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Rescuing Finley (A Forever Home Novel Book 1)

Page 22

by Dan Walsh

  She looked over at Finley and Amy, then back to her audience. “So let me tell you a little about Finley’s story. Amy, I don’t think you’ve heard some of these details, either. Finley came to our shelter one day, brought to us by his original owner’s mother. She was entrusting him to our care for two reasons. First, at the time he was absolutely out of control. Hard to imagine it looking at him now. He was just a big lovable dog who didn’t know a single command and jumped up on everyone he met. He was too much dog for her to handle. But the main reason she brought him to our shelter was, his original owner, her son, Corporal Charles—Chaz—Perez had been recently killed in Afghanistan.”

  A collective gasp arose from the audience.

  Something in Kim’s peripheral vision caught her attention. She looked over at Finley. His ears were at full attention, and he shifted his position from laying down to sitting up. “Those of you sitting in the front might have noticed Finley’s reaction to hearing his first owner’s name. He heard me speak of Chaz.”

  Now Finley stood and looked around. Kim noticed many of the people in the audience were standing, trying to see him. Amy instantly began to comfort him and try to get him back into a sit. “I’m not going to say his first owner’s name anymore,” Kim said, “because I don’t want to frustrate Finley. But you can clearly see Finley remembers him. He hasn’t seen his first owner for a very long time, but dogs don’t forget their owners, especially those who loved them dearly. And Finley was dearly loved.”

  Kim started to feel her emotions rise. She paused and took a breath. “Another way I knew how much Finley loved his owner, and how much his owner loved him was the deep depression Finley sank into after he was brought into our shelter. He wouldn’t eat for days. He was no longer the lovable dog who jumped up on everyone. He would just lay there in the back of his pen, barely move all day. Some of our staff wondered if he was sick. But he wasn’t sick. He was just confused and missed his owner terribly. I knew he would be a perfect candidate for this program, and that as soon as he began to receive the love, affection and attention of his trainer, Finley would snap out of his depression and start the transformation into the dog he was capable of becoming. You’ll see exactly what I mean in a few moments, when Amy and Finley do their demonstration.”

  Kim looked over at Chris, then at Alicia Perez, Chaz’s mom. Alicia was dabbing her eyes with a tissue. But she was looking right at Kim. Kim gave her a nod, to let her know she was about to introduce her. “Before Amy and Finley come up to do their demonstration, we have a very special guest here in the audience. I’ve asked Alicia Perez, the mother of Finley’s original owner—the young man who gave his life in Afghanistan—if she would like to come to the ceremony and observe the transformation that’s taken place in Finley’s life. And she said yes, she would. Alicia, would you come up and join me now? I think you’re really going to enjoy seeing this.”

  Alicia stood, carrying her tissues and began making her way down the aisle. As she did everyone began to applaud. Some began to stand. Then everyone stood. Then their applause got stronger and more sustained. It became clear to Kim and, she thought, to everyone else that this applause was no longer just for this woman, but for her son Chaz as well, who’d given his final breath in service to his country.

  By the time she reached Kim, tears were flowing down Alicia’s face. She did her best to wipe them away, but they kept coming. And so did the applause…for a full minute or two, once she turned to face them. Several people throughout the audience were crying, and not just women. Some of the men, even some veterans were. Kim reached for a box of tissues Bridget had wisely placed on a little shelf inside the podium. She handed some fresh ones to Alicia and used a couple for herself.

  After a few moments, things began to settle down and people returned to their seats. Kim regained her composure and returned to the mike. “As you can see, Alicia, everyone is grateful you came here today, and grateful for your son’s sacrifice for his country.” She looked over at Bridget. “I guess now is a good time for Amy and Finley to do their demonstration?”

  Bridget nodded, indicating Kim could go ahead and set it up.

  “Amy and Finley, are you ready?”

  Amy stood and gave Finley a hand signal. He instantly stood by her side. “We are.”

