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Coven, Sweet Coven

Page 8

by Dragon, Cheryl

  Licking along his erection, she tried to resist the release and make the fun last. She focused on Zach’s cock, sucking the tip and watching his face contort in pleasure. His body tensed as she shook over him. Jerking his shaft, she tongued the head until he shouted. Cum hit her tongue. She groaned, enjoying her reward.

  As Zach recovered, he patted her pussy. Logan rocked her harder and faster until her body exploded in orgasm. Zach gently tickled her clit as she trembled and muffled her noises on his leg.

  The pleasure filled her, spreading through her core like a consuming fire. Gasping, she pushed back, then squeezed Zach’s cock one last time. As soon as she could move, Nat crawled forward. She turned, then rolled the protection off Logan’s cock. With a seductive grin, she sucked the tip of his cum-coated dick.

  “What the hell?” Logan sat back, unable to protest when she had him by the dick.

  She flicked and lapped at the head of his cock. She never let up her soft kisses and humming sucks until he grunted. Shouting, he came hard but held still as the ecstasy shot through him. She sucked up his cum, then swallowed eagerly.

  “You’ve never done that before,” Logan panted.

  “Randy told me it’s a good way to boost your energy with sex. It might just be the protein, or there might be something to a man’s energy and essence being part of it too,” she said.

  “Not complaining, but tonight after the coven feeds you and everyone leaves, we get to eat you until you scream bloody murder,” Zach said.

  “Promise?” She kissed Zach and then Logan on the mouth. “The coven’s coming tonight?”

  “And bringing dinner. They want to check on you.” Logan wrapped his strong arms around her.

  “They’ll be here in an hour or so,” Zach said.

  “Maybe we should get some clothes on?” She smiled and cuddled both her men to her body. “We’ve got all the time in the world to be together now. I’d love to spend all winter naked in bed with you two.”

  “We could arrange that,” Zach said with a soft laugh.

  “I’ve been thinking of working from home.” Logan folded his arms. “But Zach was thinking of doing some part-time police work.”

  She squinted at Zach. “With my brother?”

  ”It’s a little more action than farm work.” Zach shrugged.

  “And Chris is on board with this idea?” Nat asked skeptically.

  “He agreed he could use more hands when something like this comes up. It’s rare, but having more men to call in would help. I mean, he couldn’t call in the guys on the night shift. They’ll be needed on Halloween, especially. Plus, he wanted to get the jump on the guy and move fast. So having some trained part-time officers is a good idea.” Logan kissed Zach’s cheek.

  “Wow, progress indeed.” Nat grinned and stretched out in the bed. She felt recharged and decadently happy. Perfectly content, she had no need to leave Green Leaf. Better yet, she didn’t even have to cook dinner. Her coven sisters were doing it for her.

  “What are you thinking? I won’t do the police thing if you don’t want me to,” Zach said.

  She lifted a shoulder. “That’s your choice. I want you two safe but happy. If you like it, do it. I was just thinking Green Leaf has changed a little bit, and I like it. Or maybe, I changed a little. Maybe we both have. But it’s in the right direction. Now we should get dressed.”

  Logan pinned her to the bed, then kissed her. Zach joined in. She laughed and kissed them back.

  * * * *

  Logan handed out candy to the last of the trick-or-treaters while keeping an eye on Natalie as she ate. The official celebration of Samhain had been postponed a night for her to fully recover. The coven had descended on the house before dusk to check on their heroine. They brought food, wine, and plenty of pumpkins for decoration.

  “News travels fast. Everyone is talking about it. The Warners want to come by tomorrow to thank you. The hospital is keeping Mandy overnight, and they just can’t leave her,” Lorraine said as she poured more wine.

  “I’m just glad it happened in time. You really don’t need to postpone the celebration for me. I’ll just watch.” Natalie arranged the horn of plenty on the center of the big dining room table.

  “No, tomorrow is just as good. We have a lot to celebrate,” Cecily said.

  “Aren’t you missing someone? Where’s Anne?” Zach asked, glancing around the room.

  “I don’t know. I sent the message out and texted her too.” Lorraine shook her head. “She seemed so interested to get to know our Natalie before, and not a word from her today.”

