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Wolves At The Door

Page 4

by Girl, Breukelen

  The thought of having Thane inside him, made him grab his cock. He closed his eyes and remembered the scent of the other wolf male. Hooper wrapped a hand around his naked cock and began to slide it up and down his length quickly.

  He remembered the feel of Hooper’s fangs scraping him as he sniffed the other males scent. While he rubbed himself against his skin. The friction causing him to harden more and more as his skin tightened causing him to grab and fondle his own balls.

  Thoughts of the comfort of Thane’s chest and that tattoo, made him work faster until he couldn’t take it anymore and he came, shouting his own release.


  Booker Parish looked around the apartment and at the empty pizza box and empty six pack of beers on the table. His brother was one for the solitary life, it saddened him that Hooper felt that way. He walked through to the back bedroom and opened the door.

  His baby brother, Hooper slept soundly. Not a clue in the world, that he was standing there in his apartment. Booker pocked the spare apartment key and sighed, walking over to the bed. He was going to have to start spending more time with Hooper. Re-sharpening his fighting skills, if he could sleep so soundly through Booker walking into his apartment without so much as twitching at his presence.

  Bending down, he shook his brother’s back shoulder lightly. “Wake up sleepy.”

  Hooper let out a loud sigh and kept sleeping. “Come on Hoops, wake up.” Booker tried again, shaking his shoulder with hand. Something unintelligible was mumbled back at him.

  “Come on sleepy head, let’s go.” Booker said louder shaking his brother’s shoulder rougher.

  “Mm, baby?” Hooper replied sleepily, slowly cracking one eye open to blink a few times.

  “Who’s baby and why haven’t I met him yet?” Booker asked his younger brother as Hooper slowly turned over onto his back and rubbed his face.

  “Uh, no one.”

  “Really?” Booker asked looking at his brother sceptically. “You know, I have werewolf friends who could literally smell if you were lying to me. Maybe I ought to bring them in here and try that question again brother.”

  Hooper pushed up in the bed and looked at his older brother dead pan. “I’m not sure you’re prepared for how that would go down, considering how naked I am under this sheet and how damn early in the morning it is. Besides, your friends and your brother, awkward.”

  Booker chuckled back at him and grabbing the bed sheet flung it back dramatically and looked at his brother’s body and back up at his face. “Oh look, nothing I haven’t seen before. Get up already, let’s go.”

  Hooper groaned and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “I was enjoying sleeping.”

  “Having wet dreams about this baby guy that I’ve never met?” Booker teased him.

  Hooper sighed and glanced over at Booker. “You’re in far too good mood for this early in the morning. What gives?”

  “It’s almost midday and you know what day it is. Let’s go.” Booker replied back at him, waiting till Hooper stood up out of the bed.

  “Happy now?”

  “Clothes would be better.” Booker replied walking out of the room again.

  Hooper yawned and stretched his arms over his head. “Spoken like a true straight guy.” He muttered looking around his room for some clean clothing. He desperately needed to do some washing. Finding a clean t-shirt and some jeans, Hooper searched for shoes and socks and carried them out to the living room to find Booker sitting on his couch, flicking through television channels.

  “I’m not sure I’ve got any milk left for coffee.” Hooper muttered walking out and plonking himself down heavily, and putting a foot up on the coffee table.

  “Doesn’t matter, we’re going out to breakfast anyway.” Booker replied over his shoulder.

  “You’re shout?” Hooper asked him lacing up his shoe.

  “Yes. So who’s baby?” Booker tried again glancing over at Hooper. He liked the idea of his brother dating. He thought Hooper needed someone. He hoped he’d found someone. Booker thought Hooper had been on his own too long.

  “There’s no baby.” Hooper replied too quickly.

  Booker chuckled at him. “That is just an outright lie. There is obviously some guy who you would at least, the very least, like to call baby, maybe even to his face.” Hooper looked over at his brother as he placed his other shoe on the coffee table.

  “Perceptive bastard, aren’t you?”

