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Wolves At The Door

Page 6

by Girl, Breukelen

  The excitement of chasing his intended was coursing through him as air flowed around him and through his fur the faster he ran. It glided over his fur and he felt himself glide through it as he closed in on Hooper, who for all his efforts, had a pretty good lead on Thane. But Thane was determined to capture his wolf.

  He dug in deep, ensuring his legs pushed off the land with strength to increase the spring and speed in his movement. Hooper made the fatal error of looking behind him as he ran, which messed up his running stride and the lycan stumbled. Tripping over himself, face first into the dirt.

  It was what closed the gap between them, and every instinct in Thane’s black wolf, knew better than to hesitate. He leapt forth, landing atop of Hooper, causing the lycan to stumble and flatten to the ground again, as Thane’s weight pushed him down.

  Thane’s teeth nipped the back of Hooper’s scruff and kept trying to get a grip as Hooper made an effort to push back up off the ground. Thane growled at him with his jaws around the back of the lycan’s neck.

  I want my prize Thane said to Hooper as the other wolf stilled under him.

  Thane licked at Hooper’s backside, letting his tongue flick out and taste his readiness. His cock thickened and Thane’s front legs grappled until they had a grip on the hip of the hind quarters of Hooper. Hooper stood still as Thane mounted his backside and began thrusting in ultra-fast succession, growling as he kept his mouth around the back scruff of Hooper’s furry neck. When he finished ejaculating, Thane dismounted Hooper and began to sniff and lick around his backside. Hooper turned around and twisted till he could reach Thane’s face and licked at it.

  Wanna run away from the werewolf again lycan? Thane directed at Hooper, hoping he could hear how horny he was with the very idea of doing what they’d just done again.

  Hooper panted and stuck his tongue out the side. Just when Thane thought, perhaps he’d got it wrong, that Hooper couldn’t really hear him, or understand him at all, Hooper took off like a jack rabbit, leaves and dirt flicking up under his feet, kicking back in Thane’s face.

  You did that on purpose, you tease. Thane said pushing off and running after the fast disappearing lycan.


  The sun warmed his skin and Thane stirred feeling it’s warmth heat him up easily. He tried to remember where he was as he felt another kind of warmth against his body. The scents of the air around him were different to home.

  Thane opened his eyes and blinked a few times. Looked different too, because he was in the Bronx, with his neighbour, Hooper Parish. His sleepy eyes recognized the back of the naked male curled into him on the ground. He smiled, remembering the night he’d had, chasing tail, literally, and it was all Hooper’s all night long. The poor boy had to be exhausted.

  Thane wasn’t exhausted but he was tired and the thought of why he was, made him happy. He planted a kiss on Hooper’s shoulder and was rewarded with a small sigh from the other male. “Thane?” Hooper mumbled sounding sleepily glorious.

  “Mm,” Thane replied quite content to stay curled up with the lycan as he closed his eyes again, determined to fight the day and waking up.

  “I thought you were just a dream. Couldn’t figure out if I’d dreamed you up or you were really the one chasing me and my ass all last night.” Hooper uttered tiredly. “I thought I heard you talking to me, some times. But I might have dreamt that part. Like when you screamed fuck and then howled to the night sky.”

  Thane stirred, pressing his eager, morning erection against Hooper’s backside and moving as he stretched his legs.

  “Nope, that was all me.” He sighed rubbing himself against Hooper as his hands skimmed over the other male’s chest. Feeling his breathing pick up with anticipation.

  “You were really in my head?” Hooper asked him again.

  “Yes. In my pack in my family we can speak to each other telepathically.” Thane replied. “I’ve never really tried it with other wolves.”

  “I didn’t know werewolves could do that. It was like, I heard you, heard you’re voice, but I couldn’t talk back to you. I guess my lycan, couldn’t figure out how. Didn’t know how.”

  “Different bloodlines, different wolves, different abilities.” Thane said leisurely as he cuddled with Hooper. “You fit me just right, you know.”

