Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 17

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Eclipse tried to speak but was unable to do so. Kry could not help her and could only do as Zero commanded. He was almost at his end, the exhaustion now taking its toll. His muscles ached, his head was pounding, and Zero’s constant pushing made him feel trapped in an endless unforgiving cycle of pain.

  “The Cube is where all your training will be tested. Glory is there if you are willing to work for it!” said Zero. “Now, give me more!”

  Kry began to retch. He held back, but his vision was blurring. He could feel every sensation and every heartbeat. The energy was trying to tell him something about his nature. This time, Kry pushed harder than he had ever done before, and with great concentration, he directed the energy through his palms. Suddenly, there was a burst of fire.

  Students gasped all around as the fire acted erratically, and then the fire transformed into water which evaporated the flames. Eclipse had stopped trying to speak and looked on from above in confusion as the water then transmuted into lightning.

  Zero was watching with increased excitement as each element was formed. Then, the lightning stopped, and instantly Kry’s hand turned into rock.

  “Yes. Yes. Anger, joy, empathy, worry, impulsiveness, caution, serenity, and grief,” said Zero in a strange trance. “As it was always meant to be.”

  As Zero finished speaking, there was an intense sound. Kry’s hand began to glow red, and he could feel a powerful surge of energy passing through him. He could hardly think as a ray of red energy flowed from his hands striking the wall. The force was so rapid that Kry was knocked off his feet and propelled backward.

  Zero quickly pulled out the flux, and the red energy rushed inside the device. “Fear and courage.” He trapped the last remaining dark matter coming from Kry.

  Kry was semi-conscious. His body could not move, and his muscles would not react to his thoughts. His headache was now so painful that he could not keep his eyes open any longer, and then an unusual sensation rippled throughout his body causing him to shake uncontrollably. The last thing he saw was the face of Zero looking down at him as he succumbed to his exhaustion. As he faded away into a place of darkness, he was sure he could hear the laughter of two boys playing happily.

  Chapter 10 – The Blades

  Bavaria, Germany. The sky was as blue as the ocean with not a single cloud in view. The sun shone brightly above the green fertile land, and a great lake lay not far from the rugged hills toward the East. The Blades had gathered from far and wide to meet in this lavish land.

  On the highest ridge, a medieval castle stood above the hills which were coated with a deep forest. The towers shot up into the sky and could be easily seen from the nearby village. Its white brick walls and Romanesque style was a sight to behold. Neuschwanstein Castle, located in southwest Bavaria, was an inspiration like no other.

  Botulinia walked with purpose as she made her way through the stone-paved courtyard. She had visited here once before, but the beauty of this place was as strong as the first time she had set foot inside. She climbed the stone steps and headed into the castle’s inner palace. The other Blades were nearby as she could feel their presence. Oh, how she hated to have this meeting. Viktor would no doubt enjoy the tension among the Blades and might even encourage it. Botulinia would do her best to have this meeting finish as soon as possible.

  She made her way through the hallway and was delighted to see the fine architecture. On the walls were beautiful paintings, and golden chandeliers hung from the ceilings of every room. The tapestry curtains were exquisite, their silk so soft you could feel every fiber.

  Botulinia continued walking past the white stone pillars and colorful ceilings before finally arriving in front of a richly designed oak door. She went inside to a spacious room with tall glass windows, and walls decorated with fine drawings. The sunlight poured into the room and onto the long ivory table that was in the center. Red velvet, high-backed chairs surrounded the ivory table, but none of the Blades had yet arrived. She appeared to be the first until she saw someone standing on the balcony outside. He was looking toward the mountain ridge when he heard her approach.

  Veron, her brother, turned to her and smiled. He walked back inside and gave her a warm embrace as he greeted her. She was surprised he had arrived so early.

  “Botulinia, it’s good to see you again, my beloved sister,” said Veron.

  “And you, Veron. It has been some time since we last spoke. I believe it was at Bellum some months ago,” said Botulinia.

