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Passion: A Single Dad Small Town Romance

Page 73

by Bella Winters

  Ivy jumped out of bed, got dressed in a hurry and when she came out of her room, she realized that it was nearly ten. She had overslept. Leon was usually up and ready to leave for work on the ranch by eight, and she hadn’t missed a single morning. Now she was worried that he might be angry with her.

  She rushed out of the house, tensed, and stood on the porch, straining her eyes to see if she could see Leon.

  She saw both the brothers instead. Each on their own horse, in a distance, riding together, laughing, kicking up clouds of dust behind them as they rode.

  Ivy leaned against the pillar on the porch as she stared at them. They were handsome, rugged and purebred cowboys. Despite the luxury they lived in and the amount of money they had inherited. Both the brothers looked at ease out in the open like that, in their cowboy hats, riding their horses.

  She could feel something moving in her, was it the wetness? She pressed her legs together in shock. How was it possible to feel this aroused by simply looking at them? By looking at the two brothers? What kind of hold did they have on her?

  Ivy felt suddenly very shy and she turned away from them, she knew she was spying and she shouldn’t have been. She had housework to do, her accounting classes to catch up on, and she hadn’t paid any attention to her gardening in the past two days.

  She could still hear the sound of hooves in the background as she went back into the house. They were out there, training their horses together, like regular brothers, with a strong bond between them, even stronger because they were twins. And Ivy couldn’t stop thinking about how handsome they both equally looked, on their horses.

  She hadn’t realized that she had kept the tap in the kitchen sink running, she had her hands under the flow of the water and was day dreaming about the brothers. Till she heard the sound of Leon’s voice behind her.

  “It’s going to overflow.” He said and Ivy started, turning around to him and splashing a handful of water on the front of her linen pants. Leon raised his eyebrows, he was mocking her for her clumsiness, but he didn’t comment on it.

  “Sorry, I’m just a little tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night.” She said, rubbing the back of her wrist on her forehead.

  “Were we very loud?” He asked, and walked over to the refrigerator. Ivy was following him with her eyes, a little nervously. She was afraid that Leon would see it on her face, that she was lusting after his brother.

  “It’s alright. I’m sure you both had a lot of catching up to do.” She said, licking her lips. Leon had bent down in front of the refrigerator, to extract a bottle of homemade iced tea that Ivy had made the previous day.

  “Yes, we did.” He said, cradling the icy cold bottle in the crook of his arm. His presence in the room, so close to her, was a sudden reminder of how attracted she still was to Leon. How he was capable of making her melt in his arms.

  “Are you both very close?” She blurted out, not quite sure why she chose to ask him that. Leon was about to turn and leave the room, but he stopped and he turned to face her again with a grin. Unlike Archer, Leon smiled very rarely, and every time he did, it caught Ivy by surprise.

  “Yes, we are. Archer and I share everything. Nothing is out of bounds between us.” He said, and Ivy noticed how he clenched and unclenched his jaw. He still had that soft smile at the sides of his mouth that made her stomach drop.

  Leon was gone in a flash, leaving Ivy alone in the kitchen again, making her feel like someone had knocked the living breath out of her.

  What had he meant by those words? That they shared everything? Nothing was out of bounds between them? Why did Leon stare at her like that, smile at her like that? A million questions were whizzing through Ivy’s mind as she stood clutching the sides of the kitchen sink, trying to recover her breath.

  It was almost like Leon was giving her permission to think about Archer, like he approved of her having those thoughts about his twin brother. Nothing was out of bounds between them. They shared everything. Did Leon mean that he intended on sharing her with him too?

  Ivy drew in a sharp deep breath at the thought of that. She couldn’t get the image of the two brothers on their horses in the distance, out of her mind. She knew she was lusting after them both. The previous day, when she first set eyes on Archer; she hadn’t moved because she wanted him to see her naked. How were both of them doing this to her? Making her feel like she had no control over her own body or her reactions.