  “Persistent too.” Booker grinned.

  “It’s nothing honest. We just met.” Hooper said focusing on his shoe. “Like yesterday kind of thing.”

  “Oh. How’d you met?” Booker asked turning off the TV suddenly. Hooper focused on tying his shoe laces.

  “Uh, we just uh, in passing.” Hooper said stumbling over how to explain it to his non gay brother who wouldn’t understand it.

  “Alright Romeo, come on, let’s get some food.” Booker said thankfully dropping the subject and standing up. “I am starving.”

  Hooper mentally sighed with relief, that his brother has dropped the subject of his love life for the time being. It always made him angry and uncomfortable when Booker got into him about it.


  Booker looked over at Hopper and away again, resting his elbows on the cafe diner’s counter top. “What?” Hooper demanded loudly. “Spit it out already.”

  “I don’t get why you’re not with someone. Why you’re not in a relationship.” Booker replied signalling to a waitress at the other end of the dinner. He watched her pick up some menus and head over to them.

  “That old story.” Hopper replied, reaching for a menu as the waitress handed it to him. She walked away again leaving both males to peruse the section on offer.

  “Come on Hoops, don’t do this, not today of all days.” Booker replied putting his menu down on the counter top and looking meaningful at his younger brother. “Drop the attitude.”

  Hooper kept his eyes firmly on the menu before him, but he couldn’t really take anything in. “Mum would love to know you’d found someone, were in love. She just wants you to be happy, you know.”

  Hooper gripped the menu and concentrated hard on not drilling his anger by eyesight into his brother. “Don’t you dare go there.” Hooper said softly.

  “Hooper, it’s been years. You can not hold onto this anger forever, it’ll eat you up till there’s nothing left.” Booker replied equally soft.

  “Look, I get this is the annual anniversary of the most misfortunate thing to happen to us, and a brotherly bonding experience, but you need to back off on the mom front, and you damn well know it.”

  Booker looked over at him. “I can’t and you should know that.” Hooper gave up trying to read and looked back at his brother instead.

  “And why, pray tell, is that? Because persistence is in your nature? You’re lycan nature?” Hooper bitched at him.

  “Because I promised our mother, I’d never give up on you and trying to get you to speak to her again.” Booker said picking up the menu again and looking away.

  Hooper felt winded all of a sudden. Which was odd really, given that being a lycan now meant, not a lot of things could physically affect him. But then maybe it was because they were creeping into lunar week that his emotions were warping his ability to keep feelings at bay.

  “She misses you Hoops.” Booker said running a finger down the menu. “I think you still miss her too.”

  Hooper stared at the sugar container in front of him. Yes he missed his mother. He missed her more than he missed the life he’d left behind when he’d become something beyond human. Seventeen years of missing just didn’t go away. No matter how much you denied it.

  “How is she?” Hooper asked staring straight ahead. He’d tried. Tried to reconnect with her after the attack. But he hadn’t been able to bring himself to do it.

  “Why don’t you call her and ask her?” Booker said pulling out his cell phone and placing it on the cafe counter top. “She’d love to hear from
you directly, rather than through me.”

  “I can’t.” Hooper replied quickly. The attack, that moment in time, seventeen years ago to the day, it ruled his life. Somehow, it always ruled his life. It trapped him to this distance that he could not break, that kept his mother at bay from his life now.

  “You can Hoops, she waits for your call all the time.” Booker said softly. “It breaks her heart a little more, each time the phone rings and it’s not your voice on the end of it.”

  Hooper swallowed hard in his throat. “How’d you do it?” He asked looking at Booker, giving up entirely on food. He couldn’t eat now. His head, his heart, his mind, they were all in another place.

  Booker sighed and put a hand to his mouth, remembering the phone call he’d had to make, to tell his mother, that Hooper and himself were okay and not missing. Only the reality was, they weren’t okay. They weren’t the same ever again. Maybe he was in denial and Hooper wasn’t, he was just being honest about what had transpired.