  Veron’s face saddened. “Indeed, tidings were much better then than they are now. How do you fare?”

  Botulinia’s last meeting with her brother had been at Bellum when the plans for the Purifiers had been almost complete. Everything was going according to plan until an unknown User had entered Bellum and had spoiled everything. Now, things were slower, and Viktor was disappointed, a fact of which she regularly had been reminded.

  “I’m doing better than others may expect. I can’t show weakness now. What happened was…” Botulinia tried to think of the word.

  “A disaster?” said Veron.

  Botulinia did not like her brother’s arrogance. “A tragedy,” she responded. “Do not test me with your passive aggression.”

  Veron raised his eyebrows. “You misunderstand me. Forgive my comment. I was just disappointed that you allowed Dominus and Geminae to act so freely in your domain.”

  “I allowed nothing!” Botulinia raised her voice, and her eyes pierced his soul. “Be careful with your words, brother, for I may have to overlook our tied blood and deal with you. Do you understand?”

  Veron assessed his sister’s threat. “Forgive me, Botulinia. Rather than to fight over this, it’s better we joined forces. The others will be here in a moment, and they’ll not be as understanding as I.”

  Botulinia did not want to fight with her brother, but her temper was as bad as her cruelty. Veron was correct, though. The other Blades would blame her for Dominus and Geminae’s actions, and it was going to be a very heated affair. At least, she should remain strong with her brother, even though he could be an annoyance.

  “Yes, you’re right,” said Botulinia, her voice now a soft purr.

  A faint sound came from behind them, and they turned to see two red dice rolling across the ivory table. A shadow stepped from out of the darkness and bowed to them with a wicked smile.

  Among the Blades, no other Blade gave Botulinia a chill like Dice did. The way she dictated the fate of her prey by the roll of a die was crazier than she would consider herself. However, Dice was an efficient killer with a proven track record equal to her own.

  “Dice, I can’t say it’s a pleasure to meet again, but circumstances dictate that we must.” Botulinia glanced at the red dice which had stopped rolling on the table. “I see that you still have your pets.”

  Dice blinked forward from the shadows, her movements agile and deliberate as she came face to face with Botulinia. “There are so many ways to inflict pain and suffering. My pets, as you refer to them, help me cut the nonsense and tell me how much pain I should inflict.” Dice rolled her head like a snake. “Perhaps, you should have something like them. They might be able to limit your failures.”

  Botulinia found herself allowing her energy to flow through her with the desire to blast Dice across the room.

  Veron sensed her fury and stepped in to intervene. “Dice, glad to see you haven’t changed.”

  Dice turned her attention to Veron and winked. “Never.”

  Botulinia was revolted by Dice. She ignored her and decided to take a seat at the far end of the table. Veron took a seat next to his sister while Dice sat at the other end.

  As they waited, a foul odor drifted into the room causing the three of them to cover their mouths and noses. “What’s that awful stench?” asked Veron.

  The doors opened, and a fat, bald man wearing a chef’s apron bared his black teeth as he raised his arms in the air. “Friends! Good to see!”

  Abbas strode into th
e room, the stench following him without fail. Botulinia prayed it would be a quick meeting, or she would die of the stench now filling the room.

  “Abbas. What took you so long?” snapped Dice.

  Abbas’s ugly grin made Dice look away. “Partner, did you miss Abbas?”

  “I miss no one,” replied Dice. She and Abbas often worked together, but Dice preferred to work alone just as much, mainly to get away from the stink of him.

  Veron shook his head at Botulinia, their sibling bond understanding the mutual disgust they had for Abbas.

  Abbas took his place next to Dice to her dismay and then slammed his giant hand on the ivory table. “Where are the others?”

  “Right here.”

  No one had even seen or felt the presence of Luka as the other Blades turned to him in surprise. Luka’s scarred body was bare to all as he approached the table, taking a seat in the middle. He placed his two white katanas on the table, each one now glinting under the sun in front of him. He could not see them, but he knew which Blades were sitting on either side of him.

