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Julian (The Stone Society Book 9)

Page 26

by Faith Gibson

“If you are certain, but the first sign of distress I detect, and it’s into the tub you go.”

  “Rub-a-dub-dub,” she joked, eliciting a smile from her mate. It was a beautiful smile, especially when his eyes crinkled in the corners.

  Julian’s face turned serious, and he rolled Kat over to her back, leaning over her. “I have never been happier in the five hundred eleven years I have been on this earth, and it’s all because of you. We may have only known each other a short time, but the few days we have been home have been the best days. Thinking of our future, of our children, I cannot imagine my life without you by my side. The fates chose well for me, and I will praise them and the gods every night for it. You are the air I breathe and the extra beats of my heart. I am now complete with you as my mate. Thank you, Katherine Annalise Stone, for taking this journey with me and being my soul.”

  Kat couldn’t breathe nor could she stop the tears. Never had she heard more beautiful words, and those words had been for her. Blinking the wetness away, she pulled Julian’s head down so she could kiss him. She didn’t have a response that would match the depth with which she felt for this male. Love didn’t touch it. She had surpassed love the moment they completed the bond and became one. This went so much deeper than that. Julian said it best when he said she was his soul. He was hers as well. The only thing that would make their bond greater was to create a child together.

  Pushing on his shoulders, Kat urged Julian to his back. When she was straddling his waist, she reached down and directed his erection to her entrance. Katherine kept her eyes locked on his while she showed him with her body what she couldn’t voice aloud. Instead, she thought the words, hoping to convey them somehow. There aren’t strong enough words to express what is in my heart. I want so much to make you as happy as you make me. Happier, even. I have nothing to give you but myself and a houseful of babies. I want that with you, my beautiful mate.

  Julian’s eyes flashed from the dark color they got when he was in the throes of passion to bright green shining with love. In her head he replied, I need nothing else and want nothing more. Julian didn’t allow her to ride him. Instead, he urged her to her back and made slow, gentle love, their movements matching their words.

  Two hours later, Kat and Julian stood outside the facility where Nora Fiore had resided for the past twenty-one years. Katherine was nervous about meeting the woman who had given birth to… No, that wasn’t right. She had given birth to Katarina Fiore, not Katherine Fox. Still, the woman was responsible in some way for Kat being alive, and she wanted to see her. When they stopped by the front desk, the receptionist asked them to wait in the lobby while she contacted Nora’s case worker. An older woman no taller than Kat met them with a smile. “I’m Joan Crompton. Beatrice said you were here to see Nora Fiore?”

  “Yes, I am her daughter, Katherine. I only recently found out my mother was still alive. I was placed in a foster home when I was seven, and the truth about my parents was kept from me.” Katherine had rehearsed what to say on the trip to the facility. She had also forgone the disguise, taking a chance on being recognized.

  “Stefan hoped you would show up one day, and I must say, you look just like Nora did when she first came to stay with us.”

  “Stefan?” Julian interrupted.

  “Yes, Stefan Costello. He has paid for Nora’s care ever since her husband passed away. He comes to visit at least once a month.”

  “I thought the man paying was named Francis.”

  “Yes, Francis is his first name, but he prefers Stefan.”

  Katherine glanced up at Julian. He’s the man in the photo. Before that morning, she hadn’t tried speaking to him mentally since she’d been rescued from prison, but when they made love, she had heard Julian’s words in her head as clearly as if he’d spoken them aloud.

  Julian raised his eyebrows and frowned. He’s also the man who killed Tobias Fox.

  “Is everything okay?” Ms. Crompton asked, interrupting their private conversation.

  “Yes, I apologize. May we see her now?”

  “I need to warn you, Nora hasn’t spoken a word since she’s been here. I don’t want you to get your hopes up.”

  “I understand. I won’t stay long; I just want to see the woman who brought me into the world.”

  “Come this way, then.”

