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Solid Stone: Odyssey

Page 30

by E. G. Patrick

  He smiles at me. “Yes, have a great night. You should celebrate.” I hesitate and then nod thinking, yes, once I have Adam on board. I make my way to the elevator, feeling excited at the new possibilities. This will be a step up in my career. I think being asked to move to another city with your firm shows that you’re a valuable employee and it will add value to my growing resumé.

  On the way out, I call Ann. She answers on the second ring. “Hi Ann.”

  “Hiya. What’s up?”

  I blurt out, “It’s the Chicago job. My boss wants me there sooner than later. I just need to figure out my start date.”

  “Hey, that’s great. Congratulations, Vee! That really is awesome news. Things are falling in place very nicely for you. You have a great guy, a lovely home, and now a promotion. You have lots to be happy about. I’m thrilled for you.” I can tell she’s smiling.

  “Thanks. I’m really excited. I am going to tell Adam tomorrow when he gets home from his trip. Have a great night.”

  “Okay, Vee. I’m sure your conversation with Adam will go well. See you soon. Keep smiling. You have a lot to be happy about.”

  “Thanks. I will. Bye, I’m almost at the train station.”

  “No driver tonight?”

  “Nope. I’ve gotten away with taking the train all week. It’s great and I’m enjoying being with the hundreds of other regular people. See you next week at dance class.” I hang up the phone and call my dad. I get his answering machine, so I leave him a message letting him know my news as well. I breathe as I walk with pep in my step down the stairs to catch my train.

  Chapter 24

  It’s Thursday and Adam will be home tonight. My work day is hectic, with me having to attend two client meetings plus Paul has left numerous ‘to do’ files on my desk. I’ve managed to eat lunch at 2, so it’s no surprise when I look up at the clock and realize its past 6 already. Adam will likely be home before me. I try calling him, but it goes into voicemail. I pack up and get ready to head home.

  Adam must be home. The lights are on as I walk into the apartment. He’s not in his office and he didn’t call me, which is strange. As I walk into the big room I find him sitting on the sofa with what looks like Scotch in a short crystal glass. Now that’s very strange on a weeknight. When he looks at me, there’s no smile on his face. I put my laptop bag down and take off my coat, feeling tension in the air. “Is something wrong?”

  His dark blue eyes look right through me as he says, “When were you going to tell me?”

  “What do you mean?” The sinister grin that comes to his face I will never forget. There’s rage behind it, I can tell. I half expect a crazy laugh to follow. Instead he says, “I just got off the phone with your dad. He called to congratulate you on the job you’re taking in Chicago.”

  I swallow hard and suddenly feel two inches tall. I try to explain, “I was coming home to tell you tonight. I only just got my work visa approved.”

  “So I am the last to know. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me about the visa application? Let’s start with that.” He seems furious, but still doesn’t raise his voice.

  I try to defend myself. “If it didn’t get approved what was the point? It would’ve started an unnecessary argument, like this one.”

  “No, Violet. That’s not the right fucking answer. Let’s try this again. Why didn’t you tell me from the get-go?” I imagine this is the business side of Adam, direct and forceful.

  “Adam, please listen. The truth is the firm here can’t keep me on unless I go with Paul to Chicago. They don’t have the budget to keep me here and hire someone new for Paul there. It’s only a six-month term and they’ve offered me a ten percent raise, which I keep after the assignment and a $5,000 bonus at the end.”

  He doesn’t flinch. “So you’ve already told them you’ll go, even before we’ve discussed it? This just keeps getting better.” His crazy calmness is very intimidating. He takes a large sip of his drink. His eyes are burning into me. The demon flames flicker in those angry eyes.

  I come clean. My voice slightly high pitched and nervous. “Yes, otherwise I’d be unemployed. I honestly didn’t tell you sooner because I didn’t want you worrying, especially if the work visa didn’t come through. I wasn’t trying to be dishonest. I really wasn’t.”

  “Tell Paul tomorrow you’re not going,” he snaps at me.

  “Please, listen to all the facts. You travel so much anyway. We can make this work, and it’s only six months.”