  Kim had seen these demonstrations a number of times before, so she explained to everyone what to expect. As she did, Amy brought Finley to an open grassy area close by.

  Once there, Amy said loudly, “I’m going to take Finley through a series of commands that he knows very well. For your sakes, I will give him verbal commands, but we’ve also taught him hand signals for each of these commands, and he responds to them equally well. And we have another special treat today, one which I think you will especially appreciate, Mrs. Perez. Halfway through my demonstration, I will invite Chris Seger to come up and do the second half. Chris is a Marine Corps veteran, who also served in Afghanistan. He will become Finley’s permanent owner today. You will see that Finley responds to Chris just as well as he responds to me. They have already become the best of friends.”


  They had just finished the demonstration.

  Chris had been a little nervous at first, but he’d calmed down as he watched Amy working with Finley. Amy had handled herself like a real pro, calling out one command after another. Finley kept his eyes totally locked on her, instantly obeying everything she had asked of him. He never once became distracted, even with the applause of the crowd, which grew steadily as the routine unfolded.

  The one-time Finley did lose focus, Chris didn’t mind at all. It was just after Amy had finished her part. She had re-introduced Chris and invited him to take Finley’s leash. Finley got all excited when he saw Chris coming. He didn’t jump on him but his tail wagged furiously and his front feet pranced in place. When Chris got right next to him, Finley sat and leaned against him, and rubbed his head against his leg as Chris patted it.

  “As you can see,” Amy had said, “I wasn’t kidding about how Finley feels about Chris.”

  She turned her attention from the crowd back to Chris as she handed him the leash. Chris kept her in his gaze for several moments. For one thing, she was much nicer to look at, but it also helped him keep his mind off of the crowd. When their fingers had touched in the exchange, Chris squeezed them gently and whispered, “You did a great job.”

  She had whispered back, “and so will you.”

  And Chris did.

  He went through his entire routine without missing a beat. And of course, Finley did everything asked of him without a moment’s hesitation.

  Now they were standing together with Finley on the left side of the podium. Kim and Mrs. Perez were standing a few steps back. Two things happened then. Finley started to get fidgety. He was even pulling a little bit against the leash. Amy gave him a hand signal, and he stopped. But Chris realized, this was all about Mrs. Perez. Finley was looking right at her and only at her.

  Next, Chris saw Mrs. Perez whisper something to Kim. Kim smiled and nodded yes to whatever she had said. Then Kim came back to the mike. Mrs. Perez followed and stood just behind her.

  “Didn’t they do an amazing job?” Kim asked the crowd, who responded with strong applause. “And really, all the dogs who received graduation certificates this morning can do everything you saw Finley do. The truth is, they can all do much more than this. Finley demonstrated only a fraction of the commands and behaviors they’ve learned in our Prison Paws and Pals Program.”

  After this, Kim stood off to the side near Chris and Amy to allow Bridget to come up and finish out the program. Mrs. Perez followed Kim and stood beside her. Before Bridget began to speak, Kim whispered to Chris and Amy, “Right after this is over, before everyone heads over to the luncheon, Mrs. Perez asked if she could say something to both of you. Would that be okay?”

  “Sure,” Chris said. Amy agreed, too.

  “Okay,” Kim said. “We’ll meet back here right after.”

/>   After Miss Bridget officially ended the ceremony, Amy congratulated then thanked Rita and the other four trainers in the first row. She was thanking them for being so supportive; it was not the reaction she’d expected. She noticed Chris coming back up the aisle. Kim and Mrs. Perez left their seats and walked with him toward the front. Amy finished up with the ladies and headed toward the spot Kim had asked them to meet.

  As soon as they were together, once again, Finley began pressing against his leash, in the direction of Mrs. Perez. It was obvious he remembered her. That’s what this was about. He wanted to see her. Amy repeated the hand signal, and he calmed down.

