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Dirty Player: A Rough Riders Novel

Page 7

by Stacey Lynn

  “Don’t get too close. He’s still nervous around new people.”

  Hulk was a monster. Eighteen hands tall, all shiny black stallion. Beautiful and graceful and powerful as hell. He gave me the thrill these days that Ralph no longer could.

  But he was also an asshole. To prove it, as Shannon stopped three feet back from his stall, he reared onto his hind legs and kicked at the door.

  She jumped back, and I wrapped my hand around her back so she didn’t fall.

  “Told you. He can be an asshole.”

  “Is that why you like him?” She looked up at me, smiling. “Remind you of someone?”

  “Yes.” I didn’t grin, but it was true.

  Hulk was the untamable. He’d never fully submit, and because of that I had to be careful with him. Only Lee—the caretaker who helped me with the horses during the season when I was busier and traveling—and I rode him.

  My own father wasn’t allowed to ride him anymore.

  I clicked my tongue with my teeth and walked toward Hulk. “Come here, boy.”

  He shuffled back to the far end of the stall, not taking his eyes off Shannon.

  “It’s okay.”

  He shook his head back and forth, disagreeing with me, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “He’s a stubborn prick, too.”

  “Again,” Shannon mumbled. “Sounds familiar.”

  When I flashed her a mock glare, she arched her brows, raised her shoulders. “I didn’t imply it was you, but if that’s how you took it…”

  Her voice trailed off as I held out the apple to Hulk. “I’ve only had this guy a year. He’s still a bit wild.”

  “And the one you were hugging?” She pointed her thumb back to Ralph without taking her eyes off me.

  With that look, the question, and the fact that I was fucking introducing a woman to my horses, she ripped me wide open.

  Bare and naked and vulnerable in the worst way. Something twisted in my gut.

  “Ralph’s old. Mine from home and the reason I bought this place.”

  “You love him.”

  My lip curled at a corner. She was pushing, pressing too hard, without realizing it.

  For a moment, my chest heaved from her knowing gaze. Like she’d finally figured out who I really was, deep down, where I hadn’t let anyone in since Serena.

  Anger bubbled inside me at my own stupidity.

  Raw, dirty fucking. Fulfilling fantasies. Burning out this insanely ridiculous attraction that had invaded me since the moment I saw her.

  She was just pussy…hot and sexy pussy, but pussy I’d grow tired of nonetheless.

  “I didn’t bring you here to meet my horses,” I finally said.

  I took a step toward her, licked my lips, and peered at her with wicked intent.

  I had actually wanted her to meet them. What a fucking mistake that was. I should have just pulled her into my house and taken her to my bed, gotten rid of her like everyone else.

  The barn was a fucking mistake I’d rectify.

  “You didn’t?” Her breath hitched and her pulse fluttered at the base of her collarbone as I walked closer.

  “No.” I put my hand around her waist and pulled her to me. My cock was already straining inside my board shorts, my balls thick and heavy, filled with need for her tight and wet cunt. “I brought you in here to fuck you.”

  Chapter SEVEN


  I gasped as his other hand hit my waist and he lifted me. On instinct, I gripped his shoulders and tightened my thighs around his hips. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  He walked toward the front of the barn, and for a moment I thought he was leaving before he pushed a stall door open and continued walking until my back pressed against rough wood.

  I quickly took in the small but clean space. “Oliver.”

  My tone was questioning, something he silenced when he looked down at me before glancing at a spot above my head.

  His intense expression shifted to something darker. Sexier and wicked.

  My thighs trembled with expectation.

  “Lift your hands.”

  “What?” I tilted my head back to see a heavy, thick hook hanging from the wall.

  “I want you to hold on to that hook so I can drop to my knees and lick your pussy I can fucking feel through our clothes until you shatter. Here. Inside this barn.” One of his brows arched. “That enough of an explanation for you?”

  It was more than enough. My swimsuit bottoms grew wet as he talked. But I saw something else in his eyes as I pulled my fingers off his shoulders and did what I was told.