  Hooper sighed. “I hate to ruin this glorious moment,”

  “So don’t.”

  “But it is daylight and we need to move.” Hooper groaned as he stretched enjoying the feel of Thane against him. “It’s a public park and we don’t want to get arrested for indecent exposure or lurid behaviour now do we?”

  “Don’t we?” Thane muttered, showing absolutely no interest in doing just that. “I rather like where I am right now.”

  “Me too.” Hooper whispered as he turned around to face Thane, smiling. Thane saw the sparkle in Hooper’s eyes and he kissed him lightly.

  “Then that settles that, we’re not going anywhere.” Thane smirked as Hooper ducked his head under Thane’s shoulder and his arms wound around Thane’s waist.

  “I’ve never woken up feeling so good in my lycan life after a shift.” Hooper yawned and snuggling in further to Thane’s all too accommodating body. “Damn, man.”

  “All night, long.” Thane muttered.

  “Long.” Hooper murmured drifting back to the comfort of sleep.

  “So now we know what you need, on lunar nights.” Thane said enjoying the rhythm of their heartbeats together.

  “Yeah a big ass alpha chasing and riding my ass all night long.” Hooper replied with a giggle.

  “You complaining?” Thane asked running a hand down the seam of Hooper’s ass and pausing where Hooper really wanted him to touch.

  “No way.” Hooper replied pushing his bottom into the hand resting against it. Thane smiled to himself and kept running his finger along Hooper’s perineum and eliciting soft moans of pleasure from him.

  “Now who’s the tease?” Hooper murmured.

  “Fair play.” Thane uttered cupping the soft sack of Hooper’s balls. Hooper began to move, rutting against him, his lips kissing his way up Thane’s chest and neck under his jaw as Thane played with him. Encouraging him.

  “Thank you for helping me, chase away the blues.” Hooper panted.

  “You want to talk about it?”

  “Not now.” Hooper said lightly. “And If you keep that up and I’ll come, all over you.” Hooper panted between wet kisses. “And all the wolves will know you belong to me.” More soft kisses and Thane began to encourage the lift and friction of Hooper’s hips against him. “Wearing my scent.”

  Thane grinned back at him, loving having his own words thrown back at him. “Yeah, give it to me.” Thane uttered gutturally, loving everything Hooper was doing to him, what they were doing together. Thane watched Hooper’s face as it flushed with heat and he began to concentrate on working his orgasm out of him, by touching himself against Thane.

  Thane’s cock hardened and he reached for himself, only to have Hooper smack his hand away. “What did I just say?” He muttered breathlessly, as he wrapped his hand around the back of Thane’s cock, keeping both their cocks together and moving them at the same time. Jacking them both off.

  “Wear my scent?” Thane uttered blissfully as his hips lifted to Hooper and he rolled the younger male on top of him suddenly. As Hooper somehow managed to keep them both together and kept rubbing them together.

  Thane let out a throaty growl as he began to lose himself to the rhythm they created together. A thrust of his hips into Hooper’s hand had him spurting white streams of come over Hooper’s hand as Hooper joined him a few seconds later, crying out with his release.


  Thane could’ve lain in the park all day in the sun, naked and cuddling Hooper Parish. He found the whole experience rather serene. Which wasn’t his usual lunar week experience at all. Eventually, they had to break the spell of their post shift recovery and get dressed, and go home. Thane turned around in the hall outside
Hooper’s apartment door. Watching as the lycan walk a step behind him, and up to him.

  “I’ll come by and see you later.” It wasn’t a question or an invitation; it wasn’t a demand, or an instruction. It was an assurance. A certainty. A promise.

  Hooper nodded his head and smiled, feeling shy. “The door will be open.” He said looking straight back at Thane. Thane could see the happiness and wonder in Hooper’s eyes. And damn him if he didn’t like knowing that it was him, Thane Cavello who put that sparkle there. How had he done that? He’d never seen any of his previous sexual partners look at him like that before. What was going on here? Seemed like it was more than lunar week lust.

