the clothes you want to wear home so Andre doesn’t pack them.”

  “Okay. Let’s have breakfast and then go back out on the beach.” Adam gets up and puts on his pants; he wraps me in the sheet and carries me back into the suite. My morning start couldn’t be more perfect.

  We hurry to get back to beach to enjoy the perfect weather. When we get hot, we play around in the ocean and then come back to warm up in the sun. I enjoy repeatedly putting sunscreen on Adam. His body is strong, hard, and perfect.

  Andre comes over and announces that it’s already 2. We begrudgingly get up to shower, dress, and get ready to leave. Our bags are packed and at the door. In an hour we are in the jet on our way back to reality. I’ve been treated to a wonderful dream vacation and show Adam my appreciation that night in our bed at home.

  Chapter 10

  It’s Saturday morning and Adam is waiting for me at the front door. I’ve no idea where we’re going or what we’re doing. We are both dressed in jeans, casual shirts, jackets, and sneakers. “Are you finally ready?” he teases.

  “Yes, sorry for the wait. I changed my top three times to impress you. Does this one show enough cleavage for your viewing pleasure?”

  He looks me up and down. “I prefer you without clothes, but you know that. This top is nice, though.” He slides his finger down my cleavage and then kisses me.

  “How long is the drive?”

  “An hour and a half. Why? Do you have other plans I don’t know about?”

  “Nope. I only have plans with you, sweetie.” I bat my eyelids at him and he gives me his most gorgeous smile. The radio plays in the background and the sun shines on this autumn day. Like most long drives, I fall asleep and when I wake the car is turning into a driveway. Adam parks the Jag and we get out. In front of us is a race track, lots of grass, trees, and an enclosed area. Before I can say anything, he grabs my hand pulling me into an office.

  Adam is greeted by a man in his mid-fifties. “Mr. Stone, how nice to see you again. It’s been a few months. We missed you this summer.”

  “Hi, Steve. I’ve had a busy summer.” Adam looks down at me and then introduces us.

  “This is Miss Cole, my girlfriend; she’s going to join me today and needs to sign the waiver. You should have her signed up for a 3-hour lesson. I’ll use that time to take my car around the track; not the Jag, the Formula car.”

  I’m floored when I realize he’s talking about real racing cars. Feeling a bit uncertain, I ask, “Are you sure I should do this? Riding a horse is one thing, but this? I’m not sure. And wait, you own a race car?” I have so many questions.

  “Steve, give us a minute please.” Adam takes my hand and walks me over to the track to look at the cars. He’s very gentle with me, “Easy question first, yes, I own a Formula car. Just think of it as driving a regular car, except this is better because there’s no traffic to consider. It’ll be just you and me out there and you know I’ll take care of you. I won’t do anything crazy to scare you. I’ll save that for the guys I race with later today, okay? You can watch me win for you again.” He pulls my hands up to his lips and kisses them sharing some of his confidence. How can I say no?

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Babe, I’ll be out there with you after your lesson. It’ll help you build up your confidence and to get familiar with the car. You said you trusted me. It’s good to challenge yourself. It will help you grow. You’ll enjoy the power and freedom when you’re going around the track in a car like that. I promise.” He points to one of the cars in front of us. “If you enjoy it, we can come back more often. It’s a great way to relieve stress and you’ll feel invigorated.” Of course, I trust him.

  “Okay, let me sign the waiver before I change my mind.”

  “You won’t regret it.”

  After signing all the forms we are introduced to Claude Benoit, a French-Canadian instructor who is very good looking. His accent isn’t bad either. I have to smile to myself as I don’t think Adam realized any of this when he booked my lesson. Of course, Adam makes sure that Claude knows who I belong to. He holds on tight to my hand during my introduction so I can’t even shake hands with Claude.

  “I think you can go now. I’ll be fine with Claude.” I see Adam’s jaw get tense and then release as he kisses me longer than needed followed by a possessive slap on the rear before releasing me to Claude. I catch him looking back a couple of times as he walks away. Yeah right, you’re not jealous! That thought makes me grin to myself.

