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Solid Stone: Odyssey

Page 20

by E. G. Patrick

  During the drive, I remind him, “Don’t forget we’re meeting my dad for dinner tonight at 7.”

  “Yes, I have it on the calendar. I can pick you up from work at 6 and we can drive straight up to the restaurant if you like?”

  “Yes, okay. That works.” Adam pulls over so I can get out of the car. I kiss him goodbye and wave. I say a number of “Good Mornings” before reaching my desk. It’s another day of contracts, meetings, and planning for the Chicago office.

  At noon, my cell phone rings and it’s Adam.

  “Hi, are you having lunch?”

  “I am in line to get a salad now. What about you?”

  “Just about to head out to get lunch for myself and Alice. I have another meeting at 1.”

  “At least Alice leaves you a lunch break.”

  “Yes, she tries to anyway. She can keep me very busy when she wants, which is why I buy her lunch once in a while. I know I have to keep her happy.” We both laugh and know it’s true.

  “I did say you were a smart man.” I chuckle again. “You know you’d be lost without her.”

  “Yes, I know that. How’s your day?”

  “It’s been busy. I’ve had a couple of very long contracts so lots of reading. The morning has flown by. I can’t believe it’s lunch time already. I’m going to eat at my desk today so I can plow through work.”

  “You really are dedicated. I hire people like you all the time and not because I find them gorgeous like you either.” I have to smile; he makes me feel so good about myself.

  “So you keep telling me. Oh stop, I’m turning red. Anyway, it’s you who should be admired. You’re smart, successful, and gorgeous. You’re the whole package. I mean that.”

  “Do you really think that?” He sounds sincere.

  “Yes, I do. 100%!”

  “Okay, Babe. You’re making my head swell.”

  I sound innocent as I say, “Which one?”

  He laughs. “Don’t go there, I am in a public place and have a meeting to go to very soon.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” I laugh as well.

  “I like that you don’t resist.” We both laugh. “Okay, Babe. I should go. I’ll see you at 6. I love you.”

  “I love you too and thanks for keeping me company, I’m almost at the cash now. See you later.” I hang up my phone. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of him saying I love you. Thank you, universe!

  Back at my desk, I practically inhale my salad and start reading a contract on a real estate deal. For a second, Adam’s uncle comes to mind when I think of the bad deal that led to a family disaster. I shake my head and sigh, feeling sad for a moment.

  The next time I look up from my desk, it’s almost 3. At 3:30, I walk into Paul’s office.

  “Hi, we have an update meeting now,” I remind him. He looks up and smiles, then moves over to his meeting table with four chairs.

  “Let’s sit here,” he says. I sit down and open my file on the table top. We go over a series of upcoming meetings and what we need to prepare for each of them. Paul changes the subject to Chicago. “I am getting my personal documents ready for Chicago, including a work visa, and would like you to do the same. You’ll need to travel to the Chicago office sometimes and it’s easier if you have one.” I nod thinking that makes sense.

  “Okay, that makes sense.”

  He smiles and almost looks relieved. “I’ll send you the forms; they’re fairly detailed, so set aside some time to complete them. Can you have them back to me by tomorrow end of day?”

  “Yes, that should be fine. I’ll bring my documents into the office tomorrow. Thanks Paul.” I leave his office feeling uneasy and I don’t know why. When I get back to my desk I put a reminder on my calendar to bring my personal documents to the office including my passport.

  At 5 I call Adam’s office. Alice answers. “Mr. Stone’s office, how can I help you?”

  “Hi, Alice. It’s Violet. How are you?”

  “Hi, Violet. I’m well thanks and you?”

  “I’m good. Is Adam available for a minute?”

  “He’s still behind closed doors. Should I interrupt him?”

  “No, please don’t. Would you mind letting him know that I’m coming over to your office to meet him since I’m finished here now? That’ll save him a trip to my office. He can call me on my cell if he likes. I’ll be walking over.”

  “I’ll let him know. See you when you get here.”

