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Solid Stone: Odyssey

Page 16

by E. G. Patrick

  Being completely startled, all I can think of to say is, “Hi, you’re early. I wasn’t expecting you home until tomorrow.”

  “I can see that. Do you enjoy imitating me?” I’ve no idea how long he’s been watching me. I sit up straight, causing the bottom of Adam’s shirt to gape open, exposing my thighs. His grin widens as I watch him remove his jacket, his tie, undo some of his shirt buttons, and then roll up his sleeves. I swallow hard as I don’t know if he’s angry or if he thinks I am cute. “Open the desk drawer.” He enunciates each word. I open the drawer and find some pens, pencils, and a wooden ruler. It’s the ruler that catches my eye. He orders, “Take out the ruler and bring it here now.” I slowly lift up the ruler, closing the desk drawer before getting to my feet to walk over to him. I feel embarrassed at being caught imitating him and because I’m wearing his shirt, tie and socks. I must look like a real sight. “Give me the ruler, Violet,” he says, enunciating my name. I hand him the ruler, not looking directly at him and he uses it to lift my chin upward, forcing me to make eye contact. I see desire in those dark blue eyes combined with something else I can’t quite put my finger on. Perhaps it’s a slight tinge of anger at seeing me imitating him? “Do you play Mr. Stone often, Violet?”

  “No, this is the first time,” I say, trying to avert my eyes, but I can’t as he still has the ruler under my chin.

  “You seemed to be having a good time from where I was standing, although I don’t ever recall sitting on my desk dressed like that. Is that something you think I do when no one is looking?” He speaks slowly and with so much control.

  “No, I am pretty sure you don’t do that.”

  “I find it interesting that you were mimicking me that way. I can only think you do believe that I do that.”

  “No, I’m sure you don’t. I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  “Oh, it’s too late for sorry. Feel what you’ve done to me, Violet.” He takes my hand and places it on the huge bulge in his pants and then says, “Take off that shirt now, please.” He continues to speak with control, saying each word slowly and meticulously. He looks sexy with his sleeves rolled up. I slowly begin to undo each button. As I am about to lift the tie over my head before taking off the shirt, he says calmly. “Leave the tie on.” I’m now standing in front of Adam wearing only his tie, loosened and hanging between my bare breasts, my panties, and his socks. He looks me up and down still using the ruler to maintain eye contact. “So you like being Mr. Stone, do you?”

  I reply with some dismay. “No, yes, I mean no. I don’t know why I was doing that.”

  “Open your mouth,” he commands. I open my mouth and he puts the ruler in it sideways and says firmly, “Bite down on the ruler.” I do this, still feeling embarrassed at being caught. I bite down on the ruler, holding it in place tightly in my mouth. What’s he up to?

  “Okay, you can play Mr. Stone now. If you drop the ruler, I’ll stop.” He lowers himself to his knees, pulling my panties downward in one quick pull so that they actually rip off. “Spread your legs, Violet.” I obey as I watch him bury his face in me. It takes every ounce of strength not to cry out and drop the ruler instantly. I bite down on it harder with every flick of his magic tongue. I feel powerful, watching the top of his head move back and forth pleasuring me while he’s on his knees. How many times was that me on my knees? This adds to my excitement. He expertly applies pressure as he licks me down there, devouring me. It’s so hard not to release the ruler from my lips. What he’s doing feels so blasted good. I wrap my hands around the back of his head, gripping his hair and begin to push myself into his face, enhancing my own pleasure. I look down and our eyes meet. I can feel him grin; his face is buried so deep in me. He’s enjoying the power he’s given me before he gets back to work, taking me closer to orgasm. He circles his tongue around and around as I continue to grind and push myself into his face, getting wetter and closer to release each time. He moves his tongue downward to prolong my agonizing desire to explode. He rolls and curls his tongue in different ways and directions and is driving me fucking insane. I want to explode on his face, I really do. I’m biting down so hard on the ruler I hope I don’t chip a tooth. My legs feel weak and my knees buckle a little. He moves his tongue back to my sweet spot and begins to circle around it over and over, applying just the right amount of pressure. He twirls his tongue slowly and then fast and then very fast. This is when I finally give one hard tug at his head and grind myself into him. “Ohhhh!” I groan between tightly clenched teeth. I give in to the most amazing orgasm. My body shudders it’s so over the top intense. He stands up immediately, taking his control back. He removes the ruler from my mouth and looks down at the teeth marks I’ve left on it. This makes him grin before he uses it to lift my chin upward again, forcing me to make eye contact.

