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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

Page 40

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Zero rubbed his hands together. “How do you know that?”

  “I know. They were just boys…sometimes I have dreams about them.”

  “Dreams? Why would you have dreams about them?” The shadow around Zero darkened.

  “I—” started Kry.

  Zero stopped him with his hand. He then went to one of his bookshelves and pulled a golden leather-bound book from the shelf. He handed it to Kry. “Take this.”

  Kry took the book and looked at the symbol on the front. It was the head of a lion. “What’s this?”

  “It is a chronicle of everything that the Shadow Government has done. There will be things in there that you will find disturbing. There is also a part on the two boys. Perhaps, you will find it useful.”

  The book was remarkably heavy. Kry touched the head of the lion and then looked up at Zero. “I’ll learn everything.”

  “There is more to learn than you think,” said Zero.

  Again, the boys appeared in Kry’s mind and so did the anger. “I’ll clear my mind of the two boys as well.”

  Zero sat down again. There was a strong wind blowing against the window. It sounded as if a storm was coming.

  “No, keep alive the memories of those boys. That is not a distraction. It will fuel your determination. The anger, if controlled, will serve a purpose. Your empathy for everything else is gone, but your resolve will be unbreakable. Your mind is ready.”

  The image of the boys returned stronger than before.

  Best friends forever?

  Best friends forever.

  Chapter 27 – Luka

  Every time Luka visited Spain, it always seemed to end in somebody’s death. He pulled out a red silk handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his katanas clean. He liked the color red as it blended with blood, making his handkerchief look less dirty. After cleaning his katanas, he returned the handkerchief to his pocket. The blood still dripped from the table where the User’s body laid. This was his duty, and it was also the seventh dead end. Every lead always ended the same: no one knew anything about this person called Kry. It was as if he had never existed. Whoever had taken the means to conceal Kry and his identity was an extraordinary person. Very few things were hidden from him.

  On the table was an assortment of letters with different seals. The man he had just killed was a known trafficker of information, but recently he had stopped passing reliable information on to the Shadow Government. This was a new and unsettling development. More and more of their network of traffickers were becoming unreliable, and the chorus of missing information was overwhelming.

  Luka could smell the blood from the man he had just killed, but he had no love for killing, unlike his colleagues. He kneeled down, placed the dead man’s arms over one another across his chest and closed his eyelids. Even in death, every person should be treated honorably, a lesson he was taught a long time ago. This particular trafficker of information knew something, and despite the fear of his own death, there was something else which made him even more fearful. He had heard the victim’s heartbeats quicken when he questioned him, but it was not the questions which caused the man to panic; it was something else. Luka still could not understand how he was unable to invade his mind. It was as if something was protecting the information. The trafficker even welcomed the katana as it sliced his gut, dying happily with the information he would not tell. Very troubling, indeed.

  Luka separated the letters on the table and opened every drawer. Why had the trafficker been so scared? Despite his blindness, he could see as well as any man. He placed his hand over each letter and brought forth the writing into his mind, using his energy to feel the words. Many letters were useless: tidings about recent events in the news, countries’ elections, and the state of certain economies. He stopped and checked all the letters once more. Several letters were regarding Bellum and their recent actions: Botulinia as new CEO, Bellum weapons manufacturing, and new factories being built around the world. Luka read them over and over again trying to understand why the trafficker had been receiving such information. At the bottom of each letter, his mind recognized a handwritten signature by someone he knew well: Carlyle.

  Carlyle was well known as a powerful trafficker of information, but he was also known to be dangerous in his own right. The Shadow Government allowed Carlyle a lot of freedom as he had provided them with crucial information during the User Civil War, information which had helped put the resistance down. He never trusted him, though. There was no honor in betrayal. Carlyle had sold out the resistance, when once he had been on their side.

  Luka picked up several letters and folded them into his pants. He then held his arm out and cut it softly with the nick of his blade—another scar for another dead man.

