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Passion: A Single Dad Small Town Romance

Page 43

by Bella Winters

  She moaned with my cock in her mouth and grabbed on to my thighs. She sat up, smashing a handful of berries in between her palms before grabbing my cock and started to stroke. I thrust my pelvis upward, feeling the wet and sticky sensation running over me. She turned back and glanced over her shoulder at me, smiling mischievously.

  “I want to feel you inside me,” she cooed, looking down at my cock.

  “I guess you’ll have to clean me up then, won’t you?”

  She bit her lip and climbed between my legs. I crossed my arms behind my back and watched as she deep throated my cock, her eyes watering as she surfaced. She bobbed her head up and down on the berry-covered shaft, before taking it in her hand and licking it like a melting ice cream cone. When the last remnants of berries had been licked off of it, she wiped her mouth and popped some mango in her mouth. I smiled and leaned forward, pushing her down on the sand and pressing my lips hard against hers. I scooped the mango from her lips with my tongue. She reached down and grabbed my bulging cock in her sticky hands and ran her fingers up and down it while she massaged my balls with her other hand.

  With every move, we both got dirtier and sticker, sucking and licking the juices of our bounty from each other’s body. I grabbed my erection and pushed it deep inside of her, and she screamed loudly in pleasure. My hands slipped in the crushed fruit, and my face felt stickier than honey. I pushed repeatedly and deep into her wet pussy. Her hands flew back and rubbed through the sand.

  I grabbed her hips, trying to keep her from wriggling away in pleasure. When she brought her hands back, she frowned as the grains were stuck in the mounds of nectar covering our bodies. I chuckled and pulled out, standing and pulling her to her feet. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out into the water, bending down and lifting her from her feet. Once we were waist deep in the warm waves, I grabbed her ass and lifted her body around me, sliding my cock into her wetness.

  Adriana moaned loudly and leaned back as I pushed her closer to orgasm. The top of her body floated above the water as she gyrated her hips and rubbed her clit against me. I could tell she was coming close, so I reached down into the water and flicked my fingers across her nub. She erupted in front of me, arching her back and screaming out in pleasure. I could feel her warm juices flood over my cock, and I watched her body shake in pleasure.

  She breathed heavily as she sat back up and wrapped her arms around my neck. I grabbed her hips and pushed and pulled, feeling my cock slip in and out of her hole. She scratched her nails down my back, and the pleasure in my chest turned to low growls. Immediately, I started to thrust, pushing my cock as deep into her as I could. I hooked her legs over my arms, and she opened up and took me all the way in. From that point, I thrust four more deep thrusts before bringing her in close and feeling my cock begin to pulsate as the orgasm washed over my body.

  She grabbed onto my shoulders tightly and kissed my forehead as I lowered her to her feet. I pressed my lips against hers, feeling her breath begin to slow, and her pulse begin to lower. She smiled and giggled as both our senses came back to us. We looked around at the oils and fruits floating in the water, and I dunked my body backward, getting the rest of it off. I watched as this divine goddess scooped the water into her hands and let it run down her breasts, relieving the stickiness and washing the stain of the berries from her skin. She was absolutely gorgeous, and I didn’t know how I even came close to deserving such a beautiful girl.

  Once the fruit was washed away, we made our way back to shore and got dressed, looking down and laughing at the huge mess we made. I shrugged my shoulders and picked up the blanket, walked to the edge of the woods, and shook all the fruit and rinds into the tree line. I took the blanket with me as I followed Adriana inside, realizing she was exhausted from the day. In fact, she may have had the best idea yet. A middle of the day nap.

  Chapter 23: Adriana

  We had been on the island for almost a week, and I still couldn’t get enough of that warm breeze off the ocean. We only had a couple days left until we had to get back to Silesia and get back to business, but I didn’t even want to think about it. I just wanted to sit there with Milos’s arms wrapped around my belly and watch the waves crash against the shore. I shivered slightly from the cool breeze that looked like it was bringing a storm in, and Milos hugged me tighter, his hand resting on my baby bump.

