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Kitty vs Alien: Feral Aliens

Page 12

by Renard, Loki

  “Skoll…” she says my name in a questioning tone.


  “This baby…”

  “Yes, Kitty.”

  She’s trying to say something, searching for the right words.

  “Is it going to suck? Are we going to be boring?”

  “That’s what you’re worried about?”

  “Our lives have been so exciting. I’ve seen so many strange things. I’ve had so much adventure. And now… I’m going to have a baby and sit in a hovel for the rest of my life?”

  “I think you will find plenty of ways of making your life exciting, and mine, for that matter.”

  “Yeah. Right.”

  “What is it really?” I stop and press her gently. Kitty knows damn well she isn’t boring. I suspect she is bored though.

  “It’s been like two months since you last…”

  “Last what?” I prompt her.

  “Last punished me.”

  Suddenly, I understand perfectly. “Oh, that is it!? You’ve missed being my bad little chain-kept.”


  I have.

  Ever since my belly started to swell, that is all anybody has seen. The baby that isn’t even here yet. I was Skoll’s fuck toy, his chain-kept human pet. I was so many dirty, naughty, filthy things until I was pregnant.

  Skoll takes my chin in the palm of his hand and turns my head toward his oh-so-intense gaze. I look into his eyes, and feel a quiver inside me I haven’t felt in a while. Have I been bad? Am I in trouble?

  “I don’t think it’s the sex you miss,” he growls. “I think it’s the punishment.”

  He knows me so well.

  “You always do what you shouldn’t, so you can be disciplined. But now you’re pregnant and you want to be careful as much as any of us want you to be careful, so my poor little Kitty has to be a good girl.”

  He summarizes my predicament quite clearly, understanding me. I have such a sense of relief at knowing he gets it.

  Did you know a chain-kept can be punished for anything?”


  “Quite literally anything,” he purrs. “Come, wicked one.”

  I try not to grin too broadly as he takes me by the hand and leads me toward our hovel home at the top of the village, our private little paradise where I am going to be in deep, deep trouble.


  “Go in and wait for me,” I tell Kitty sternly. “I want you naked and bent over for me on the bed. Hands. Knees. And chain.”

  I know precisely what I am going to use on her, because I have been thinking about this for some time. My appetite for punishing her has not abated just because we have settled into the wild version of domestic life. I love my rebellious little Kitty. I love the chain around her neck which still marks her as mine, which will never come off.

  The tree outside our home gives me all I need, a light switch, a whippy piece of branch which will not create any impact, but will sting her bratty hide the way she needs it to be stung.

  She has been obedient. When I enter, she is in position. She is stunning, her full rear spread for me, her thighs quivering ever so slightly as she feels my eyes on her. I never feel more masculine than when I am standing over her, seeing her captive beauty now set free and yet still here for me. What a long way we have come, from rebellion to submission. From a reluctant human prisoner to the love of my life and the mother of my infant.

  “Why are we here, Kitty?”

  She lets out a little giggle. “Because I’ve been naughty.”

  “You have,” I tell her. “Very naughty. You can’t help it, can you?”

  “No," she admits in a whimper, her rear squirming as I keep her waiting in anticipation. I want to draw this moment out. I want her to feel every bit of it when it starts. I want her to remember this, that I will always be here for her, in every way she needs me.

  “You’ll always be my Kitty,” I tell her. “No matter if we have one baby, or a thousand babies. You will always be the center of my world, my absolute everything. Do you understand?”


  I finish the question with the first cut of the switch, catching both naked cheeks with a hot blazing stroke. It is not gentle, but she doesn’t need it to be.


  “YESS!” I scream the answer. It is the answer to every question he could ask me. One big, long, eternal yes which will last forever.

  I have been afraid, but with Skoll above me, his legs spread, his powerful body taken with the task of disciplining me just because I want it, I don’t feel afraid anymore. I feel as though I am his, and being his makes me safe.

  I want his lash. I want the heat and the sting. I even want the pain, the way it flashes through my system and heats me all the way through to my soul. I want it to take me away from all my little fears and I want it to set me free.

  This is the twisted part of me, the dark deviancy which always made me so unsatisfied in my relationships with human men. They thought I wanted a guy with a fast car and a 401k. Or maybe a helicopter. But that wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted someone wild and possessive. I was too afraid to go after that kind of guy on Earth, but Skoll has given me no choice. He has claimed my body, my mind, and my womb. He has made me his in every possible way. And now he is reminding me, giving me the gift of his rough dominance as that lash whips back and forth across my raised cheeks.

  “You’re wet,” he growls. “My dirty little chain-kept loves this, doesn’t she.”

  I can only answer in a whimper, but that is all he needs to drop the lash and cover me, his fangs finding the nape of my neck and sinking in just enough to hold me as he arches his back and thrusts inside my willing, wet hole. His thick cock, which started all the swollen trouble I’m now in stretches me open and makes me moan with intense pleasure. Sex feels better when I’ve been punished. It’s hotter when I have welts running across my ass, ignited by his plunging, thrusting hips when they make slapping contact with my skin.

