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To Tame a Wolf

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by Wendy Stone

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  Copyright ©2010 by Wendy Stone

  First published in 2010

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Published by Phaze Books

  To Tame A Wolf

  Prologue: Rose's Beginning

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

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  To Tame a Wolf

  A paranormal novel of erotic romance by

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  Wendy Stone

  Published by Phaze Books

  Also by Wendy Stone

  A Fall From Grace

  A Gamble Worth Taking

  A Strange New Breed

  Beastly Intentions

  Bound By Love

  Captive of Love



  Messages of Love

  Pick of the Litter

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  This is an explicit and erotic novel

  intended for the enjoyment

  of adult readers. Please keep

  out of the hands of children.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  To Tame A Wolf

  Copyright (C) 2010 by Wendy Stone


  Edited by Richard Campbell

  Cover Art (C) 2010 by Debi Lewis

  First Edition July 2010

  ISBN-13: 978-1-60659-990-7

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  Published by:

  Phaze Books

  An imprint of Mundania Press LLC

  6470A Glenway Ave., #109

  Cincinnati, OH 45211

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, Mundania Press LLC, 6470A Glenway Avenue, #109, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211,

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

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  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Prologue: Rose's Beginning

  Screams filled the night air. Shrieks of terror mixed with yells of victory in the overrun village. No safe hiding place remained. Women and children, even the tiniest of babes, all were gathered in the center of the conquering horde.

  The bedraggled group of women ranged from Grandmother Baia to Gaila, who had only recently left the school room. The children outnumbered the women. They included two babes nestled in the arms of their mothers. These women kept their heads down, hoping that respect would save their infants. Frightened girls huddled together, seeking the comfort of their elders. What males remained were toddlers or very young boys; not yet old enough to carry a sword.

  Any boy of that age and strength had shared the fate of his father. Their bodies would slowly decompose into the soil.

  "Gather them up,” the leader of the raiders bellowed. “We have a long journey and I want them in good shape for the auction.” He approached one of the women carrying a baby. “Are you nursing?” he asked, lifting her chin with his blood-covered glove.

  "Yes, sir,” she murmured, cringing back as the hand dropped to her breasts, pushing the baby out of the way to lift and knead the sensitive flesh.

  "Yes, you have milk.” He chuckled, slipping his finger into the front of her threadbare gown. Pulling slightly, he ripped open her bodice, exposing the creamy white, heavy mounds. Her huge nipples sagged slightly. “Beautiful,” he muttered, raising his hand for a man to come and take the child from her.

  "My baby!” she screamed.

  "The child will be returned to you... if you do as you are bid.” He slipped off his gloves, folding them through the belt that circled his waist.

  "What is it you want?” Her body shook with fear as he continued staring at her exposed flesh.

  He reached out, lifting one heavy breast in his scarred and calloused hand, his thumb brushing over the engorged nipple. He played with it, surprisingly gently. The woman gasped in surprise as he teased her sensitive flesh. “Stand still,” he ordered, his voice a husky grunt.

  She closed her eyes. His warm lips feathered over her nipple, then the heat of his mouth covered her as he suckled her in, drawing hard. There came a heavy sensation, the not-quite pain that triggered the let down of her milk. He hummed his pleasure as the first thin stream filled his mouth with warm sweetness.

  His free hand found her other breast, gently pulling at the sensitive nipple, twisting it slowly until she felt an unwelcome wetness of arousal between her slender thighs.

  It tore her soul. She'd watched this man plunge his blade into her husband's chest moments before. He'd killed her Jared, the only man who'd ever touched her in this way, and now he was stealing the succor of her milk.

  "No,” she gasped, her feet moving in place as if she'd try to back away from him.

  He lifted his head, a stream of milk still spilling from her nipple to spray his chin with watery blue-white liquid. He wiped it with one finger, plunging the glistening digit into his mouth and closing his eyes to savor the taste.

  "Does it bring you to heat? Does my mouth on your teat make you long for a plunging cock?” he whispered coarsely. His hand slid to her skirt, lifting it even as she fought him, finding his way between her naked thighs. Forcing her legs apart, he dipped that same finger between her hairy lips. He chuckled as moist heat coated his finger.

  Her hands pushed at him, grabbing his wrist in an attempt to pull him away, but he was too strong. He plunged his fingers inside her, fucking her crudely, dropping his head to her breast once more.

  "No, stop,” she moaned, though her hips twitched as his tongue flicked over her nipple. He suckled lustily, loudly gulping her sweet milk, his thumb rubbing at the taut nubbin of flesh between her thighs. She came suddenly, her cries a mix of horror and pleasure, her juices flooding his hand. He lifted his head, his green eyes laughing as they gazed into hers.