  “Yes, and it’s six months too long. I want my girlfriend at home with me, not in Chicago alone. Fuck, Violet, you should’ve known I wouldn’t be happy at all about this.” The calm is gone, and he just sounds angry now.

  “I thought you’d understand, considering I won’t have a job if I don’t go. It’s considered a promotion and will look good on my resumé. And there’s the financial benefit as well. I even had Paul agree to fly me back here one week per month. We can do this, Adam! Please don’t be so cut-and-dried about it.”

  “No, that doesn’t work either. You’ll tell Paul tomorrow you won’t be going. If they fucking can’t afford you, then you shouldn’t be working there anyway. You can work at my firm. I’ll pay you twice your salary, and that will solve any of your financial concerns then, won’t it?” He’s not asking me, he’s telling me.

  Quietly, I say, “I want to stand on my own two feet. I can’t keep taking from you. You must understand that.”

  “You’re not taking anything from me. I am offering you a job. You can even set the terms, including your salary, vacation, and title. Just tell me what you want and I’ll make it happen.” He’s back to the controlled calm again. I think I prefer angry so I know what he’s feeling. He’s trying to negotiate with me. My warped sense of humor holds back a sardonic sneer as I feel my temperature rising. It’s not just the money. I want to have something of my own. I need to make him understand that.

  “Look, I appreciate what you’re offering. It’s very generous, but I can’t accept it. I earned the job in Chicago with my hard work and dedication. I don’t want to just give it up like that when I know we can make this work. Take the additional money you’d pay me and use it to fly down every weekend to see me instead.”

  He stands up. His six foot-two-frame seems like seven feet now and his stance is full-on control freak. I suspect I’m about to see a side of Adam Stone that others likely see on a daily basis. The “I don’t take no for an answer” Mr. Stone. I step back to put space between us. I know he won’t hurt me, but I can tell he’s furious and not liking what I’m saying to him.

  “I don’t think you’re hearing me properly. You’re not moving to Chicago while I live here. It’s very simple. I have more than enough money for the both of us. You don’t need to go unless you’re running away from me again, in which case we’ll be over anyway.” His last four words sting like a hornet’s nest. A deep pain shoots through my stomach. I am not running away from him. I love him too much to do that. I sit down now as the adrenaline rush is making my legs shake.

  I shake my head. “No, Adam. Please listen. I am not running away from you. That’s the furthest thing from my mind. I love you too much. What else can I say?”

  “That you’ll stay.”

  “It’s not that simple. I would be letting Paul and the firm down. It’s only six months. You said yourself your travel is going to ramp up with the merger you’re working on. I know we can make this work. Please, Adam.” I feel pain and hopelessness at the moment.

  “I have nothing more to say, Violet. You have a job here if you want it. If you don’t, that’s fine too. I can take care of all your needs, but you know that. Another alternative is work at my firm temporarily until you find another job, if you prefer.” He pauses and then says, “You like to volunteer. If you aren’t working, you’d have more time to do that. The options if you stay here are far greater than Chicago. Even yo
u must see that.”

  “Only because you say so. Everything is on your terms!” I scream. I must look like a possessed demon.

  He has so much fucking control. His voice is frustratingly even when he says, “I really don’t understand why you’re getting upset. I’ve given you more than one option to consider, each one meeting many of your needs. Besides, it was me that was kept in the dark until I found out by accident tonight. I should be mad at you, and instead I am offering you solutions. All of them are viable.” He sounds arrogant and is trying to manipulate me. He’s a fucking negotiator, influencer, the one who gets the deal signed, sealed, and delivered. Well, I’m not a piece of paper to be signed. My body’s trembling with frustration and yet torn knowing we are finished if I go. I feel like a cornered raccoon, scared, but ready to attack and I do.

  “No, Adam. You’re using your power and money to make decisions for me. There’s a big difference.” He doesn’t like that and thinks my anger is getting the better of me. I can see it in his eyes.

  His condescending and eerily calm voice pipes in. “You sound hysterical. Please calm down. Like I said, I’m the one who should be angry. I don’t keep secrets from you.”