  Mrs. Perez looked at Amy, then at Chris, then down at Finley. “I can’t believe I am looking at the same dog,” she said. “He looks the same, physically, but I never would have imagined he could do any of this. I’ve never seen any dog do so many things before. Whatever you call them, I know they’re not tricks. But he was amazing. My Chaz would have been so proud to have a dog so obedient and so will behaved. And yet you can still see, he’s just as fun and loving as he always was.” Her eyes started welling up with tears.

  “When I say that, I mean the way Finley was with Chaz. Chaz was the one who really took care of him, who really loved him. I’m sad to say, I’m not really a dog person. I tried my best to take care of him after Chaz…had gone. But I couldn’t keep up. I felt so guilty bringing him down to the shelter, but Kim assured me they could find him a good home. But I never expected anything like this. He is like, it is like he has become…a super-dog.”

  The three of them laughed. The remark broke some of the emotional tension that had been building since she began to speak.

  Kim said, “Alicia, you have nothing to feel guilty about. And you need to know, Finley holds no grudge toward you. I’ve been watching him, ever since he noticed you were here. He remembers you, and he wants to see you.”

  “He does?” Alicia asked.

  “Oh yes,” Amy said. “Believe me, he does. Are you okay with that?”

  Alicia nodded. “If you’re sure it will be okay.”

  Amy let go of his leash. Finley rushed to her. Amy could tell he wanted to jump up on her, he was so happy. “Greet, Finley,” she said. Finley instantly obeyed, but he got as close to her as he could, the whole time wagging his tail, and rubbing his head against her thigh. She reached down to pet him, and he licked her hand. She bent down to hug him, and he licked her chin then her neck. Then he nestled his head on her shoulder as she hugged.

  Chris began to cry. So did Amy. Kim’s eyes started to tear up. She began passing around the tissue box.

  “See Alicia,” Kim said, “he not only remembers you but he’s so happy to see you again.”

  Alicia looked up with tears in her eyes. “But how can he? I wasn’t very nice to him. And I…I gave him away?”

  “That’s the amazing capacity dogs have to love, and to forgive. As you can see, he’s not upset with you. Not even a little. You’re the closest thing he has to Chaz.”

  After a few moments, Alicia stood, wiped her tears away. Amy gave a gentle tug on the leash and called Finley back. He instantly obeyed and sat beside her. Alicia took a step toward Chris. “I have one last thing to say, if I can get it out.” She took a deep breath. “I just want to tell you, Chris, how happy I am that Finley will be living the rest of his life with you. When I brought Finley to the shelter, I had no idea that his life would make a difference in the life of another soldier, especially one who has given so much to serve his country. Whenever I’ve thought of my son, ever since I let Finley go, the memory always came with an added dose of pain, because I knew how much Chaz loved this dog. But I didn’t know where Finley was, or how he was doing.”

  “But now I know.” She looked at Amy. “He’s been with you, Amy. And you’ve been teaching him all these amazing things. And now he will be going home with you, Chris. I can see how much you love him, and how much he loves you. It is like he is going back home with Chaz.” Tears filled her eyes again. “And that makes me so happy.” She reached for the tissue box. “Now, when I think of Chaz, there will still be some pain, but now I will also think of Finley and how happy he is, and I will also be able to smile. I thank you for that.”

  Chris reached out for her. It seemed the only thing to do. She stepped into his arms, and they hugged.

  Amy noticed two more people coming toward them down the aisle. It was the woman reporter from Channel 7 and her cameraman.

  Kim saw them, too, and said, “Would you guys be open to answering a few questions from this TV news reporter? She’s been here covering the whole event. This kind of publicity can really help the program, help us get the word out about everything that’s going on here.”

  “Sure,” Amy said.

  “I guess I can do that,” Chris said.

  “Would they want to talk to me, too?” Alicia asked.

  “Definitely,” Kim said. “If you’re okay with that.”


  They were back in the main room, the place where they normally trained, which today had been reset for the luncheon. Because of the television interview, Chris and Amy were the last ones to go through the food line. Kim had already said goodbye and left to take Mrs. Perez home.