  He dropped his hand away.

  “I don’t know, I just, I did. I just picked up the phone and dialed. Knew I had to let her know we were alive, not lost, not run-aways.” Booker replied looking around the cafe. “Knew I had to hear her voice again. I guess that’s what ultimately made me call mom.”

  Hooper nodded his head. “How’d you explain the attack.”

  Booker sighed heavily. Hooper knew all this. He’d heard it before. And yet, whenever he pushed trying to get Hooper to call home, he diverted to this tactic. Talking about it, transported Booker right back to seventeen years ago. A time, he hated to revisit.

  “Screw this, let’s get a drink.” Booker muttered pushing off the stool.

  “Happy Anniversary bro.” Hooper muttered pushed off his stool and followed his brother out.


  “To lycans or two lycans, hey?” Hooper muttered chinking shot glasses with his brother.

  “Lycans for life.” Booker replied before downing his shot glass. He kept his cell phone on the coffee table in front of Hooper and him. Like some warped game of Russian roulette, hoping that perhaps if he got his darling little brother drunk enough, he’d slip up and call home.

  “So how’s things with you?” Hooper asked slouching back in his seat.

  “Good as can be I guess. Got my girl, got my job, my…friends.” Booker replied amending his last answer quickly.

  “You mean pack, it’s alright, you can say it in front of me, you know. I won’t fall to piece saying whoa is me, I didn’t’ join the Breukelen werewolf pack when I had the chance.” Hooper poured another two shots while Booker busied himself at the kitchen stove.

  “Really? Cause I get the impression you’d rather I didn’t.” Booker replied, as he took his shot glass of his brother and knocked it back, before handing the empty glass back to Hooper.

  “Why does this have to be a psychology lesson? Every single time. Why do we do this?” Hooper muttered turning on Booker suddenly. “Why do we have this anniversary catch up on the historically worst day of our previously human lives?” Hooper ranted on, pouring another shot for both of them.

  Booker looked at him and his face hardening. “That’s what I’m talking about.” Hooper replied. “You look ready to rip my head off, and it’s so easy to be angry now. Without reason or purpose. It’s just always there isn’t it, the sense of anger, just under the surface, waiting for a reason to ignite. And I’m supposed to be happy about the day that made this normal for me?”

  “It’s not about remembering the attack Hooper. It’s about us being still here, despite that.” Booker replied back at him without flinching.

  “I think you did the right thing for you,” Hooper said back at him. “Joining the Breukelen pack. You seem content there.”

  Booker frowned and bowed his head. “Bro don’t think I hate you for it.” Booker looked back up at him.

  “You sure, cause I think I’d understand if you did.” Hooper’s eyes widened and suddenly he realized the purpose of the yearly anniversary visit from his brother.

  “You blame yourself for this attack. That’s why you do this every year with me. It’s your own punishment, and penance for me being like you, a lycan.” Hooper said quickly. Booker looked away again. Hooper sighed and relaxed, his chest collapsing, his hand going to his mouth.

  Hooper sat back on the couch and watched as Booker handed him a shot glass. It wasn’t the only time that Booker caught up with him. They saw and spoke with each other rather regularly. But Booker had always done this, made sure that despite everything, he and Hooper were going through, always met on the anniversary date of their attack.

  Hooper downed his shot and watched as Booker did the same. “Ever since the attack, I don’t think you’ve ever heard me say that I’m sorry. I’m sorry this happened to you.” Booker said softly as tears welled in his eyes.

  “This, being this,” Hooper said waving a hand at himself wildly, “Is in no way you’re fault. So apology not accepted because you’re not responsible.”


  Thane glanced across at the door opposite him and frowned, noting it was slightly open. That caught his attention. He turned around and looked at the door and glanced inside, he couldn’t really see anything past a bit of furniture.