  “Thanks, Alice. See you soon.” I hang up and grab my things to walk over to his office.

  It’s 5:30 when I approach Adam’s building. I look up at the logo of Laurier & Stone at the very top. I often forget how big his firm has become and it’s still growing. The same older security guard escorts me to the elevator and uses his card before pressing the fortieth floor. He smiles as the doors close. Alice is at her desk still working and Adam’s office door is closed. I greet Alice.

  “Hi, Violet. His meeting is running late.” She looks over at his closed door.

  “Is it internal or external?” I’m just curious.

  “It’s an external meeting, which is why I’m hesitant to interrupt it.”

  “Please don’t on my account. If we leave here by 6 or even a little later, we’ll be fine on my end.”

  Leaving Alice to finish her work, I pick up a magazine and begin flipping through it when one of the double doors to Adam’s office opens. I look up keeping the magazine at face level so only my eyes are peeping over it. Adam comes out with two very well-dressed Middle-Eastern-looking gentlemen. They must shop at the same place Adam does. They look like fashion models in their impeccable suits and ties. Adam shakes their hands and says, “Gentleman, thank you so much for your time and business. My team and I look forward to taking care of all your legal requirements.” I watch all three of them walk through two glass panel doors to the elevators. They must be important if he’s escorting them out.

  Adam comes back and looks over at me. “Hi, why were you hiding behind the magazine?”

  I laugh. “It worked didn’t it? Not one of you even looked in my direction.”

  He smiles at me and then looks over at Alice to check if she needs anything. She doesn’t and says, “Good night, Mr. Stone, and it’s great to see you again, Violet.” We leave her desk and go into his office. Adam walks back to his desk while I sit on one of the armless chairs.

  “Were they important clients?”

  “All my clients are important, but yes, they’ll fall under our larger client portfolios. I’ll be hands on a lot at the beginning.”

  “That’s great, congratulations. What’s their billing like?”

  “Why, are you going to try and steal them for your firm?” He is being facetious, which makes me laugh.

  “Like that’s ever going to happen!” I tease back.

  “Remember your NDA, madam,” he says pretending to be serious, and then grins, “Their billing annually will be about $30 million. They have billions of oil business amongst other things and I predict that will grow over the next five years. We signed a five-year deal with them. It’s a great win for our firm.”

  “Holy cow! That’s a lot from just one client? Did you broker that deal?”

  “I was heavily involved. Our international offices will be very helpful to them.” He changes the subject. “We should leave soon. Give me ten minutes okay?”

  “Okay.” Still seated, I check email on my iPhone. I’m very pleased for him and his new clients.

  “Okay, let’s go.” Adam gives me his hand and pulls me up to him. He gently chides, “You haven’t kissed me yet. That won’t do.” Our lips connect and electricity flows through me. Each spark flares, making me kiss him harder. If it’s true that a kiss can tell a lot about chemistry, then Adam and I are at the top of that list. It really is like fireworks for me when I kiss him, e
very single time. He squeezes me before letting go and says, “That’s better.” He picks up my laptop bag and his before we leave his office. He puts our bags in the car and within minutes we are in rush hour traffic on our way to meet my dad for dinner. I wonder if we should have taken the train.

  “We should really have your dad over to the apartment or the house for dinner, you know.”

  “Yes we should, maybe over Christmas? Ann and I were talking about that this week. It would be nice, having a big family dinner. Would your parents and sister come too?”

  “That might be possible. I’ll have to check what their holiday plans are this year. My parents have a place in Vancouver, and you know they like Barbados too. We usually alternate each year, ski one year and sun the following.” That shouldn’t surprise me. His parents are wealthy and likely travel a lot. There must have been a lot of pressure on Adam to be as successful like his Dad. My thoughts are interrupted when Adam says, “I’ll call my parents so we can figure it out, okay?”

  “Thanks. Once you know, then I’ll speak with Ann and my dad. I hope you aren’t leaving me stranded here alone over the holidays?”

