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To Tame a Wolf

Page 9

by Wendy Stone

  "You look good,” he said huskily, kicking the door shut behind him. He walked to the dresser, setting down the heavy pitcher and bowl before turning to rake her with a stare. Red crept into her cheeks.

  "You've had your fun,” she said in a crisp voice. “Now go. I wish to dress and brush out my hair.” Her hands fumbled with the ties on the shirt, hopelessly tangling them as the look in his eyes sent waves of nervousness through her.

  "I don't wish to go.” He picked up his brush, walking toward her slowly, as he would a skittish horse. “May I?"

  "I-I can do it myself."

  "I know, but it would be easier and much less painful if I did the deed, don't you think?” He reached up, plucking a loose pin from the matted mess. One after another found his hand, until her curls began to trail loosely down her back. He gathered the thick lengths in his hands, tugging gently until she sat on the edge of the bed. “There, that'll make it easier."

  "B-but...” She gave up the fight, sighing as he began to untangle her tresses. The long strokes of the brush made quick work of her tangles. Soon, his hand smoothed over sleek curls as dark as night. She wasn't quick enough to stop the moan of pleasure that escaped her lips. Having her hair brushed was one of her true joys, and had been as long as she could remember.

  Rose caught herself relaxing under his hands and forced her back to stiffen. It took some effort. The day on horseback and the emotional struggle of fighting her reactions to Wulf had taken their toll. She wanted to let him take care of her.

  When he took the long lengths of her hair in his hands and pushed it over her shoulders, baring the nape of her neck, she let her head fall forward. It gave him room to stroke her skin with his lips. Another moan was wrung from her and a sob caught in her throat. “No. You must stop,” she whimpered, her head spinning from the caress of his lips.

  "Why? Why must I, Rose?” He took her arms in his big hands, pulling her back against his chest, her hips cradled against his. She again felt the hard length of his cock.

  "This isn't right. We aren't wed. I don't even want to wed you.” She pulled away as far as he would allow, turning her head to stare up into his hard face. “I want to go home."

  "And what would your father say when your belly blossomed with our child, Rose?"

  "He would forgive me and he would let me stay with him forever,” she said bluntly, though she knew differently. Her father's honorable reputation was earned. If she did become plump with Wulf's child, they would be married immediately, regardless of either of their wishes.

  As if he could read her thoughts, he chuckled, pulling her back against him once more. “You do not lie convincingly, my dove.” His hand slid from her arm, making quick work with the laces that had so befuddled her fingers. Pulling them apart, he slipped his hand between, finding the soft curve of her breast. His thumb plied sensuously across the hard tip.

  Rose gasped as heat flared in her stomach and pulls of sensation dug into her womb from his teasing caresses. Moisture bloomed quickly, and a throbbing pulse beat there in her sex, following the ever increasing rate of her heart. “You must stop,” she gasped. “I don't want this... or you.” Her hands pulled at his wrist, but only half-heartedly, doing nothing to stop him.

  His other hand slid down, falling to her thigh where the hem barely covered her pale skin.

  She felt his heat as he pushed her thighs apart, his hand lifting the hem of the shirt until it rested on her belly, leaving the sparse triangle of curls bare to his gaze. When his finger pressed between her sodden lips, she cried out, both pleasure and denial in her voice.

  "Stop! Please, you must not do this again."

  "Why? My dove, we will marry at the late meal. A priest has been found and he shall bind us together. What matters a few hours time?” He found her clit with his talented finger, torturing that hard bud with quick flicks and devilish circles. She arched under his hand, pushing against him, keening cries fleeing her lush lips.

  "Yes,” he husked, his cock like steel, more aroused than ever as the proof of her pleasure flooded his hand. “Come for me, my dove."

  "No!” she cried as she did just that, her body convulsing, her hands digging into his thighs as she sought for more than what he gave.

  Wulf lifted her easily, bringing her down as his other hand worked at the laces that kept his breeches tied. Her hips still moved, searching for the hand no longer there. Her body needed to finish the exquisite pleasure he'd started.

