Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 18

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Viktor listened intently.

  “Kry was somehow linked to Rush, to what extent I don’t know yet, but there is a connection,” said Botulinia.

  Abbas raised his hand again to which Viktor nodded for him to speak. “Abbas thinks this is an interesting tale, pretty one, but how can this Kry not know he was a User. Surely he was already past his teenage years when he joined Bellum.”

  Botulinia avoided having to look at Abbas’s grotesque face.

  “Abbas is correct,” said Viktor. “It’s unheard of for a User not to know at such an age.”

  Botulinia grew more confident. “It’s still under investigation, but his friend said there had been some type of lock placed on his mind which suppressed his abilities. It—”

  Viktor stood up suddenly which unnerved the rest of the Blades. “A lock on his mind?”

  “Yes, I’m not sure of the reason, but his friend said he often had headaches which suppressed his power.” Botulinia was careful with her chosen words. She could see Viktor was unhinged.

  “Jaeger…” said Viktor, quietly under his breath. He then walked toward the balcony. “We must find Kry. That’s now our number one priority now.”

  The other Blades shuffled in their seats. Rafal raised his hand to speak to which Viktor allowed. “What about Geminae? Surely we should punish her for fleeing from us? She has Dr. Rhodes who I thought was our top priority.”

  Viktor touched his head, fearing his own headache was forming. “Geminae will be punished in due course, but this new User, Kry, defeated Dominus with ease, and his power which has gone undetected by the Shadow Government is unheard of. He’ll pose a future threat to our plans greater than any other. He must be found!” He then turned to Dice who had her hand raised. “Yes, Dice. Speak.”

  Dice rolled her dice in her hand as she looked around the room at the other Blades. “Botulinia mentioned that Rush and Kry had a connection. If we capture Rush, we’ll know where Kry is.”

  Viktor turned back to the table. “Yes, my thoughts exactly. Unfortunately,” he looked at Rafal and Kade again, “some of you have already failed in capturing Rush, and he’s been a thorn in our sides for too long.”

  Kade was about to light another cigar, but the look Viktor gave him told him otherwise.

  “There’s something else,” said Botulinia. She maintained her composure and looked at Viktor. She then proceeded to tell them about Alana and Konrad’s reappearance and how they were killed by Dominus before his timely death. Their reappearance angered Viktor, and it was also a surprise to the other Blades. Many had thought them dead, but they had feigned their deaths and lived in secret for many years without even the Shadow Government knowing. Viktor was livid.

  “I guess that explains Geminae’s sudden change in behavior. Since Alana was her sister, it must have affected her mentally,” said Veron. He looked up, pondering Geminae’s actions and why she did what she did.

  Botulinia was in agreement. “Yes, although I believe she hated her sister, Geminae’s actions are confusing.”

  “Not so confusing. She knows her failure, and her actions with Dominus would have put her in a bad spot with me,” said Viktor. His eyes continued to flicker with white fire.

  “There is more,” said Botulinia. “It appears that Alana and Konrad are Kry’s parents.”

  The other Blades were shocked, although Luka and Makai seemed to be the only two Blades who remained calm as if separated from this mess.

  Viktor gritted his teeth. “We must find him as soon as possible.” He turned to Makai. “You and Luka have been unusually quiet.”

  Makai had been listening to every word, analyzing everything.

  “Makai, you used to work with Nightshade who also happened to be in touch with Rush,” said Viktor, accusingly. “You and Nightshade were also good partners before Luka appeared.”

  Makai knew this was coming. It had always been difficult being Nightshade’s partner, but it was his past, and he would accept it with open arms. “We were,” he said. “She was a great loss to this organization.”

  Viktor eyed him suspiciously.

  “But I’ve had nothing to do with Nightshade since she left. And I know little about Rush,” said Makai.

  “Do you feel saddened by her death?” asked Viktor.

