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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

Page 31

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Kry began to form a ball of fire, mixing it with ice, each element complementing the other, but he was not finished yet. As the energy ball formed, he added earth and lightning. The ball now rotated wildly with the four elements generating an unnatural color.

  Aiyax saw the mixed element ball and jumped off the platform back onto her own. As if understanding his attack, she spun her whips around her, creating a lightning storm that generated an enormous elemental barrier.

  Kry paid no attention and continued focusing on the ball in his hand. His white eyes flickered, and then he smiled as he touched the ball with his other hand, creating the final piece with dark matter. The five elements rotated against each other, and the energy which now spun in his hand was the most potent source of energy he had ever created.


  Aiyax had yet to stop and continued spinning inside the whirlwind of a lightning storm. The sparks of lightning shot off in several directions, some even hitting against the Cube wall.

  “I am in control!” Kry’s voice was unnatural and powerful as he shot the ball of energy toward her.

  It flew toward the lightning storm, each element combining with the next. Bursts of fire sprang off the ball, sprays of water turned into ice shards, bolts of lightning flashed, earth hardened into stone, and the dark matter expanded finally engulfing all the other elements into one powerful blast which struck the center of Aiyax’s storm.

  The impact almost caused Kry to fall backward into the lava, but he dug his feet into the rock, waiting for the blast wave to pass.

  Aiyax’s storm had dispersed, and she lay unconscious face down on the rock, her whips spread out by her unmoving body.

  He was elated and smiled to himself. He had done it; he had beaten the champion. If Abel was watching, then Abel would know that he would challenge him again. If he could beat the champion, he could beat Abel. The anticipation of beating Abel was even greater than beating the champion. Aiyax was strong, but she was not unbeatable. He calmed, allowing the white flames to flicker out and used his mind to bring his piece of rock toward her.

  As he connected with her platform, he was confused as to why there had been no light indicating that she had been removed from the Cube. Unless…

  You killed her.

  Was she dead? The anger vanished, and now he was fearful and full of anxiety. No, not like this! He did not want to become a champion in this manner. He kneeled down and turned her over, but as he did the body vanished. Suddenly, a shroud of darkness enveloped him, and two glowing green eyes peered at him from the blackness.

  “I’m not that easy, even with your Ascended energy.” Aiyax cracked her whips with extraordinary power.

  In the confusion, Kry was not focused enough to maintain his barriers. Both collapsed from the strike, and another lash came from the darkness, striking his face. The pain was unbearable as he fell to his knees. He covered his face with his hands, trying to hold back the flow of blood.

  “A champion uses more than just strength. Intellect and cunning are as important, perhaps even more so. You fell for an illusion and your strategy lacked focus.” Aiyax spoke within the darkness, her two green eyes glowing brightly as the only source of light.

  Kry tried to get back up while continuing to cover his face, but Aiyax wrapped her whip around his feet and forced him down.

  The darkness faded, and Aiyax stood over him. The molten lava and rock had vanished, and the Cube had returned to its original state. With his face covered, Kry could only hear the sounds of the cheering audience. He had no more energy to get back up or to fight. The single attack had drained him to the point of fatigue. Was this how Abel felt in the darkness, too? Abel had been right. Aiyax was stronger than he had anticipated. Kry thought he had enough to beat her, but it just was not enough. Despite the pain, he hated himself and his loss.

  “You fought well.” Aiyax placed her whips on the strap against her hips and offered her hand to help him up.

  The blood continued to drip from his face, but he could feel his wounds already beginning to heal, his energy restoring him. He ignored her gesture and slowly got up.

  Aiyax showed no emotion. “Ascended…” she said to herself.

  Kry ignored her. He was still not strong enough. Abel had beaten him, and Aiyax had outwitted him. How could he grow stronger?

  “Incredible!” Yujin’s voice resounded throughout the stadium.

  The cheers of the crowd could be heard as they shouted Aiyax’s name.

  “Our current and still champion of the Cube, Aiyax!” shouted Yujin.

  The cheering for Aiyax only made Kry feel worse as he walked out of the Cube with disappointment. He passed the podium, and Yujin did not even acknowledge him. It seemed everyone was treating him differently now. He was alone.

  The blood from the wound on his face had congealed, but the scar would remain for the rest of his life—a scar of defeat. He would never forget that.

  As he walked away, the sounds of the crowd faded. He became stuck in his own mind, talking to himself. The faint sound of Yujin’s closing statements also faded in the distance. He looked back once more as Aiyax raised her whips in the air. He ignored her victory pose and walked toward the exit of the stadium. The only thing he wanted to do was lock himself in his room. There was no one he wanted to meet, not Whisper, not Eclipse, no one.

  As he was about to leave, an invisible barrier was blocking his path. A dark mist began to form, and then from the mist Zero appeared.

  “A wasted opportunity.” Zero’s voice hummed with disappointment.

  “Leave me be.” Kry tried to leave, but the barrier was preventing him. He slammed his fist against the barrier.

  “Now, now. Don’t hurt yourself even more. That’s a nasty injury you have on your face,” said Zero.