  But the smell that came out of his house assaulted his nostrils abruptly. Alcohol and cooked meat and blood, animal blood. Probably from whatever had been cooked. Thane’s brain ticked over, it was almost lunar week. It was possible that Hooper was upping his red meat intake, as one of his tactics for coping with how his wolf self was affected by lunar week.

  Still…“Hooper?” Thane asked pushing the door open fully. The smell of alcohol was over powerfully strong. But then, Thane had always had a sensitive nose. He looked around the main room, that backed on to the kitchen. There were pans and plates in a neat pile in the kitchen, and a couple of empty beer cans. His eyes scanned the room again taking in all the details. The main point of attention was focused on the coffee table and couch. A few bottles of empty whiskey littered the table and even more beer cans.

  It was more than excessive for one person and by the look the plates and drinks, meant he’d had company with him. A thought that annoyed Thane. “Hooper?” He asked walking through the room.

  It didn’t look like anything had been disturbed, so there’s been no fighting. That was a good sign, still he frowned, had they been partying, was that it? He looked toward the back of the apartment and the small hallway that was an off shoot from the main room. It probably lead to his bedroom.

  Was Hooper entertaining someone back there? It wasn’t like he had claim on Hooper now was it? He frowned deeply. Hooper didn’t seem like the type go crazy for the drink or a heavy drinker. When he’d been there the day before last, he’d thought Hooper had only drunk beer to appease him. To seem socially acceptable.

  He walked towards the back of the apartment. He had no right to pry. He had no claim to Hooper. But he had to know Hooper was lying unconscious in a puddle of his own vomit too. He’d just look in on him and then go, once he knew he was alright. If he was alright.

  As long as some low life scumbag wolf wasn’t taking unwanted advantage of him.

  Without further hesitation, Thane opened the door on the left side of the hallway half expecting to see Hooper either passed on his bed utterly drunk out of his mind, or in the throes of passion with some unknown male. Neither thought pleased him.

  But he had to make sure Hooper was alright. The empty beer cans and whiskey bottles were just too excessive to ignore. What he saw made him gasp out loud. Hooper’s hand froze and he looked over at the door, his eyes falling onto Thane. “You’re door it was,” Thane started, his mouth drying as he heard the mundaneness of his own words, whilst he looked at naked Hooper.

  With one foot on the edge of his bed, the other on the floor, his hand reaching around to his rear end. Thane’s blood heated up and his body tightened all over.

  “I just wanted to,” Wor
ds were failing him. His brain was short circuiting because of the beautiful male before him. Who kept holding his gaze, with lust. Thane’s eyes diverted back to the hand at the back of Hooper’s bottom and back up to his face. Hooper dropped his hand away. Thane found his feet walking towards Hopper without thought, drawn in by his mere presence.

  Thane’s hands skimmed down over her arm, that rested on his raised leg, the other going down the smooth curve of Hoper’s back, dipping between the strong mounds of his bottom. Until they touched a hard plastic nestled in him.

  Hoper sighed lightly but Thane could not tear his eyes away from the butt plug. Thane felt the blood rush straight to his cock. It was like he lacked all control when he was around Hooper. Which was unheard of for him.

  His hand skimmed over the curve of Hooper’s ass lightly. “Beautiful.” His hands kept moving over the Hooper’s skin until his fingers again, rested on the end of the butt plug. “I was worried about you.” Thane uttered before slowly pulling the ring half way back out again.

  Thane pressed on the plug watching his body clutch at it and causing Hooper to elicit a moan, that tightened the skin around his cock tightly.

  “Tell me,” Thane said huskily, “Tell me..” He gulped down a solid vat of saliva.

  Hooper glanced back at him. “I was going to go for a run.” He said softly, watching Thane closely. The feel of another man’s hands on him, were all too welcome. He need to escape the misery that Booker and he had brought on themselves. He needed to be fucked and hard, right through the mattress, on his knees, from behind, with his knees scrapping the floorboards.

  “Pleasuring myself, it uh, helps me relax enough for the shift.” Hooper replied at him breathlessly as he moved the plug back in, slowly fucking him with the plug.


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