Book Read Free

Spin the Bottle

Page 2

by T L Osborn

  Yeah, she’d like that.

  Changing into a t-shirt and shorts I head back out to join my brother who’s pulling another beer from the fridge. He pops it open and hands it over to me.

  “You look like you could do with it.”

  “Sure could. I’m glad I’m back to my normal shifts next week.” I take a sip, allowing the cool liquid to wash away the thoughts of Sasha.

  The front door opens. “Jacob, next time you want me to wash–” Aria stops in her tracks, her eyes widen in horror as I throw her a smile.

  “So you’re our magical cleaning fairy?” I ask as Simon comes inside with Charlotte following him.

  “You could’ve warned me.” Aria playfully slaps Jake on his bicep.

  “Sorry, forgot you were coming.”

  “Aria, Jake and I are big boys, we can take care of ourselves. You have a husband and child to take care of,” I scold her.

  “I know that, but I got a little bored at home. I was off work and after taking Charlotte to the movies and then to her playdate, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Linda still works for us so I thought I’d help.”

  “Which we appreciate very much,” I reply and turn to Simon. “Perhaps you could knock her up and give us another niece or nephew, then she wouldn’t get bored.”

  “Believe me mate, I’m trying.” He chuckles, then sits down next to Charlotte who has pulled out all the toys we bought and keep for her here to play with: Disney dolls, my little pony and Barbie. Aria pours herself a wine before turning on the oven.

  “What did you make?” I ask, looking over the casserole dish.

  “Lasagne and I made enough for everyone. By the way, where is Felicity?” she questions, referring to the woman I’ve been sort of seeing for the last few months. It’s more like casually sleeping with really. She got a little clingy and started talking about moving in with me, planning our future; a future I didn’t want with anyone except Sasha.

  “I broke it off. It was nothing serious,” I say.

  “It certainly seemed serious,” Aria says.

  “Well, she got a bit clingy and possessive. I couldn’t deal with that,” I reply, hoping my siblings will drop it. I’m saved when the front door opens and Steph, Aria’s best friend and second sister to me, walks inside.

  “Damn it, here I was thinking all the lasagne would be for me.” Jake chuckles as Steph places dessert down on the kitchen counter.

  “Like hell, Jacob,” Stephanie teases, sitting down next to him. It wouldn’t be family dinner without her. Jake gets out of his seat and pours a glass of wine before walking back over and sitting next to her. “Thank you, Jake.” Aria and I share a look of confusion; Jake and Steph aren’t usually this close or friendly. Aria shrugs and returns to preparing dinner.

  “You go sit down. I got this.” I steer her from the kitchen. She takes her wine and goes to sit next to Simon and engages Steph in conversation. Watching my siblings for a bit I feel a pang of jealousy. Simon pulls Aria close, wrapping an arm around her and kisses her forehead before whispering something to her. Jake and Steph are talking so close I could swear they were about to start kissing. Glancing down if I’m not mistaken it would appear they’re holding hands. They’re not but it sure looks like it.

  I turn away from them and swallow a large mouthful of beer. I should be happy being single. I have no one to take care of but myself and yet I’m miserable if I admit it. I should’ve been the first of my siblings to marry and I really wanted that person to be Sasha. My siblings loved her when we were together. They never left her out. Yet, I let her go, let her get away and now, I’ve lost her forever.

  Chapter Two


  Pulling up the driveway of what is to be mine and Kyle’s new home, I park in front of the garage which is an ugly brown colour surrounded by a yellow house. I wrinkle my nose at the colour scheme.

  Someone doesn’t know how to match colours together; at least it can be changed.

  To my right, there are concrete steps that lead up to the front door. The house is two-storied with what appears to be bedrooms above the garage.

  My stomach flip flops with excitement at the idea of this being my new home and all the things I can think of doing with it. Knocking on the door, then opening it, Kyle appears from the lounge area.