  Chapter 6

  “Fancy seeing you here.” She heard Archer’s voice behind her as she placed a bucket of water at the foot of the stable door. She had carried it from the well behind the house for the horses.

  Ivy whipped around to find Archer walking over to her, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. He looked rugged, hardened after a day’s work and his pants were covered in dust. His boots were dusty too and he towered over her, as he drew closer.

  “I’m just getting my work done.” Ivy said, wiping her damp hands on the front of her linen pants. Archer had that same smirk on his face that made her stomach do somersaults. Those dimples looked too good to look away from.

  “I didn’t think my brother would make you do any heavy lifting. You look too delicate for that.” He continued, now coming to a halt in front of her. Ivy’s back pressed against the warmth of the wooden stable door as she stepped away from him. She didn’t want him to be any closer to her, because she was afraid of what she might do. The man was growing more irresistible to her by the second. So, her only defense against him was to snap.

  “Of course I’m not, and Leon doesn’t make me do anything. This is the only way I can help him with the horses.” She said, trying to put on a sour look on her face. She wondered where Leon was, but kept her thoughts to herself. His voice, telling her that he shared everything with his brother came waltzing back to her brain. She wouldn’t mind sharing herself with Archer, she was well aware of that. And neither did Archer look like he would mind sharing with his brother. He was looking her up and down, it was like he couldn’t stop looking at her in fact.

  “Do you need some help with that?” He asked suddenly and bent forward to reach for the bucket of water. When he did, his face grazed along the front of her legs, their skin separated by the fabric of her pants. But she had felt the coarseness of his stubble, and it sent her skin tingling. She wanted to feel her fingers on his chin, to taste his breath in her mouth, it was getting too hot there, she could feel herself beginning to sweat. Archer Cooper was too close for comfort.

  He had picked the bucket up and now was stretching his hand in her direction and Ivy cowered. But instead of touching her, he had pushed against the wooden door behind her and the door gave way. Ivy’s body moved lightly with it, making her sway on her feet.

  “Oh, careful now.” Archer said with a chuckle as he walked into the stable. Ivy’s heart was beating maddeningly as she steadied herself. He knew the effect he had on her, and he was enjoying himself.

  She followed him in silently, her breath had caught in her throat and she couldn’t protest against him anymore. Archer was doing as he pleased.

  He carried the bucket in one hand, lifting it like it was as light as a feather, the trait of strength he shared equally with his brother.

  “Where do you want it?” He asked, suddenly turning to her, just when she had been studying the muscles on his back.

  “Anywhere, I’ll fill their troughs with water later.” Ivy was fumbling with her words; she could feel herself growing hotter under her blouse. What was he going to do? They were surrounded by the towering presence of five horses in their stables. The horses were quiet, but she could feel their powerful presence around her. But nothing felt more present, nothing had more of an effect on her than Archer.

  He placed the bucket gently on the ground at his feet and then straightened his back.

  “Let me be honest here.” He began, startling her with the calmness in his voice. “I want you.” He said and Ivy nearly gasped. Those were not the words she had b
een expecting to hear from him.

  Ivy couldn’t respond, instead she just stood there, dumbstruck by what he had just said.

  “And I get the feeling that you want me too.” He said and she noticed the way his eyes immediately swung to her breasts. She didn’t need to look to know that he was referring to her erect nipples. He could see them through her flimsy pastel pink cotton blouse. They were hardened mounds, yearning for his touch, for his mouth and Ivy had never felt this helpless about her body before.

  “But I…but.” She was stuttering.

  “I know…but I know Leon. He won’t mind. In fact, it might even amuse him.” Archer completed the sentence and Ivy could feel her knees wobbling.

  What was happening? Her world was being turned upside down. Was she right in thinking that Archer was suggesting…it couldn’t be!

  He was staring at her with a deathly intensity. The dimpling smile on his face had disappeared and now he looked more like his brother than ever. He meant business and he wasn’t shy about it.

