Jawbreaker (Four Point Universe Book 14)
Page 4
A snicker left her, and she glanced over her shoulder toward her colleague who continued the tour without her. "Did you just get here or…"
"I did. Yeah."
"If you're planning to hang around for a bit, maybe we can grab coffee at the café next door?" Her question followed her teeth dragging over her bottom lip.
"Um. Yeah." I gulped when I nodded. "That-that sounds good."
"Okay. Give me like, fifteen minutes." She held her hand up to me, her playful gaze landing on mine. "Meet you there?"
"Yes." Her eagerness and quick movements sent a flutter of enticement through my center. A shiver ran through me, landing with a warm sensation across my shoulders. The desire to chase struck me like a puppy meeting a playmate for the first time. I ached to play, to hear her joke about man-eating plants in excited tones.
"Okay." She smiled, then gave my forearm a squeeze. "See you there."
My breath hitched when she touched me, and I flinched with the shock of it. As quick as it came, it dissipated as she scurried off back to the tour.
"All right, everyone! Who's up for seeing old videos of the wildest trends of the past?" When the kids cheered, she led them down the hall. "You'll never believe how many people dressed up as pirates just to post a fifteen second video of themselves on the internet. C'mon."
I watched them go, and my arm throbbed with the imprint of Harlow's touch. I rolled up my sleeve, blinking to clear my vision as the tingling sensation continued longer than it should. The thrumming of my own heart, anarchic in my chest startled me. I lost all my senses as the world suddenly stopped around me. My ears only heard Harlow's voice, both the echoes of her invitation and the remnants of her laughter. I smelled only her magnolia, tasted the sweetness of nectar, and felt only the afterimage of her grip on my arm. My vision tunneled, heightening my perception of my own skin. I imagined miniscule sparklers planted along my flesh.
The busy world around me faded, and quiet caught me in a bout of tranquility as if time stood still just for me.
I rolled my shoulders when my breath found me again and cleared my throat. My face burned with heat and I worried my complexion matched my hair. Instead of remaining frozen in place, I hurried off down the hall for a stop in the lavatory.
I made it to the café next door as the lunch crowd waxed and waned. They purchased items, then headed back out into their day. A few people sat at the tables in the center while the small booths around the edges remained empty. I stole away to the one farthest from the door and waited for Harlow while anxiety dampened my palms. I could tell her now, apologize as myself, and deal with the fallout from there. She could see me as I am and make her judgements as she saw fit.
How's Audra? I messaged Nalea while my thoughts continued to spiral.
Tired and saying she feels lighter. Is that weird?
I'm not sure. We're all a little weird…
Yup. I'm just staring at her now.
Keep doing it. I'll be home soon.
How's it going?
Not sure yet. Will let you know later. Call me if something changes.
K. She just punched me and told me to stop watching her.
Ha! Probably deserved it.
I chuckled and set my phone down in time to see Harlow sweeping in the front door. Her spunk radiated from her in the form of quick movements, and a bright smile. She hurried over to me, and I rocketed out of my seat to greet her.
"So sorry you had to see me sharing none of my glory talking, but maybe some guts," she said, then motioned toward the service area. "What can I get you?"
"It looked pretty glorious to me. Um…" A thousand thoughts ran through my head at once and I spat out, "Coffee is good."
"Cream? Sugar?"
"Cream. Please. Thank you."
"Back in a hot sec." She held her finger up to me then hurried off to the self-serve barista counters. I watched her poke in our orders, and she returned within a minute.
We sat together, our cups clasped in our palms, and she leaned her elbows on the table.
"Thank you," I said, blowing on the rim of the cup. "Remember when baristas were people?"
"Remember when taxis had drivers?" She brushed her hair over her shoulder before taking a cautious sip of her latte.
"Yeah." I chuckled and sipped my own drink. "Can't imagine what the future will be like. Don't think I want to."
"I mean, our present involves drones delivering pizza and groceries, alien-human hybrids, and superheroes cleaning up the streets. The only thing left is a War of the Worlds style invasion." She lifted her shoulders in a shrug as a grin curved her lips. "I'm ready."