  It wasn’t satisfaction with my obedience. It was the way he had so quickly closed himself off when I’d asked about the horses. He wasn’t the man I’d thought he was.

  He wasn’t the man I’d read about in magazines, all arrogant and cocky and sexy as hell.

  Sure, he was, but he was also more than that. For a moment, when he’d whispered to the horses and fed them and talked softly…hell, this whole house he lived in…this was who he really was.

  Yet he hid it.

  It was none of my business. I knew the agreement we’d made and I was okay with it, but I also knew that as hard as it’d now be for me to not fall for him, it would be equally hard for him to be vulnerable in front of me again.

  He’d made that clear with the quick change in direction.

  My fingers wrapped around the warm metal until I clung to it. With a hand on my stomach, Oliver pushed me against the wall, holding me steady until he dropped to his knees in front of me.

  “Shit. I can smell you already,” he murmured, adjusting my legs so they dropped over his shoulders. With the height of the hook he’d hung me from, I was at the perfect level for him to do what he wanted.

  He didn’t remove my clothes or my swimsuit bottoms.

  Sliding his fingers over my clothed, hot, and swollen flesh, he pushed the gusset to the side and leaned in.

  “Damn it.” I gasped as he licked me. “Shit.”

  “Oh.” He pulled back and grinned up at me—that wicked, dirty smile. “If you scream you’ll scare the horses. So be quiet.”

  I could barely suck in a breath before he dipped his head. His fingers dug into my hip, holding me steady while his other hand held me open and ready for him.

  My entire body shook as soon as he touched me again. Giving me no time to prepare for it, he penetrated me…my pussy, my body. He was everywhere, deep inside me as his tongue worked in evil, soft circles, driving me crazy and burning with need to release as soon as he touched me.

  But I’d been like that as soon as we’d arrived. Hell, as soon as we’d finished at Kolby’s I was already wanting him again. This attraction between us was something I’d never experienced. It was unexplainable, unavoidable.

  “Oliver,” I mewled as he added fingers to his teasing and touching. It was too much—too much heat and too much friction as the rough wood at my back abraded my skin.

  I squeezed my eyes closed and everything besides the feel of him and the way my body began to tighten and pulse disappeared.

  My thighs began to spasm on his shoulders as he held me pressed open. My fingers ached from clinging to the hook.

  “Quiet,” he muttered against me. “You’re so fucking delicious. I could eat you all day, but you’re going to come soon, aren’t you?”

  His fingers twisted inside me, pulled and pushed, pressed against the perfect spot, and I whimpered.

  “Yes,” I moaned and bit my lip to stop from screaming like he’d warned me. “Yes, I am. Please…”

  “So fucking delicious.” He groaned before his mouth opened. And then the teasing was done.

  He didn’t just lick and taste me, he ate me.

  He devoured me, sucking on my clit and nibbling with his teeth. Pulling and feasting on me like he could never get enough.

  The onslaught of sensations was too much—his fingers, his mouth, his tongue, and his teeth. The spasms hit
my body out of nowhere and powerfully. My body shook from the pleasure, from the surprise of it. My orgasm coiled at my center and shot all the way to my toes and fingertips.

  I shouted his name as I convulsed around him. My thighs tried to close around him, but he didn’t stop feasting until he’d pulled every wild shudder and quiver straight through me.

  The horses neighed. The sound of one hitting its stall door surprised me and I yelped, pulling back and hitting my head against the wall.

  “Please, stop.” I gasped as his tongue began to draw slow, swirling circles on my clit. “Too much.”

  “You can go again. I can feel it.”

  I dropped my head then and glared down at him. We were both still clothed, the top of my peach cover-up bunched in his hand at my hip.

  I could barely see him. It didn’t matter.

  When he dipped his head again, eating me like he had all fucking day to keep me propped against a barn wall, he was absolutely right.