  He leaned forward and slanted his lips across Hooper’s one last time. Kissing him with a solid warmth and hunger that he held at bay. Hooper received Thane’s tongue and welcome it, as he curled back into the other male, his hands going to biceps. Before sliding to Thane’s chest and tracing lazy lines over his chest tattoo.

  Thane liked the way Hooper clung to him, needed to touch him, feel his skin. He was more than happy to ensure the other male, got what we wanted. He pushed him back to the door and they bumped into it together as the kissed continued on slowly. Surprisingly it was Hooper who pulled away first, putting a hand to Thane’s chest.

  “Later.” Thane growled unhappily in his throat and pulled back, giving Hooper space from him and nodded his head. Hooper smiled cutely at him and began to open his front door, glancing over his shoulder at Thane who was doing the same, opposite him.

  There was a sudden movement as Thane’s apartment door was yanked open before him.

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  Thane frowned at the male on the other side of the door and pushed his way in quickly slamming the door behind himself. Causing the black haired male to back up, giving him space. “You don’t answer your phone anymore.”

  “I didn’t have it on me.” Thane admitted.

  “You don’t leave me a note, it’s lunar week and we’re in New York for the first time and you up and disappear on me! What the hell man!” The younger male yelled at him.

  “Sorry.” Thane replied watching Phelan in full flight mode. It didn’t happen often that Pehlan got this worked up. They’d been together for so long; they knew each other’s moods and what they represented easily. But now that he came out of his hedonistic haze that he’d created with Hooper, he could see why he was upset. They’d only had each other for so long, they looked after one another. And he’d just up and left the younger werewolf male for the night, in a town they weren’t at all familiar with.

  He watched as Pehlan’s nostrils flared and he began to study Thane more intensely.

  “Well?” Phelan asked, hands on hips staring at Thane.

  “Well what?” Thane asked, as he strolled further into the apartment, heading to the kitchen past him.

  “Seriously dude, you disappeared yesterday evening and I’m only seeing you know. Anyone would think I was the mature one here.” Phelan fired back at him. “Which by the way, you are welcome to the title of.”

  “Really? Because as I recall some of your past lunar week adventures, baby brother, had me bailing you out of trouble, didn’t they? How many times exactly? ” Thane replied opening the fridge.

  “So this is about lunar week then?” Phelan grinned as Thane promptly studied the fridge contents for a long time. “You met someone; I can smell him on you. Wolf by the smell of him.”

  “How’s Bg?” Thane deflected back at him.

  “Don’t evade me bro, our sister is just fine and you know that. You had dinner with her the night before last with me. She’s fine, Paris is fine, and everyone is fine. Now, about you.”

  “What about me?”

  “Well, let’s see. We’ve only been in New York for a few days now, I mean, I’ve barely moved into the apartment. And you’re already hooking up with some local talent. What is your secret?”

  Thane gave him a disapproving look. “You know you could’ve just taken Bg up on her offer to move into her apartment in Brooklyn while she’s not using it.”

  “We’ve been over that.” Phelan replied back at him. “I’m not setting up shop in a pack owned territory and becoming dependent on those I don’t yet know.” Thane sighed. He got it. They’d been on their own so long, trust could be a hard thing to come by, especially when it was given unconditionally as Bg, had given it to them. Besides, there was the small matter of having never lived without one another before.

  “Now, back to you, what have you been up to?”

  “I was helping a friend out.” Thane retorted straightening up as he pulled out a carton of orange juice. “We went for a run.” He opened the carton and watched as Phelan’s attention zeroed in on him. “A friend? Who’s you’re friend? We don’t know anyone other than Bg and Paris in New York. Who is he? Where’d you meet him? Is he good shag?” Phelan fired off at his brother quickly, watching Thane’s eyes narrow on him as he sculled juice from the carton.

  Phelan tilted his head, looking at his brother sideways. “You like this guy. Otherwise you wouldn’t lie to me like that or yourself.”

  Phelan’s comments captured Thane’s attention sharply and he emptied the carton and crushed it in his hand.