"Oh my God, don't say that." I chuckled and tensed when her gaze locked on mine. "We don't need any more wars. Especially with alien technology at the forefront. Have we forgotten about nuclear war?"
"Hmm." She scrunched her nose. "True. I might've failed that portion of my history final."
"Liar." I leaned back, gnawing the inside of my cheek to prevent my smile from growing too broad. "Something tells me you never failed any final ever."
"False." She pointed at me, a single brow cocked. "I failed my Women's Studies class freshman year, and let me tell you, that was a surprise because I've been studying women since I was twelve." She wiggled her hands in the air like tracing the curves of a body. "Like all the parts. Studied them all. Never skipped a class."
I burst out laughing, unable to contain my amusement a moment longer. "Oh my God. You're too much." And I adored it.
She bit her lip and winked at me. "Hopefully not too too much."
"Not at all." I smiled and felt my cheeks warm again. Suddenly, I noticed the world around me dissipated. I didn't hear every heartbeat in the room or every car that drove by. I didn't overhear every conversation at once, or cringe over the level of bitterness in the coffee. None of it mattered, as Harlow captured all of my attention. It was like every part of me synced with the essence of her, soothing the hypervigilance of my construct.
"Good." She smiled, resting her chin on her hands. "Not to be too cliché, or forward, but I love your hair. Absolutely love it."
"Thanks." And the heat of a full blush followed, making it all the way to my ears. "I'm turning the color of it from your compliment."
"It's charming." She nibbled her lip and smiled.
"There's something I need to say to you…" I drew in a slow breath and leaned forward against the table.
"Okay…" Her brow furrowed and she made to say something else, but my phone vibrating between us interrupted the moment.
Nalea's name appeared on the screen and my stomach lurched. "I'm sorry. My friends are pregnant. I have to—"
"Of course. Of course." She gestured to the phone, her eyes wide.
I lifted the phone to my ear to answer. "Nae—"
"It's time. Hospital. Water broke!"
"Okay! I'll be right there. I'm…" I choked on my words and my gaze locked on Harlow's when her face paled. "On my way."
I hung up and pocketed my phone. "I have to go. Baby's coming like right now." My heart skipped a beat when I said it and nervousness rattled through me.
"Do you need a ride?" Harlow stood with me. "I actually have a car."
"Um…no I can—" Run. Jump. Fucking fly! "I'll make it. We have plenty of time. It's her first baby and everything."
"Then let me take you." She gripped my elbow, sincerity lacing her tone. "It's not far."
With no way out, no other options to explain save for bus, taxi, or on foot, I conceded. "All right. Okay. But you don't have to." I glanced down at her hand as it seared its imprint into my arm again before she withdrew her contact.
"C'mon." She snatched her purse from the seat beside us, and we hurried out together.
We made our way to Harlow's compact vehicle parked in the garage not far from the museum. The doors opened for us as we approached, and we both slid inside. The seatbelts fastened when the doors closed, and I drew in a slow breath.
/> "I'm nervous for them."
"Tell me about your friends." She pressed her thumb to the dash and the car started right away. "This is both self-driving and person-controlled, just so you know."
"Okay. U.W. Medical, please."
"You got it. Tell me about your friends." She tapped the on-screen display, but kept her hands on the wheel as we headed out.
"Um…" Tears welled in my eyes when I thought about Audra giving birth, both happy for the baby to come and anxious about the risk to her. "Nalea's my best friend. We met in college when we were eighteen. Roommates then we dated for a minute, but that was terrible." I sniffled through my laughter. Harlow chuckled, but allowed me to continue. "We were much better as friends. She met Audra our senior year and they've been together ever since. They're married now. We all live together in the same apartment we've had since our twenties." I smiled fondly while I thought about it. "They're my family. They're all I have, they're my everything and Audra's pregnant with their first baby. I can't wait to be an auntie." I croaked and swiped at my cheeks. "They're amazing."
