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Midnight Without a Moon

Page 14

by Emma Wildes

  In short, he mused at he stared bleakly at a bank of neatly clipped yew trees bordering the small garden path, he loved her.

  If she were gone from his life forever, he wasn’t sure just what he would do.

  A small commotion roused him from his morbid introspection, making him turn from the windows and stare at the doorway. Not certain he could trust his sense of hearing, Trenton stood in frozen hope, once again hearing the familiar melodic sound of his wife’s light laugh. When Winters appeared, practically wheezing in his haste, he heard with almost incredulous joy the old man announce, “Her ladyship has just returned, my lord.”

  “Are you certain?” he asked ridiculously, his muscles unlocking as he strode across the room, “By God, Winters, where is she?”

  The aging butler stepped aside, his normally stoic expression beaming, letting Trenton by. “Right here, sir.”

  It was true, Jessica did indeed stand in the hallway, and though he registered her disheveled appearance with shock and concern, the mere fact that she stood there, smiling tremulously up at him, was a miracle. Spinning a fervent prayer of gratitude toward the heavens, he caught her in his arms, crushing her so close he could hear her breath leave her lungs. “Jess, my God, where have you been? I have been frantic. Are you hurt? Jesus, it feels good to hold you.”

  Against his chest, she mumbled, “I’m so sorry you were worried.”

  Resting his cheek against her soft, tumbled hair, he said, “I am not interested in apologies, Jess. Just having you safe is enough.”

  “Still, I suppose your mother’s party was ruined. That will hardly endear me to her.”

  She sounded so glum over such a trivial matter that Trenton laughed out loud, loosening his arms a fraction to allow his wife to take a breath. “She will have to face the fact that she has a rather recklessly impetuous daughter-in-law someday, so better sooner than later, I suppose.”

  Lax against him, his lovely wife murmured, “If I were not so tired, I would take exception to that remark, Trenton. As it is, if you do not mind, I want a bath with all my heart, and to sleep for about a hundred years.”

  “Whatever you wish, my love.” He couldn’t have hidden the tenderness in his voice if he had tried. Lifting her gently into his arms, he saw for the first time that her wrists were bandaged with strips of bloodied white linen, and though she seemed otherwise unharmed, her dress was filthy and torn. Looking down into her blue eyes, he said gently, “As long as you can promise me you aren’t hurt, Jess, I’ll save my questions for later.”

  “A few scrapes and bruises,” she said with a small sigh, “but otherwise, I am not hurt, my lord.”

  Carrying her upstairs, he sent her hovering maid for hot water, undressing her himself, seeing to his infinite relief that she spoke the truth. Other than the cuts on her wrists and bruises around her ankles, she seemed fine, though the minute he lowered her into the tub of steaming water, she drifted half-asleep.

  Later, when she was bathed and tucked safely into bed, he sank into a chair and wearily rubbed his hand over his face, feeling the stubble of whiskers with a grimace. He needed some sleep himself but was reluctant to leave her side. Not illogically so, he reminded himself wryly, for she had disappeared once right under his nose, so his fears were quite justified.

  If there was one thing he was certain of in this life, it was that he was never going to lose her again.

  Stretching out his legs, he sat there and watched her sleep.

  * * * *

  Gage Reichert climbed the steps briskly, thinking that though Lady Declan’s unique skills came with a high price, things could not have turned out better. Farin, that cold bastard, had actually smiled during their meeting, and without an argument, given both men who had accompanied him on his rescue mission commendations and offers of promotion.

  The best thing, of course, was that Gaston Romney had been eliminated.

  The worst thing would be offering Trenton Wyatt the explanation he no doubt deserved. Handling Dorothy hadn’t been particularly easy either, though that was over and she seemed resigned to the fact that he relished the challenges of his position with the British government. He had, most certainly, left out the details of his private moments with Romney. In fact, those particulars had been remarkably absent from his report to Farin as well. Considering what the Frenchman had in mind for Jessica, and how many good men had died at his hands, Gage found it hard to regret anything he had done.

  The aging butler who answered the door informed him that the Earl of Declan was expecting him. Escorted to Trenton’s study, Gage was a little surprised to see that his friend had out brandy and two glasses already, offering him a seat with what might even be interpreted as cordiality. “Gage.”

  Accepting a glass warily, he lifted a brow. “Good afternoon, Trenton. How is Jessica?”

  “Still sleeping.”

  Taking a bracing sip and sinking into a leather chair, Gage murmured, “I’m not surprised. She had an interesting ordeal.”

  Leaning back, Trenton gave him a level look. “How interesting?”

  “You know I can’t tell you very much. If I could have before, I would have done so.”

  “What can you tell me?”

  Relieved to see such equanimity in light of the kidnapping and absence of his wife all night, Gage answered, “The men who took Jessica from the ball are no longer a concern.”