  It took moments before another climax hit me, this time deeper but slower, less dramatic but no less powerful.

  I chanted in a whisper, nonsensical sounds and gasps of his name and curse words repeated. Please, no, stop, too much, oh shit, fuck, yes, coming… They all fell from my lips without thought.

  Only ecstasy coursed through my body until he finally pulled back, adjusted my bottoms, and stood, pulling me into his arms.

  “My dick is so fucking hard for you right now,” he said as I draped my arms around his shoulders.

  I was listless in his arms, barely able to help hold myself around him as he took us out of the barn, pausing only to make sure he locked it behind us. My eyelids drooped, heavy from the pleasure he’d given me, and I was barely awake when he walked inside, kicked off his boots, and pulled mine off in his mudroom before he walked through the small house into a massive bedroom.

  He dropped me onto the bed, then whipped off my cover-up before I could blink and look around.

  Then his shirt was gone, his shorts dropped to the floor.

  His hands went to my swimsuit and I squirmed enough to remove my top for him.

  “You okay for a little bit more?” he asked, already reaching into his nightstand, pulling out a condom, and covering his hard dick. “I can let you recover, but this is going to be fucking quick, I know it.”

  I laughed softly at his honesty, unable to help myself. Brushing hair out of my eyes, I grinned up at him, unashamed I was spread out naked before him.

  Standing in front of me was a man who could be carved out of marble and no one would know the difference. Every muscle in his chest and abs, his sides and his hips down to his thighs…everything I saw made drool pool in my mouth. Heat began to curl inside of me all over again.

  I spread my legs and reached for him as he bent over me, the bed shifting from the weight as he crawled onto it.

  “I’m good,” I said, my voice breathless and my throat dry. “Go as quick as you need.”

  He smirked, pressed one hand next to my shoulder, and I wrapped my legs around him.

  His other hand wrapped around his erection, he slid it through my slit and groaned. “You’re wet again. Fucking shit.”

  Embarrassment flooded my cheeks and I glanced down, watching him slide his thickness through my folds.

  “Don’t blush,” he whispered as he pressed the head of himself at my entrance. “It’s sexy as hell.” He dropped his head and groaned, and we both watched as he pressed into me. “So fucking tight.”

  “Go slow,” I whispered. My body was unaccustomed not only to sex but to someone of his size. I ached from the rawness of what he’d already done to me so many times today and from my muscles stretching to accommodate him.

  He pushed in slowly, pulling back out even more so. His arm next to me quivered from the strain of control.

  “You okay?” he asked, lifting his head to look me in the eyes. We were inches away from each other, close enough that I could lean up and kiss him. I didn’t.

  We’d been intimate enough, and the look in his eyes—the intensity along with the confusion—made me pull back.

  He wanted to fuck me. He didn’t want to like me. I’d wanted the same until I saw his eyes go soft when he whispered into one of Ralph’s ears. It had been endearing and sweet, something I knew he hadn’t intended for me to see.

  “I’m good.” I nodded and inhaled a deep breath. “Move how you need to.”

  My permission shot through him like the snap of a rubber band. He didn’t ask for my certainty again. He just shoved his hips, pressing into me with a quick, hard movement until he was fully inside.

  I pressed my head back into the pillow beneath me, my fingers clawing at the muscles in his back.

  He went wild as he began thrusting and pulling back. The quick thrust of his hips against me would leave bruises. His muscles, the weight of him, it all sent me spinning and flying as I hung on for the wild ride.

  “Feel so good. So tight. So fucking wet.”

  His eyes were closed, his lips twisted with rapture and concentration as he dropped to his elbows. His coarse chest hair brushed against my nipples, hardening them into painful points with every scrape of his body against mine.

  I tightened my grip just above his hips, my body heating and igniting with every wicked thrust.

  “Oliver.” I chanted his name, unable to control myself. I met his movements, pulled him to me.

  His lips parted and his head dipped. He pressed his mouth to mine, his tongue instantly invading, and I was surrounded by him.