  "You have no shame, rutting away on my hand. The hand that killed your husband. His blood mixes with your come, lady." />
  Sobs shook her shoulders and she gathered the torn edging of her bodice together over her breasts. Tears of shame and fear, of mourning and grief stained her face, reddening her cheeks as he watched. It made him laugh and he brushed his palm, still covered in her musky spendings, across her face, lifting her chin to drop a hard kiss on her down-turned mouth. “I shall keep you for myself,” he whispered. “I shall be your master and if you value the life of your babe, you will do as I say."

  He moved away, signaling again to his man, who brought her the babe then took both of them to a small wagon. He leashed her inside, a thick leather collar round her slender throat, the leash chained to a small metal circle in front. “You are a lucky one, lady, for his pleasures are few and usually quickly achieved. The rest will be auctioned off, used as serfs or bedded for the joy found between captured thighs.” The henchman gave a short, cruel laugh.

  The woman did not respond. Her eyes remained blank, mirroring the emptiness she felt in her soul. She sat there, her babe laid across her lap, arms wrapped around herself. Only the lusty cries of her hungering infant woke her from her daze. She picked up the small lass, holding her to her naked breast, crooning a low, somber song until the babe had drunk its fill.

  She watched as the others were tied together at the ankles, hobbled to prevent escape. They were warned that to fall would simply mean being dragged and she knew a moment of guilt over her own luck at being chosen by the leader. The other young mother screamed as her baby boy was plucked from her grasp and handed to another woman. Two men held her arms, tearing off her blouse, their mouths latching on to her leaking breasts. They drank hungrily until forced away by others, each man eager to drink. Her nipples stretched painfully as men fought for each drop.

  The shocking scene filled her with dread. The poor woman wasn't molested in any other way; the men seemed more eager to nurse from her life-sustaining milk than to sexually abuse her. With a jerk, the wagon began to move. The last of the waiting men wiped his mouth as he moved away from the shivering woman.

  She laid down in the wagon, unwilling to watch the village of her birth as it disappeared from sight. The women and children tried to keep up with their captors. Those who fell were dragged as threatened, until one of the men came back and roughly righted them. She closed her eyes, cuddling her daughter, her very own Adaira Rose, to her naked breasts. Eventually, darkness took her.

  A huge hand rudely woke her from sleep, pulling her up by her leash. Her captor climbed easily into the wagon. He lifted her babe in one hand, staring at the small bundle with her curly dark hair and huge blue eyes that returned his interested gaze. “Is it a boy?” he asked roughly.

  ",” she managed, her voice stuttering badly as she made a grab for her child. “P...please my lord, s...she's all I have l...left."

  "What will you give me if I let her live?” he asked, gazing down at the comely lass, for she was pretty, even in fear and sorrow. She was too thin, for food was scarce in this season and the babe drained much from her. But her skin was fair and smooth, her eyes large and bright blue like her daughter's. Blonde hair curled under the rag she wore upon her head. Her teeth were white, straight and even, not black and broken as some of the women's.

  "P...Please, lord. Anything you wish,” she begged, holding out her hands for her baby.

  "What is your name, wench?” he asked roughly, eyeing her breasts.

  "Madelaine, lord. My h...husband called me Maddie."

  "Maddie, aye it has a sweet ring. I tire of battles and of the travel. I wish to settle on my land, to erect a home worthy of the title and raise sons that will win the day for me. You've bred before, and while I'd prefer a woman known to breed sons, I find you a lusty enough wench. You shall become my wife. If you want this girl child to live, you will not fight me in this."

  " wish to make me your bride?” Maddie's voice bore the strain of her surprise. She'd expected rape and death at the hands of her captor, not this.

  "You find me offensive?” he sat back against his heels, bringing the babe to lie securely in the curve of his arm.

  In truth, she found him far from offensive, despite the twisted scar that marked his wide forehead. His face bore the harsh results of a life of war and battle, but his eyes shone bright with intelligence. Dark green, they stared at her from under a heavy brow. He had a long nose, wide at the bridge and slightly crooked from being broken in one fight or another, his mouth too big, teeth white and slightly uneven. He was tall and heavily muscled, built for war, easily filling the opening of the wagon. His upper arms were as wide as her waist, their strength more than apparent.

  He smelled good: male sweat mixed with the tang of the horse and the scent of leather. A heady aroma, so different than her husband's. His speech indicated learning, articulate and well modulated. That held importance for her; before her marriage, she'd been the village teacher.