  Then his cock slipped between her thighs and she reached down, unable to stop herself from fitting him to her, sliding down upon him easily. Her juices lubricated his cock, and he moaned at the way she felt inside, hot and wet, clinging to him as if made for him.

  He lifted her face, brushing away the tears upon her cheeks. “Is it so bad to be mine?"

  Wulf gave Rose no chance to answer, finding her mouth with his. He kissed her as if he couldn't stop, his lips hard, his tongue exploring her mouth, tangling with her own. When she rose to her knees, moving over him, his head fell back and he groaned in appreciation. “Oh yes, Rose. Don't stop."

  The sweet aphrodisiac of his words fueled her hunger and she moved over him, her breath growing harsh. He pulled his shirt off her body, her arms rising to help him sweep the material over her head and off her hair. Naked, she straddled his lap, his hands on her breasts, cupping them together so that he might easily reach them with his mouth.

  She arched against him, pressing her nipple against his lips, wanting his hot mouth to surround that hard point. He suckled upon her and she cried out, holding his head against her as she rocked even harder above him. “Ah, I don't want this!"

  Her words spurred him to greater lengths and he lifted her, laying her upon her back on the coverlet. Falling down with her, he thrust inside, his cock filling her with one stroke. His hand slid down her thigh, lifting her knee so that she wrapped one long leg around him. “You do, you want me,” he demanded. “You wouldn't respond so lustily if you didn't. You'll be my wife, Rose. There is no shame in wanting what we have between us."

  "I won't be wife to a man who only wants me because his enemy desires me as well.” She gritted her teeth, trying her best to ignore the sensations rolling through her. “I won't be used that way."

  Wulf looked down at her, his eyes showing the shock and amazement her words had wrought. “You think I want you only because of Geoffrey?"

  "It is why you came to my father's keep, why you followed us. You wanted to foil Geoffrey, to keep him from having something he wanted as his own. Tell me it's not true.” Challenge filled her words.

  "Is this why you fight me so?” He sighed, moving off her to sit on the bed, his hand reaching to touch her even as he spoke.

  "I was intrigued by the hoyden I saw in the window of the keep, her dress undone and her hair straggling wildly about her. Then, I saw the confidence of the woman who came to a warlord's horse. When it took an apple so delicately from her tiny hand, I grew further bemused. Such a contradiction. So strong, yet so torn. There'd been such hope in your face in that window and such hopelessness in the stables. I couldn't help but kiss you.” His hand stroked across her skin, the calluses of his fingers rough and irresistibly sensual on her flesh. “After that first kiss, I knew I had to make you mine."

  "So it was pity then,” she sighed.

  "You aren't listening,” He reached up to tap her on the nose. He took her hand and wrapped her resisting fingers around his cock. “Does this feel like pity?"

  "Lust,” she said, though when he removed his hand, she didn't take hers away. His cock felt so different to her, soft skin over steely hardness. Contradictions, as he'd said.

  "Must I beat it into this lovely, thick skull? I care about you, Rose. I couldn't let Geoffrey take you. He would use up everything good inside of you, leaving you bitter and cold. He would take his mistresses to his bed in front of you, heedless of your wants and wishes, only coming to you to produce son after son until you were used up or dead. I couldn't
let him do that to you."

  "Perhaps we could have grown to care for each other,” she said, realizing how little chance there was of that. This rogue had already taken her heart from her, those two days spent in the crofter's hut. Even the revelation of his schemes hadn't changed that. Otherwise, why would she be lying here in front of him, naked as the day she was born, her hand idly stroking his male flesh?

  "Do you believe, after the amount of care he'd taken for your safety and comfort, that he could come to love you, Rose?” He quirked one eyebrow up, and she couldn't help the giggle that escaped her at his tone.

  "My father chose him...No, I would never have come to love him."

  "What of me?” Wulf asked suddenly, his body going still. “Could you come to love me?"

  Rose blushed under the scrutiny of his eyes. “I-I do care, Wulf, more than I wish to admit. But l-love?"

  "Then, shall we marry, see what fate will hold in store for us?"