  “Luka,” said Botulinia. She admired Luka the most because he was a no-nonsense person, and his ability with his weapons were unmatched. Yet, she never did understand his philosophy and moral compass. It seemed to swing wildly, based on the assumption of duty as the highest principle. She was cruel, but Luka was unpredictable, which made her sometimes question his true loyalties. “It seems you have more scars since the last time we met.”

  Luka touched his body, placing his fingers on the new scars he had acquired. “Scars are a way to remember what we’ve done. They constantly remind me. Each one is a memory that I’ll not forget. These are my duty scars.”

  Abbas burst into laughter which caused him to cough wildly. The other Blades covered their mouths hoping not to catch anything. “Luka, you so funny! The Blind Blade! Do you even know if you’re cutting into the right part of your skin?”

  Despite being blind, Luka’s senses were optimized to the limit, and he looked directly at Abbas. “I know.”

  Abbas stopped laughing and looked away.

  Dice blinked next to Luka and softly touched his skin. “Oh…you poor thing.”

  Botulinia found this amusing. Dice was nowhere nearly as beautiful as she was. She just shook her head as Dice tried to seduce him. Botulinia had tried once before just to see if she could, but Luka was not a man, he was only guided by a strange morality. He cared nothing for women. This, however, did not stop Dice from caressing Luka’s scars.

  Luka did not flinch as Dice placed her hands all over him. He remained stoic, sitting with his hands firmly on his weapons.

  Dice soon gave up. “How boring.” She returned to her seat.

  Veron hated all the attention Luka received. In fact, it infuriated him that Luka was so stoic. “Where is your other half?” growled Veron.

  Botulinia rolled her eyes at her brother’s aggression.

  “He’ll be here soon,” said Luka. He cared not for Veron’s dislike of him, and his only thought was on duty and completing the mission.

  The doors to the room opened again as a trail of smoke rings drifted through. Kade puffed on his cigar as he slowly looked around the room. He was bored and would rather be elsewhere, but Viktor’s orders had to be obeyed. Kade pulled out a seat, leaned back and placed his feet on the table.

  Rafal came in behind him, his hammer swinging loosely by his waist. Before anyone could say anything, Rafal put his hand on his heart and came to Botulinia. “God has brought us together once more, my love.” He went down on one knee in front of her.

  Botulinia pushed him back with her hand. “You disgust me.”

  Kade laughed while he blew more rings into the air.

  “Can you stop blowing the rings into my face?” Veron directed a small energy blast through the rings and back at Kade who almost fell off his seat.

  Kade placed the cigar onto the ivory table and glared at Veron. “What’s got you in a mood?”

  Veron slammed his fist down. “I don’t like your attitude,” he growled. “You insignificant waste of space.”

  Kade tried to get up from his seat, but Rafal stood beside him and held him down. “Relax, my friend.” Rafal turned his attention to Veron. “If you were not related to your sister, I would smash you right now under God’s vigilance.” He placed his giant hammer on the table.

  Veron turned his hand into a fiery ball of flame and was about to direct his fury at them both. Rafal and Kade looked at him with a fierceness hoping he would. All the Blades hated each other one way or another.

  Dice rolled her dice on the table. “Come now, boys. I don’t want to miss out on the fight.” She looked at her dice. “Eight ways to inflict pain,” she hummed in delight.

  Abbas laughed so loudly the table shook, his belly growling. “Abbas loves a good fight! A great feast can come after!”

  Botulinia placed her head into her palm. She knew it would end this way with inner fighting and squabbling. Too many egos in one room was never a good thing.

  “Glad to see nothing has changed.” The voice came from the shadows.

  Luka sensed the presence before the others. He smiled knowing his partner had arrived. “I’m glad you could join us.”

  A blur of movement sped throughout the room and then stopped beside Luka’s seat. Makai smiled to them all before taking a seat. He was dark and handsome with a charismatic aura. He was the last Blade to arrive. Makai and Luka shared a special bond which was stronger than the other Blades. They were partners but also friends. Makai always spoke with conviction, and their time together had influenced Luka’s behavior.