  As always, his partner was late. He could not wait for him this time. He would go on ahead to meet with Carlyle and find out himself the reason for his deep interest in Bellum’s activities.

  He used the blood from the cut of his katana to draw a circle around the name Carlyle on one of the remaining letters. Makai would understand.


  Carlyle Barlow was English, but he had decided to settle down in the countryside of Northern Germany. He was a lavish individual, known for his intellect and also his desire for women. He was also a man who loved the finer pleasures in life. Money was his motivator, and he had been paid very well by the Shadow Government over his lifetime.

  Luka was no fan of money and preferred a much simpler lifestyle. He had no need for fancy clothes, nice accessories, or beautiful women. The only thing he needed in his life was duty. And that duty was to serve the Shadow Government.

  He pulled up outside the grand estate and could tell this place had Carlyle’s name written all over it. With the money the Shadow Government had given Carlyle for his loyal service during the User Civil War, a large portion went into the estate. Tall pine trees surrounded the property, and there was a single gate at the gravel entrance. Carlyle had also spent a portion of his money on security it seemed.

  Men dressed in dark blue uniforms stood by the gate. Luka waited in the car and opened the window.

  “What’s your business here?”

  “I’m here to see Carlyle. Is this the right place?” asked Luka.

  The guard revealed the gun strapped to his waist as he leaned into the car window. “Do you have an appointment?”

  “No, I don’t need one,” said Luka.

  “Mr. Barlow always requires an appointment. No appointment, no Mr. Barlow.”

  Luka turned to him, his golden sunglasses still covering his eyes. “Have you ever heard of the Blind Blade?”

  The man looked at him strangely. “I have. What of it?”

  Luka pulled his sunglasses down and revealed his scarred eyes. Immediately, the guard pulled back from the window.

  Luka returned his shades to the original position. “Do not make the Shadow Government wait.”

  The guard quickly waved his hands, and the gates opened. Luka drove into the estate and was amazed at how big it was. Carlyle had done well for himself. Acres of land spread out in every direction, and beautiful oak trees lined the road leading up to the estate. A large fountain made of marble spurt water high into the air as he drove around to the entrance of the mansion. He stopped the car just outside the stone steps. Two great pillars held up an archway to the entrance, and the sun seemed to reflect off the white surface of the marble.

  Guards were everywhere patrolling the grounds. The amount of security Carlyle had was unsettling. It was strange for a trafficker to need so many men to protect him.

  A dozen guards walked down the steps as he got out of the car.

  “Mr. Barlow will see you in the training room.”

  The breeze touched his naked skin as he climbed the steps and followed the guards inside.

  Gold-framed paintings, mahogany cabinets, and diamond chandeliers decorated almost every part of the hallway. There were too many diamonds and too much gold for his liking. H
e continued to follow the guards and did not like the feeling of marble beneath his feet as he climbed the stairs. The stairway split into two directions, and a giant glass window looked out onto the grounds behind. He saw a beautiful swimming pool with jets of water below. The water sparkled as if diamonds lay at the bottom.

  The guards then led him into a large room filled with training equipment, running machines, and punching bags. They closed the doors behind him. At the far end of the room, a bald man in perfect shape was running on a machine while looking out the window. His body was muscular, and his skin was untouched by any cut or graze. He continued to run faster which revealed the movement of his muscles as they rippled with energy.

  Luka watched him silently.

  “When I woke up this morning, I had bacon and eggs, a glass of milk, and two slices of toast.”

  “Carlyle, I’m not interested in what you had for breakfast,” said Luka.

  Carlyle stopped running and grabbed a towel hanging from the machine. He wiped his forehead. “It was delicious.”

  “Do you understand why I’m here?” continued Luka.

  “But that’s the thing you see, when I was eating my healthy breakfast, not in a hundred years did I ever imagine the Blind Blade would be at my door this evening,” replied Carlyle.

  Carlyle’s eyes showed great intellect, and Luka knew of his cunning. His chest was strong in muscle as his back, and he was as robust as he was tall.