  Makai was surprised by the question. Viktor was trying to test his loyalty no doubt. “I’ll not lie. Nightshade and I were close, and her death was not easy to hear, but not because I do not trust the Shadow Government, but because we shared many a memory. I was happy, though, when Dominus perished.”

  Viktor laughed aloud. “Let’s hope you do not make the same mistakes as Dominus did!”

  Makai bowed his head.

  “And you Luka, what of you? What are your thoughts on this matter?” said Viktor.

  Luka touched his scars as he spoke. “You know me. I follow where duty takes me. Whatever the outcome, I’ll follow the mission orders and carry them out.”

  Viktor always loved Luka’s code. He was so easy to control and to use as a weapon. He valued Luka very highly. “Kry has come out of nowhere and wields great power. Geminae has Dr. Rhodes, and we need him to finish the Purifier program. We must address both of these problems.”

  “I’ll crush him with God’s guidance!” said Rafal. “Allow me to hunt him down, and I’ll not fail you.”

  Viktor’s eyes burned brighter. “You already failed me once.”

  Rafal was about to continue but decided against it.

  “Right now, we do not know where Kry or Geminae are hiding, but we have resources,” said Viktor. He walked toward Kade and pulled a cigar from Kade’s pocket. Kade did not stop him from taking one, but they were expensive ones which he enjoyed smoking himself.

  Viktor puffed, hoping his stress would fade, but it did not. “There’s also one other issue to discuss. Some of you are familiar with the International University of Users.”

  Some of the Blades had studied their many years ago, but all were familiar with the university and its history.

  “I’ve been told another User has appeared from thin air three months ago. This professor seems to be questioning the methods and authority of the university,” said Viktor.

  The Blades knew the connection the Shadow Government had with the university and its political ties; for a professor to question the rules, meant that this professor could not be trusted.

  “He goes by the name Zero, Professor Zero, and is teaching elemental training. He’s been arguing with the other professors, and my source has come to me to ask what should be done about him,” said Viktor.

  Abbas snarled as if he wanted to go after this one himself.

  Viktor smiled at his enthusiasm. “I want Veron to investigate the university and to find everything possible about this Professor Zero.”

  Veron acknowledged Viktor’s request.

  “If he continues to be a problem, kill him,” said Viktor.

  “As you command,” said Veron.

  “I think I should go with my brother,” said Botulinia. “If what you say is true, then this Zero may be dangerous.”

  Viktor pressed his lips and puffed his cigar. “Do I hear concern for your brother?” he said, mockingly.

  Veron placed his hand on her shoulder. “Do not worry, sister. I can handle this one professor. They’re no match for a Blade.”

  Botulinia disliked his brother’s arrogance. She also disliked not knowing the full details about who this professor was.

  “Veron will go alone,” said Viktor. “You’ve more pressing tasks at Bellum and making sure everything is ready when Dr. Rhodes returns.”

  Botulinia knew it was useless to argue.

  “Which brings me to the search of Geminae,” said Viktor. “Since Rafal and Kade failed, I want Abbas and Dice to hunt for her and bring her back.”

  Dice smiled at the prospect of showing up her colleagues, Rafal and Kade, who returned a look of disdain.

  “I expect better results,” said Vik
tor. “Find Geminae and do not fail me.”

  Abbas and Dice exchanged glances, understanding that failure was not an option.

  “For the rest of you, I want you to hunt Kry down. Find Rush, you find Kry. Use every resource available!” said Viktor.

  Rafal and Kade knew they could not afford to fail another time. They would also be in direct competition with Luka and Makai who were efficient killers.

  Luka and Makai understood the challenge ahead. This was a harder task than ever before, and one of their own had already fallen.

  “Duty will be carried out. I’ve yet to fail once,” said Luka.

  Viktor smiled. “That’s why I know you’ll not disappoint me.”

  Rafal looked at Luka and shook his head disapprovingly. “Your adherence to your code of duty will not be enough to defeat my mission under God’s guidance.”

  Kade wished he could leave already and get started. His partner was beginning to embarrass him, as always.

  “We shall see,” replied Luka without fear.