  Claude’s accent makes him very easy to listen to. “Okay, Miss Cole. Let’s get your clothes off and you suited u
p. The change room is over there.” I wonder how many women he’s said that to?

  My hoodie and jeans are traded in for a fitted white racing suit and a white helmet with a microphone attached to it. The first hour is an in-class session. Claude goes over some rules, general driving tips, and an overlay of the track, and he ends with an emphasis on having fun. When the verbal lesson is over, we head back to the track area. The car I am about to drive is very sexy. It’s a yellow and white Formula car with beautiful curves. Claude helps me into it.

  As I’m about to thank Claude for his help, I can see Adam standing in a black racing suit, looking hotter than ever. His arms are crossed and he appears to be watching us. I nod at Adam before giving my attention back to Claude.

  My in-car lesson begins with Claude explaining all the components of the car. This includes how the gears work, speed, what it will feel like, always look in the direction you want to go, how to ease up on the brakes and how to make tight controlled turns. He repeats how important it is to keep your eyes in the direction you want to go.

  Claude says, “We are going to do a little test drive now. I’ll be in the black Spider over there.” He points to a hot-looking sports car, almost as nice as Adam’s Jag.

  “You’ll hear me through the ear piece in your helmet and you can speak back to me in the microphone.” He positions the microphone close to my mouth. I hope Adam isn’t watching. That would drive him nuts! “Are you ready?”

  “Yes and no, but let’s get started before I change my mind!”

  “You can do this, Violet. Don’t worry. I will keep an eye on you.” I feel myself blush, as he calls me Violet with that accent. Is he flirting with me? I start the car and I can feel the engine roar. It sends an intense energy right through me. It’s so powerful and I’ve only just started. I hear Claude on the mic. “Okay, let me pull up beside you. Let’s start by doing five laps at a slow speed so you can get used to the car, okay?” I nod as he continues my lesson. “Just follow me around the track. We’ll have lots of time for fast runs around the track later. I think your boyfriend is going to join you for a couple of them.” I nod at Claude, indicating I’m ready to start. I put it in gear and pull off slowly, as instructed.

  As we go around the track a couple of times, the car begins to feel like an extension of me. It’s fabulous. I keep my eyes straight ahead. I say to Claude, “I feel like I’m part of the car now. This is awesome!”

  “Good. Let’s go a little faster now. Two more laps and then we’ll increase the speed again, okay?”

  “Okay, sounds good.” I’m filled with excitement and change gears, making the car move faster now. I take the turns tight, not accelerating too much and watching my steering. On the straight-a-way, I go faster and Claude gets out of my way, letting me rip the car into a faster speed. My eyes are fixed on the track in front of me and both hands are securely on the steering wheel. My heart’s pounding, it’s almost like sex. No wonder Adam likes this so much.

  Claude signals we have about twenty minutes left. It’s then a hot black Formula car races past me. Then I hear his voice. “Hey Babe, I was watching you and you’re a natural at this. You like speed don’t you?”

  “Yes! Was that you that came rushing past me?”

  “Yep, and you look sexy in that racing suit. I’ll have to buy you one.”

  “Claude, are you still there?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  It’s Adam again. “I am coming up behind you. You like that at home too.” He laughs and then says, “If you beat me to the next turn, I’ll fuck you like crazy tonight. But don’t forget to slow down on the turn.” Claude has heard every word, my face reddens I can feel it. But I do love a challenge.

  “And if I lose?”

  “I will still fuck you like crazy because you look so hot in that suit.”

  “Okay, it’s a deal. Claude, can you turn off the mic now, please?” I realize I should have asked this much earlier.

  “Yes, Miss Cole, but only for just this lap. For safety reasons I need to be able to speak to you.” We’re back to Miss Cole now, I smile to myself.

  “Okay, thanks.” I see Adam pull up beside me. “You look sexy as hell,” I tell him through the earpiece, and he gives me his winning smile.