  Lifting a dark brow, Trenton said, “That’s reassuring, at least. Is that it?”

  “Isn’t that enough?” Gage smiled thinly. “Your wife is safely back in your bed, and I have already informed my superiors that she is unavailable for future, uh, contact. Does that satisfy you?”

  “I doubt she’ll agree. Actually, I would much rather be kept informed of her covert activities than otherwise, so, no, it doesn’t.” Clasping his hands together, Trenton placed them on the desk, his dark stare penetrating and a small smile hovering around his mouth. “I will make you a devil’s bargain, Gage. If your superiors still want to use my wife’s gifted mind for your crusade against the French, I will agree, but I will be the one to receive and return the messages. In turn, you will keep me abreast of any possible threats so I can prepare for another unfortunate event such as the one that took place last evening. By the way, I am going to make it known I received a ransom note, and you are going to have to take the credit for accidentally being in the right spot and rushing to her rescue. I cannot fathom any other way to explain your simultaneous disappearance, not to mention Jessica’s rumpled and soiled appearance upon her return.”

  Gage stifled a grimace. “Done, but don’t think without sacrifice. I despise the role of hero, Trent.”

  “I have noticed that.” His friend gave him a curious smile. “I suppose Britain needs brilliant generals like Wellington, valiant fighters like Stephen Fairman, but also men like you, manipulating this war behind the scenes. You role is unsung but must be crucial. Why else would the French seek to prevent Jessica from helping you any longer?”

  “Your wife is a very brave, resourceful young lady,” Gage said with total honesty, remembering how relieved he was to see her emerge from that window and affect her own escape, freeing him to enter the decrepit mansion without fear for her safety. “I understand your need to protect her, but she is actually quite competent all on her own.”

  In answer, Trenton raised his glass of brandy and grinned. “My wife is a headstrong, stubborn woman, capable of driving a sane man to the edge of madness.”

  Gage coughed discreetly. “Yes, well, that too.”

  “Fortunately, I love her so deeply that I am apparently willing to live with the insanity.”

  Giving Trenton a speculative glance, Gage said in amused agreement, “I will drink to that, my friend.”

  * * * *

  She was having the loveliest dream. Though she had never been to a tropical island, the sensation must be akin to lying on a beach and being washed with warm, gentle persuasive breezes. Stretching her nude body, Jess
ica sighed with pleasure, lifting her arms over her head as that wonderful feeling seemed to flow over every inch of her bared skin.

  In fact, it felt rather hot, and as it settled over her, the fluid weight was both familiar and welcome. Slowly lifting her lids, she looked into her husband’s dark seductive eyes and smiled sleepily. “Trenton.”

  His answering smile made her heart flutter in sudden, undeniable excitement. “Of course. I assume you weren’t expecting anyone else, my love?” His mouth drifted across her cheek and he whispered in her ear, “Because you are mine. My wife, my lover, my life.”

  “I am?” she asked ingenuously, feeling the familiar impressive size of his erection against her stomach. Running her hands down his muscled arms, she shivered in anticipation, his much larger, naked body resting over her.

  Leaning down, he lightly ran his tongue along her lower lip, tracing the curve with enticing slowness. “You are,” he confirmed huskily. “I love you, Jess.”

  The world seemed to stop, to fuse into the moment. She stared up, her throat tightening. “Oh.”

  His smile was tender and almost boyishly uncertain. “I have never said that to anyone in my life.”

  If being kidnapped by a murderous French agent, terrified and tied for hours, was what it took to finally have Trenton Wyatt tell her he loved her, every brutally frightening moment had been worth it. “Oh, Trenton, do you know how I have longed to hear you say that?” she whispered, pulling him down so his mouth touched hers, kissing him with open, explosive hunger.

  “Have you, Jess?” His fingers lightly stroked her arm, and then moved her breast, his gaze darkening with sexual need.

  “Yes,” she admitted. “I think I have been in love with you forever.”

  When he nudged her knees apart, she spread her legs eagerly, feeling the penetration of his carnal possession with ecstatic blissful joy, taking him as deep as possible, all the way to her womb. They began the sexual rhythm of mating, and this time there was something more, a communion of body, but also an emotional current that ran between them as strong as the rush of an overflowing summer stream. On the rising current of orgasmic release, Jessica clung to her husband and felt the weightless, buoyant tide take her away into paradise, his answering groan and ejaculation a part of her acute, jubilant pleasure.

  “What did I do to deserve you?” he asked hours later as they lay still breathless and entwined, their sated bodies heated and damp. His long fingers lightly skimmed through her hair, the touch devastatingly gentle.

  With an arched brow, Jessica answered truthfully, “You did nothing, my lord, except be yourself.”