  Julian reached for Kat’s hand, lacing their fingers together as they followed the woman down several hallways until they reached a private room. The room was nothing like Kat expected. Where she imagined a bland room with only the basic necessities, what she found was living quarters filled with artwork, fresh flowers, and furniture as nice as what Julian had. Nora was sitting in a leather recliner that faced the window where she had a view of a pond.

  “Nora, you have company,” Ms. Crompton announced. Nora didn’t move or acknowledge in any way she had heard the woman. “I’ll leave you to your privacy.”

  Julian stayed by the bed so Katherine could have the first moment with her mother to herself. She didn’t know what she expected to find, but an older version of herself wasn’t it. Nora was a beautiful woman. Her red hair had faded, but it was long, hanging over one shoulder in a braid. Her face was void of make-up, but her skin was as smooth as Kat’s. She had on a pair of dress slacks and a button-up blouse that matched. On her left hand was a bridal set that had to be worth thousands of dollars.

  “Nora, my name is Katherine. Katarina. I’m your daughter.” Kat knelt down in front of the woman and placed her hands gently on her thighs. “I’m sorry I haven’t been to see you sooner, but I… I’m here now.” Katherine kept her eyes on her mother’s face while she talked about her life, leaving out the bad parts. She introduced Julian to Nora as her husband. Her mother’s eyes left Kat’s face to look at him, and when she looked back, she was smiling. A single tear rolled down her cheek, and Katherine’s own eyes filled with tears as she reached out to wipe it away. Not wanting to overwhelm the woman, Katherine said, “I’m going to go now, but I’ll be back soon, I promise.” Nora didn’t speak, but she did place her hand on top of Katherine’s. In Kat’s book, that was just as good.

  When they reached the front desk, Ms. Crompton was talking to the receptionist. They stopped, and Kat told her about the visit and how her mother had reacted. After saying she would be back to visit again, they said their goodbyes. Julian pushed the front door open and held it for Katherine. They were almost to the Corvette when a familiar face stepped in their pathway. Julian instantly pushed Kat behind him, and a low growl reverberated through his chest. Kat peered around Julian’s broad back to see Stefan Costello standing with his hands up.

  “I’m not here to hurt Katarina. I only wanted to see how she was since you brought her home.”

  “You have been following us?” Julian accused the man.

  “I have been watching after Katarina since she was a baby.”

  Katherine tried to step around Julian, but he put his arm out. “Sweetheart–”

  He won’t hurt me. I know it. Besides, you won’t let anything happen to me.

  Fucking right, I won’t.

  “Katarina, I promise, I would never harm you.” Stefan’s voice was soft. Familiar.

  “I believe you, but I have to know, did you have something to do with what happened to my parents?”

  Stefan looked around and asked, “Can we move somewhere more private for this conversation?” He motioned toward the water, and Julian nodded. They followed the man to a secluded area on the other side of the small man-made lake. “They were not your parents, Katarina. Tobias Fox killed your father.” Stefan spat when he mentioned Tobias’s name. “He stole you from Sal. Stole you from me.” Stefan’s voice quaked as he beat a fist against his chest. “Your real father, Salvatore Fiore, and I grew up together. He was not only my boss but my best friend. When he asked that I be godfather to his children, I gladly said yes.”

  “Children? I thought it was just Katarina and me,” Kat said.

  “You know about…”
Stefan didn’t finish his question. The pained expression on his face let her know it wasn’t something he wished to discuss.

  “That I’m a clone? Yes. I found out when I had the tracker removed from my neck.”


  “The FBI put a tracker in my neck.”

  “What else did they do to you, Katarina?” Stefan’s hands were clenched into tight fists.

  “They tortured me, but I’d rather not think about that. It wasn’t pleasant, and I’m doing well so far, thanks to Julian.”

  “Julian, I know you don’t owe me anything, but as Katarina’s godfather, I would appreciate the courtesy of a sit-down so we can discuss what happened. I want to know who is responsible for this atrocity.”