  “New people in town can be nervous. Especially when all the focus is on someone they don’t know. We all have a lot of history together.” Cecily shrugged.

  “Maybe she’s rethinking living in a small town. We don’t have much crime and trouble, but when we do, you’d think it was World War III the way we all jump on it. In the big city, people just keep on going no matter how many shootings happened overnight,” Natalie said.

  “Glad I don’t live in the city. I couldn’t sleep a wink. All those people and negative intentions.” Lorraine took a long drink of wine.

  “I learned to block those out. I was never good at keeping people’s feelings back until then. But I’m glad I don’t live there anymore. I’ve had enough of it.” Natalie grabbed a handful of popcorn from a bowl Cecily brought from the kitchen.

  “That means you’re staying for good?” Logan asked.

  “Try to get rid of me,” she said with a wink.

  The coven cheered. Logan exchanged a smile with Zach. Then his phone rang. Logan stepped into the living room to answer the call, which was, oddly, from Chris.

  “Hi, Chris,” Logan said.

  “Hi, Logan. Are the witches there?” he asked.

  “Most of them. Why?” Logan sensed something was off in Chris’s tone.

  “Can you put me on speaker?”

  “Sure thing,” Logan said.

  He walked back into the room. “Natalie. Your brother wants to be on speaker.”

  Natalie frowned. “Okay.”

  Logan pushed the button, then set his cell phone on the table. “Chris, you’ve got the room.”

  “How are you, Nat?” he asked.

  She smiled. “Fine. How are you? Did that sexual predator fight back?”

  “Not much, no. I’m good. First off, the Smith girl was located. She got spooked and walked to another neighbor’s house. As for our kidnapper. It’s just—he’s a relative of a member of your little coven. I thought you ought to know about it. He is the uncle of Anne Embry.”

  “You’re kidding!” Lorraine cut in.

  “No, ma’am. He’s Anne’s uncle, and she has a restraining order on him. The man is a felon. He left his home county while on parole, and that’s what the warrant is for. Anne came to confirm his identity and press charges since he violated the order. Feds came down and picked him up on the kidnapping charges. They’ll sort out the rest. So you don’t have to worry about it. He’s gone.”

  “Poor Anne,” Natalie said.

  “I take it he abused her when she was young. Well, you can guess why she has the restraining order against him. She left home at eighteen after pressing charges. Pretty brave girl.”

  “I’ll say. No wonder she didn’t come over tonight,” Cecily said.

  “She was feeling pretty guilty earlier. I tried to tell her it wasn’t her fault, but she just kept asking about Mandy,” Chris said.

  “Whatever for?” Lorraine asked.

  “That creep came here for her. He didn’t like what he considered her running off, and finally tracked her down. Guess he saw another option and grabbed it. But Mandy is fine. No evidence he did anything to her other than scare the hell out of her, lock her up, and knock her out to keep her quiet. Thanks to you, we got there before he did anything more,” Chris said.

  Nat grinned at Logan and Zach. “I’m glad you gave my idea a shot. I’m not perfect, but some law enforcement agencies
do use psychics.”

  “Your guys weren’t bad either. I appreciate the help.” Chris chuckled. “Well, I won’t keep you on your holiday. But I wanted you to know. Anne said she wouldn’t be there and didn’t want you guys to blame her. You might want to reach out to her in a day or two.”

  “Thanks, will do, big brother. Did the girls have a good Halloween?” Nat asked.

  “A little nervous, but I walked them around in uniform.”

  “Good for you. Sorry I missed the parade. Feel free to bring them by later for the bonfire,” Logan said.

  “Are you guys sure you’re up for late-night moon worship?” Chris asked.

  “It’s just a bonfire, not witchy stuff,” Lorraine said, rolling her eyes.

  “We’ll see.” Chris’s tone went a little tense.

  “I understand if they’re tired,” Nat replied.

  “Okay, talk to you later. Thanks, everyone,” Chris said.

  After some good-byes, Logan turned off his phone. There was definite progress with Chris. The coven was a bit shocked about the creep’s connection to the town.