  “Maybe we should ask…” She began to say again; her hands were trembling from the force of her desire for him.

  “Are you kidding me? He’s my twin, I don’t need to ask permission first.” Archer said and in two quick steps he had closed the gap between them.

  Ivy had her mouth slightly open, and Archer went for it. He was kissing her within seconds, taking the breath away from her and Ivy had no choice but to simply melt into his arms.

  Chapter 7

  Ivy remained suspended, while Archer kissed her, ferociously, like he wanted to taste her mouth with urgency. She could feel his tongue roving inside her mouth while his hands explored her breasts. He had seen her hardened nipples and he wanted them. He cupped and squeezed her breasts and pinched both her nipples hard.

  She winced against his mouth.

  “What’s the matter? You didn’t like it?” He asked, drawing himself away from her. When he did, she suddenly felt dizzy. Her desire for him was overpowering, she could barely stand straight. Then Archer was on his knees, right in front of her, unzipping her pants.

  Ivy closed her eyes tightly shut as she felt her pants come loose and then fall to the ground. They were in the stable, surrounded by the horses, with the front door closed and very little light coming in. But she didn’t need to see to know what he was doing next.

  Archer had hooked a finger under the seam of her panties and he was slipping it down, gliding it down her curvaceous smooth thighs, then her calves and then Ivy was naked, bottom down in front of the full clothed Archer.

  He remained kneeling in front of her, looking up at her face expectantly. What did he want her to do? She felt lost, overwhelmed, and she licked her lips nervously at him.

  He smiled suddenly, those dimples reappearing on his face. His dark shaggy hair glistened in the golden light filtering in through the wooden slits of the door.

  “You better not move.” He said, in a hard-authoritative voice and then his fingers were feeling her wetness. Ivy gasped from the suddenness and the pleasure of that sensation. It was enticing to have Archer’s thick long fingers sliding smoothly into her. She welcomed him in, and he slipped two fingers into her, still looking up at her face. He wanted to watch as her body reacted, he wanted to catch that exact moment when she would scream from pleasure.

  His fingers reached, deeper and deeper into her and she stood over him, with her legs parted, unable to move.

  “I have to prepare you for what’s coming. You’re so tight.” She heard him say, and instantly she could feel her juices flowing out of her, trickling down the insides of her thighs. Archer raised his other hand and placed it on her waist, holding her in place as he started pumping his fingers into her. Ivy could feel her legs quivering, her body shaking from the motion of what he was doing. He had a victorious smile on his face as he did it. He was happy with what he was seeing.

  “You’re ready now.” He said, suddenly taking his fingers out, right when she was so close to the edge. When she was going to come. Just one more push and she would have come instantly. But he was going to make her wait.

  He kept his eyes locked on her, as he started unbuckling his jeans. They fell to the ground and Ivy bit down on her lip. Archer Cooper’s glorious big dick faced her, hanging hard and strong from between his legs. He was ready too, big and throbbing. She breathed in as he reached for her shoulders with both his hands.

  “You’re going to have the ride of your life, little Ivy.” She heard him say, just as he lifted her up. His hands were on her waist and he picked her up, their faces towards each other, the tip of her nose was facing him.

  She felt Archer slide into her, the moment she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Ivy moaned loudly and flung her head back. He was propping her up, using his hips to start pumping into her. She could feel the thickness of his dick, how big and deep he was inside her. She was grateful that he had prepared her first, because she might not have been able to take in his full length. And again, she felt like she wasn’t going to last very long.

  “You better tell me if you’re coming, young lady.” Archer growled as he thrust and thrust, deep inside her, stroking her G spot repeatedly, making her body quiver with agony.

  “I’m coming. I’m coming.” Ivy screamed, unconscious of who could hear her cries. She felt her body release as Archer continued to pump. Her hands clutched his broad shoulder, she could feel her breasts squeezing against the rock-solid chest that he was pressing her against. He was holding her up like she was no weight at all, and bouncing her off and in on his dick.