  “A sit-down isn’t necessary. Joseph Long, Deputy Director of the FBI, is responsible. Not only did he have Kat tortured, but he had her poisoned as well. A female guard did his bidding. What we don’t know is why he targeted her in such a way. I have proof that he framed Katherine along with committing hundreds of other crimes against his country. An associate of mine made sure the proof was put into the necessary hands to have Long put away for life.”

  “Joseph Long? That fucking bastard.”

  “You know him?” Julian asked.

  “You could say that. His real name is Joseph Foxworth, brother to Tobias Foxworth, or Fox as he was known by. Joseph couldn’t prove I had anything to do with his brother’s death, but he vowed to get even with me. Katarina, I am so sorry. This is my fault.”

  Kat didn’t know what to think. This man – her godfather – just all but admitted to killing the couple who was supposed to have been her parents. She couldn’t wrap her head around that. “You could have gone to the authorities when they killed my father and kidnapped me. Why didn’t you? Why murder them?” Katherine shivered, remembering the blood on the wall.

  “It is not our way. An eye for an eye is our code. I do not expect you to understand. I cannot change what happened, but I do not apologize either. There was no way I could allow you to be raised by the people who murdered Salvatore.”

  “Why didn’t you just take me from them and raise me yourself if I meant so much to you?”

  “When your father was murdered, I lost everything I had ever held dear. I had loved Sal for over thirty years, and when you came along, I loved you just as much if not more. You were my family, Katarina. Any good inside me was lost to the demons who wanted nothing but revenge. It took me years to find out what happened to you. By that time, I was a monster. The only good thing I did in those years was make sure your mother was looked after. When Tobias murdered your father, he not only stole his life but his possessions as well. All your father had amassed, your inheritance, was stolen along with you.” Stefan’s shoulders sagged, and he looked away from her, toward the building where her mother was.

  When he faced her once again, tears glistened his eyes. “I would have loved nothing more than to raise you, my sweet angel, but I did what I thought was best for you at the time, and the best was not me. Like I said, I don’t expect you to forgive me, but knowing you are being taken care of, seeing you happy, that is all I have ever wanted for you.”

  Katherine didn’t know what to say. She still couldn’t fathom the way he killed Emma Fox, but maybe someday she would come to understand why. Not wanting to discuss it further, she changed the subject. “Thank you for taking care of Nora. Had I known she was alive, I would have been the one to make sure she was looked after. Now that I know, I will relieve you of that responsibility.” Katherine didn’t have much money, but in her heart, she knew Julian would help her with Nora.

  “I don’t have to, but as long as Nora is alive, I will take care of her. She is all I have left of your father, and she has come to mean a great deal to me.”

  Katherine wanted to argue, but Julian squeezed her hand, so she let it go.

  Stefan continued, “I have watched you grow up, Katarina. Your father would be proud of the woman you are. I know he would approve of the man at your side. Sal loved you more than life itself, as do I. Maybe somewhere down the road you’ll see the reasons for what I did and accept me into your life. But now, there is something I must take care of. It has been a pleasure talking to you, and I hope to be able to meet with you again someday.”

  As Stefan walked off with purposeful strides, Julian said, “Look around.”

  “What am I looking at?”

  Julian pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the photos until he got to the drawing Connor had made.”

  “Oh, my god,” Kat said, pulling the phone from his hand and comparing what was on the screen to what was in front of her. “Connor was right.”

  “He usually is.” Julian took his phone when she handed it to him and slid it back into his pocket. “At least now we know why you were targeted. I honestly thought Alistair had a hand in it. Sweetheart, are you okay?”

  “I think so. What he did happened a long time ago, and I can almost understand why he did it. True loyalty is a rare thing, and I can’t say if someone murdered someone close to me how I would react. It seems you aren’t the only one with a family seeking revenge.” Was what Stefan did any different than the Stone Society going after Alistair for the torment he’d caused their family?

  “Speaking of family, Nik and Sophia will be waiting for us. Are you ready to go home?”

  “Yes. I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

  When they arrived home, Nikolas and Sophia were already there. A small utility trailer was in the driveway. “What the hell?” Kat muttered. “My stuff would have fit in a couple of bags.”