  He says very confidently. “It’s great being me, isn’t it?”

  I gulp and say with what little energy I have left. “Yes, it is.”

  “Now put your hands together between your breasts.” I do as I’m told and place my hands in a prayer position between my breasts. Adam skillfully tightens the tie around my neck as it should be worn and then uses the now longer lengths to bind my wrists together, still in a prayer position. I can’t move my arms at all now. He tugs at the remaining length of tie like I am wearing one of the collars from the adult store and leads me by it over to the desk.

  “Bend over the desk,” he orders as he pulls the end of the tie downward, causing me to lean over the desk with my breasts pressing against my bound wrists. “Spread your legs.” I do. Adam taps the desk with the ruler three times right beside me. It’s so close to my face, I can see the numbers along with my teeth marks on the ruler. He lifts it up in the air over my head and I flinch. I then realize he is only moving it to the other side of me. My eyes follow the ruler. He taps it again three times. I can still see the numbers and within a second of the last tap, I feel the first swat of the ruler over my left bum cheek. I gasp and buckle at the knee, as I feel the sting spread across my cheek. His voice is still very controlled, soft and very convincing, it makes me want to obey. “That’s for not getting in the car with Frank last night.” He waits and then I feel two more swats on my right cheek, he pauses again and I think he’s admiring his work. My hands are clenched now as I feel the sting on my bum. I’m just recovering from the last swat when another two more come down on my left cheek. “And that’s for imitating me.” The sting moves across my backside even though another swat doesn’t follow. Adam spins me around and lifts me onto the desk. I grimace as my sore bottom touches the top of the desk. This makes him smile, his eyes not leaving mine for one second. “Wrap your legs around my waist. I’m going to fuck you now.”

  He drops his pants and I wrap my legs around his hips, leaning into him as my wrists are still bound. He puts his arm around my back to support me and then enters me with one quick push. It feels like he’s reached right to the very back of me. We stay like this for a few seconds before he begins to move in me, slowly. His bewitching voice says to me, “Keep your eyes on me and you move when I move.” I watch his eyes and use my legs as leverage to move my hips to match each and every one of his thrusts. He changes pace to make sure I am paying attention, and I am and change with him. He’s fucking me harder now and it feels incredible. He looks down at my bound arms as he continues to fuck me. Each thrust plunges deeper. He moves fast and then slows, and so do I. He seems pleased with me and smiles as he continues to move his hips giving me great pleasure. My body begins bouncing off his when he begins to move more forcefully. “Ohhh,” I moan as Adam keeps moving. The effect he has on me is wildly addictive. My body’s still on fire and gets hotter with each deep thrust of his hard and powerful cock. It doesn’t take long for us to come, him first and then me. I collapse against Adam’s chest. We’re both panting. After a moment, he lifts me gently to the floor.

  He’s half smiling looking very sexy. “I am debating whether
to untie you right now or leave you this way. You look very hot in nothing but my tie.” He kisses me and steps back to admire my bound state a while longer. After a minute, he begins to unbind me. As soon as I’m freed, I wrap my arms around his neck so I can welcome him home with a proper kiss. I’m breathless, but still manage to find his tongue. The magic starts again. I lean back after a while and tell him.

  “I hope you know I had your shirt on because I missed you. It’s one you’ve worn so it has your scent on it. It makes me feel like you’re here with me.”

  He smiles; he likes that and rubs my bum. “Do you normally wear my clothes when I’m not home? Maybe I should have some cameras installed so I can see what you really get up to when I’m gone.”

  “Really?” I ask, as you never know with him.

  “I’m kidding. Let’s go to bed.” I follow him up the stairs to our bedroom. I watch him change and get into bed. He wraps his arm around my waist and soon I fall asleep.

  Chapter 13

  “My hair appointment is at 3 today,” I remind Adam at breakfast.

  “I can drive you if you like.”

  I’m joking when I say, “Are you asking me, or telling me?”

