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Wolves At The Door

Page 14

by Girl, Breukelen


  Hooper held Thane’s hand as they walked into the surrounding silhouetted darkness of Phelam Bay Park and walked deeper and deeper into the landscape in silence. There were many shades of night, grey, black and blue, that the two wolves walked through. Nostrils flaring as they took in the smell of the landscape at night and how it stirred the sleeping beasts within each of them.

  “Here.” Hooper said stilling as he looked around them and began pulling his jacket off and kicking his shoes off at the same time. Thane followed his lead and began to remove his clothing quickly, letting it fall to a heap on the ground beside him.

  Hooper stood naked before Thane watching as Thane stripped off the last of his clothing.

  “Damn you are sexy.”

  Thane walked over to Hooper and watched in utter wonderment as Hooper fell to his knees gracefully soft before Thane. Thane’s cock hardened instantly.

  “You make me feel sexy.”

  Hooper tilted his face happily upwards. Thane ran his fingers through the Hooper’s hair. “Tell me we’re going to shift like we did the first time we went for a run.” Hooper begged in a whisper at him. He knew he sounded needy but he wanted so much more of what he’d shared with Thane earlier.

  “Not exactly, love.” Thane replied, lowering himself to his knees before Hooper also. Naked in the moonlight as it bore down on both of them and served to heighten their emotions deeply. “You remember what I said to you back at the apartment. About what I wanted to do to you?”

  Thane saw the recognition flare to life in Hooper’s eyes as he nodded his head.

  “I want that too.”

  “You sure?” Thane asked, hating himself a little for needing to double check that what he felt around Hooper was equally reciprocated. Insecurity wasn’t something he felt all that often. But then again, he could count how many times he’d been involved in a relationship with a wolf on one hand, and still have spare fingers.


  “You know why they say wolves sing to the moon?” Thane asked running his hands down the side of Hooper’s face.

  “No why?”

  “It stems from wolves claiming one another in the moonlight. It’s said it’s their souls howl their unison together, giving thanks and recognition to the moon that unites them.

  Hooper opened his mouth and scraped his teeth over Thane’s chin before pulling back. “I want you like I’ve never wanted anyone else before.” Hooper started nipping on Thane’s neck slowly and Thane felt the blood fill the head of his cock.

  Thane growled, as the moonlight seeped into his muscles and he felt his wolf tendencies flare to the forefront of his mind. Flipping Hooper quickly, pushing him down and pulling him up till he was on his knees with his head down on the ground. Thane grabbed the globes of the lycan’s ass and parted them, diving between the sensitive skin and trailing his tongue over it.

  “Oh fuck yeah!” Hooper cried out, jerking forward instantly. His own naked, hard cock whacking against his belly.

  Thane’s tongue licked around the tight ring muscle, causing Hooper to start moaning loudly. Thane slipped three fingers into the tight hole before him as he nipped at Hooper’s backside. Only serving to increase Hooper’s moans as he babbled words continuously and tried to remain still enough for Thane to continue the pleasantries on his ass. But it was hard to be still when Thane’s fingers were moving so fast in and out of him. Encouraging him to move onto them.

  Thane pulled away abruptly, wanting to touch his own cock. “I have to have you.” He groaned looking around quickly for his jeans and reaching for them as Hooper looked back at him over his shoulder. Thane could feel the heat of the moonlight as it began to scorch his skin. A sign his shape shift was not that far away. If his shift wasn’t far away, then Hooper’s was bound to be even closer.

  Alpha werewolves tended to have far more abilities and control over their tribal selves than lycans did over almost anything of themselves. But Hooper had partially shifted already, so it might have delayed the true shape shift, that would happen despite all else, because of the full moon.

  “I don’t know how much longer I can keep my shift from happening,” Hooper panted back at him as Thane pulled out a condom packet. “I feel the need more when I’m with you out here than I did back in the apartment.”

  Thane glanced over at him, and noticed Hooper’s arms were beginning to shake. “It’s the collective energy of our wolves. They’re about ready to drive us Elie.” Thane muttered sliding the condom down onto his cock. “Cause we’ve been neglecting our wolf side all night.”