  “At least he wasn’t random,” Zach said.

  “That’s a plus?” Cecily asked.

  Logan sighed. “I think it is. Trouble and evil people are always out there. We don’t have to worry that every stranger is coming here to kidnap the children of Green Leaf. This one came for an adult and couldn’t behave. We have an advantage with Nat.”

  “To Nat.” Zach lifted his wineglass.

  Everyone joined in. Logan loved watching Nat blush five shades of red as she sat there looking embarrassed but content. She wasn’t leaving. They were a triad forever. She was home, and Green Leaf was safer, not to mention a lot happier because of it.

  * * * *

  Nat watched the fire crackle and grow as Lorraine poured a bottle of red wine into it. The offerings to the Goddess weren’t always that literal, but it fit. Sitting in her backyard, Nat felt very cozy and safe.

  The idea that poor Anne was running from that sort of darkness still shocked her. How could she not have seen when she held the woman’s hand? The girl had blocking powers. Green Leaf was a good place to run to. Why the justice system had let that man out of jail was beyond her.

  “Look who’s here,” Cecily said, gesturing toward the shadows.

  Anne came forward, then hugged Cecily. The coven fussed and supported her. Anne looked on the verge of tears.

  “I’m glad you came out. Are you okay?” Nat asked, looking into the girl’s eyes to gauge her emotions.

  “I wanted to apologize,” Anne said, her gaze flicking from Nat to the ground.

  “What for? You had reason to run from that man. I wish you’d told us.” Lorraine clucked her tongue.

  “Maybe she could’ve warned the police about her uncle getting out of prison, if she knew.” Logan stood outside the group. He was never shy with his opinion.

  “That’s true.” Nat had to admit it would’ve helped. “Maybe she didn’t know?”

  “I knew. I’m sorry. I did everything right. Justice didn’t serve me well. He got out early on good behavior. If he’d killed me, it’d be different, but molesting me for years wasn’t nearly as serious a crime. At least, as far as man’s laws are concerned.” Anne shrugged. “I didn’t want to cast any evil spells, but I felt the urge to protect myself. I had to get away.”

  “That’s good! We never felt you were a dark witch,” Lorraine said.

  “Thanks. Truly, I never thought he’d follow me halfway across the state. I never thought he’d kidnap a girl off the street either. At least he’s going back to jail.” Anne sighed. “But I feel like it’s my fault.”

  “He’s responsible for his own actions, not you,” Zach said.

  Anne smiled. “I meant it was my fault that Natalie couldn’t get a clear vision of my uncle. I saw her trying and struggling. I had no idea it was connected to me. Maybe because he’s my family, I was part of the darkness and connection. But deep down, part of me still loves my family and didn’t want anyone to know. I blocked out everything about my past. I didn’t want people to look at me differently, so I never told anyone my secret. If I had, maybe it would’ve made sense.”

  “Maybe you were blocking me and creating interference without really knowing it. Or intending to do it. You were afraid it was something from your past but had no proof.” Nat hugged Anne. “It’s not your fault. It’s part of being human.”

  Anne sniffled. “I’m so sorry for that little girl.”

  “She’s alive, and with only a bump and small cut on her head. It could’ve been a lot worse,” Nat said.

  “I should go.” Anne backed away from the group.

  “No, you should have a little wine.” Lorraine offered her a glass.

  Anne shook her head. “I really just want some quiet now that I’ve faced my worst fears from my past. I just wanted you to know my blocking wasn’t intentional. I wanted to be helpful.”

  “I’ll walk you home,” Cecily offered.

  “I expect to see you at the next meeting, Anne. You’re strong if you can block me or even cause interference. We’ve got to break through old habits and use the powers for good,” Nat said.

  Anne gave a weak smile and nodded.

  The women walked off into the night. Safe Green Leaf was back, and for now, they didn’t have to worry.

  “Now you know what was confusing you,” Zach said.

  Nat shrugged. “There’ll always be something. I have to work around it.”

  A car pulled up. The women stopped whispering. Instead, they focused on the group walking toward the fenced yard.