  “I’m asking.” His demeanor remains the same as he continues typing on his Blackberry.

  I try again, “I’ll graciously accept your offer to drive me. Are you picking me up as well?”

  He stops typing and grins this time looking over at me. “Very funny and I can wait for you. I have work I can do while I’m there.”

  “Okay, sounds good.” I smile at him.

  “I hope you’re not cutting your hair. I like this longer look on you.”

  “No, but I’m going to have my hair put up to show off the back of the red dress. What do you think?”

  “Sounds sexy and elegant, just like you. I’m looking forward to seeing you all dressed up tonight.” I smile as I get up to clear the table.

  Adam and I walk into the salon just before 3 and see Ann at Susan’s station near the front. Her head is full of rollers. The receptionist asks us if we want coffee and we both decline. Adam scans the place and I can tell he approves.

  Susan appears in front of us. “Hi Violet, your hair has grown. It suits you.”

  “Thanks. This is my boyfriend, Adam.” I turn, looking up at him.

  Adam smiles down at her and shakes her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Susan.”

  Susan smiles back at him, giving him a quick once over. I really can’t blame her. “It’s nice to meet you, Adam. Do you want to sit in the seat next to my station? It’ll be vacant for a while.”

  “Sure,” he says following Susan and I.

  I explain to Susan there’s a swooping back to my dress, which is why I want to put my hair up this time. She thinks for a minute and says, “How about we do a round twist at the back and leave some of your bangs out? I think that will be very elegant.” I look over at Adam, who nods yes and then makes himself busy with his best friend, Blackberry.

  Two and half hours later we leave the salon as Susan had offered to do my make up again once my nails were done. Adam brings the car round.

  He smiles at me. “You look stunning and you’re not even dressed yet.”

  “I want to look good for you tonight.” I hold his hand as we drive back to the apartment.

  Adam comes into the living room where I’m reading. “We have an hour before the car arrives, okay?”

  “Okay, I’ll start getting ready then.” Walking into our bedroom, I pull out the long red gown that Adam and I both love. I’d forgotten just how gorgeous it is. I love the swooping back and low front. It’s a perfect dress. When I put it on, the dress accentuates my waistline and flows beautifully to my feet. I feel like a princess in it. My cleavage looks good and my up-do works well, setting off the back of the dress.

  Just as I am about to bend down to put on my silver four-inch heels, Adam walks in, dressed in a black tuxedo and white shirt with his bow tie in one hand and a black velvet box in the other. He looks stunning. He leads me to sit on the bedroom chair and lowers himself to his knees, placing the box and tie beside him on the floor. He takes my shoes from me and gently places each one on my feet.

  “Thank you, darling.” I touch his face as I stand. When I do, I still have to look up at him, even in my heels.

  We both look at my reflection in the wall of mirrors. “Wow, you look gorgeous, better than gorgeous, you’re absolutely beautiful. You’ve taken my breath away, Violet. I am such a lucky man.” He moves behind me and kisses the back of my neck, sending a wonderful warm shiver through me.

  I turn around to kiss him and before I do, I say, “It’s you who looks gorgeous. I think it’s me who’s the lucky one.” I wrap my arms around him and kiss him. I turn back to look at us both in the mirror and see Adam open the velvet box. He pulls out a beautiful necklace. When he places it around my neck, I can see it’s a white gold and diamond necklace. I am memorized at the stunning glitter around my neck that I don’t even notice him pull out a pair of chandelier drop earrings, also in white gold and diamonds. He hands them to me to put on. I know they must be very expensive and my first thought is to protest at the expense. I stop myself when I see how happy he looks when he sees them on me. Instead, I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. “Adam, they’re beautiful. Thank you so much. They match the dress perfectly. I love them.” The pieces really are stunning and I’m flattered he took the time to pick them for me.

  “I’m glad you like them. You really do look amazing.” He seems to be admiring me and his eyes are warm and gentle. I love Adam all the time, but this gentle, humble man in front of me right now makes me love him even more, which I didn’t think was possible. He whispers in my ear, “You make my life far more exciting and happy, Babe. You really do.” The buzzer goes, interrupting our moment. He steps back from me. “That must be Ann and Ted. You finish getting ready and I’ll let them in. I was going to open a bottle of champagne. Would you like a glass?”