  “You’ve never chased the moon down before with another?” Thane asked as Hooper pulled back up onto his hands and knees for him.


  “Beautiful.” Thane said eyeing the glistening wet trail around Hooper’s ass. Thane pressed his cock against Hooper’s ass against and pushed, slowly till Hooper relaxed completely and he slid in easily. They both moaned softly at the reconnection.

  “Elie, my beautiful lycan.” Thane panted, sliding a hand up his back.

  “I want to chase down the moon and sing at it with you.” Hooper replied. His words, trigged the movement of Thane’s hips into action as he began thrusting earnestly into Hooper. Thane’s earlier, slow and caring approach disappeared as he pounded away at Hooper, throwing his head back and towards the night sky as he fucked his lover.

  Hooper’s moans of pleasure at Thane’s hands, didn’t stop. Couldn’t stop, as he found himself, eager to receive the werewolf’s cock again and again. The feeling of the rhythm between their bodies, was making him loose focus, as he felt his mind slipping into a sense of deep for filled blissfulness.

  Thane panted as he felt his wolf fangs push through the gums in his mouth as the moon seemed to pull the werewolf in him, out. Hooper’s body was thrumming with need, want and sweat slicked his skin as he fought to not give in easily to his orgasm.

  Take me

  Thane’s eyes widened as he received Hooper’s telepathic message. One hand sliding up his back to grab his shoulder for leverage as he kept on thrusting.

  Make me yours

  Thane’s fingers dug into Hooper’s shoulder tightly.


  Thane panted back at him telepathically.

  My Elie.

  His fingers began to extend and deepen against Hooper’s skins, his claws beginning to try and come out. Thane pulled out of Hooper quickly while he could still remember to, watching as Hooper collapsed down to the dirt covered earth. Thane pulled the condom off quickly before gathering Hooper back up in his arms again. Sitting him across his knees and in his lap.

  “Shift with me Elie.” Thane panted as rutted his own cock against Hooper’s back, while Hooper stroked himself hard as he felt Thane’s chin resting on his shoulder.

  “Claim me.” Hooper replied softly breathless back at him. “Please,”

  Thane let out a low moan as he opened his mouth and scrapped his teeth over Hooper’s shoulder. “Mine.”

  Thane increased the friction on his cock as his balls drew up and his release exploded onto Hooper’s back. Hooper cried out as his own orgasm jerked him forward, finding himself held in place by Thane’s arm around his waist. His eyes rolled back into his head, just as a piercing pain sunk into his flesh and his hips jerked upwards again, as his orgasm continued. While Thane bit down hard into his shoulder and jerked, coming with him, against his back.

  Withdrawing his teeth as the howl of the werewolf pulsated up along through his throat muscles, Thane threw back his head, as the sound of the howl ascending into the night air and he opened his mouth wide. Releasing the unmistakable sound of a wolf’s joyous cry to the moon.

  The scent of Hooper’s wolf was unmistakable as the feel of fur brushed against his arm, as Hooper’s shape shift began. The moon vibrated through them both and Thane felt the slip of his shape shift creep over him as he released Hooper quickly. Rolling away onto the ground, till
he was on his back. Looking up at the night sky, watching the world shimmer and glimmer around him as his shape shift, eloped him and the werewolf within, took over.


  Hooper was practically bouncing around the next day. He couldn’t stop grinning and or watching Thane as he walked into his apartment, toolbox in hand, blue jeans dusted, hard boots on, and t-shirt, taunt across his abdomen. Life had never been so good as it was in the current moment.

  “A promise is a promise, Elie.” Thane smiled at him putting the tool box down by the apartment door.

  “I do so like that about you. You completely honourable werewolf.” Hooper winked back at him.

  “Careful Elie,” Thane husked opening up the toolbox. “I’m likely to put a collar on the neck of yours if you keep that kind of talk up.”

  Hooper gasped out loud. “Really?” He asked his voice going up several notches of high.