  Chris and Megan each held one of their daughters in their arms. Once the girls were on solid ground, they ran up and hugged their aunt.

  “Hey, girls, you look great!” Both were dressed as Glinda the Good Witch instead of the more negative, ugly wicked witch.

  “I chose purple!” Laura announced, twirling in a dizzying circle.

  “Very unique.” Nat admired the costume and then tickled little Tara. “You like pink!”

  “Yeah, and I got a lot of candy!” Tara stretched out her hands as wide as they’d go.

  “Good for you!”

  “I walked them around,” Chris said.

  “Hey, girls, I’ve got some dried corn to throw into the fire,” Lorraine said.

  “Yay!” The girls skipped after the coven leader.

  Megan supervised the enthusiastic pair as the corn popped.

  “Thanks for bringing the girls.” Nat tugged her sweater around her.

  “They wanted to see you. Make sure you were okay. I told them how you helped see the bad guy.”

  “You told them about that?” Logan asked. The incredulity was clear in his voice.

  “Kids hear everything; it’s a small town. That girl is in Laura’s class. The FBI will have a counselor in school on Monday in case they need to talk.” Chris glanced protectively at his two girls.

  “Not tomorrow?” Zach asked.

  “School is closed tomorrow, so it’s okay if they stay up late. Even though the school didn’t have a security breach, they want to give the kids time with their families. And there’s talk about added cameras at the perimeter of school grounds. IDs. It’s chilling to think of big-city measures being needed here,” Chris said.

  “If it makes people feel a little safer, it’s a good idea. You saved the day.” Nat smiled up at him.

  “No, you did. I don’t understand your powers. I don’t get your relationship. But next time you tell me something, I’ll be all over it. I know you’re not a fake. I just wish I had a sixth sense like you,” Chris said.

  “Some days, I wish I didn’t. But if you had it, you’d never be able to do your job. You’d be after what people were planning to do or wanted to do instead of what they’d actually done. You can’t arrest people for daydreaming.” Nat felt the change in her brother already. No negativity toward Logan and Zach. No hostility over her choices. She hugged him
tight. “Thanks.”

  “You’re staying, right?” he asked.

  “Are you going to run me out of town?” she shot back. Maybe someday, her brother would be ready to discover his gifts.

  “Please stay! Don’t go!” Her nieces ran over, tugged on Nat’s jeans, and stepped on her feet.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll ask Randy to come down for a visit and bring the rest of my stuff on his first free weekend. He needs to see how you’ve both grown so much.” Nat hugged her favorite little ones.

  “My turn for popcorn.” Megan tossed a handful into the fire.

  The girls ran to their mom and watched it pop. Nat thanked the Goddess for a safe resolution. She walked up, then tossed another handful of corn into the fire as an offering. She’d been making up her own rituals since childhood. She especially liked this one.

  She wanted to share her little traditions with her nieces.

  It was after midnight before everyone left. She watched the fire burn out naturally as she sat on an old stone bench between Logan and Zach. There was no tension or rush. Tomorrow was a free day to do what they wanted.

  “You’re really good with kids,” Zach said as he tossed a stick into the dying embers.

  “Yeah, Laura and Tara need some cousins,” Logan agreed.

  “Don’t even start on that.” Nat held up a finger. “We’ll talk about that next year.”

  “Fair enough.” Zach cuddled her closer.

  “Happy Halloween,” Logan said as he poured water on the fire to be sure it was totally out.

  “It is a happy one, thankfully.” She yawned, and at the edge of her yard saw Grammy and Grandpa dancing. They gazed lovingly at each other like she wasn’t even there. Nat took the hint. She had made her ancestors happy and averted a tragedy.

  Zach stood and offered his hand. “Ready to go in?”

  She nodded, took his hand, then grabbed Logan’s hand with her other one. The trio walked up onto the deck and into the house. They locked the doors, then turned out the lights.

  Nat grabbed a mini pumpkin as she passed through the living room and took it upstairs with her. The rough texture of the little orange gourd made Halloween real. She’d been so focused on the evil coming to Green Leaf, she’d ignored the decorations. She needed to take the next few days to be grateful for all the good things in her life, large and small.


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