  “Likewise, Babe. Are you ready? Remember to gear down before you get to the turn. I don’t want you spinning out because of me, okay?”

  “Yes, I got it.”

  “Okay at the count of 3 then.” Adam counts, “1, 2, 3!”

  We both change gears and Adam takes the lead, but not for long as I move my car to the inside of the track to cut past him. I’m sure he didn’t like that as I see him rush past me and take the turn like an expert. I take the turn too, gearing down just as I hit it. This is so exhilarating and I’m sure Adam is going to chastise me for that, but I don’t care.

  “You took that turn too fast, Violet; slow down now, please,” he yells in my earpiece.

  “Sorry, I got caught up in the moment. I’m having so much fun.”

  “I told you you’d like this.”

  “I love it. It’s great!”

  “Let’s do two more laps before we go for lunch, okay?”


  I actually beat Adam through one of the turns. Yahoo! Adam gives me the thumbs up when he drives by. After our final lap, we pull into the pit area where Claude helps me out of my car. Adam comes over and quickly escorts me away and I look back at Claude.

  “Adam, please, let me thank the guy. He just helped me through the last 3 hours.”

  “Okay, but make it quick,” he grunts at me. I walk back, catching Claude before he gets into my car to move it. I reach out to shake his hand and to thank him for being such a great instructor.

  “Claude, thank you so much. I was so nervous about doing this and you’ve managed to change my mind. I really enjoyed myself out there and it’s because of you.”

  He smiles and shakes my hand, “It was my pleasure. Here’s my card if you want to take more lessons.” After accepting his card, I wave good-bye as I walk back to Adam who is still watching me.

  “What did he give you?” he asks me. He doesn’t miss a thing.

  “His card, in case I want more lessons.”

  “Do you want more lessons with him?”

  “Yes, if we’re going to be doing more of this. He was a really good teacher; even you can’t argue that. I did pretty well out there.”

  “Yes, you did. I’m very proud of you. Give me his card and I’ll add it to my contacts in case you do want more lessons. I can arrange those for you.”

  “I can keep it, it’s no big deal. If and when we come here again, we’ll be together anyway.”

  “I was just trying to be helpful.”

  “Sure you were.” I don’t hide my sarcasm. The day’s been great so I decide to hand him the card. I like the idea of him making my arrangements anyway. He seems happy when I do. We sit down at a picnic table; Adam comes back with two chicken sandwiches with salad and two bottles of water.

  “So what’s next?” I ask.

  “There’s a group of us who meet to race every now and then. Four of us own cars and two rent from here.”

  “So I’ll be watching a bunch of A-type personalities racing against each other? Now that should be better than mud wrestling, I think?” Adam laughs.

  “Yes, A-type probably for the majority. All of us are CEOs in our own worlds.”

  “Don’t you mean in your own minds?” I can’t resist saying, and we both laugh again. We finish lunch and head back to track. I watch some cars going around and then see an attendant bring Adam’s car to him. “Let’s take a picture first,” I suggest. We stand beside the car. Adam puts his arm around my waist and I put mine around his while the attendant snaps a few photos with my phone. I thank him and then kiss Adam quickly before he jumps into his ca
r. The car and Adam make a truly sexy pair.

  There are now six cars, including Adam’s doing warm-up laps. About fifteen minutes later, the cars are lined up to race in three rows of twos. At the count of three, the race begins. My eyes follow Adam’s car. As I expected, he’s a very skilled driver. A flurry of sensations rushes through me, ranging from proud to tantalizingly horny.

  I change my focus back to the track. The cars overtake each other; Adam never falls behind second place and skillfully moves his car making tight turns that cause me to squeal in fear. I notice two other women watching, also engrossed in the cars on the track.

  It’s the last lap now. Adam’s black car is neck and neck with a red car. They’re getting close and I begin to jump up and down. I scream, “Go, Adam, go” over and over again, my hands pumping in the air as I jump up and down. I breathe a sigh of relief as Adam’s car drives past the finish line first. Even the other two women are clapping.


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