  “Let’s go find out,” Julian said as he helped her from the car. The front door opened, and Nik and Sophia met them outside.

  “Hey, you two. How’d it go?” Sophia asked. “Did you get to meet your mother?”

  “I did. She didn’t speak, but she did smile at me, so maybe she knew who I was.” Kat shrugged. She was trying to be nonchalant about meeting her mother, but in truth, it had been heartbreaking. Even if Kat was a clone, the woman gave birth to the real Katarina, and Katherine wouldn’t be alive otherwise.

  “I’m so happy for you. Now, before you say anything, I couldn’t leave some of your things. When I saw the chair you had in your living room, I had to bring it. I think it would look perfect in a little girl’s room. And the desk you had? Perfect for a boy’s room. You know, if you ever decide to have kids.”

  Katherine smiled up at Julian. If she had her way, she would already be pregnant with his baby. “I think kids are in our future.”

  “Why don’t you two go inside, and Julian and I will bring the furniture in,” Nik suggested.

  Sophia looped her arm with Kat’s and led her toward the house. Kat looked over her shoulder, and Julian winked at her. Definitely in our future.

  With one hand on the marble railing and the other curled around a glass of brandy, Alistair relaxed on the balcony outside his bedroom. The air around the compound had been different the last couple of days. Thicker somehow, and it had nothing to do with the Greek weather. It was choking with emotions that came with thoughts of war. Darian had drilled the Gargoyles relentlessly. If they had been human, they would have dropped like flies. If his Clan wasn’t ready for a battle, it wouldn’t be because the Goyle hadn’t prepared them.

  Returning to his bedroom, Alistair set down the alcohol and picked up his sword, testing the blade’s balance. It had been hundreds of years since he held the weapon, much less fought with it. He swung it in an arc, first left then right. Gripping the hilt with both hands, he held the blade out in front of him, light glinting off the steel. Alistair didn’t plan on fighting should the Stone Society pay him a visit, but he would be ready should he be left with no choice.

  It wouldn’t matter if his affairs were in order or not. That wasn’t the way of the Gargoyles. Should someone take his head, that male would inherit everything Alistair owned. Kallisto would be at the mercy of the new King, and he h
onestly couldn’t care less. He had adopted the human girl in a moment of weakness. In the years since, she had been loyal and had tried her best to please him, but she had failed greatly. He had given her the best of everything, and if he were to pass on to the other side, she could find someone else to carry that burden.

  The human hacker she’d found was proving to be skilled, but he was no Achilles. If Alistair ever got his hands on that Gargoyle, he’d have his head. No one walked away from Alistair Gianopoulos. Putting his sword back above the mantle, Alistair finished his drink before calling for the blonde whore who would fill not only his empty glass but his bed for the night. He would allow her to make him forget about such things as useless daughters and impending battles.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Banyan stood with the others in Dante’s back yard, their makeshift training field, waiting for Urijah to arrive. It wasn’t like the male to be late, so Rafael sent Finley of all males to find him. Banyan would have preferred to choose someone other than Finley to join in the war against Alistair, but he was one of their better fighters. Things never turned out well when Banyan was around Uri and his lovers, and he had no doubt the two of them were more than friends.

  When Finley returned with Urijah in tow, the male caught Banyan’s eye, smirking. If they could mind speak, Banyan would tell him exactly what he thought. Since he couldn’t, he turned his attention to his mate. Of course, Uri wouldn’t look at him.

  Rafael, clearly frustrated, began the meeting. “Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Urijah. Now that you have kept us all waiting, I can begin.”

  Banyan only caught bits and pieces of Rafael’s speech. It wasn’t the first time he had gone into battle, and it was the King’s duty to send the warriors off with words of wisdom as well as appreciation. He had stood silent as his own father – his real father – had given the same speech many years before. Subconsciously, Banyan touched the Mjölnir pendant hanging around his neck as he did every time his mind was directed to the battlefield. He wasn’t superstitious, but he’d worn the ancient silver medallion every time he’d picked up his sword, and it had never let him down.


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