  “You’re a bad girl,” Skoll growls, grabbing my hair in his fist and arching my head back. “I haven’t forgotten that. No matter what, you’ll always be my bad girl.”

  He fucks me long and hard and deep, drawing all the way out and thrusting back in to make every thrust a fresh claim. I can tell he is being careful. There is not a complete animal abandon. He is making sure there isn’t too much pressure on my belly, and that he doesn’t go too deep. He is fucking me roughly within the bounds of his care for me, and it makes it so much fucking hotter to feel all that sexual dominant desire held in check because he loves me and the life inside me.

  Skoll pulls free, his cock and his fangs both leaving my flesh as he flips me over onto my back, grasps my legs and holds them spread wide as he pulls my pussy back onto his cock, using me with long, slow strokes. I like this position. I can see the full length of his powerful alien body, his eyes bright and blue in the midst of the shadow of his mane. He reaches down, releasing one leg, and using that spare hand to rub over my swollen belly and up between my breasts to take hold of the chain which still marks me as his.

  “Who is my human prisoner?” he growls the words softly.

  “I am,” I whimper, transported back to a time before I knew him well, before there was softness and tenderness, when I was nothing more than human meat he owned. My pussy clenches and gets wetter in a hot rush of desire as I look into the ruthless face of the apex predator inside me and know that I never had a choice in this. I am his.

  “You’re going to have my baby,” he tells me. “Your flesh has swollen, and your breasts are ripe with milk for my infant. You are going to take my seed again and again. You are going to grow for me time and time again. After this cub comes, I will have you back on my cock, human. You will take another dose of my seed deep inside this hot, fertile little cunt.”

  I can feel orgasm rushing through me, the tightening of my pussy, the throbbing of my clit as Skoll artfully holds me right on that verge of oblivion, making me take his c
ock like the needy, desperate pet I am, his fuck toy flesh, his prisoner…

  He reaches down and pinches my clit, holding that tender bundle of nerves hostage to my writhing body.

  “OH MY GOD!”

  That is the last straw, breaking through my resistance and sending me spiraling into climax.


  I hold her on my cock, pumping her full of fresh come as her cunt clenches against me, grinding, milking, those hot human muscles of hers begging for my seed even though she is already full of it. This human of mine is one fuck-drunk desperate little cock pet, and I love her for it. I love the way her body flushes bright red, how her eyes glaze and become unfocused at the very peak, her swollen nipples becoming taut and long. She is so ready to have my baby.

  “I love you,” I growl against her neck, lying down but still keeping myself inside her as she quivers the last stanzas of her orgasm around my flesh.

  “I love you too,” she whimpers, clinging to me with all that human tenderness which is so uniquely hers. “And… thank you.”

  “Any time,” I growl in her ear. “Any. Time.”

  16 Hard Labor


  “The baby will come soon,” Falkri says to me one sunny afternoon. He has become one of my closest friends, and he and I often talk. I tell him of the ways of the city, and he tells me of the ways of the wild. We have shared much information with one another, but more importantly, we have begun to share a bond of blood and brotherhood.

  “Yes,” I smile. “Any day now.”

  I cannot wait to meet my son. I sense it will be a boy. I cannot wait to become a father. Kitty and I have become part of this tribe, but our baby will be born of it. I am already proud of him. Kitty says I should not assume his gender, but all my instincts tell me it is a male inside her belly. Sometimes, we grimalkin know things humans believe to be unknowable.

  “When he does, we will have a naming ceremony for him. Shanti will bestow his name, but you and Kitty will choose it.”

  We are having some trouble coming up with a name we both like. I don't know why; how hard can it really be?

  “Falkri! Falkri!” One of the young warriors comes running through the undergrowth, closely followed by three more of his ilk. They are a hunting party, and I note that they have come back both empty-handed and panicked.

  “There’s one of those shining cloud things out there. On the crying ridge. We were tracking an elkor and we saw it. We lost the kill, I’m sorry, Falkri, but I thought this was more important than getting the hunt.”

  “A walking wall? How!?” Falkri looks at me as if I might have an explanation, or as if it is my fault. He’s right on both counts.

  “They must have sent scouts to set one up without us noticing,” I say. “I didn’t think they'd be that bold. I didn't think they’d care enough to follow us out here. It is a very long journey from the city, but it does only take one person to set a temporary wall up.”

  Falkri looks as grim as I feel. This is not good. The city cats and the wild cats are ancient and mortal enemies who have been at peace for many decades. This could reignite a war which has simmered into a semblance of peace.

  “They’re going to send an invasion force. It’s my fault. They’re coming after Kitty and me.”

  “They’re not coming after you. There is no you anymore. They’re coming after us,” Falkri growls. “And they’re going to regret it.”

  “We should run. I should take Kitty and leave. They may not harm you if we are not present here.”

  “You’re not running. They’ve come to the wild. They don’t know how to fight here. They don’t know what awaits them.”

  The reverse is also true. “And you don't know what awaits you. When was the last time this tribe had any contact with the city cats?”

  “My father’s father killed one.”