  Kry did not care. He only wanted to get out of here. “You enjoy gloating over me? Well, have your fun. I’m done.”

  “Done? No, you are nowhere near done, Kry.” Zero’s figure seemed to grow in size. “Today, you have shown something that cannot be ignored. You revealed to the university your gift.”

  Kry was unsure what to do. The Shadow Government would find out he was here. And then…

  “Don’t worry. I can protect you, but you have to trust me,” said Zero.

  Kry had so many thoughts running through his mind that he did not know what was what.

  “The white flames of the Ascended belong only to the members of the Shadow Government, and you…” Zero paused, stroking his hair, “are different.”

  “I’ve heard it all before: that I could trust them. Well, let me tell you that it didn’t work out so well,” said Kry.

  “The other professors are already talking and growing suspicious. It won’t be long before the Shadow Government finds out about your existence. There is a spy among the professors. I am convinced that they are eager to share what they found here today,” said Zero.

  Where were his friends when he needed them? “How can you protect me?” Kry asked at last.

  “I have my ways, but you must trust me. Not only that but if you do, then I will make you stronger than you ever imagined. I offered you the chance to take my private lessons. The offer still stands, and if you allow me, I will make you into a great champion. You have the ability, just not the control or focus. Let me guide you,” said Zero.

  Kry considered his offer. He could not help but feel that he no longer had a choice. Even with his power, Aiyax had defeated him. The memories of all the lies in his life resurfaced: his parents hiding the truth about him being a User, his headaches being a result of Jaeger’s lock on his mind, and the uncertainty about who the two boys were. And now the one person to come to him in his time of need was the one he least expected. He had been gravely hurt, and not even Yujin, Eclipse, Whisper, or anyone had tried to reach out to him. If Zero was telling the truth about teaching him to become stronger, then it was no longer a choice, it was a fact. It was the only way. The Shadow Government would be co
ming soon, and he could not even beat Abel or the champion.

  “Fine,” said Kry. “I’ll take your private lessons. Guide me.”

  Zero smiled with hunger in his eyes. The barrier vanished. There was nothing more to be said as Zero walked with him out of the stadium.


  Incredible he thought. The white flames were only considered to be something that the members of the Shadow Government could produce, but this man and the energy he created was perhaps equal to any one of them.

  Veron watched Aiyax parade in front of the crowd while he concealed himself in the corner of the stadium. He was not interested in her, but the man with the white flames in his eyes was a different matter. Was this the one Viktor wanted? How lucky he was to be sent here to investigate Zero. Instead, he found something greater. He enjoyed the show greatly, and Aiyax was talented that was for sure, but that young man…

  If he could bring Zero and the User with the eyes of white fire to the Shadow Government, then he would be praised more than any other Blade. Even his sister, Botulinia, would have to acknowledge his greatness. With a giant smile, Veron leaned back on his seat and dreamed of the coming glory.

  Chapter 21 – The Silent Storm

  Eclipse held her mother’s rosary beads as she sat silently on her dormitory bed. The darkness outside her bedroom window was offset by the glow of the Moon. She cradled the beads, each bead rolling through her fingers.

  Things had changed so quickly since their fight in the Cube, and even though she wanted to be strong, there was a growing doubt that kept reappearing. Even now, thinking about the events of the Cube, she could not understand how Kry had changed. Something must have happened before to have put him on this road. It was now more than ever that she wished Rush would show himself. For it was he who put them all here. She needed him more than she cared to admit.

  When Kry had revealed himself as an Ascended in the Cube, it had put them all at risk. Rumors were already spreading across the campus. It was said that the professors were going to have a meeting this week to discuss what to do and if the Shadow Government should be alerted. If the Shadow Government found Kry’s location and what he could do, then they would be hunted by the rest of the Blades and then executed. She had wanted to protect Kry, but now he was acting strangely and was very distant. She could see it in his eyes when he attacked her in the Cube. He was not the same Kry who she had met back in London. No, he was different, and it scared her.

  The wind outside rattled her window. She placed her beads back into her pocket and left her room. Things were going to change, and she hoped she would be strong enough to make the right decisions. In fact, the decision she had made this night might dictate the rest of her time here.

  Eclipse moved with purpose as she left the dormitory building. She walked through the main courtyard and proceeded toward the entrance to the courtyard of the seven paths. There were no students as it was already past midnight. She hoped it would stay that way until the morning.

  She stopped in front of the library doors and heard a faint rustle of movement from the shadows next to the building. “Come on out,” said Eclipse, unperturbed.

  Akira appeared from around the corner. “I decided to come early.”

  “Where are the others?” she asked.

  “Inessa and Thrace should be here any moment,” said Akira.

  Eclipse then turned as she heard people coming down the path toward her. Inessa and Thrace waved to her.

  “So why are we meeting here?” asked Thrace as soon as he arrived.

  “We need a place where we can talk in secret,” said Eclipse. “After what happened yesterday, there is much to discuss.”

  “And how are we going to get inside?” asked Thrace.

  There was a sound of a key turning, and Athena appeared as the library doors slowly opened.