  I really lose it. “Fuck this, Adam! You’re trying to mind-fuck me and it won’t work.” I storm up the stairs. I need to get away from him. As I walk into the bedroom, I start to cry. All the energy I have left is going into the tears streaming down my face. I’m stuck. What do I do? If I go to Chicago, I lose Adam. If I don’t go to Chicago, I lose my job and break a promise to someone who took a risk hiring me in the first place, long before Adam was around. Both options would leave me unfulfilled. Adam comes into the room. He offers me a glass of water. I take it as my throat is dry from crying and screaming. He sits on the bed beside me.

  He’s softer now. “Please don’t cry. I don’t like it when you cry. Please try to understand how much I love you and the thought of you not being close is unbearable to me. That’s why I’m being so firm about this.” He sounds sincere and puts his arm around me. I lean on his shoulder, trying to control my tears. I hate being like this with him. I hate arguing with him. It’s so painful.

  “Is there no way we can meet halfway?” I ask, composing myself and feeling secure in his arms.

  “I don’t want you miles away from me. I need you here with me or it won’t work. How can I care for you and love you if you aren’t with me?”

  I don’t know why I still feel like I am being manipulated, but my love for him will trump all, every single time, and I suspect deep down it’s the same for him. Do I call his bluff and leave, knowing he will make it work, or take the risk that he’ll let me go and never see me again? I really do feel stuck between a rock and hard place.

  I say, “Either decision I make leaves someone unhappy. There’s no winning here.”

  “Yes there is. You can stay here and have everything you want and more. Paul will understand. You said you hired some good paralegals, so surely one of them can help Paul so you’re not leaving him without help. He’ll understand that love is more important than your job. Even I understand that now.”

  He’s wearing me down. His declaration of love is weakening me. Whether he’s manipulating me or not, his words sink deep into my heart. I know he does love me. I just yelled at him and yet he’s here by my side trying to console me. Anyone else would be crushed or out the door by now. How many chances with him do I have left before he shuts me out forever?

  My heart wins. “Okay. I’ll tell Paul tomorrow. I love you too much to risk losing you.” Adam pulls me onto his lap. The tension in his body releases as he pulls me close to him.

  “You won’t regret it. I’ll make you very happy and give you anything you want. You only have to ask. I love you and I’m happy you chose me over a job. I feel very loved right now.” How can I be mad at him when he feels like this? I give into my longing for him. The embrace turns into a kiss. I need to feel all of him. My body is full of desire all of a sudden, my anger gone because I just love him so much. I feel relief having said the decision out loud and therefore making it real. I stand up and start to undress in front of him.

  He watches my every move, his eyes roaming over my now naked body. I undo his shirt and slide it off his broad sexy shoulders. I kneel down to remove his shoes and socks and then help him take off his pants. Both naked, I push him down on the bed and stand looking down at him. I am going to take control now. I’ve made a sacrifice for him and now he’s going to pay for it. I’m going to take pleasure at being in control this time. He’s letting me and doesn’t object. I see love and admiration in his eyes. Right now, he’s mine to do with as I please and I intend to take full advantage. I straddle him and when I lean over to kiss him, my hair falls around my face, making me feel carnal and raw. He returns the kiss with ardent passion.

  He whispers between kisses, “I love you so much.” I run my hands over his chest, across his shoulders, and over his face. I like the view from this angle on top of him. I push his arms down above his head using my body weight to hold both his arms down. This is a nice change and I get it now from his perspective. I kiss him with force while keeping him pinned down. I move my lips to his neck, slowly kissing my way down over his chest. I suck his nipple and it stands erect instantly. Watching his body react is all encompassing. I really like this. His eyes are closed as I lead this session. As I am about to ride his cock, my powerful inner voice compels me instead, to move up further. I’m really going to exercise my authority over him now. It’s only fair, after the difficult decision I’ve just made for him. I move up so that his face is now between my legs. Oh, I really like this. The pulsating sensations quicken deep in my vagina. This feels very powerful indeed as I look down at him and our eyes meet as I contemplate lowering myself onto his face. Without warning, he pulls my straddling body down on his face. He knows he must please me now. He understands what I want and need. The tables turn, and he wants to please me. I am going to ride his beautiful face and come all over it too. A surge of delight rips through me in anticipation of what wonders I will insist he do for me tonight. The first flick of his tongue sends flames up through my entire body.