  Makai, unlike the others, had a hidden concern with these missions but remained silent. He was confident with Luka as a partner and knew what had to be done.

  Viktor finished his cigar, opened the window and flung it across the valley. The sunlight was warm on his face, and he was happy that his plans were now being set in motion. He continued to look across the valley. “You have your tasks. We’ll not meet again like this for some time. Do not fail me.”

  There was no response from the Blades, but he heard the sound of the wind and the door opening. The Blades had gone, motivated with their tasks and eager not to disappoint him. Viktor’s greatest concern was Kry and his headaches. He knew somehow Jaeger was involved, and that was not good. It was not going to be pleasant for him to relay this back to his colleagues in the Shadow Government.

  Viktor touched his hand and felt the gold-plated ring on his middle finger. It was the ring given to members of the Shadow Government: an Ascended ring. He hoped his Blades would not fail in finding Kry. It was disturbing that such a man had gone unnoticed and had defeated a Blade such as Dominus. The recycling of humanity will happen again, and Kry would be the first to fall. Viktor smiled at the thought, looking over the Bavarian valley, entertaining thoughts of the coming war.

  Chapter 11 – Opening Ceremony

  His head was on fire as he slowly lifted himself up. The muscles in his body felt weak as if they had not moved for some time. Kry suddenly realized where he was as he looked around the university infirmary. How long had he been here? The last thing he remembered was Professor Zero pushing him to bring out the elemental energy within. Finally, he had done it, but the cost was complete exhaustion. Looking back on it, he had created every element, each one shifting to the next, until he had created dark matter, and the force blowing him backward and into an unconscious state.

  Kry rubbed his shoulders, which were tight and painful. He found Eclipse and Whisper sleeping on the sofa near his bedside. They must have been here all night he thought, and he was glad he was not alone. He tried to get out of bed, but his legs were like jelly, and he collapsed to the floor.

  “Kry!” Eclipse woke up from the sound of the fall. She quickly came to him and lifted him back into the bed. “What are you doing?”

  Kry tried to move his legs. “I didn’t expect my legs to be so numb. How long have I been here?”

  Whisper had now woken up and ran to the bedside. “How do you feel?”

  Kry massaged his neck. “I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.” Every muscle ached in his body.

  Eclipse shook her head. “You shouldn’t have tried to get out so fast. What were you thinking?”

  Kry was touched by her mothering. He had forgotten what that was like. “You still haven’t told me how long I’ve been here?”

  Eclipse sat on his bed and looked concerned. “You’ve been unconscious for several days.”

  Kry was stunned. He could not believe it.

  “We had no idea when you would wake up again,” said Whisper. “The nurse said we just had to wait.”

  Eclipse was angry. “Professor Zero shouldn’t have pushed you like that, and I’m still resentful that he controlled us so easily. I was helpless while he did what he wanted.”

  Several days…

  “He even came to see you once,” said Whisper.

  “Who?” asked Kry.

  “Zero,” said Eclipse. “He came a couple of days ago and said you would be fine, not really paying much attention to your condition.”

  Kry tried to understand how he had been unconscious for so long.

  “Others have come to see you, too,” said Whisper. “Thrace, Akira, and Inessa have come in several times. Usually, it’s just me and Eclipse most days, but even Athena and Abel have paid a visit.”

  Kry could feel himself getting stronger; his body was not hurting anymore, and the fire in his head had vanished. He was happy to know people cared enough to visit him. He did not know Athena well, but he appreciated her visit. As for Abel, his visit surprised him the most.

  “How much have I missed?” asked Kry.

  Whisper counted on his fingers. “Not that much, you can catch up. The classes have been boring without you.”

  Kry did not want to miss any more classes. He was here to become stronger, but he felt he had let himself down.

  “Oh, you missed Professor Nam,” said Whisper. “You’ll like her! She teaches telekinesis and always keeps telling jokes! She’s much kinder than the rest, especially Zero.”