  Chris and Amy had already eaten lunch and were now sitting in two of the chairs that lined the perimeter of the room. Well, Chris had eaten his lunch. Amy had forced down part of a sandwich and a few chips. Apparently, suppressing the thoughts about Chris and Finley leaving shortly had also suppressed her appetite.

  More than half the vets had already left with their new dogs. Amy could barely watch these goodbye moments. But she did watch a few. The ones she did hardly made any sense to her. Everyone was acting so normal, so happy and upbeat. None of the inmates cried as they parted with their dogs. How was that possible? How did they pull it off?

  Finley discerned her decreasing mood. He moved closer to her and began nudging her hand with his nose.

  “Are you okay?” Chris asked.

  She took a bite of sandwich then pointed to her mouth, as if to say it wouldn’t be polite to talk with your mouth full.

  “No fair. You took a bite after I asked. Besides, the way Finley is acting I already know the answer.”

  She kept chewing.

  “We didn’t talk much while we ate, because I was raised the same way. But I watched you the entire time. Every time one of the dogs left, I saw pain in your eyes. And it got deeper with each one.”

  She swallowed, hard.

  “I’m all done,” he said, “and obviously you aren’t going to eat anymore.” He looked around. “It’s too crowded in here anyway. I don’t want to say goodbye with all these people. Can we go out to our picnic table?”

  He was saying goodbye already? “Okay, we can do that.”

  He stood. “Besides, I have something I need to ask you. I’d rather do it out there.”

  She handed Finley’s leash to him. “Why don’t you take him out, and I’ll throw out these plates?”

  He took the leash. “But cheer up, Amy. I hate to see you so down.”

  She smiled as she took his plate, but there was nothing behind it. Cheering up wasn’t an option. The best she could manage was trying not to look as terrible as she felt inside. She was willing to try that, for Chris’s sake. She didn’t want him to feel bad or guilty for taking Finley away. This was the right ending to this story. Finley had found a forever home with a wonderful man who loved him, and who dearly needed the love Finley could give him in return. God had allowed her to play a role in that. Not many people got to do something as rewarding as this. Besides, look how far she had come from the meth-addict-turned-shoplifter she had been just two years ago.

  She had no reason to wallow in self-pity. Today was a good day. She looked up. He was just about to go through the door. She smiled. “I’ll be right there.”

  After walking Finley near the bushes, Chris headed back to their favorite table. He sat on the tabletop, then on th
e bench. Now he was standing. Finley had a confused look on his face. “I’m nervous, Finn. That’s all. I’m fine.”

  He sat on the bench again, then pushed himself back up to the tabletop. This is where he should be. He glanced at the doorway. She was coming. What’s the worst that could happen? She would say no. And it would mean he had read this all wrong, and she wasn’t interested in him that way. He could live with that. They would still be friends, right?

  But could he, could he live with that?

  As she neared, he took a deep breath. Finley rushed to greet her.

  “What did you want to talk about?” she said.

  She was standing too far away. “Could you stand here?” He pointed right in front of him. “I don’t want anyone to hear me.”

  She looked around. “No one’s even close.” But she did what he asked.

  Look her right in the eyes, he reminded himself. It needed to be emphasized.

  “I think you’re going to like what I want to say. I’m not totally sure of it. But I think you might. I hope so anyway.”

  “Okay…what is it?”

  He paused. Looking at her now, he’d forgotten the lines he’d rehearsed. A deep inhale and exhale.

  “What is it, Chris?”

  “Amy, as you know I am leaving today, with Finley. But…I want…I want to see you again.”

  “I’m glad. I was hoping you would. That’s probably the main reason I was so excited to get the job with Kim at the Humane Society. So I could see you and Finley again.”

  “No. I don’t mean that. Well, I mean that, but not only that.”

  Just do it.

  He reached for her hand. She didn’t pull away. He squeezed her fingers gently. “I want to see you…like this.” He squeezed her fingers a little more firmly. “I want to see you…as more than a friend. As more than just Finley’s trainer.”


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