  After wiping his face, Carlyle threw the towel across the room and bowed to him. “What brings you to my fine estate, Blind Blade?”

  “I’m looking for information. Information the Shadow Government seeks,” said Luka.

  “Ah, yes, our benefactors. What is it that they want now? Have I done something to offend them?” he asked.

  “The Shadow Government didn’t send me here, but the information I need is something that they would like to know,” said Luka.

  Carlyle stretched his arms out wide and revealed his muscles unashamedly. “When I was a young man, there were rumors and whispers about the blind User who could cut out a man’s heart with a swift stroke of his blade. The tales were tall, and the stories would make young children have nightmares. Were the stories true?”

  “Carlyle, stop wasting my time. I’m not here to talk about stories. I’m here for this.” Luka pulled out the letters in his pocket and showed them to him. “Why does all this correspondence refer to Bellum’s activities? What’s your business in knowing the Shadow Government’s actions?”

  Carlyle lowered his eyes to the letters. “A trafficker of information must know everything there is to know about everything and everyone.”

  “The Shadow Government controls Bellum. Bellum’s activities should be of no concern to you,” said Luka.

  Carlyle walked over to a chin-up bar and began to exercise, pulling his muscular chest up and down. “The Blind Blade looks to be in good shape. You’re a unique specimen.”

  Luka was not pleased with Carlyle’s avoidance of his questions.

  “Do you exercise daily?” asked Carlyle.

  Luka pulled out the two silver katanas that were strapped to his back.

  Carlyle dropped from the chin-up bar. “There’s no need to be hasty.” He walked over to him unafraid. “The lethal silver katanas of the Blind Blade. Your scars are fascinating. How many men have you killed?”

  “Carlyle, my patience wears thin. You’ll tell me why you’re so interested in Bellum and also everything you know about a young man named Kry.” Luka brandished his katanas toward him.

  Carlyle took a step backward. “Kry? I’m not familiar with the name, but I can tell you why I’m interested in Bellum. Are you hungry?”

  Luka stared at him with impatience.

  “Please, I’ll tell you everything. It’s rather boring really, but it’s almost time for supper, and my servants will have prepared a meal down in the dining room. Let us talk over a warm meal,” said Carlyle.

  Luka did not like to wait, but it would do no good to force the issue. He returned his weapons behind his back. “Lead the way.”

  Carlyle bowed and led him outside the room where his guards waited. “They will take you to the dining room. Give me a moment to change. I will be there shortly.” Carlyle smiled and walked with a swagger to another room.

  Luka followed the guards downstairs and into a giant dining room where servants were already bringing out the food. Even the plates and the cutlery were gold. Luka took a seat and became more impatient as Carlyle had yet to return. The food was starting to grow cold.

  Suddenly, the doors opened behind him, and Carlyle entered wearing a black suit and tie.

  “Please, forgive me. There was a sudden emergency to which I had to attend,” said Carlyle.

  Luka was not an angry man like his colleagues, but he knew when someone was trying to play him. Footsteps followed behind Carlyle, and Luka sensed another in the room who was not a guard.

  “This is my daughter, Kaya,” said Carlyle as he sat down.

  Luka could not see her, but when he turned to her presence, he could see the energy around her figure.

  “It’s an honor to be in the company of the Blind Blade,” said Kaya.

  Luka rose from his chair to greet her. “The honor is mine.”

  “It’s a shame you can’t see her. My daughter is a beauty,” said Carlyle.

  “I believe you.” Luka sat down again.

  Carlyle began to serve himself. Various dishes of meat and vegetables were laid out on the table. “Please, help yourself.”

  Luka was hungry, but he did not want to stay here long. As he helped himself to the food, he could sense Carlyle’s daughter staring at him.

  “It’s important that you tell me what you know, Carlyle,” said Luka. He made sure his tone was a threat.

  “Let’s eat first. The food is already cold. Here, why not try some of our finest wine?” Carlyle called to a servant.