  Eclipse looked toward the open window. The sun was shining, and there was not a single cloud in the sky. “I don’t like Zero or the way he teaches his class. He has no remorse for what he did.”

  The door to the infirmary opened wide as Yujin came in with a beaming smile. “It’s good you’re awake at last!” Yujin’s huge arms clasped Kry like a cocoon.

  Kry was being suffocated. “Yujin…”

  Yujin realized what he was doing and let go. “Sorry!” he said, laughing. “Well, it’s time to get ready. You woke up just in time!”

  “Get ready for what?” asked Kry, still trying to find his bearings.

  Yujin seemed to be horrified. “Get ready for what you say? The opening ceremony of the Cube, of course!”

  Was it already time for that? Time passed so quickly. Kry briefly recalled the opening ceremony was going to take place soon, and now it was about to happen.

  “The opening ceremony of the Cube will be held this evening to start the new term! It’ll be the greatest yet!” Yujin helped Kry out of his bed. “I’ve already spoken with the nurse, and you’re free to leave. You have a few hours to get ready. No time to waste. You can’t miss this for anything!”

  Kry was curious about the Cube, and as he followed Yujin out of the room, he was sure he could feel the presence of another…


  The energy in the university was overwhelming. Students ran across the courtyard heading to toward the Chamber. Kry had completely recovered and felt stronger than ever. He walked with Eclipse and Whisper down the path. Students shouted loudly, cheering as they ran past them. In the night sky, colorful lights flashed above them: red, green, blue, and yellow—all the colors bright and vivid.

  They followed the cobbled road leading toward the Chamber. It was the most distinctive building on the entire campus, and seeing it again against the colored sky made it seem larger than before. Kry was impressed the first time he had seen the Chamber, but now with the lights, and the sounds of the students cheering, it made him feel a greater excitement to see what was inside.

  No one said a word as they approached the great iron gates. Professor Manjra and Professor Himura were directing the students inside. Kry could hear the cheering getting louder as they entered.

  Kry, Eclipse, and Whisper were amazed at the interior of the Chamber. A single red carpet was rolled out in the center of the hallway, and large golden-framed paintings hung on both sides. Students ahead
of them pointed to each painting with excitement. These were the former champions of the Cube. Above each frame was the name and date of their reign. Kry was amazed at the number of paintings. There were so many different faces—men, women, all unique—each one looked fierce and deadly. He could not imagine what it meant to be a champion. What was required? How much was sacrificed? He looked at the names. Jonah – Champion of 1734. Ramna – Champion of 1845.”

  As he continued walking down the hallway, the names and faces of the many champions throughout the years blended into his thoughts. And then he saw a familiar face. Konrad – Champion of 1986.

  Whisper had seen it, too. “Kry, isn’t that your father?”

  His father looked different, but it was him. Kry wished he could have known what his life was like before he decided to become normal. There were so many things he wanted to know. His father seemed to speak to him through the portrait, his eyes showing a warmth he had forgotten. Eclipse gently touched his shoulder. His father had been a champion, but he had never known. He was proud as he looked at his father’s portrait. He looked so young back then.

  He continued seeing the pictures of the champions, and then he saw the portrait of Yujin. President Katar had said he was a former champion, and here he was. Yujin – Champion of 2004.

  All three of them gazed at a younger version of Yujin. His hair was darker back then, but he still had the same warm smile as he did now. Kry then noticed a strange portrait a few paintings further on. It seemed to be incomplete, the portrait so dark that it was impossible to see the champion’s face.

  “Who’s that?” asked Whisper.

  The portrait was aligned with red and gold, and the figure’s eyes showed anger and also sadness. The darkness of the portrait was eerie and uncomfortable to look at. Ander – Champion. There was no date listed.

  “Wo! This guy looks scary!” said Whisper. “Why is there no date?”

  “Strange,” said Eclipse. “He’s the only one.”

  Kry studied the champion, and despite the face being darkened he could not help feel that he recognized those sad eyes that stared back at him.


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