  “That’s hardly an admirable thing,” he said dryly. “It seems to me you are the one who reminds me of my less-than-savory reputation of seduction and abandonment, my dear.”

  “That’s true enough,” she admitted with a light laugh, teasing him, but also serious. “Yet, somehow, I have always known you were the man of my dreams.”

  “There are those who would say you are foolish to trust your heart to a man like me.” His breath was a whisper against her cheek, his hand smoothing over her hip with the barest caress. “Why should you risk it, Jess?”

  “If you are talking about your mother, or worse, Lady Alison, then I will tell you that I feel sorry for them both, for they have missed the opportunity of a lifetime.” With utter sincerity, Jessica gazed up at her husband. “There is no great love without risk, and look at how unhappy they both are. I hope they learn a lesson from their misjudgment of you and take stock of their lives.”

  “Sound advice from someone who specializes in taking risks.” He grinned, that wickedly sensual smile she loved curving his mouth.

  “Absolutely,” she agreed with serene confidence.


  The Sinful Gentlemen Collection 2



  Emma Wildes is the author of 14 erotic novels and numerous short stories. Reading has always been her passion and she finds that vibrant characters with strong personalities have a tendency to draw her straight into the story. History is her passion, and it reflects in her choice of wickedly dashing heroes and willful heroines. She lives in rural Indiana and is working on her next romance. Please stop by and visit at She would love to hear from you.

  The Sinful Gentlemen


  by Emma Wildes

  Available in e-book format:

  The Sinful Gentlemen Print Collection contains both

  The Manuscript and Midnight Without a Moon

  The Sinful Gentlemen Collection #1

  The Manuscript

  Claire Fallon is destitute and desperate. Reluctantly, she agrees to become the mistress of the reclusive but deliciously handsome Viscount Ranleigh, even though the man has absolutely no idea she has been hired to warm his bed. Much to her chagrin, another part of her duties involves translating an ancient manuscript that ends up being little more than an apothecary's guide to recipes for sexual adventure…

  Justin Howard has made a mistake, and he has paid a price. His wife is a promiscuous tart he can't escape...or can he? After his new assistant arrives to help him with his scientific experiments, he finds Claire not only opens a world of sensuous and uninhibited delights, but a determination to free himself from a situation that he can no longer tolerate.

  A scientist and an ingénue prove love matters more than scandal, and it is possible to find some intriguing ideas for passion in The Manuscript...

  The Sinful Gentlemen Collection #2

  Midnight Without a Moon

  Trenton Wyatt usually disdains gossip, but when it involves the younger sister of one of his best friends, he is forced to interfere before disaster strikes. Rescuing her from suspicious revenue officers by pretending she is his mistress brings both scandal and the wrath of her family down on his head, and before he knows what's happening, he is forced to wed the very beautiful, very reckless Jessica.

  Finally having the attention of the man of her dreams isn't exactly the fantasy Jessica Fairman imagined. For one thing, her arrogant new husband is both controlling and difficult to know...except, of course, sexually. In that way, the infamous rake performs predictably with exquisite skill and tireless passion, filling her nights--and days--with unbelievable pleasure.

  An unexpected union binds an aristocratic rogue and a determined young woman together in the dangerous darkness of midnight without a moon...

  Dangerous Beauties


  by Emma Wildes

  Available in e-book format:

  Dangerous Beauties Print Collection contains both

  Mortal Melody and Bedding a Traitor

  Dangerous Beauties Collection #1

  Mortal Melody

  A young woman is sent on a mission to deliver a volatile package to a reputed dark and powerful lord--only she proves to be the deadly one.

  Susanna Holt has lost her father, and now finds herself at the mercy of a broodingly handsome and enigmatic man who isn't ordinary in the least. Lord Fairmoor is the very stuff of legend, and she needs him desperately to protect her. The infamous earl does much, much more than just keep her safe, and in his arms, she learns that paradise can exist in the middle of mortal danger...

  Dare Weston wants a quiet life where his gift goes unnoticed. But, when tempted with the lovely Susanna, he finds his human failings overcome self-preservation, and he is lured by the song of passion, succumbing to that Mortal Melody...

  Dangerous Beauties Collection #2

  Bedding a Traitor

  He's handsome, incredibly brave, a decorated hero…and just might be the treacherous man who betrayed her husband. Stephanie has a score to settle, but exacting the truth has never been so wickedly wondrous. Seducing Colonel Kingsley in the name of justice proves to be her pleasure, and she finds she is more than willing to sacrifice honor if it means spending time in his bed.

  The Luscious Lady Lakes,
or so she is called by London society, wants something. Just what it is, Daniel Kingsley has yet to discover. Though he knows the beautiful widow's motives are suspect, he is just too captivated to resist the temptation.

  Together a damaged hero and a vengeful widow find that sinful passion and incredible pleasure are possible, if you are Bedding a Traitor…


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