  “Absolutely not. I am sure we can do something here and join my parents after if necessary. By the way, there’s no way I’m leaving you here and besides, I need someone to keep me warm at night.” I grin over at him and he grins back. Adam pulls into the underground parking lot. I see my dad sitting on a chair at the front, waiting for us.

  “Hi, Dad.” I walk over and give him a hug. It’s always good to see him.

  “Hi, honey.” He hugs me back and then turns to shake Adam’s hand.

  “Hi, Adam. It’s nice to see you again. How are things?”

  “Hi, Lloyd. It’s great to see you again. I’m well thanks.” After we’ve exchange pleasantries the hostess takes us to a booth.

  The waiter appears. “Hi, I’m Craig, and I’ll be your server today.” He tells us what the specials are as he gives us each a menu, then returns shortly to take our orders.

  “What are you having, Lloyd?” Adam asks.

  My dad looks up from the menu. “I think I’ll have fish and chips,” he says. That doesn’t surprise me.

  “You want that with malt vinegar, right Dad?”

  “Yep, with malt vinegar. It’s the only way to have fish and chips.” I smile at my dad. He’s so uncomplicated. I rest my hand on Adam’s leg and when he looks over at me, I can feel the love, I really can. He places his hand on top of mine when I ask, “And what are you having, Mr. Stone?”

  He smiles. “I think I’ll have salmon. Fish sounds good tonight. And you?” he asks, his hand still on top of mine.

  “I’ll have salmon too, please.” I smile again.

  “So Dad, tell me about your lady friend.” I lean forward, closing the distance between us. I’m very interested.

  “Her name is Barb. She’s a widow and goes to the same community center I go to for swimming.”

  “That’s nice, Dad. Do you spend a lot of time together?”

  “A couple times a week. I was thinking it might be nice to introduce you to her over the Christmas holidays.”

  “Actually, Dad, Adam and I were just talking about that, having a family and friend dinner over the holidays. I’ll get back to you when we figure out plans?”

  “Sure, it’ll be nice having a family get together with more people. The more the merrier, as they say.”

  “You know, I said the same thing.” I smile as I imagine all of us seated around Adam’s dining table at his house after he’s made a fantastic dinner. All of us happy, chatting, and drinking lovely wine. I feel excited and warm by the thought and start thinking about decorations.

  “So, Adam, how’s work? Vee tells me you’re still traveling quite a bit. How do you like that?”

  “Work is great. The travel is not great, but it comes with the job. I do my best to spend more time at home now that I have Violet with me.” A big smile crosses my dad’s face.

  “That’s good. So where have you been traveling to lately?”

  “Most recently I’ve been to London, New York, L.A., and out west.”

  “I hope you make time for fun with all that travel.” I see a grin in Adam’s eyes. Even I laugh inside. If he knew what fun we get up to, Adam wouldn’t be sitting here so soundly right now. Our drinks arrive and the waiter tells us our meals will be coming soon.

  Adam responds appropriately. “We do and make the most of our weekends.”

  “Good to hear,” my dad replies.

  “And how is work with you Vee? Still enjoying being a paralegal?”

  “I am. I know you worry that I chose it only to make a living, but I really like my job. It’s my career now anyway. My boss relies on me a lot more now. I like that.” I smile warmly at both of them. I’m happy to be sitting here with the two most important men in my life.

  Dad says, “True, everything happens for a reason. You know I believe that. Sometimes in the moment we don’t know why, but it just does.” I see Adam nodding out of the corner of my eye. Our meals arrive. The waiter comes back with tartar sauce and malt vinegar for my Dad.

  Adam asks. “How often do you swim, Lloyd?”

  “I try to go at least three times a week. It keeps me fit and it’s something I enjoy.”

  “That’s great. It’s good to exercise. I use a gym and I jog. It gives me energy.” Yes, it does. He puts a lot of energy into our bedroom life, that’s for sure. The thought sends a warm rush through my lower regions, causing me to squirm in my seat.