  I say looking down at him, “Oh, Adam, very good. That pleases me. Don’t stop.” He smiles. I can feel his lips move against my pussy lips. He’s right on target, flicking his velvet tongue over my clitoris, causing my bum to clench and unclench with each hit. If he isn’t careful, I’m going to explode over his face right now. I lift myself up a bit to calm myself. This also allows me to look down at his head, placed perfectly between my legs, waiting to please me, pleasure me how I see fit. His eyes look up at mine and I look down at his. This time I’m the one with the demon grin. I really do feel all powerful looking down at him. Without warning, I grind down on his lovely face. He knows what he needs to do for me after what I’ve just done for him.

  He quickly moves his tongue like a whip of delight. He belongs to me now, licking my pussy like a kitten. “Ahhh,” I cry out, it feels so good and I have no inhibitions. My body is lost in pure, unchaste, and raw desire. All my own! It’s all about me now. His magic tongue rolls around my clitoris, down me and in me. He darts his tongue in and out of me and when I grind down to fuck his face, the flares of unrelenting flames rise through my vagina, up my belly, and back down again. It’s amazing. My pussy is pulsating it feels so fucking good! I can feel myself throbbing and want to go even higher. I grind myself over his face, sliding myself up to the tip of his nose and back down to his chin. He hungrily keeps moving that tongue, which is good because I’m enjoying myself. As I try to move, he grabs my legs so I can’t. He has strong arms and that pleases me too. The feeling of his roaming tongue feels so great that it verges on pain and back to pleasure. What he’s doing feels unbearably fabulous.

  He begins to suck gently, which only sends more hot sensations ripping through me. He holds me in place. I like this and moan over and over again
. I’m going to come, no, explode on his face. I bear down on him, taking my control. He takes it and continues to assault me with his tongue and then the fireworks, shooting stars, and big band all happen at once. I’ve never felt anything this powerful or so intense ever, and that should be impossible given Adam’s skill and understanding of my body and its needs. He deserves a standing ovation. His performance is one of a kind. I scream, as moaning won’t give me the outlet I need to release what I feel right now. My head flings back and I scream again. My legs spasm and when my body finally settles down, he loosens his grip on my legs so I can slide off his face. I look down at his glossy face covered in my essence and framed by my thighs. It’s tantalizing to see. He smiles up at me and I smile down at him.

  “Please make me come,” he whispers. “Please, Violet. You’re in control. It’s up to you to finish this.” I like that he’s asking for my permission. I nod as I look down at his head nestled between my legs. He lifts me on top of his rock-hard cock and I begin the ride of a lifetime. I move up and down and push his arms down over his head. He’s not holding my hips to control the pace and it’s all down to me now. I am fucking him at my pace. My back arches, causing his cock to hit the very back of me. It feels magnificent and powerful. My vagina is magnetic and his cock hard as steel, both bound tightly together. His eyes are closed, his face contorts with pleasure and I can see it all from above him. I am above him and the thought is thrilling to me. I finally know how he feels. I move faster on him now and ride his cock, taking him even closer to climax. I lower myself and grind back and forth over his cock a few times. I want to prolong this.

  “Ohhh,” he moans. “Babe, I’m very close.”

  “Wait, Adam, until I give you permission to come,” I command. His eyes open, but he nods yes. I ride slower to prolong my pleasure. I massage his shoulders and run my hands down his chest. After a while, I realize I can’t take any more and begin to move at rapid speed. I glide my wet and tight pussy over his rock-hard cock. It’s amazing. “Come with me now!” I bellow. I ride him steady and fast as the waves of soaring delight move up through me. His cock throbs and in seconds we both explode! Adam’s body convulses beneath mine and mine above his. It’s a magical moment for both of us. It’s something new for both of us. It’s another “Wow” moment for both of us. It feels so good to love him and control him like this. A big smile comes across my face. When my heart slows down, I move off him and we lie entwined on the bed.


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