  “Well, there you have it,” said Thrace.

  “Come quickly,” said Athena. She hurried them into the library.

  It was deadly silent. Whisper was already here and sat at one of the tables.

  “How did you get in here? I didn’t see you arrive,” said Akira.

  “I came with Athena much earlier,” said Whisper.

  Athena locked the door and followed the others to the table. Eclipse took a seat and remained quiet even after everyone was seated.

  Thrace was confused. “What are we waiting for?”

  Eclipse caressed her mother’s rosary beads inside her pocket, knowing the challenge this discussion would bring. “We wait for one more person.”

  “One more? You mean you’re inviting Kry to this talk? I thought—” Thrace stopped as there was a knock at the door.

  Athena hurried to the door and opened it again. Everyone, except Eclipse, was surprised that it was Abel who had arrived.

  Thrace looked at him with surprise. “Abel? What’s he doing here?”

  Abel glanced at Eclipse and then took a seat at the table. Athena had already closed the door and joined them.

  Eclipse looked around and decided how she would start the meeting. The look of confusion on their faces following Abel’s appearance was probably the best place to start. “I invited Abel because he has a unique relationship with Kry. He might have knowledge of what’s happening to him. Abel could’ve turned my offer down, but instead, he’s decided to join us to talk. Everyone who’s here is here because they’re connected with Kry in some way or another.”

  “Why is she here?” asked Inessa, pointing to Athena.

  Athena seemed offended. “I might not be a part of your so-called group, but I’ve spent some time with Kry here in the library.”

  “Athena, just like Abel, has a unique relationship with Kry. I hope we can fit the pieces of the puzzle together,” said Eclipse.

  Thrace looked at Athena. “How did you get the key to this place anyhow?”

  Athena gave him a stern look. “I’ve spent more time in the library than all of you combined. This place is my home, and I created a second copy of the keys from Bronson when he was napping on the many occasions when I studied.” She twirled the keys around on her finger. “It’s only fair that I have a set of keys to a place I visit more than my own bedroom.”

  Eclipse could see Abel was trying to hold back a smile which was unusual. Abel smiled as rarely as she did.

  “Let’s get started. You all know why we’re here. Something happened in the Cube which has changed everything,” said Eclipse.

  There was an ominous silence before Thrace spoke. “You need to tell us who Kry is.”

  Eclipse maintained her composure as she looked Thrace in the eyes, but everyone else looked at her for the answer.

  “Kry is our friend,” said Whisper who entered their minds. “No matter what’s happening to him, he’s still our friend.”

  “A friend who almost killed me,” said Thrace, bitterly.

  “He hurt us all when he lost control, but that’s not who he is,” said Eclipse. “What you don’t understand is what we’ve been through before we arrived here.”

  “It’s time you tell us,” said Inessa.

  Whisper entered Eclipse’s mind. “Are you sure we can tell them?”

  “We don’t have a choice anymore. Everyone has seen what Kry can do,” she replied. “We need allies, Whisper. I don’t know how much time we have left before the Shadow Government comes for us.” Eclipse then looked around at each of them. “What I’ll share with you is everything I know. I’m taking a significant risk by telling you, but I fear for Kry and need your help.”

  “You can rely on us. We’re your friends, and we’ll stand by your side,” said Thrace.

  There was general agreement around the table.

  “I’m worried as much as you. Kry hasn’t been the same for a while, and whatever you’re going to share, I promise to do what I can to help,” said Athena.

  Eclipse was still surprised at how much Athena looked like Rhea. She hoped that no one would have to die as Rhea had done.

>   “Abel? And you?” asked Eclipse.

  Abel had his arms crossed. He looked her in the eye. “You already know that I know what you plan to share with us.”

  Eclipse was still unsure of Abel, but he had not told anyone what he had found in Kry’s mind, and that was more than enough reason for her to trust him. “I only know that you saw Kry’s personal memories and thoughts. How far you saw, I don’t know.”

  “Fear not. I’m no friend of your enemies,” said Abel.

  She had to trust him even despite her not fully understanding his motives. She clenched her mother’s rosary beads. “You asked me who Kry is,” she said, looking at each of them. “Kry, as you saw, is an Ascended. His fiery white eyes are proof of that.”

  “How is that even possible?” said Akira. “Only members of the Shadow Government have reached the level of Ascension.”

  “Akira’s right. How on earth can Kry do that?” asked Thrace.

  “Your guess is as good as mine. Even now, neither Whisper nor I understand how Kry can do it, but all we do know is that Kry has a power which may even match any one of the members of the Shadow Government.”

  “Incredible. This is mind-blowing. Even though Kry has this power, he lost against Aiyax who is an ordinary User,” said Thrace.

  Abel unfolded his arms and leaned forward. “You underestimate Aiyax. I’ve fought against her myself, and she’s a strategist with a singular desire to win under any condition. We all saw that, and Kry is by no means at his full potential. He’s not in control and can easily be defeated by an adept User if they know what they’re doing.”

  Abel rarely spoke, but his words caught them by surprise.

  “I understand you’ve also fought Kry several times,” probed Eclipse.


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