Heaven's Bride
Page 36
Intermediate or Full Phonography (Craddock)
Introduction to the Science of Religion (Müller)
James, William
Jastrow, Morris
Jennings, Hargrave
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd
Kansas Liberal
Karezza, defined
Karezza: Ethics of Marriage (Stockham)
Kilgore, Carrie Burnham
Kinsey, Alfred
Kneeland, Abner
Knight, Richard Payne
Knights of Labor
Knox, Philander
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von
Ladies’ Liberal League of Philadelphia
Lea, Frank
Leaves of Grass (Whitman)
Letter to a Prospective Bride (Craddock)
Leuba, James H.
Library Company of Philadelphia
Lincoln, Abraham, spirit photograph of
Lincoln, Mary Todd, spirit photograph of
Literary World
Livermore, Mary
Living My Life (Goldman)
Lizzie Borden in Love (Baggott)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Looking Backward (Bellamy)
Love’s Coming-of-Age: A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes (Carpenter)
Lucifer, the Light-Bearer: A Journal of Investigation and Reform Devoted to the Emancipation of Woman from Sex Slavery
Macdonald, George
Magnetation, philosophy of
male continence (coitus reservatus)
Manhattan Liberal Club
Markland, W. G.
“The Marriage Relation” (Craddock)
Married Love (Sanger)
Mayer, Julius Marshuetz
McKean, John Bell
McLennan, John
The Medico-Legal Journal
Men, Women, and Gods (Gardener)
Miller, George Noyes
Modern Philosopher
Moody, Dwight L.
Moore, Charles C.
Moral Majority
Morgan, Lewis Henry
Moses, William Stainton
Mott, Lucretia
Müller, F. Max
National Federation for Decency
National Liberal League
National Police Gazette
National Reform Association
New Thought movement
New York Society for the Suppression of Vice
Annual Report
and Comstock
emblem of
purpose of
New York Sun
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
New York World
“Nine Demands of Liberalism,”
Noyes, John Humphrey
nymphomania, defined
‘Obscene’ Literature and Constitutional Law (Schroeder)
obscenity vs. freedom of speech
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Old-Fashioned Woman: Primitive Fancies about the Sex (Parsons)
Olmsted, Frederick Law
Omnipotent Oom
“One Religio-Sexual Maniac” (Schroeder)
Oneida Community
Oppenheimer, Moses
Oriental Sanctum
Ouija board
Pall Mall Gazette
Parker, Theodore
Parsons, Elsie Clews
Parsons, Eunice
Pentecost, Hugh
Peter Ibbetson (Du Maurier)
Petersen, James R.
Phallic Miscellanies (Jennings)
“Phallic Worship in the Old and New Worlds” (Squier)
phallic worship (phallicism)
Discourse on the Worship of Priapus (Knight)
IC’s history of sex worship
phallic symbolism
Schroeder on
women as obstructions to study of
“The Ph.D. Octopus” (James)
“Philosophy and Moral Theology of an Erotomaniac” (Schroeder)
photography, spiritualist
Plain Home Talk and Medical Common Sense (Foote)
Playboy magazine
Primary Phonography: An Introduction to Isaac Pitman’s System of Phonetic Shorthand (Craddock)
Primitive Culture (Tylor)
Principles of Psychology (Spencer)
Proceedings (Society for Psychical Research)
Progressive Thinker
Psychoanalytic Review
The Psychology of Religious Mysticism (Leuba)
“Puritanism through Erotomania to Nymphomania” (Schroeder)
Purvis, Robert
Putnam, Frederic Ward
Quakers, influence of on IC,
Rainsford, William
Râja-Yoga: Or, Conquering the Internal Nature (Vivekananda)
religion, connections with women’s equality and sexual expression
religion and sexuality, connection between
Religious Chastity: An Ethnological Study (Parsons)
“Religious Erotism of Ida C” (Schroeder)
religious establishment, views of on dance
religious liberty vs. suppression of obscenity
religious studies, rise of in universities
reproductive planning
Restell, Madame
Return of Spring (painting by Bouguereau)
Review of Reviews
Reynolds, Charles B.
Richmond, Cora
Ridgway Library, Philadelphia
Right Marital Living (Craddock)
Rivers of Life, Or, Sources and Streams of the Faiths of Man in All Lands (Forlong)
Roberts, Mrs. Irene Sophia (IC’s alias in London)
Robinson, William J.