  “Things have changed since then. They have incredible fire power. They can fly. They can rain down death from above, and they can set this place ablaze. There’s one good thing about this. We have the advantage of surprise. Or sort of. If we get to that wall before they launch their attack, we can destroy it.”

  “Then that is what we will do,” Falkri says, putting his hand on my shoulder and flashing a wild, battle-eager grin which does not bode well for anybody.


  “Kitty, wake up,” Skoll urges me up and out of sleep gently.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I have to go for a few hours, maybe a day or so. I want you to gather what you need. You are going to stay with Shanti.”

  “Where are you going, Skoll? You can’t leave me now. I could pop at any moment.”

  Pop. Even as the word comes out of my mouth, I cringe, but that’s what it’s going to be like, I imagine. All this build up inside me is going to have to go somewhere. It can’t all be infant. There’s got to be a lot of goo and stuff. Placenta. Yes. Some people eat the placenta, I’ve heard. I bet the wild cat ladies do.

  “There’s just something I have to do,” he says. “We should be back by tomorrow.”

  There is something in the way he is talking, and the way he his holding himself, and the way he is outright fucking lying to my face.

  “What’s something?”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just stay here with Shanti and the others. She will take good care of you.”

  It’s not about whether they will take care of me. It’s that I have a bad feeling in my belly, the worst, most horrible hollow sensation.

  It doesn’t feel like when he went on his hunt. It feels a lot more important. Even before he came to talk to me, I have been feeling uneasy all day. The baby has been doing gymnastics against my liver and my lower back has been tight and the muscles of my belly feel like they’re practicing contortions.

  Skoll walks me down the hill towards Shanti’s home, where she is waiting for me with her ever calm presence. I don’t trust it. Every sense I have is telling me something bad is happening.

  “SKOLL!” Falkri calls out. “Are you coming?”

  “COMING!” Skoll shouts back. He gives me one last tender embrace, then leaves me, heading off after the others at a steady lope. I am left standing alone, feeling incredibly lost, and absolutely terrified for reasons I cannot explain.

  “Come, join the crafting circle,” Shanti says, extending a welcoming arm to me.

  I do as she says, because everybody does as Shanti says, and what am I going to do? Defy the matriarch? Even I don’t have the nerve for that. Her word is the only law in this part of the world. I know that as well as any of her daughters.

  That doesn't mean I have to be happy about what is happening. I can’t shake the intense feeling of foreboding washing over me. I also can’t get comfortable. Every time I think I’ve found a position which works, my body spasms in some new and interesting way.

  “Would you like something to help you sleep?” Shanti makes the offer kindly.

  “No, I’m fine, thank you,” I say.

  She nods, but even when I turn my gaze away from her, I can feel her eyes on me. She has that sixth sense that some women have, that ability to know when trouble is around her. I don't know if Shanti likes me, or if she is just tolerating me in her tribe — and it is definitely her tribe. Half the grimalkin around this fire are her daughters.

  I play with a few strand of fiber, half-listening to the conversations going on around me.

  “They are going to smash that mirror wall the city can walk through…”

  I catch a snippet of conversation which seems very relevant.

  “Who is going to smash a mirror wall?”

  “Hush,” Shanti says, her eyes flashing displeasure. “There has been enough rumor today.”

  The other women look at one another, and I get the feeling they are going to have to talk about all this later, when Shanti is not holding court. But later might be too late. And I’ve already heard everything I need to. I have put two and two and three together. That's why Skoll left
in such a hurry. That’s why all the warriors have gone. There’s a walking wall out there somewhere, and that has to mean the city has come for us.

  “I have to pee,” I say, getting up. It’s a valid excuse. My life at this point mostly comprises of sleeping and peeing. But I am not going to pee. I am going to go and get my goddamn mate back.

  I slip away from the others, and head away into the forest where grimalkin relieve themselves. I do actually have to pee. There’s quite a gush of it actually, very warm and very wet and quite strange. Afterward, I don’t feel relieved at all, though I put that down to my advanced pregnancy and my mate having run off without telling me he’s about to possibly die.

  Making my way through the bush, I head in the direction the hunters went. I have not gone more than a few dozen feet when a figure steps out from behind a tree. I almost lose my shit before I realize the tall, elegant figure is just Shanti.

  “Oh fuck! Oh shit. I thought you were…”

  She reaches out quite casually and catches my ear between her clawed fingers. “Where do you think you are going?”

  “I’m going to go with them. I’m going to find Skoll and help.”

  “You are not,” Shanti says, her wise, kind, calm voice now hard with steel. “You are going to behave yourself as you have been told to.”

  I do not want to test her. I just want Skoll back.

  “Or what?”

  I don’t think anybody has ever asked Shanti that before. Her eyes narrow, just the tiniest fraction, and I feel a tumbling sensation of nervousness establish itself in my belly.

  “There is no or what, Kitty,” she says. “Come back. Now.”

  “I’m sorry. I really am. You’re a super nice lady and I don’t want to piss you off, but I can’t.”

  I tear away from her, incurring no small amount of pain in my ear, and run in the direction the warriors went. The problem is, I was never that fast a runner, and having a massive bowling ball attached to my stomach has not made me any faster. Shanti is on top of me in less than a minute.


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