  "You're asking now? Not demanding?"

  "I asked earlier,” he reminded her.

  "But then I thought you only a traveler, not the misplaced lord of Red Thorn Keep."

  "Misplaced?” he laughed.

  "What would you have me call it?” She glanced up at him from under her thick lashes, teasing him now. “Would our life together be one of living underground, like pests from my mother's gardens?"

  "No. I plan to return to the Lord's chair in Red Thorn, Rose. It will be a battle, but my men are nearly ready and with your father's backing..."

  "Ah, so it is my father's troops you wish to wed and not me."

  He growled and she giggled, an enchanting sound. He proved his enjoyment of it to her by nibbling on the flesh of her ribs to hear her giggle again. “No, they wouldn't be so soft, nor as accommodating in bed. I'll marry you, and keep them for the fighting."

  "Me for the loving and them for the fighting. Seems a proper way to work things.” She glanced up at him again. “Then I suppose I must marry you, for you have sorely used me. My father might decide to rid himself of his son-in-law if I am not kept happy."

  "Then we must seal this bargain with a kiss, for I will not let you go back on your word now, Adaira Rose.” He bent his head, finding her lips and kissing her far more intimately than the chaste kiss a bargain like this demanded. Her hands slid under his shirt, roaming over his bare back, drawing him back over her as she spread her thighs to welcome him. He slid home, her gasp echoing his own.

  Her nails dug into the smooth skin of his back as he began with several quick strokes. He groaned, finding her lips once more. Rose felt the pleasure building inside of her and she tore her lips from his, crying out his name as it spilled over her. White hot bursts of ecstasy made her arch into him, holding him as the only stable thing in a world gone wild.

  He roared his pleasure and she felt his body jump as he emptied himself inside her, filling her with his seed.

  * * * *

  Outside their door stood Liana, a gown in her hands for the lovely Rose. She smiled at the noise from within and decided to give them a few moments. As she waited, her thoughts returned to the fight ahead and worry began to creep back into her pale green eyes.

  Liana had already made peace with her own ghosts. Her husband had taken the Lady Solana as his mistress many years before.

  Solana had been a lady in her own right, widowed and childless. Her husband's death left her with property, a vast mansion and grounds, but no stable income. Until Wulfgar's father had come along, Solana had been faced with complete ruin. The men who had sworn fealty to her husband wouldn't obey her, despite their oaths. Some actually stole from her, further depleting her vanishing funds. When the lady confronted them and demanded they keep their sworn responsibilities, they laughed. A few did worse, staining their honor by abusing a widow to whom they owed allegiance.

  During one such encounter Cedrick, Wulf's father, had been riding by the manse on his way back to his own lady wife, who was heavy with their first child. Liana didn't know too many of the details. She knew only that the Lady Solana had been at the mercy of guards with dire intentions. Cedrick had declined to say more, save that he was unable to honorably turn away from a woman in such need.

  Solana had been only too happy to repay the kind lord for his help, sharing with him the only gift that she had left to give. Her body. Cedrick's journey had been long and his wife's pregnancy difficult. Though his love for his wife was strong, his flesh was, in this moment, weak.

  Cedrick spent three nights at the manse, being entertained by the Lady Solana and helping her right the wrongs that had been done. He'd gone through her remaining vassals until he found a man able to run her estates, one that wouldn't cheat her. He'd helped Solana discover which of the guards would respect the lady of the manse and dismissed the rest. Then he made examples of those who had stolen from her.

  He'd returned home to his own lady in time to pace the floor as she went into labor with Wulf. Liana's labor was difficult, for Cedrick was tall and wide and his son inherited these traits. For a few short weeks, no one knew if she would survive. But little by little, she regained her strength, taking over the care of her son with joy.

  Some eight months later, a missive arrived. It informed Cedrick of the birth of his other son, by the Lady Solana.

  It caused a huge fight between the lord and his lady, who threatened to leave and take her son with her. Cedrick capitulated, promising at the time to never see Lady Solana or the bastard she'd birthed. In turn, Liana promised to forgive him his “manly indiscretion."