  Thane chuckled and glanced over at him. “You look like you’ve just, I don’t know,”

  “Had the best dam shag of my life?” Hooper said back at him, leaning against the back of the sofa.

  “That’s pretty high praise. But I’ll take it.” Thane smirked looking through the toolbox.

  Hooper titled his head to the side, studying the male on his knees by the door. “You do this often, I mean, the handyman work. Is that what you do for a living?”

  “No. Bg talked a Breukelen werewolf into letting me borrow his tools. I’ve had to repair the odd bit of a house or two in my life. But beyond the basics, even I call in the professionals.”

  Hooper licked his lips. “So what is it you do for a living then?”

  Thane dipped his head down, as if embarrassed. “Personal trainer.” He replied looking back over at Hooper completely and seeing how much brighter the expression on his lover’s face got.

  “No wonder you’re so damn hot. Oh by the way, there is one condition on fixing my apartment door.”

  Thane put down the screw driver in his hand. “Which is?”

  “Loose the t-shirt stud.” Thane sighed heavily. “It’s non negotiable.” Hooper replied quickly.

  Thane shook his head and pulled his t-shirt off, throwing it over at Hooper immediately. “Better?”

  “Getting there.”

  “I’m not fixing the door butt naked.” Hooper pouted back at him playfully.

  “Must say,” Thane said resuming his focus on the screw driver. “I’m impressed you let me leave this morning to get fresh clothes at all.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Hooper chuckled as Thane started unscrewing part of the bottom hinge that was still attached to the door jab.

  The sound of footsteps outside made them both look up as Booker Parish looked down at Thane and then across at Hooper. Hooper’s smile fell of his face instantly.


  Crossing his arms over his chest, Hooper straightened up of the couch. “What do you want now Booker?”

  “You’re forgiveness. This is difficult Hoops and having him, here,” Booker said pointing to Thane who was silently working away on the door and ignoring them “Doesn’t make it any easier.”

  “Oh boo fucking hoo for you pack wolf.” Hooper fired at him suddenly. Booker looked at his brother in surprise. “Oh yeah, I did just say that.” Hooper replied straightening up and dropping his arms. “If you think you can just walk in here and expect me to say everything is forgotten and everything is alright, and not have feelings on the matter, then you’re more deluded than you fucking think!”

  “Thane, would you give us a bit of privacy please.” Booker said looking over at the kneeling male.

  “My boyfriend stays!” Hooper yelled at him causing Thane to half turn his face towards Hooper, but thinking better at the last moment and turning back to the door. “This my fucking apartment! I bought it with my own fucking money, not yours!, This is my territory, my mate, my life!”

  “Boyfriend? Mate?” Booker repeated frowning. “Little over the top aren’t you Hoops? It’s not like he lives here or anything.”

  “I’d ask him to move in with just to spite you at the moment.” Hooper said back at him angrily. “See how much you really like werewolves then, when you’re baby brother is fucking living with one.”

  Thane’s body tensed and he pretended to be intensely interested in the bit of the door he’d already done all he could to, without switching on the automatic screw driver.

  Booker let out a loud huff of disbelief at him. “Whatever, so he stays with you for a week and you fuck around, it’s called a lunar week fling Hoops, welcome to the wolf world, plenty of us have them. Doesn’t mean they’re for forever.”

  Thane ground his teeth together, tightening his jaw. He wanted to growl and take a big fucking swing at Booker. Instead he stopped looking at the broken wooden panelling before him and let his eyes land on Hooper. Booker’s words had stung him and Thane hated him for that.

  “After all, his pack is in Canada and he has to get back to there. That’s hardly forever.”

  Hooper’s eyes zeroed in on Thane and he felt his legs push him up from the floor quickly till he was standing again.

  “What?” Hooper husked confused.

  “Why don’t you stop lashing out at your brother, who you claim to care for and actually talk to him about why you came here, Booker.” Hooper kept staring at Thane in confusion and hurt.