Harlow listened to every word I said. Her soft smile and contemplative expression never left her face. I watched her while she monitored the car, half allowing it to drive, but often urging the controls to her whims.
"They sound incredibly special," she said, glancing at me. "Chosen family is everything."
"It is." I sniffled and drew in a slow breath. "I'm sorry. You're a total stranger having to deal with me right now."
"Not a total stranger. Just a partial one. Tell me about the baby. Keep going."
"It's a girl." I chuckled when I thought of her, remembering the sound of her fetal heartbeat that I listened to almost every night. "She's going to be strong. We have everything ready for her. I got her cute little outfits and baby Doc Martens from the U.K. so we can match."
"That's adorable. I'm diggin' the Docs, by the way. Stylin'."
"Thanks. I didn't try to be styling at all."
"But you do it with panache." She tossed me a smile that sent off a wave of flutters in my gut. Part of me wondered if the feeling belonged to her reaction to me or my worry for Audra.
"So is…" I gave her a once-over then held my breath before saying. "Everything you wear."
"So…you're saying you noticed what I wear?"
"I am. Yeah." I covered my face with my hands as my body vibrated with unspent energy. If I ran or flew, I would've been there by now.
"So, what did you have to say to me?" She glanced at me, continuing to attempt her distraction techniques. "Five more minutes by the way. We're almost there. Are you having labor pains?"
"Um…" I noticed my fast breathing, and when I focused on myself, I realized I'd been scanning ahead, attempting to hear or sense something from my family. Like Cressida, my range had limits, but that didn't mean I didn't push them. "Maybe."
"She'll be okay. Everything is healthy, planned, and expected it sounds like. Right?" Harlow's cool tone and even demeanor softened mine, and I nodded.
"Everything's been good, and I could hear the baby—" My mouth snapped shut as I fought to find a way to recover. "On the monitor when I accompanied them to their doctor visit on Monday."
"That's good. When's her actual due date?"
"Saturday, so we're only a little early."
"Just a little."
Harlow pulled up to the main entrance of the hospital behind another drop off. I unfastened the safety belt and released the door before turning to her.
"Thank you so much." I drew in a slow breath. "I really appreciate it."
"Anytime—" She paused, cocking a brow. "Not that…I would be happy driving you to a hospital any time, but you know what I mean."
"Yes." I chuckled and made my exit, closing the door but leaning back in the window. "Take care."
"Good luck. Can't wait to see pictures of your newest family member." She waved as I backed away.
I smiled at the thought of baby pictures, then turned and bolted into the hospital. I slowed my speed, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I hadn't spent much time in hospitals, and so I followed the signs that pointed toward the birthing unit. Six floors up, four corridors down in the bright white lights that overwhelmed me. My head ached, eyes squinted, and my anxiety tripled.
My phone rang, and I whipped it to my ear when I saw Nalea's name.
"Where are you?" her panicked voice asked.
"Lost. Where in this hospital are you?"
"Sixth floor—oh, I see you."
"What?" I spun around and saw her waving at the end of the unnecessarily long hall.
We both hung up at the same time, and I all but raced down to her. "How is she?"
"She's okay. They took her in." She caught me, both of us gripping the other's arms. "Baby is coming though."
"Okay, Mommy. We got this." I squeezed her shoulders and held her gaze. "Right?"
"Yes." Her deep brown eyes shimmered with tears, and she took a few deep breaths. "There's a waiting area for family while they prep her."
"Show me." I took her hand, and she led me down the hall, her fingers trembling in mine.
Instead of a large waiting room, half a dozen smaller ones broke up the space. Each room contained two long sofas, a television, and reading material. Scents of disinfectant and sanitizers stung my nose, but I pushed through it to join her in one of the empty rooms. Vending machines and a coffee bar lined the wall adjacent from the doors.
"Do you want something? We're probably in for a long night."
"Not yet." She shook her head, and we settled on the sofa together.
She grew quiet beside me and dropped her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead. My insides settled in the quiet space and the chaos of the day stole only a small breath.