  “We’re out of juice. I could go to the store get some.”

  “Oh hell no, you are not escaping this interrogation that easily.” Phelan said crossing his arms over his chest. “I want to know who he is.”

  “Phelan,” Thane growled at him. “I’m tired.”

  “Just his name.” Phelan teased. “And you’re probably tired from going at it all night.”

  Thane threw the empty carton in the bin and walked out of the kitchen. “We need more juice.” He said, heading to the bathroom.

  “Yeah we do. Cause you have to keep up that energy if you’re going to be banging mister mystery guy all week.” Phelan yelled at him. Thane grinned, glad his back was to his brother, as he headed into the bathroom because he couldn’t stop grinning at the thought of being with Hooper all lunar week long.


  They had agreed to meet later, but hadn’t exactly set a definite time. Seven pm seemed like it could be classified as later, after leaving Hooper alone to have some space away from him all day, Thane thought. Even though he’d been tempted more than once to walk across the hall and tap on the other apartment’s door and barge his way in, kissing Hooper till they fell onto the couch.

  Thane ran a hand over his face. Lunar week always made him edgy, it made everyone a little crazier than normal. At least, he had enough sense still left in him to know that he had to remain in control of his emotions and hormones.

  If Thane did just barge his way into Hooper’s apartment and start kissing him, he doubted that Hooper would stop him, at all. Or even have the sensibility to stop him. He’d already gotten a good idea of how easily affected by lunar week Hooper was. He hoped to help him learn a little more control.

  Because there was likely to come a point in the week, when even Thane threw control out the window. It’d been some time since he’d been with a partner on a lunar week night, but it was far harder to not give in to the temptation of the werewolves sexual nature when he was with one. His alpha side, shone through all too easily. It released the chance to exert itself over a willing other.

  Thane ran his hands over his shirt again smoothing it out. He made a mental note that Phelan needed to get a damn iron and soon. Grabbing his wallet and cell phone, he slipped them into his jeans pockets and walked out into lounge room.

  “I’m going out.” He smirked at Phelan who looked over at him from the bottom of the sofa he was lounging on. His eyes running over Thane’s outfit, of black jeans and short black sleeve shirt.

  “Out where?” Phelan fired back at him quickly.

  “Just out. I can leave you home alone right? You won’t burn the place down if you cook popcorn will you?” Thane retorted back at him.

  Phelan pulled a face
at him. “Hey! That was one time and I was five.” Phelan retorted back at him suddenly pouting.

  Thane smiled down at his brother. “Ah, that never gets old.”

  “I’m up for going out, what about I come with you?” Phelan said causing Thane to stop mid-stride towards the door.

  “I thought you had plans for tonight.”

  “Well yes, Bg and Paris are technically, supposed to be hosting both of us this week. But you seem to be skipping out on festivities, early. What am I supposed to tell them?” Phelan asked beginning to sit up on the sofa.

  Thane stopped and flicked his hair off his shoulders, he hadn’t really thought about that. He was supposed to be in New York, getting reacquainted with his long lost little sister, Phelan’s twin.

  “Shit.” Thane muttered under his breath. It was important he reconnected with their sister. She’d been a gap in their lives for a long time. One he’d known about the whole time she’d been missing from their lives. One he’d carried with him all the time they’d been apart. “Fucking lunar week.” He muttered angrily. It was all too easily to loose sight of important matters when it was lunar week and his cock was controlling his needs. And there was a willing, lycan no further than a few feet away from him, to play with.

  “Don’t sweat it.” Phelan replied casually. “I’m sure they’re cool with it if you don’t come along tonight. They got a big crew to look after.”

  “No, I should. I need to. We need to.” Thane replied sighing. “It’s important. We came to New York to put our family back together again. Not to stay apart as if we were all still strangers to one another.”

  “So what you gonna do?”

  Thane sighed and ran his hands through his hair and paused, hands resting on his head, mouth closed tightly as he thought about Hooper and what he’d promised him. Well, what the promise implied given the glorious morning they’d shared.


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