  Archer was laughing as he watched her come, and then he shot into her as well. Her orgasm was lasting for ages; her breath was still caught in her throat. Archer’s grip on her waist intensified as he rammed himself into her repeatedly. They were coming together now. Archer’s laughs made her laugh too. It was a heady mixture of pleasure and happiness as she felt him emptying gloriously into her.

  She remained entwined with him, while he shuddered, emptying the last of his juices into her, burying it deep inside her. Ivy hadn’t realized how hard she had been squeezing him with her legs, and now that she released him, she tumbled softly down. He kept his grip on her, so that she landed on her butt, gently on some hay and Archer laughed.

  “Careful there, young lady, we wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.” He said, in a deep humorous voice.

  Ivy bit down on her lip and giggled, shaking her head to move the curls away from her face. Finally, when she looked at him, she could now see Archer Cooper in all his naked glory. With no thread of clothing on his body, she could finally admire him.

  He didn’t look like his brother; she had been imagining it all wrong. They had similar broad chests, muscular shoulders and a light dusting of dark hair running down in a line from his navel. But Archer Cooper was definitely his own man, and he had fucked her in a way entirely different from Leon.

  Chapter 8

  Ivy couldn’t keep herself from smiling as she walked back towards the well behind the house, the empty bucket hanging from the crook of her arm. The orgasm that Archer had given her, had an all-encompassing happy feel and suddenly Ivy felt like she was on seventh Heaven. Like everything was good in her life and she had all the happiness in the world to look forward to.

  She couldn’t be certain how long this feeling was going to last, but she sure as Hell was going to make use of it.

  They had put their clothes back on, and Archer had pressed his hot lips to her perspiring forehead as a quick goodbye back in the stable.

  “Still have some work to do.” He had said, before leaving her there and rushing out. She had stared after him, admiring the muscles on the back of his legs, how swiftly he walked, how tall he was. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, about how he had prepared her for his dick, how he had lifted her up. Just her day dreams about Archer were good enough to make her want to come again.

  Ivy landed the bucket down on the ground and turned her wr
ist to look at the time. It was already past the time that she started preparing dinner. She shook her shoulders and her head, in an attempt to loosen her body and free her mind from thoughts of the man who had just made her have a screaming orgasm. Just like Archer, she too had work to tend to.

  When Ivy turned, she bumped straight into Leon’s hard chest.

  “Darn it!” She squealed, clutching her nose. Leon was quick to cup her jaws and lift her head up to look at him.

  “Keep your head upwards, so that you don’t bleed.” He said, in a deep throaty voice, the voice that comforted her, the one she knew so well. His chocolate brown eyes were narrowed and were peering into her face.

  “You have to stop creeping up on me like this.” Ivy said, holding her face up, being forced to hold her face up rather, by Leon’s strong grip. She saw from the corner of her eyes that he had smiled.

  “I just realized that I hadn’t seen you around for a while.” He said, dropping his hands from her face and gripping her waist now. He had pulled her close to him, and she was crushed by the weight of his heavy arms, with her cheeks pressed against his chest.

  That was when the realization of what she had done suddenly hit her. She tried to wriggle out of his grip, but Leon was holding her tightly to himself.

  “I’ve been here, around the place. But I have to go now and get dinner ready.” She said, trying to avoid his glitteringly intense stare. Leon never smiled, but now he didn’t look displeased either.

  “I missed you last night, but I didn’t want to wake you.” He said, in his deep throaty voice and soon enough, his thin lips were searching hers. She tasted his breath in her mouth, the roughness of his chin, and Ivy couldn’t control herself much longer. She had given in to his kiss very soon, kissing him back with fervor. The last thing on her mind was that she had been kissing his brother merely an hour ago, with the same intensity. While she was kissing Leon, she had forgotten about Archer.


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