  I loved when we sat like this, something we seemed to be doing more often these days. Milos seemed to love to touch my belly, knowing there was a piece of us growing inside of me. The warmth it brought, knowing how excited he was for this child, set my mind at ease. Before we had left, he had even talked about having more children after this. I had laughed at him, thinking about myself chasing a dozen children over the lawn of the castle, but in all honesty, I knew I wanted more children with him as well.

  So many people are left in positions like I was before Milos came after me, unable to care for their children, holding back because they don’t need another mouth to feed. I had found myself in a place where I could build a large family with the man I loved and never worry. I was blessed.

  The incoming clouds looked like a wall of darkness off in the distance, but there was nothing scary or ominous about it. We could see the rain hitting the ocean surface far away, and I was completely in awe of the power of mother nature. It was like I was living in a fairy tale, and every day, I experienced something new and magical. From baby monkeys to distant storm clouds, I just couldn’t even imagine my life any other way. The sun was hovering low in the sky, casting vibrant colors through the dark rain clouds. It looked like some famous painting hung in a gallery.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Milos sounded so relaxed and calm.

  “It’s paradise,” I sighed.

  I shifted slightly, feeling a tightness in my belly. Suddenly, the baby kicked, and I looked back at Milos with wide eyes. He sat up and laughed, pressing his hand down on my stomach. There it was again. The baby kicked up a storm for the first time ever. We sat there for over an hour, waiting patiently between kicks and laughing every time we felt the little baby flail around inside of me. It was the most amazing thing to feel, and in such a perfect setting. Tears pulled at the corners of my eyes as I sat there, leaning into the love of my life, experiencing such an amazing thing. Milos was almost giddy from the excitement, and he leaned down and whispered to the baby.

  “Hey, in there,” he said. “We can’t wait to meet you, little buddy.”

  At the sound of Milos’s voice, the baby kicked again, and I leaned back, laughing and crying at the same time. Milos sat up and shook his head, a look of wonder surging across his face. He thought this was just as amazing as I did, and that, in itself, brought a warm and comforting feeling to my chest. The baby was overly excited and went on for several minutes, rolling, kicking, and punching in my belly. As if every time were the first, Milos’s eyes would widen, and he would wait patiently for the next feeling. Carrying a human life was so crazy in every aspect, but I was overjoyed to get to share it with Milos. As the baby calmed, Milos sat back and put his arms behind his head, sighing deeply as if he had something on his mind.

  “I grew up in such a strange life,” Milos said. “I was constantly on the go, and things were always for show. But when it really got thick, and the stress of royal life started pounding down on me, my parents were there to pick me up and dust me off. They always made everything better, even as an adult. I’m not saying they solved my problems for me, but they knew just the right amount of encouragement to give in order for me to push through it on my own. I never really paid attention to how much they loved me, how much they protected me, until I started thinking about our child. I realized there is so much I can learn about how to be a parent, just by looking back at how my parents treated me. We weren’t the normal family, so obviously they parented differently, but our child will have the same life as me. I was lucky they were there.”

  “I’m glad you had them,” I said, smiling.

“I am, too,” Milos sighed. “But I tell you what, regret is a bitch. My father tried so hard to push me down the right path. He knew the man I could be, long before I ever realized it. He was a tough man, but he was a good man. I wish I had listened to him as I grew up, you know? I wish I had really taken in his wisdom and lessons in life. When it comes down to it, I wish I could have made him proud of me.”

  “Oh honey,” I said sitting up and turning toward him. “Your father loved you so much. If he didn’t, he would have never pushed you so hard. I know, and I never even met him, that he would be so proud of the man, the husband, and the king you have become.”

  “Thank you,” he said with a small smile. “I wish you had met him, too. He would have loved you. But you know what? It's never too late to take his lessons to heart. I promise you, Adriana, I am going to keep becoming a better and better man for you and for our children. I want our children to be proud of me, like I am of my father. I won’t let you down ever again. I promise.”