  Now Liana wondered if she'd made the right bargain.

  She realized that she had been standing in the tunnel for quite some time and was no longer sure of the situation within her son's chamber. With a shrug of her lovely shoulders, she draped the gown on a peg outside the door, where it would surely be found, then headed for the ladder and her small cottage.

  She was covering the trapdoor with the rug when a knock sounded on her door. Opening it, she stared in shock at the face of her visitor. “What do you want?"

  Lady Solana brushed past Liana, gliding into the crude cottage. She glanced around, her mouth turning into a moue of disgust at the simple furnishings and lack of luxury. “I find it hard to fathom that a lady of your background would stay here."

  "I stay to help my people, who suffer under the guidance of your son.” Lady Liana stood to her full height, ignoring the fact that she stood several inches shorter than the pale Solana.

  "My son, and his people, are no longer your concern. You are no longer their liege.” Spite filled the Lady's voice. “A just reward for your crime of making sure my son never knew his father."

  "Your son is a bastard, begotten outside of the marriage bed. He counts for little. My son is the true heir, and will be reinstated."

  "I knew you wouldn't forsake him. What do you think Geoffrey will do when he hears your words of treachery?’ Solana grinned, but it had a malicious cast.

  "What do you want here, Solana?” Liana asked wearily. The hatred the woman bore towards her had long ceased to be threatening. It now simply tired her.

  "I want your son to return my son's bride to him. Lord Hawke made contract with Geoffrey for the Lady Adaira's hand. Wulfgar stealing her away does not alter that. She must marry Geoffrey, else the contract between the two lands will be forfeit."

  "Solana, I don't even know where my son is, much less have a way to contact him. How do you know Wulf had anything to do with the disappearance of Lady Adaira? Perhaps she got tired of the way your son treated her and ran away?"

  Solana drew herself up to her full height. “My son was taught how to treat a lady. He wouldn't abuse one of Lady Adaira's status, especially considering who her father is."

  "Indeed? Where is your son now, Solana? Is he out with his men, hunting down my son, or is he out searching for the Lady Adaira?” The haughty expression on Solana's face faltered momentarily. Liana pressed her advantage. “Or is he perhaps ensconced in his bower
with one of his many whores? I'm right, aren't I? That's why you're here, trying to threaten me. You think I know where she is and will tell you."

  Liana laughed, her head going back as she enjoyed her triumph. “Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you anything, Solana. So you can just turn around and go back to the keep. Perhaps you can spend your evening hatching some plan to make your son less of a bastard, so to speak."

  Solana gathered her cloak around her, pulling the hood back up over her pale hair. It wouldn't be wise for the lady of the keep to be seen wandering around the village. “My son will find yours, Liana. Do not doubt it. When he does, I'll be sure that you have a seat close by while my son tortures Wulf. Perhaps I'll ask for the first swing of the whip myself."

  Liana just chuckled. “Good-bye Solana. I'm so glad we had this time to become reacquainted.” She went to the door, holding it open and then shutting it gently behind the lady. With little haste, she slid home the bar locking the door and returned to her fire.

  * * * *

  Atop the battlements, friend mixed with foe, the foe unaware of the traitors in their midst. The torches gave off very little light, flickering in a cold wind that had blown down from the northern climes. But little light was needed to see the force that made its way toward Red Thorn Keep.

  A huge army, the Black Hawke at the head, rode steadily toward the keep. At Hawke's side, his lady rode a much smaller mare. She was completely surrounded by men that Hawke would trust with his life.

  Leaving the main force to set up camp upon the hillside, Hawke and Maddie rode toward the village. Just inside the village gates, the voice of an old man halted them.

  "Do you search for Lord Geoffrey or the true Lord, Wulf?"

  "We search for our daughter, Adaira Rose,” Hawke said. “Do you know of her whereabouts?"

  "Wait, husband,” Maddie said, holding her hand up. “Where is Lord Geoffrey?"

  "He be at the keep, ma'am. Wenching, if you'll excuse me for saying."


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