  “Hey, babe, this house is gorgeous,” I gush as I step inside.

  He frowns. “If you could remove your shoes before you step any further. I’ve just had new carpet put in the entire house and I don’t want it ruined.”

  That’s weird and not the welcome home I was expecting. I do as asked and slip off my shoes, placing them on the rack before stepping on the lush soft carpet.

  “You never mentioned you were getting new carpet put in,” I say as I follow Kyle through and into an immaculate kitchen.

  “I’m sure I did. You probably weren’t listening,” he says.

  Disappointment washes over me. He doesn’t seem excited to see me; instead he seems distant and cold.

  Did he not remember I was coming?

  “So are you going to give me a tour?” I ask, hoping it might lighten the mood between us.

  “It’ll have to be quick. I’m meeting a client in half an hour.” The lounge, dining and kitchen are one huge open plan room leading outside by a ranch slider. The deck is huge, there’s a swimming pool right in the backyard behind a large gated fence. I can’t honestly believe how we can afford this home but it’s beautiful. He shows me the garages downstairs; they are basic, playing host to the laundry and have internal access to the house.

  I could turn some of this space into an office or a reading area for me.

  Upstairs, there are three spare bedrooms and the master bedroom complete with walk-in wardrobe and ensuite. I notice the wardrobe seems to be only full of his clothing and nothing of mine and I know I sent stuff down with him when he moved.

  “Why are only your clothes in here?” I ask as I turn to face him, finding him doing up his tie in the mirror.

  “Because I wanted you to have the chance to organise the items yourself. Personally, I think you need to get rid of most the clothing and junk in those boxes you sent.” He ties up the knot, then pecks me on the cheek. “I’ll be late. Don’t wait up. Oh, and could you sleep in the spare room tonight? I’d hate to wake you. I’ll be having a few drinks.”

  He exits the room without looking back, leaving me standing there confused and with more questions. Walking into the spare room, I indeed find all of my things within the wardrobe. The spare bed also looks like it’s been made up for someone to sleep in.

  Does he want me to sleep in here? Is this his way of saying he’s not actually ready for us to be living together? God, I need a wine or else I’m going to overthink this entire situation.

  Lucky for me I had the foresight to buy a bottle on the way here. I drag my suitcases packed with my things up from the car and put them in the spare room. Huffing and puffing, I realise Kyle just might be right; perhaps having a clear out of all my things wouldn’t be a bad thing but I will not be doing it tonight.

  Making my way back down to the kitchen, I spend a moment finding the wine glasses and then pour myself a drink. Taking a sip of the liquid, its bold, tasting of cherry and hints dark chocolate. Licking my lips of the drops upon it, I savour the taste.

  I can’t believe Kyle has left me alone on our first night together in three months. Toby would never have done such a thing. He would’ve wanted to hear all about my trip here, how much I missed and savoured a long night of kissing and making out which would have ended with us having sex. That’s the attention I crave; that same attention but from Kyle right now. Toby was…different to any other man I’ve ever known: soft, kind, caring and all man.

  My encounter with him this afternoon still has me reeling; the way his eyes watched me, like I was the only woman in the world. His cute smile that formed upon his lips as he handed me a piece of paper which turned out to be a fake ticket. Taking a sip
of my wine, I sigh deeply. I shouldn’t be thinking of Toby right now or even at all. I’m with Kyle. I certainly won’t be telling Kyle of my meeting with Toby nor will I tell him he’s an ex-boyfriend who still has some pretty major effects on me. A girl can have some secrets. Besides, I’m here to be with Kyle, no matter how much bumping into Toby has affected me.


  I’m lying in bed, enjoying the fact that I don’t have to get up early this morning and go to work, but I don’t know what I’m going to do with my day. I usually work Sunday to Thursday 2 pm until 2 am. Today is my only day off so something productive will need to be done but perhaps I can sneak a run in later.