  Booker sighed, “Look Hooper I know,”

  Hooper held up a hand to Booker and kept staring at Thane. “Yeah, yeah, I know why you’re here. No we’re not good right now. I need time. Thane told you that last night. Now,” Hooper said turning to face Thane directly. “What is he,” Hooper pointed to Booker. “Talking about. You said you weren’t pack wolves and I you live with your brother, across the hall.”

  Thane sighed and scratched the back of his head. When Hooper’s eyes didn’t divert to his muscular chest or abdomen, Thane knew he was in serious trouble.

  “Uh, we’re not exactly. I mean, uh, we haven’t been for a real long time, since we got kicked out of the pack we grew up with.”

  “You say but and I’m going to hit you.” Hooper growled at him.

  “A while go, I helped fight a pack leader, my old pack leader to his death and in uh, doing so,”

  “You became pack leader, that’s how it works right?” Hooper asked softly. Thane looked at him sadly.


  Hooper put a hand to his chest and let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. “So you’re responsible for them that pack of werewolves.”


  Hooper frowned deeply. “So how does living across the hall from me work then?”

  “It doesn’t, exactly. I just came down with Phelan to New York to help him get set up down here. We’ve lived together for so long, depend on each other our whole lives, being apart is kind of uh, well, new and scary.” Thane said shifting uncomfortably on his feet. “For both of us.”

  “So you are living here in the Bronx?” Hooper asked him confused by what he was hearing.

  “No, I’m only meant to be here for the week helping Phelan out and catching up with our sister before returning back to the pack in Canada.” Thane said walking towards Hooper who fell back against the sofa. “Meeting you has been,”

  “Just shut up.” Hooper growled unhappily at him. “Leave.”

  “Elie,” Thane replied reaching for him.

  “Now!” Hooper yelled back at him. “Both of you pricks, just fucking leave me the fuck alone.” Booker and Thane looked at him surprised. But Hooper was beyond caring. He wanted to get off the emotional rollercoaster of the past twenty four hours. “Leave! Get out!” He screamed loudly. Booker put up his hands and started to back out of the apartment.

  “Elie, please, I never meant to,”

  “Out!” Hooper yelled and kept yelling until both male wolves had retreated from his sight. Marching over to the busted front door, Hooper pulled it closed as much as he could before sliding down to
the ground and wondering just how he’d gotten it all so damn wrong, all along.


  Lunar week was done and dusted and if he could trust a werewolf, and he couldn’t trust a lycan that was his own blood, then what was there left for Hooper Parish? Or more to the point, who was there left for him to trust? Was he back to being on his own again? What that it? His only constant and friendly connection to the world that made him feel like, he could be more in it, was his only friend, Tatum.

  Seventeen years he’d been a lycan. And he’d very deliberately kept himself alone and apart from the world at large, because of it. Meeting Thane had been like a wake-up call on all that he’d been missing out on. That no one was missing out on him, but himself.

  Hooper picked up his coffee and blew across the top of it. “I feel so unbelievably stupid.” He muttered, his lip at the edge of the cup, hesitant. “Like high school naive kind of stupid.”

  The female opposite him smiled softly with sympathetic understanding. “You got wrapped up in a good thing, a great feeling. Doesn’t make you stupid Hooper. Makes you a romantic at heart.” Tatum lee replied back at him, picking up her own mug.

  Saying that, made Hooper reflect on the his actions. He’d kicked both Thane and Booker out of his apartment and they’d both gone. Just like that. No fight put up. No return. They’d done as they were told and gone, left him.

  So he’d moped around for hours, trying to figure out what to do. Then he’d started texting Tatum, his only friend. She’d been at Haven, the counselling service, she ran for lycans, in the Bronx. It was all Hooper needed to hear, and he’d practically ran to Haven. He need to think out loud, to talk to someone. He was getting better at talking about his feelings with Tatum. He trusted her.

  “Oh Jesus, that’s even worse.” He muttered looking past his coffee cup at her. “A romantic, just add hopeless.” Hooper replied sipping his coffee and leaning back in the chair. “So this is what it feels like huh?”

  Tatum smiled and bit her lip looking at her friend. “What?” She asked knowing very well what Hooper was referring to.


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