"I want to be with her," whispered Nalea.
"You can be, right? Once she's settled you can go in."
She nodded and swiped at her cheeks. "Yes, but I hate waiting."
"I know."
"Everything will be okay, right? You heard the baby's heart and Audra's?"
"Everything I've heard has been completely normal to how they always sound to me. I know you're scared, Nae. But you picked a great hospital and one of the best birthing centers in the area." I rubbed her back, and she draped her arm across my lap.
Closeness with Nalea most times came easily to me. It usually did with people I trusted or knew I could trust on some level.
"I know. I'm going to continue to be illogical and anxious. What was giving birth like where your mom was from?" she asked, looking up at me once she appeared to calm down.
"I'm not sure." I held her hand when she sat up, continually glancing over my shoulder. "She died when I was so young, we didn't really get to talk about that. I do know she shared our anatomy for the most part, so I imagine it would be similar."
"I was hoping you'd say men had to pop babies out of their wankers." She pouted at me, and I laughed.
"It's totally possible. Millions of galaxies, billions of planets, who even knows what could happen somewhere else."
"Yeah." Nalea let out a slow breath. "Panic calmed for now. Where were you, by the way? It took you like twenty minutes. Were you in Portland?"
"No." I shook my head, puffing my cheeks. "Long story."
"Listen, girl. We've got nothing but time right now and either you get on with it or we suffer through my nervous breakdown while I wait for my wife to free a human from her vagina. Those are our only choices." She smacked her lips, propped her elbow on the back of the sofa, and crossed her legs all laden with an attitude to go with it. "Spill."
I laughed and gently shoved her shoulder. "Fine. You know how I tend to visit museums and stuff at night?"
"You mean break and enter with regularity, yes. Yes. Go on." She turned her finger over a few times as if hurrying me along.
"The night we caught the Peeping Tom, I went to the art museum after. The curator was still there and pu
lled a gun on me. I let my guard down, didn't stay in the shadows, and got caught," I told her, finally.
"What? We didn't get a report or anything."
"She didn't call it in, so I just left." I puffed up my cheeks, then said, "I went back the other night though and she caught me again. Or waited for me, I can't tell."
"Veyda. Seriously? The last thing you need is people actually looking for you…"
"I know, but it wasn't about that. I…accidentally scared her. She made me angry, and I scared her. She wasn't afraid of me before, just skeptical, but this time I just…really frightened her. And I felt really bad about it. She already seems tentative about Hybridians, but I went and made her afraid of me of all people…" I dropped my head back against the sofa, though I never stopped listening for any of the medical staff passing by should they utter Audra's name.
"What'd you do?" Nalea's brow furrowed, though she kept watch over my shoulder.
"I went back there today as myself. I ran into the curator again at my job the other day and she recognized me. I wanted to make sure she was okay, and I was going to tell her…"
"Tell her it was you? Are you kidding me?" Nalea shot up to sit upright. "Veyda."
"I feel bad. I freaked her out. It's my responsibility to own up to it," I said and sighed. "I don't want her feeling that way about all the Shadow Protectors, you know?"
"You're not responsible for her already, clearly, biased opinion if she pulled a weapon on you, Vey. You know that. Was it a regular weapon or a tech?"
"Regular. Typical Glock like your work gun."
"Hmm." She glanced at me then. "Odd. Not common these days. Most go for laser stun or the sonics for protection. Equally useful against all races, classes, and breeds."
"I don't know, but that's not the point. I still feel bad. She asked me to have coffee with her and we were talking when you called. She drove me here…"
"Drove you?" She scoffed and shook her head. "Okay. You were right. This story is consuming not distracting."
"I told you. Now we're doubly stressed. You're welcome." I groaned and gave her hand a squeeze.
"Was she cute at least?" Her eyes widened when a nurse headed our way, then she frowned when she walked past.
"Um…yeah." I smirked when I thought about Harlow. "Really…really cute. She even asked to see a picture of the baby."