  I leaned my forehead against his, holding back the tears that were trying to burst forward. I truly believed every word that Milos said, and I couldn’t think of another man I wanted to share my life with. He had become the man I needed, the man I wanted, and the man that I knew he could be. Everything from here was just extra.

  “I want you to know, I’m already proud of you,” I said, sniffling.

  Milos reached his hands up and pulled my face toward him, kissing me long and hard. He tilted his head and continued to lap at my mouth. Our passion and love began to erupt. I scooted closer to him, needing to feel his body against mine and his heart beating in his chest.

  He ran his hands down my arms and lifted himself up onto his knees. He pushed my long hair back over my shoulders and untied the bow holding up my dress. My clothes fell from my body, and he ran his hands over my shoulders, touching my skin softly and seductively. His eyes searched over me, but not in lust. Instead, it was a look of love and gratefulness, something I had not seen from him before. I wrapped my arms around his neck and fell backward, pulling him on top of me.

  I sighed a deep breath as he pressed his lips to mine, savoring our connection with no rush forward and no steps backward. I slowly pulled his shirt over his head and touched his warm skin, gently kissing his shoulder and arms. It was an incredibly intimate moment. Our naked bodies wrapped tightly around each other, and we took the time to feel every touch of our skin. I leaned my head back as he trailed his lips over my neck and down my chest. The storm in the background felt like our past, long lost at sea, while the setting sun felt like our future, holding secrets of the night, and glimmering in the vibrant colors of the sky.

  The sounds of the waves took over, covering up our heated breath and the movements of body. The song of the insects in the forest created a backdrop of passion as our bodies moved and twisted, taking each other in and looking for more. As the sun set over the island, we let go of everything and made love on the white sandy beaches.

  Later that night, we curled up in the bed and turned on an old black and white movie as the storm made landfall. The sound of rain falling on the roof top put Milos to sleep almost instantly. I got up from the bed, turned off the television, and rummaged through the fridge, trying to find something to satisfy my hunger. I settled on a bag of chips from the cupboard and sat watching the rain fall over the beach. As the lightning flashed in the background, an odd feeling moved through my chest, the feeling that something was just not right. I took a deep breath and put the food away, figuring I was just tired. I crawled back into the bed and under the covers where I found the comfort of Milos’s arms. I fell asleep, but didn’t stay that way for very long.

  The loud clap of thunder over the house jolted me awake, and I laid with my head on the pillow, looking out at the rolling ocean. With each flash of lightning, I could see the white capped waves rolling angrily and crashing against the shore. I shuttered as thunder clapped again, this time shaking the bed slightly. I didn’t know if it was the food, the storm, or the hormones, but immediately, I felt a complete sense of dread. I couldn’t shake it, no matter how close I scooted into Milos’s arms. It felt like out in the darkness, something was lurking in the shadows, something that was coming to haunt us. I had never felt this way before in my life, and the suffocating feeling in my chest was almost unbearable. I closed my eyes and began to hum softly to myself, trying to calm my nerves.

  I could feel my muscles begin to unwind, but just as they did, thunder and lightning would crash around us, sending my heart rate skyrocketing. I pulled the blanket up to my chin and closed my eyes tighter, humming a little louder this time. I could hear the pause in thunder and slowly opened my eyes. However, just as I expected to hear another clap, I sat up in bed, listening to someone pound on the front door. Who could that be? It was the middle of the night, and we were on a completely private island. I turned to Milos and shook him hard.

  “Milos,” I whispered. “Someone is pounding on the door.”

  He sat up on the bed and waited for a moment to see if we heard it again. Just as I began to relax my shoulders, the pounding came again. Milos slid from under the covers, and I grabbed his arm, shaking my head.

  “Don’t answer it,” I said. “I have a terrible feeling.”

  “Don’t be silly, love,” he said, kissing my forehead. “What if it is an emergency at the castle?”