  “You think of everything. Yes, that would be great. I’ll be down in a minute. I just have my evening bag to put together.”

  I feel regal when I make my way downstairs. I can hear the three of them talking. That soon changes when all eyes are on me as I take the final step into the room. Adam comes over to me immediately with a glass of champagne and a kiss for me.

  “You look absolutely stunning,” he says proudly.

  Ann pipes in. “Oh my, is that you, Violet? If I’d known that hot and sexy woman was in there somewhere, I would’ve tried to pull her out sooner. You look fabulous. The dress, the stunning jewels, it works so well.” My lovely friend comes over and hugs me carefully so we don’t mess up our make-up.

  I say, “You look great too Ann, but you always do. And Ted, you look very dapper in your tux.”

  Adam’s phone rings. “This must be Frank.” He answers the phone. “We’ll be out in 5 minutes.” We finish our champagne and walk to the elevator to leave the building. Sitting right at the front is a shiny black stretch limousine. Frank is standing with the car door open.

  I look up at him smiling, “Oh, Adam!”

  He smiles down at me. “The sedan would’ve been too tight for the four of us.”


  An event of this magnitude brings out the movers and shakers of the city and celebrity guests too. We enter a VIP lounge filled with people and a DJ playing music. There are white leather couches strategically placed with small white lacquer and glass coffee tables with flowers and candles on them. There are bar-height tables with crystal bottoms with lighting inside, adding ambience to the dimly lit space. Champagne and canapés are being handed out by servers in checkered suits and dresses. Wow, I think to myself. Looking down from the VIP area is a long runway. That’s where the fashion show will take place. Adam holds my hand as we stand drinking champagne and talking with Ann a
nd Ted, who are also holding hands.

  “Congratulations on the promotion,” I say to Ted. I look at Adam “He’s now Assistant Editor of the magazine, great huh?”

  “Yes, congratulations Ted. That’s great news.” He shakes Ted’s hand. We’re all smiling and looking around. Ann and I comment on how great the place looks and how we can’t wait to see the fashion show. Two couples approach Adam. “Hi, Adam. How are you?”

  “I’m well. It’s nice to see you.” Adam introduces us. “This is my girlfriend, Violet, and our friends, Ann and Ted.” He then turns to us, “This is Anna and Chris Black and Cynthia and Mike Easton.” We exchange pleasantries and shake hands. Anna seems to know a lot about fashion and has a warm presence. We connect instantly and she tells Adam she wants to take me to lunch sometime. Adam nods, showing approval. After they leave, Adam tells us that Anna, one of the lead editors for a designer magazine, is living mostly in New York these days and that Mike is the president of one of the major television stations. Both are clients of Adam’s firm. That’s pretty cool, I think to myself. I watch as more hearty food is served. The timing is good as I’ve had two glasses of champagne now. I eat two delicious mushroom and brie sliders. Adam looks at me and says in my ear, “Are you okay? You’re not tipsy, are you?”

  I say somewhat firmly, feeling a bit judged. “No, Adam. I’m fine. Just a little hungry, which is why I’m eating.”

  “Okay, just checking. That’s all,” he says softly and smiles. It’s then I realize he really is only making sure I’m okay so I smile back at him.

  The four of us move downstairs and stand right at the end of the runway. It’s a perfect spot. A celebrity host comes on stage to set the tone for the evening and welcomes everyone. The lights go dim as he leaves the stage and music plays. The lights along the runway come on and the show begins. Beautiful models appear in lovely gowns, dresses, suits, shoes, bags, and hats. It’s spectacular. Some of the designers I actually recognize from my shopping spree at Bretton’s with Stephanie. There’s one model that catches my eye as she comes out in a white fitted dress that clings to her body perfectly. She has blonde hair and is stunning to look at; even I can’t take my eyes off her and when I look at Adam, neither can he. When the model reaches the end where we are standing, she looks right down at Adam. She seems to pause longer than the others did at this spot. Adam looks right back at her with a serious face, their eyes locked for a moment. His eyes remain on her even after she turns around. I feel a pang of jealousy run through me, but suppress it, thinking it’s a fashion show, and there are lots of beautiful people around us. When the show is over, we all clap.


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