  Throwing the blankets off myself, I head into the bathroom. When Aria moved out of the house, Jake took over her room before I even had the chance to stake my claim on it. Relieved I no longer have to share a bathroom with him, I close the bathroom door behind me. He used to leave everything a mess, though, I’m pretty sure he did that to annoy me.

  Turning on the shower, I look at myself in the mirror, running my hands over my thick beard. It’s ready for a tidy up; I just look scruffy now. Stripping out of my pants I test the temperature of the shower and climb in. Allowing the water to rinse down over my body, my mind fills with thoughts of Sasha and the first time we ever showered together.

  It was the morning after she’d stayed over for the first time. Everyone in my house had gone out so it was just myself and Sasha at home. After spending the morning having sex, we took a shower to rinse our bodies of the sweaty mess. God! She’d looked like a damn angel completely naked, her golden blonde hair streaming down her back as she waited for the water to heat up. She turned and looked over her shoulder throwing me a wicked grin as she beckoned me to follow her with one finger. Gingerly, I stripped out of my boxers and followed her into the shower where she proceeded to give me a hand job. At sixteen, she was a vixen and all mine. I never wanted to give her up.

  Rubbing my hands over my face, I screw up my eyes, willing these thoughts to go away. I can’t think about her or anything we did back then. Despite this, my cock has risen to attention with the mere thought of her back then.

  Damn it, why does this have to happen now?

  Shaking the thoughts from my mind whilst willing my cock to go down, I reach for my shower gel and discover it’s almost empty.

  Looks like I’m going to the supermarket today. I wonder if there’s a soccer game on later that I can watch; yeah that’ll be the perfect way to spend my day.

  Quickly, I wash myself down deciding this will be a quick shower as I’ll probably go for a run later today and need another one anyway.

  Getting out, I dry off with a towel, wrap it around my waist and search around in the cupboard for my shaver and shaving gel, only again to find the gel empty and razors rusted. Looks like I can’t tidy my beard until tonight. Slamming the doors closed, I head into my room, dress quickly in a t-shirt and jeans whilst making a list of items to buy from the supermarket. I toss my towel into the hamper on my way through to the lounge, feeling ever grateful for my sister and how much she did and still does for Jake and me.

  As I enter the lounge I find Jake sitting at the kitchen island.

  “Morning,” he says, taking a sip of the drink in front of him. “I just boiled the jug.”

  “Do you want a sticker?” I quip, grabbing myself a mug from the cupboard.

  “Don’t be a dick, I was trying to tell you that it doesn’t need re-boiling.”

  “Thanks,” I say as I begin to make myself an instant coffee. “What are your plans for today?” I ask him.

  He shrugs. “Might go to the gym, then watch some TV and then we have Simon’s birthday dinner and poker night tonight.”

  “Oh yeah, best I go to the supermarket early. I have to get a few things,” I say, picking up my drink to take a sip and boiling hot liquid fills my mouth. Fuck. Swallowing, I groan as it hits my stomach.

  “A little hot?” Jake laughs.


  “You mentioned about going to the supermarket, mind if I come? I have to grab a few things.”

  “Sure. It’s your turn to buy the beer and I’d like your help to select a gift for Aria.” I sit down beside him at the kitchen bench, silence hanging in the air. I’ve got a good relationship with Jake, we get along, but Aria and I are much closer. I pull my phone out my pocket and begin writing a list on it of the things we need around the house.

  “Are you back on days or nights?” Jake asks.

  “Nights, so you’ll need to fend for yourself.”

  He rubs his hands together gleefully. “Sweet the TV is all mine.”

  “Do not drink all the beer.”

  “Spoil sport.”

  “Come on, grab your stuff and let’s go before it gets too busy.”

  We arrive at the supermarket and Jacob has one very sore arm since I won our short game of punch buggy along the route.

  “I’m going to go do my shopping for the stuff I need, then I’ll come back and help you.”