  I watched as he pulled on his robe and made his way out of the room and around the corner. I sat listening intently, knowing that whoever was on the other side was not coming with cheerful news. Whoever was on the other side was about to change everything in our world in the blink of an eye.

  Chapter 24: Milos

  I walked through the cottage, leaving my bride alone in our bed, and all I could think was whoever was behind that door better have a damn good reason for not only interrupting my honeymoon, but for arriving in the middle of the night. I flipped the lights on through the house and peeked through the window in the door. It was Brat. What the hell was Brat doing here at this time?

  “Brat,” I said, opening the door and stepping to the side. “What in the world?”

  Brat hurried through the doorway, shaking the rain from his shoulders and wiping his face on the towel I handed him. He had traveled in this weather and was standing outside my door in the pouring rain. I gave him a minute to gather himself before launching into a barrage of questions. If I knew my best friend well enough, he would never have come here if it wasn’t a really good reason.

  I looked over my shoulder as Adriana appeared, looking worried and leaning against the door frame. I smiled at her, trying to give her comfort, but from the look of her arms crossed across her chest and her furrowed brow, she wasn’t going to calm until Brat told us why he was here.

  “I’m so sorry for interrupting your honeymoon. Truly, Adriana, please accept my apologies.” He turned from me to her. “But I believe there is a situation that needs your urgent attention, and it couldn’t wait.”

  I laughed at Brat’s disheveled look. “Yes, of course, but you couldn’t have picked up the phone?”

  “I tried to call, but you must be out of service range here, and you were hell bent against landlines,” Brat replied, shaking his head. “So, I jumped in the jet and came out here.”

  “Well, what’s this news?”

  “Reg Evers has been sniffing around the castle,” Brat revealed. “He was supposedly trying to get an appointment with the King and his new Queen. By the time I heard of it, he was apparently getting pretty impatient.”

  “What? What the hell does he want?” Adriana’s voice was shrill and angry.

  “Well, that was just what I wanted to know, so I approached him and took him to lunch to find out,” Brat said shaking his head. “He wouldn’t specify the terms, but he said that he is going to be expanding the business, and he believed Milos would be interested in helping him.”

  “Syn sukinsynu,” I cursed in Polish. “How dare he attempt to blackmail
me? Does he not realize who I am?”

  From there, I couldn’t help but let go, and I stood cursing in my native tongue, knowing Adriana would not be able to understand. When I had gotten it out of my system, I took a deep breath and looked back at her. She was standing there, clutching the doorframe with a face full of fear. Immediately, I felt terrible for not comforting her first. I raced across the room and hugged her tightly, kissed her on the head, and looked up at Brat standing in the foyer.

  ”I’m sorry, my love,” I whispered. ”Don’t worry about a thing. I will take care of all of this. I will not allow this gutter trash to reveal anything about our past. Our life together is too important for that.”

  I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do about this, but I knew that whatever it was, Reg Evers would be lucky to leave with his head intact. I had just gotten my relationship with Adriana back on track, we were expecting a child, and the people of Silesia were more than ecstatic to have her taking the reins from Mother in the future. Everything was absolutely perfect, for the first time in my life. Then, this happenened. Maybe I couldn’t expect my past to stay hidden forever. Karma had a tricky way of sneaking up on you when you least expected it.

  ”My dear,” I said to Adriana. ”Would you mind getting Brat some dry clothes and starting a pot of hot tea for us?”

  I smiled kindly at Adriana and watched her disappear into the other room. I didn’t want any tea, but I needed Adriana to feel as if nothing had changed. I needed her not to worry about this, especially being pregnant. She needed to stay calm and comfortable at all times. I took in a deep breath and stepped out onto the covered porch. The rain hit the thatched roof and ran over, cascading over the edges like a waterfall. I could feel the anger simmering in my stomach, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I had never been blackmailed before, simply because of the fact that I never gave a damn about revealing what I was doing. That was, until it became a situation that affected my wife and unborn child. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth as I paced across the patio floor.


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