  Botulinia was not impressed with Makai. He was as unpredictable as Luka, and his mysterious nature made her uneasy.

  “Makai, did you arrive last on purpose? You bore me with your antics.” Kade began to smoke another cigar.

  Makai clicked his fingers, and Kade’s cigar flew out of his hand. “Smoking kills.”

  Kade’s face turned red, but Veron burst out laughing which made Kade even angrier. “You think that’s funny?”

  Veron stood up from his seat, allowing his muscles to bulge from his chest. “I do.”

  Dice rolled her dice again, but Botulinia blew them off the table. Infuriated, Dice hissed and launched herself at her.

  Rafal used his energy to force her away as she flew back into her seat. “Do not hurt my beloved Botulinia! God will not allow it!”

  Dice growled viciously. Abbas came to the aid of his partner and grabbed Rafal from behind, placing him in a bear hug.

  “Will God save you from Abbas?” Abbas’s stench was worse than ever as he enjoyed his torment of Rafal.

  Luka and Makai ignored the sudden outbreak of fighting and sat patiently.


  Rafal pushed Abbas back, and they both returned to their seats. The room was silent as Viktor appeared from the doorway. His powerful aura and commanding voice silenced the Blades. There were no angry glares or aggressive thoughts as Viktor took his place at the head of the table where Botulinia and Veron sat on either side of him.

  Botulinia felt a shiver down her spine. No matter how many times they met, Viktor always brought fear to them all. He was good at that. Viktor was Ascended and the only member of the Shadow Government to directly deal with them. Viktor was, in essence, the Blades themselves.

  “Ten years, ten years, it has been since we all came together.” Viktor looked at each of the Blades. “Even in ten years, you can’t put aside your differences to fight a united cause?”

  The Blades could sense the anger in his voice. All of them had their eyes cast down.

  Viktor tensed his muscles and slammed his fist onto the table. “The Shadow Government is not happy!”

  The Blades moved nervously in their seats.

  “Do you know why?” Viktor demanded.

  Nobody answered, but then Viktor turned to Botulinia. “My sweet, Botulinia. Please don’t be so quiet. Since you’re all too fa
miliar with the problem, tell us why!”

  Botulinia felt the intensity from the other Blades. She saw Dice smiling at her discomfort. “My lord—”

  “Silence,” said Viktor. “Dominus, one of your own is dead, and Geminae has gone rogue, taking the one man who can finish our Purifier program!”

  Abbas raised his hand showing his hideous glass-nailed fingers.

  Viktor’s eyes narrowed. “You’ll have your turn to speak, Abbas.”

  Abbas lowered his hand and remained quiet.

  “Even the mighty Blades can’t even capture a rogue User! Geminae is not as strong as some of you, but she still is unaccounted for! What use do I have if you can’t even capture your own?” Viktor looked at Kade and Rafal with contempt.

  Rafal was ashamed of his failure and prayed silently for swift justice to happen the next time he would meet Rush.

  “How did all this happen?” Viktor slammed his fist onto the table again. His eyes turned into white flames, the burning heat like a furnace increasing the temperate of the room. His voice then bellowed as he echoed his thoughts into the Blades’ minds.

  “An unknown User somehow infiltrated Bellum’s organization and subsequently killed not only Dominus but also ruined our whole operation!”

  Botulinia raised her hand.

  Viktor allowed her to speak. “Go on.”

  Botulinia straightened herself and took a deep breath before speaking. “My Lord, forgive me. Despite my failure in handling this, I have new information about who this unknown User is.” She winced at the word failure but knew it would appease Viktor. “In my care are two friends of his, former employees in my company, who resisted the brainwashing effects due to the interference of this User and Dr. Rhodes.”

  Viktor urged her to continue.

  Botulinia knew the other Blades wanted her to mess up, hoping Viktor would punish her, but she pushed the feeling aside and continued. “His name is Kry Ensis, and it appears he didn’t know he was a User until his time with Bellum.”


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