  “Don’t you want me to hold your hand while you buy all your condoms, shaving gel and lube?” I chuckle, grabbing a trolley. Jake throws me a ‘fuck you’ glare before hastily walking away. Searching around, I grab all the things we need first before stopping at the chocolate and wine sections. I grab two blocks of Aria’s favourite chocolate, then head around to the wine. After parking the trolley, I stand staring at the sauvignon blanc selection. I spot Aria’s favourite wine on the bottom shelf and to my surprise it’s on sale too.

  She’ll be getting two bottles then.

  Reaching down, I grab the first bottle and put it into the trolley before turning around and reaching to grab another.



  I connect with someone else, someone with long golden blonde hair. It can’t be. Not here.

  “Ouch! That hurt.” She groans as I look at her.

  “You have a real habit of head-butting people don’t you?” I chuckle as she clutches her head.

  “Only you.”

  “Are you okay?”

  She nods slowly. “Yes, I think so. I really want that bottle of wine though.” I look down to where she’s pointing and it’s the last bottle of the same one I want for myself.

  “Here, let me.” I offer, bending down and grabbing it for her. I hold it out and her fingertips graze my own as she takes the bottle, sending a shiver down my spine and bringing back all the memories from this morning’s shower.

  Did she feel what I did just now? Could she tell I’ve been thinking about her?

  “Hey, I’m done. Let’s select some wine for our sister,” Jake says, coming around the corner and almost colliding into Sasha himself. “Whoa! Sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” she says.

  “Oh, hey Sasha, didn’t know you were back in town,” he greets her warmly. I grit my teeth and bite my tongue; it’s almost too friendly. He knows how I felt about her; I bet he’s doing it to wind me up.

  “Yes just got back into town two days ago. I’m surprised Toby here didn’t mention it to you sooner, he did after all pull me over and give me a lovely speeding ticket,” Sasha says, turning to face me with her wicked smile. The smile she used to give me when she was feeling in a teasing mood and it usually ended up with us making out.

  “He didn’t say a word. I’m surprised he gave you a ticket though.” Jake pops his head around, giving me a concerned look.

  “Anyway, I had better run, it was good to see you again. Both of you.” Sasha walks away, leaving me staring helplessly after her.

  Did she really mean that? Does she think she didn’t hurt me all those years ago or is she trying to be polite?

  Jake nudges me in the arm. “What?” I snap at him.

  “Ooh, touchy. Did seeing Sasha hit a nerve or something?” he asks.

  “Let’s just buy this stuff and get the hell out of here.” The last thing I need right now is Jacob reading more into things with Sasha, or getting my
own hopes up.

  Chapter Three


  “Hey,” I say as Jake and I step into Aria and Simon’s home. Not surprisingly, we find Aria resting on the couch, a glass of red wine cupped within her hands, her Kindle resting upon her knees and she’s glued to it. Must be a good book.

  “Hey, give me a minute and I’ll be finished here.”

  We carry the items we bought into the kitchen where Aria joins us a few moments later.

  “Where’s the birthday boy?” Jake asks, grabbing himself a beer from their fridge.

  “He’s taken Charlotte on a daddy-daughter day out. James and Riley will be here shortly with their new puppy Posy. She is the sweetest thing and I’m pretty sure Riley wants to breed Rocket and Posy, though James isn’t too thrilled,” she says, placing her Kindle down on the kitchen bench.

  “What porn are you reading this time?” I tease as she sips her drink.

  “It’s not porn, it’s erotic literature and this one is actually a contemporary romance,” she defends.

  I laugh. “Oh yeah? Then I guess porn magazines are erotic photography.”

  “You would know, you’re the one who had a stack underneath his bed when we were growing up.”

  I look at her horrified that she even knew about that. “That was private between me and–” I cut myself short as I’m flooded with images of Sasha and all those late nights we used to spend together looking through the magazines. Those were some great nights with some of the best memories.

  I shouldn’t be thinking about her this way, she’s fucking engaged to someone else.


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