  "No, lord,” she answered truthfully. “I do not find you offensive."

  "Then what is your answer, Maddie, for I do not have all day to waste. We must be to auction before nightfall."

  "My daughter, she will be allowed to stay with me?"

  "Aye, this I promised before."

  "Then I agree,” she whispered, despite the tug at her conscience.

  He brought his free hand to her face, slowly tracing her slender cheek. “It is good,” he said softly, bending to taste her lips for the first time.

  The kiss brought a flush to her face, and not one born from embarrassment. He was talented with that overly wide mouth, teasing her with a gentle swipe of his tongue that promised nights of passionate play. “Now, this foolishness is behind us and we must get back on the trail.” He backed out of the wagon.

  "Wait,” she called as she gathered her babe back to her breast.

  "What is it, Maddie?” he said, his tone half teasing, half irritated at the extra delay.

  "I do not know your name, lord."

  "Aye,” he laughed, mostly at himself. “Would be a sad day when a wench married a man whose name she could not give to the priest when asked. ‘Tis Hawkesmoor, Maddie. But most know me as the Black Hawke.” He gave a tug at his inky black locks and threw her a wink before disappearing from sight.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter One

  Rose ran through the hallways, her skirts flying and showing an indecent amount of trim ankle. Her blue eyes widened with excitement as she called to her mother.

  "He is here, Momma. Come quickly."

  Maddie, whose blonde hair showed no sign of graying and whose blue eyes remained as lovely as her daughter's, lifted her head from her sewing, disapproval upon her face. “Adaira Rose, what have I told you about running like a banshee and screeching at the top of your voice?” She placed her sewing in the small basket beside her chair, rising gracefully and beckoning to the servants to add wood to the fire.

  The years had been good to her. Though she gave her Hawke four large and healthy sons, she'd retained her slender shape. She could almost pass as an older sister of her eighteen-year-old daughter.

  Maddie had never expected to find such happiness after that day in the village so many years past, when the raiding party of men had torn it apart and killed her first husband. But find it she had. She'd found her Hawke.

  She'd been terrified, watching as the men decided which women of the village they were keeping, and which would be auctioned off in the slave sales. She'd watched friends torn from the arms of their loved ones, mothers from daughters and sons. Hawke had chosen ten of the best, including three strong boys. He'd sold them for a huge profit, bringing a grin to his wide mouth.

  When combined with all that he'd saved from his years of selling his sword arm, it had been enough to start their home. They'd lived in a tent until the time came to move into this huge, cavernous castle he'd built. It seemed to take forever, but before the winter came once more, they had stood before this hearth pledging their troth, her belly swollen with the first of his

  He'd kept his word, raising Rose as his own, treating her as a favored daughter, petting and spoiling her. He'd taught her to ride and to hunt with both bow and hawk, gifting her with her very own tiercel, very much against her mother's wishes. She'd believed the huge male falcon too much for her small daughter to handle, but the bird had bonded with Rose, very much at home upon her gloved hand or on the rest on the back of her chair. Woe to any who drew too near the bird and his owner for he was quick to protect Rose, screeching loudly in warning.

  It was the same with her father's choice of horses. The petite beauty had received her first mount at but ten and two. No tamed mare, docile and easily ridden for her Rose. No, the destrier she'd been given was an offspring of Hawke's own mighty warhorse. Ungelded, the beast let none but Hawke or Rose near. She'd named the beast Hermes, for when she rode upon him she felt as fast as that winged messenger of the Greek gods.

  Though she did not have her adoptive father's blood, she had his look, with hair the jet black of the darkest of nights , shining almost blue in the light of the sun. Her eyes were her mother's, a blue so true as to echo the larkspur that grew wild in the fields left fallow of a season. Her smooth skin glowed with health, tawny with her love of the sun. High cheekbones and a stubborn jaw created an unforgettable face, framed by long dark curls that bounced as she walked or, more often, ran.

  Petite, she barely reached Hawke's shoulder, and yet she curved in the most womanly of places. She drew the eye with her beauty and more than one castle retainer drooled into his cups at the sight of her. He'd cultivated her mind too, something few fathers thought of doing for their daughters. She could speak intelligently on a multitude of subjects, much more than the carding of wool or which flower was best for use in dyeing.

  When she'd reached the age of betrothal, the contracts had come pouring in. Her beauty and intelligence were well-known, bandied about by the traveling entertainers who composed sonnets in her name, singing of her loveliness for all to hear.


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