A Room of One’s Own (Woolf)
Rosset, Barney
Ruins (de Volney)
Said, Edward
Sanger, Margaret
Santayana, George
Scatologic Rites of All Nations (Bourke)
Schroeder, Theodore
acquisition of IC’s papers
background of
cartoon of
criticism of
and demystification of sexuality
dismantling of obscenity laws, passion for
and Free Speech League
Ida C, use of in writings
interest in IC,
photo of
psychoanalysis of IC’s sex life
psychosexual theory of religion’s origins
theory that IC and Westbrook were lovers
Scopes Monkey Trial
Scott, Walter
secular sex revolution, effect of on spiritual sex revolution
Sellon, Edward
Severance, Juliet
Seybert, Henry
Shaw, Anna
Sheldon, Charles
Shoemaker, Annie
Shufeldt, R. W.
Sinclair, Upton
Slenker, Elmina
The Snake-Dance of the Moquis of Arizona (Bourke)
Social Purity movement
Society for Psychical Research
Society of Dilettanti
Soph (IC’s spirit husband)
darker side of IC’s relationship with
derivation of name of
IC’s explanation of relationship with
as IC’s ideal companion
as IC’s rationale for sexual knowledge
IC’s renewed courtship with
role of in IC’s confinement in asylum
Spencer, Herbert
popularity of
spiritualist photography
Spring Garden Unitarian Society
Squier, E. G.
St. Denis, Ruth
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
Stead, Estelle
Stead, William T.
advice about Soph
as character witness for IC,
ue of Chicago
death of
on IC’s imprisonment
importance of to IC,
invitations to IC to work in London
photos of
support for release of IC from asylum
Steffens, Lincoln
Stevens, William Bacon
Stockham, Alice B.
Stone, Barton W.
Stone, Lucy
The Study of Religion (Jastrow)
Sullivan, Louis
Summers, Mrs.
Supreme Court
and freedom of literary expression
on U.S. as Christian nation
Surf Meetings, Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Swing, David
Tantrik Order of America
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
theomaniac, defined
Theosophical Society
Thomas, Edward B.
Tiele, C. P.
Tokology: A Book for Every Woman (Stockham)
torch of reason emblem
totem poles
Traps for the Young (Comstock)
Tree and Serpent Worship: Illustrations of Mythology and Art in India (Fergusson)
Trine, Ralph Waldo
Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker and Freethinkers’ Almanac (1891)
Tylor, E. B.
University of Pennsylvania
appointment of woman as president
IC’s attempts to gain admission to
psychical research at
“The Uses of the Cross—Its Evolution” (Heston cartoon)
Valley Falls Liberal
Van Teslaar, James S.
The Varieties of Religious Experience ( James) The Veiling of Virgins (Tertullian)
A Visit to Gñani (Carpenter)
Vivekananda, Swami
Volney, Comte de
Vonnegut, Kurt
Wagner Free Institute of Science
Waisbrooker, Lois
Wake, C. Staniland
Wakeman, Thaddeus B.
Walker, Edwin C.
Washington, Booker T.
Webb, Alexander Russell
The Wedding Night (Craddock)
Wesley, John
Westbrook, Henrietta Payne
Westbrook, Richard Brodhead
Westropp, Hodder M.
Wettstein, Otto
White, William Alanson
Whitefield, George
Whitman, Walt
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
Wilder, Alexander
Wildmon, Donald
Willard, Frances
Wilmans, Helen
Woman, Church and State (Gage)
Woman Rebel
The Woman’s Bible (Stanton)
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
Woman’s Journal
and clerical establishment (cartoon)
connections among religion, women’s equality, and sexual expression
lack of academic opportunities for
as obstructions to study of phallicism
Woman’s National Liberal Union
Wood, Katie
Woodhull, Victoria
Woodlands Cemetery, Philadelphia
Woolf, Virginia
The Worship of the Generative Powers during the Middle Ages of Western Europe (Wright)
Wright, Thomas
yonic symbolism
Copyright © 2010 by Leigh Eric Schmidt
Published by Basic Books,
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Composition in 11 pt Adobe Caslon Pro by Cynthia Young.
A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2010929343
eISBN : 978-0-465-02294-6
Phrases from “Margaret Sanger Addresses the Ghost of Ida Craddock,” originally published in Lizzie Borden in Love by Julianna Baggott; Copyright © 2006 by Julianna Baggott; reproduced with permission of the publisher, Southern Illinois University Press.