  “I don’t drink,” said Luka.

  “Wine is good for your heart,” added Kaya.

  Luka turned to her and saw her beautiful glowing figure. “So I’ve heard, but I’m no drinker.”

  “Just one glass.” Carlyle directed the servant to pour Luka a drink.

  “It would honor me if you would take one sip,” said Kaya.

  “There we have it! My daughter insists!” said Carlyle.

  Luka took the glass of wine and brought it to his lips. He was about to have one sip, but a familiar smell made him stop. He sniffed the wine and then smashed the glass across the floor. “Do you think you can poison me so easily?” Luka stood up and pulled out his two katanas.

  Kaya screamed.

  Carlyle took a sip of his wine. “The finest wine in all of France.”

  Luka spun his katanas and walked toward him.

  “Elijah was a good man,” said Carlyle, angrily.

  Luka recalled the name. He was the trafficker he had killed before coming here. “He had a quick death.”

  It was Carlyle’s turn to smash his glass. “You will not.”

  Luka sensed some guards entering the dining room.

  “My money has paid for the most talented Users in the world to be my protection,” said Carlyle.

  “Then you have misplaced your investment because they are not me,” said Luka.

  Carlyle dragged his daughter out of the room. Luka spun in a circle and threw his katanas at two guards behind him. His weapons flew back to him covered in blood. He then kicked another guard across the table and sliced him in two. Carlyle’s guards formed their barriers and fired bolts of energy toward him, but Luka was too fast and blinked to each of them, slicing their barriers and cutting their throats. He quickly moved around the room dispatching the remaining guards with not a scratch on him. The dining room was empty, now filled with silent voices of the dead. He ran out the room and sensed Carlyle’s presence near the swimming pool.

  Suddenly, a blast of lightning struck his chest, and he was flung through th
e staircase window and out of the mansion. He landed in cold water and pulled his head up quickly to catch his breath. Dozens of guards surrounded the pool with their guns trained on him. Carlyle stood with his daughter at the other end of the pool.

  “The Blind Blade is a beauty to watch, and it will be a beauty to watch you die, too,” quipped Carlyle.

  Luka jumped out of the pool, crossed his katanas into an X shape and ran across the water toward Carlyle. A wall of bullets rained down on him, but Luka swung his katanas and deflected them back toward the guards, the bullets striking their barriers. Luka then spun into a hurricane of energy and went around the entire pool, ending every life. Carlyle’s guards were spread out around the pool soaked in their own blood. Luka then blinked next to Carlyle and brought his silver katanas down, but the metal met with a giant clash of opposing steel, and he was blasted back into the blood-stained pool.

  “A poor investment indeed.” Carlyle looked at his dead guards. “But nothing which cannot be replaced.”

  Luka stepped out of the pool drenched in the blood of Carlyle’s guards; the blood dripped down his face and bare chest. Next to Carlyle was Kaya who held a long double-bladed scythe. Each edge curved outward and was connected with a purple hilt at its center. Luka was confused as he sensed Kaya’s presence.

  “You and my daughter share something in common,” said Carlyle.

  Luka flicked his katanas removing the blood.

  “She is blind just like you,” said Carlyle.

  Luka saw the energy that outlined her figure. She held her weapon confidently, too confidently. “Carlyle, what game are you playing?”

  Carlyle laughed. “Game? You are the one playing the game. Are you not the one who kills for the Shadow Government? Once, you hated their very nature. The Blade with honor. The tales I heard of you were legendary. A man so committed to duty that nothing could ever tempt you away from doing the right thing, but the irony is that your duty is a two-edged sword, and your loyalty to the Shadow Government contradicts your honor.”

  “Duty and honor often contradict each other. It’s not an easy sacrifice to make.” Luka swept his katanas in an arc. “The Shadow Government gave you all this: your fancy estate, your smart clothes, and your expensive cars. So, why now are you going against them? Why are you investigating Bellum?”


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