  By his kisses, his weight, his scent, his muscles, and the powerful pistoning of his hips hitting the end of me every time he moved.

  Our tongues swirled together, matching the movement of his cock. He fucked my mouth like he fucked my pussy. He grew more frantic and we swallowed each other’s groans as my pussy clenched around him, tightening and flexing with another orgasm. It came unbidden but was as reckless as he was. My abs tightened, heat shot from my spine to my sex, and I gripped him, nails digging into his skin so hard I knew they’d leave marks, but it only seemed to make him crazed.

  He lifted his mouth from mine abruptly and then he buried his head into my neck as he seated himself harshly inside of me, balls-deep.

  He groaned against my skin, his hand moving to dig into my hair, and he held my body tightly to him, molded to him as his own orgasm rolled through him.

  I held on to him, loosening my grip to place my palms to his flesh. He was hot and sweating, muscles everywhere, and my palms easily slid up and down the length of his back.

  “I’m crushing you.”

  I liked it, more than I could or would admit. “Mm-hmm.”

  Once his breath caught, he pulled back and I released my hold on him reluctantly. Surprise enveloped me as his gaze searched mine. I’d expected him to pull out immediately and clean up, not look at me with wide-eyed wonder. Instead, his gaze carried the same confusion I knew mine did. The worry that we’d somehow crossed a line.

  That all of this…the day, our lust for each other, how good it felt when we were together…it was all too much and too unexpected.

  His eyes left mine and trailed over my face, and then around me. “Fantasy one fulfilled,” he whispered quietly, a soft, pleased smile on his lips. “You look more gorgeous with your wild and crazy hair all over my pillow than I thought you would.”

  I chuckled softly.

  He pulled me back from the heaviness of my thoughts and reminded me of what we were without being an ass about it.

  “You weren’t so bad yourself.”

  I patted his ass and gasped as it made him move inside of me.

  “Fucking hell. I need some recovery time,” he said, his lips twisting into a smirk.

  “Good.” I shifted beneath him, unable to move, but he seemed to understand my intent. “Then maybe you could feed me and give me something decent to wear before we go again.”

  His eyes searched mine, and I wondered if for once I was able t
o hide my lies behind my expressive eyes. He seemed to buy it enough, either because I had suddenly grown the ability to lie or because he wanted to believe the easiness in my words as much as I did.

  “Shirts in the top drawer, shorts beneath them. Help yourself to anything you want.”

  He hesitated before leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine. “I’ll go get cleaned up and leave a cloth for you in the bathroom.”


  I looked at Oliver over my shoulder where I was digging through his fridge for something else to drink. We’d already eaten grilled steak and vegetables, but I was thirsty.

  He had a dozen prepackaged containers labeled for shakes lined up and stacked to one side of the small, regular white fridge.

  Everything I’d seen of Oliver since I slid into his lusciously leathered and beautiful car had thrown me for a loop.

  “Do you need a protein shake or water?”

  He lifted his brow before shaking off whatever thought he had. “Both. I can get the shake, though.”

  “No problem.” I turned back to the fridge and pulled out the small container along with two bottles of water.

  The blender was already out on the countertop, so I helped myself to it, dumping in the contents of the veggies before reaching for the jar of protein powder on the counter.

  “You make these a lot?” Oliver asked as he reached around me and twisted off the top of the water bottle. “Beaux make you take care of him?”

  I stiffened at the mention of my brother—how anything I’d done to help him succeed was because he’d made me. “No. I make them because I care about him.”

  He was silent for a moment while I dumped in the powder, and then the only sound in the room was the whirling of the blender. I blended it longer than necessary, stabbing buttons to turn it off, unable to hide my irritation.

  “Tell me about him. What’s Beaux really like?”

  I frowned at the question. “He’s Beaux. I’m not sure I understand.”

  Taking the mixer out of my hands, Oliver twisted and reached for a glass, dumping the thick green sludge inside.


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