  “Violet likes to walk.” He looks over at me. “Now that’s it getting colder we should get you a treadmill.”

  “Yeah, maybe. It would have to go in one of the spare bedrooms.”

  My dad pipes in. “Oh yeah, how is the new place? Vee told me all about it. It sounds very modern and stylish.”

  “We like it and the location is perfect for work for both of us. It was Violet who found it.” He says proudly. “You’ll have to come over soon and see it for yourself.”

  “I’d like that. Just let me know what works for the two of you. I don’t mind driving down to your place.”

  We continue catching up talking about work and possible plans for Christmas. It’s almost 9 when we finish eating. Adam pays the bill and I don’t argue, telling myself, it’s not worth it. We walk my dad to his car and I give him a big hug. Adam gives him a firm handshake. We watch him pull out and then walk back to Adam’s car.

  “That was nice.” I say looking up at Adam.

  “Yes, it was. He’s a nice man. We really should get him over to our place soon though. He probably wants to see how his daughter’s living.”

  “Yes, we should. He’ll be impressed at the lifestyle I’ve become accustomed to.” I smile up at Adam, who squeezes me as we continue walking. I then say, “It would be great for him to meet your parents too.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. Trying to get that crowd together at the same time is like herding cats. I’m sure with enough notice we can do it though. You know our weekends are sacred to me. They say time flies when you’re having fun. I’m certainly having lots of fun with you.”

  “Me too, sexy.” He likes that and squeezes my hand.

  When we get back to the loft, I feel tired. Adam goes into his office. “How long will you be?” I ask him.

  “Not long, I just need to reply to a couple of emails. No more than thirty minutes. Go to sleep, Babe, if you’re tired. I’ll be quiet when I come up.” He can be so thoughtful when he wants. I smile and continue up the stairs, thinking how hard he works. Our bedroom is nice and quiet. The bed looks so nice with all the expensive bed linens. We bought the duvet at some high-end bedding shop I’d never heard off. The sky’s the limit with him! It’s funny how things work out.

  Adam comes into the room. He looks over at me as I sit at my
make-up table, removing my make-up. “Hey, I can tell you’re deep in thought. Anything I can help you with?” He asks.

  I’m going to be honest with him. “Out of the blue I just found myself thinking how expensive our bedding is.”

  He sighs his lips are now in a straight line. “Really? Why?”

  “I’m just thinking too much, I guess.”

  “Sweetheart, we both chose it because we liked it. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “I know, but if I were on my own, I wouldn’t be able to afford it.”

  “Well, you’re not on your own. We are together now and we share everything. That’s what couples are supposed to do, right?” How can I argue with that? I’m happy he feels that way.

  “I know that. It’s just me.”

  He comes over as I stand up. Standing behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close. “You’re so beautiful.”

  I look up at him. “You keep telling me that.” He leads me to one of the big mirrors in our room.

  Still behind me, he says, “Look at yourself in the mirror. Here’s what I see.” He uses his finger to trace around the outside of my eyes. “You have beautiful dark brown eyes that I get lost in all the time.” He then runs his finger along the top of my nose. “I love kissing the tip of your nose and it likes my scent. You told me that, remember?” I nod as he leans around and kisses the tip of my nose. He continues convincing me by running his fingers over my lips. “Well you know how much I love these. They’re full, soft, and very sexy lips indeed.” I’m in awe of how badly he needs me to understand. He runs the back of his hand over my cheek “Your skin is perfect. I bet when you’re sixty you’ll look only fifty or younger.” Finally, he traces his fingers along the outline of my face and says, “When you put all these beautiful pieces together it becomes even more beautiful and that’s what I see. Do you believe me now?”

  When he explains it that way I do believe him. “Yes, just a little.”

  He smiles. “Well that’s a start then. Trust me, you’re gorgeous.” He pauses to look at my reflection in the mirror and our eyes are locked. “My heart wants you, Violet. I don’t have any control over that anymore, only you do.”


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